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Author Topic: (SG) Petty Kingdom of New Mahallo: Reign of King Arawn  (Read 20106 times)


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Re: (SG) Petty Kingdom of New Mahallo: Reign of King Arawn
« Reply #375 on: September 01, 2021, 07:22:44 am »

Anyhow I wouldn't spill everything to Anders, secret plans do not remain secret if we tell those who aren't part of the operation. A plain, noncommittal response about looking into the possibility should suffice until he is ready to present a firm plan.
As much as I agree that we shouldn't tell him anything specific, I have to say, the crucial secret of the secret plan is just that the hunt exists, which he already knows. The point was to draw aggro from the corrupt while not actually being there.
The hunt started out as Kane's idea to to bag shag impress Simone; I assume he hasn't been hiding the fact that a hunt is going on or even that the king is invited. What Nails adds on to that is to make it a secret that the king is out of town, which would mean not confirming that we personally are going anywhere, which Anders would not be expected to know with certainty: "I hear you might be going on a hunt to the Outer Savannah soon" with emphasis on the might be. At most we can agree to put in a word with the hunters, although Anders shouldn't count on results from Kane's group.

I also expect to be using Mask magic to sneak out of the city. Exciting!

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Re: (SG) Petty Kingdom of New Mahallo: Reign of King Arawn
« Reply #376 on: September 01, 2021, 07:35:33 am »

The hunt started out as Kane's idea to to bag shag impress Simone; I assume he hasn't been hiding the fact that a hunt is going on or even that the king is invited. What Nails adds on to that is to make it a secret that the king is out of town, which would mean not confirming that we personally are going anywhere, which Anders would not be expected to know with certainty: "I hear you might be going on a hunt to the Outer Savannah soon" with emphasis on the might be. At most we can agree to put in a word with the hunters, although Anders shouldn't count on results from Kane's group.

I also expect to be using Mask magic to sneak out of the city. Exciting!
Okay, fine, "that we are on the hunt", not strictly "that the hunt exists". I usually assume people are willing to accept a certain amount of abstraction. The point is, Anders seems to think we'll be at the hunt, and saying "actually I wasn't going" and then going anyway sounds stupid, so it's better to make sure he knows not to spread it around. He doesn't need to know any details.


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Re: (SG) Petty Kingdom of New Mahallo: Reign of King Arawn
« Reply #377 on: September 01, 2021, 11:48:40 am »

Are we sure we don't want him knowing details? The whole point is to get organized crime to attempt to murder us while we're not actually here and thus reveal themselves for destruction. Something about that could end up being rather important to our court mage and brother at some point during the whole affair.
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


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Re: (SG) Petty Kingdom of New Mahallo: Reign of King Arawn
« Reply #378 on: September 02, 2021, 02:19:08 am »

Are we sure we don't want him knowing details? The whole point is to get organized crime to attempt to murder us while we're not actually here and thus reveal themselves for destruction. Something about that could end up being rather important to our court mage and brother at some point during the whole affair.
if that is the plan, he should probably know about that so he doesn’t risk his life to save an illusion


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Re: (SG) Petty Kingdom of New Mahallo: Reign of King Arawn
« Reply #379 on: September 02, 2021, 11:44:03 pm »

Quote from: Hunting Plan Vote
Leave in Secret as per Nail's advice: 4
Gather a hunting party to go after a Brush Daemon: 0

Quote from: Choice of Priest Vote
Clarence: 3
Guthrey: 1


After listening to all the clergy, you offer a dramatic pause before simply thanking the speakers and assembled guests and inviting Clarence to escort you into the tent.

The inside is sparsely furnished. Several tall candles provide light. A tray burning incense provides pleasant odors. And a scantly clad Marion, sitting on a sofa just barely big enough to fit the both of you if you were to sit next to or lay ontop of each other, provides pleasant aesthetics.

Clarence first puts you both at ease to his presence with a story from one of the black chronicles, books or journals from Agusta's time that contain information contrary to the values of the church, or shine too much light on Agusta's fallible humanity, and thus are illegal for anyone outside the clergy to own or read. "We don't let the general public hear about this, but the God Empress had a difficult upbringing. Her guardian and uncle Emperor Chalmers would regularly force himself upon her as she grew up. By the time she killed that monster and sized control of the early empire, she was in her mid thirties and unmarried. She fixed the unmarried part, of course, but after a few years concerns began to spread about her lack of an heir. She brushed these off at first; She had created a philosophers stone, and never planned on ageing, much less dying. But eventually the rumors and whispers began to weigh on her, and she sought help."

"She spent the better part of a decade seeking the aid of casters or artificers, but nothing worked" the Cleric explains with a wry smile. "Eventually, following the tragic death of her first husband, she resorted to desperate measures; She found a druid who was able to arrange for a powerful spirit of fertility to share her bed, and grant her a heir. The morning after the encounter, she issued a decree that all important marriages be witnessed by somebody with children or training in how procreation occurs. As it turns out, Agusta's wicked uncle had violated her in every way except for the one that produces children. She assumed she had understood the babymaking process from experience, and her husband who had never known another partner had no reason to mistrust her."

Standing behind the couch, Clarence pats you both on the shoulders as you sit. "And that is why tradition dictates I must be here for this. Marion, I have briefed you on what to do already, and I know King Arawn used to breed animals as a hobby, so luckily for us no awkward instructions should be required today."

Clarence leads the both of you through through the three Imperial marital vows of eternal friendship, loyalty, and sexuality fidelity as the two of you disrobe each other with your daggers. He asks if either of you would like to offer flesh and blood in another form in lieu of your virginity. Neither party volunteers. He then suggests that you skip the foreplay and get right to the main event, as he would like to turn away but is not supposed to do so until he has witnessed first hand your understanding of procreation.

Once Clarence sees what he came for, the Cleric ducks behind the sofa, leaving the two of you alone to enjoy the benefits of marriage alone, only ever drawing attention to his presence on several occasions to insist you both be less modest with the volume of the noises you make; The Audience has the right to serve as audio witnesses.

After you finish, Clarence leaves the tent to instruct the servants to bring in your wedding clothes so that you do not have to leave the tent naked. Completely alone with her new husband, Marion is content to hold you in her embrace and cry tears of joy.

By tradition, Imperial Royals change into simple robes of fine material after the fun part of the wedding; The married couple is supposed to help each other change, and few people are particularly well educated in the other gender's usual formal garb. As she helps you pull yours over your head, Marion's composure and boldness returns. "So, my dashing King, have you considered my request that I learn magic? I was kind of hoping that you might allow me to learn in public, so that I may mock Jordain and all the other clerics who pick on my fathers and doubt my destiny. Of course, if you have access to magic so dark and terrible that it must be kept secret, I can hold my tongue."

You consider your options. Anders would likely be willing to break protocol and teach Marion Agusta's divine magic, perhaps even publicly. If you are not comfortable burdening your brother with an even bigger workload, he could likely find another Cleric for the job. You could also send your queen to study Druidism at the Grand Temple; You doubt Tamar and company would be willing or able to keep such lessons secret, but as Imperial Doctrine demands tolerance of Mahallo religious traditions, detractors would only be able to complain so much.

As for magic to keep secret, Maeve or yourself could teach your queen Hexes and Illusions. In theory there is nothing illegal about either school of magic, but practicing them openly, especially the hexes, would more or less betray your ties to the Bleachedkin Vampires. What is outright illegal under Imperial Law is the destructive elemental magic of the Dragon Priests. Between Kane, Kaylee, and Nails you are pretty sure you could find someone to teach Marion in secret.

You are, of course, under no obligation to give your wife an answer just yet. A simple "I'm looking into it" would likely satisfy her for awhile.

With your new queen on your arm, you step out of the tent to uproarious applause. Tradition dictates that the new couple hold court at the wedding venue, receiving gifts and congratulations from the guests while entertaining their petitions, but this is not going to happen today as the sun is shining and thus Marion cannot remain outdoors for long. The two of you enter the royal carriage to return to The Molar, as your sister and Lady of the Court Beatrix is placed on a throne on stage to greet the guests on your behalf.


Wedding Gifts come in over the next few days. Everybody you know gives you at least a trinket or piece for furniture, but some gifts stand out from the rest.

Lord Burt De'Ville gives you a suit of heavy armor; You'd need a good amount of training to fight effectively in such an outfit, but it could prove quite the boon if you put the time in.

The leaders of the various Mahallo raid clans all chip in on a fairly impressive gift for you, which comes in the form of a simple note. Apparently they have a team of captive elves working on translating two elven tomes that you might find useful. Mega-Beatles: Species, Identification, Husbandry, and Training seems relevant to the grubs you captured while celebrating your birthday with a raid. Confessions of a Human High Caster, Extracted under Righteous Torture is a transcript dating back to the time of Agusta which contains information about using Artifice to aid one's arcane and divine spells. Information about the golden age of human artifice is usually jealously guarded by the Imperial Church, particularly from ambitious monarchs.

Korrag, the hostile leader of the Bloodstone Fortress, has also sent a gift in the form of a particularly elaborate sling made from a purple leather that nobody in your court can identify. It is studded with diamonds. Anders examines it for you, and concludes that it is in no way cursed. The gift could have several meanings; You remember Matriarch Mire once told you that in Orc Culture is big on gift giving, and that the most honorable death to them is at the hands of a rival wielding a weapon you willingly gave to them. It could also be an insult. The sling is the weapon you are most comfortable with, but is usually considered to be a tool beneath the dignity of an Imperial Monarch. Lastly Korrag could be taunting you with his spy network; Letters sent between your court and his are the only officially known contact between his fortress and the legal human citizens of New Mahallo. The date of your wedding is not something he would likely know without the help of spies.


Over the next week, much of your time is spent in your bedchambers with Marion, but when you are not enjoying a travel-free honeymoon your efforts are devoted to planning for the upcoming hunt.

Many members of your family will be evacuated from The Molar in anticipation of criminal retaliation for Nails' planned mass execution of the corrupt. Andre will of course be joining you for the hunt, and you have talked your mother and Phillip into letting your sister Anne tag along as well on the condition that she not be allowed to actually participate in the killing of dangerous critters. Protected from the sun by her carriage, Marion will ride with you to drag out the honeymoon, at least as far as the druid Luanda's homestead about five days to the east of Bride Price where she and her guardians will enjoy some interfaith dialogue until you return to pick them up.

Of course, some of your family will likely be staying. Anders of course will remain behind to execute the duties of his office; You have briefed him on the danger, and he seems confident that he will be able to protect both himself and the other members of your council. You haven't briefed your elder sister Beatrix, as you just don't know her well enough to put her safety over the secrecy of the mission, but she will also be staying behind to serve you. Your mother and your brother Alan both pose problems; neither is particularly fit to be traveling at this time. They would both be safer if you could quietly move them to the Grand Temple where the druids can watch over them, but Phillip's bigotry and belief that the Druids are responsible for Alan's condition means you will likely have to pull rank on your step-father for him to allow such a relocation.

Do you have any plans to protect your family members? Any other business in town before you leave?


The Bride Price offices of the Three-Winds Trade Company have seen better days. Like many Mahallo Merchant operations, Nail's business keeps its main headquarters far to the south of town, where it is less convenient for your taxmen to pay a surprise visit. The Blockade has recently caused them to cut back on what few staff they had in the capital. The building, which easily has enough office space for a dozen or so people to work, now only houses a single secretary, the twins, and their father. Literally houses. As you walk through the building to reach Kane's office you can tell people have been sleeping in here.

Your friend shows you the map he laid out to plan the hunt. "There are three routes to visit the Outer Savannah, sire." Your friend explains. "The most direct would be to cut right through the heart of The Land of Ruin. We could reach the hunting grounds in just under three weeks. It would also bring us within two days travel of the Bloodstone Plateau, so it is not unfeasible we could run into some trouble with orc-blooded scouts or hunters. But there is also the opportunity to meet some friendly locals as well, I know of a small cult of Dragon Worshipers who squat in one of the ruined cities on the Blood River we could visit."

Kane drums his fingers on his desk as he continues. "If we wanted to be safe, we could take a longer route to the North or South. Either would take us about five weeks. If we follow the edge of the Titanlands, we can see some awesome terrain and possibly even take a detour or two to explore some alpine trails and hunt some Titanlands beasties. If we go through the Hotlands, I could show you the secret family vaults and estate East of the Blood River. Some of the criminals dad will be messing with hide stuff out there as well, but we should reach them before word of the purge does... might be safer not to go home that way though."

What route do you plan to use to get there? To get back?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Petty Kingdom of New Mahallo: Reign of King Arawn
« Reply #380 on: September 03, 2021, 03:26:36 pm »

Thanks for the gift, Korrag. Regardless of how you intended it, we'll look into murdering you with it. :D

Unsure about the books. The beetle tome is better suited to us personally, while the forbidden knowledge is far rarer. Presumably we don't need to decide until we want to claim one, which might not even be ready yet.

Agree to let Marion learn magic, but let her decide what she wants to learn. We should know enough about our options to more or less describe them to her, or set her up with somebody (probably Anders) who can do so better.

Leave mother and Alan where they are. Phillip would either thank us later or be mad we left him out of the loop, but Alan would panic if he figured out he was being sent somewhere by us. Besides, maybe trying to be killed by somebody other than us will be good for him.

Quick, dangerous route there. Let's say hi to the locals, whoever and whatever they may be.
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


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Re: (SG) Petty Kingdom of New Mahallo: Reign of King Arawn
« Reply #381 on: September 03, 2021, 03:38:22 pm »

Unsure about the books. The beetle tome is better suited to us personally, while the forbidden knowledge is far rarer. Presumably we don't need to decide until we want to claim one, which might not even be ready yet.

Arawn gets both when they are ready.


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Re: (SG) Petty Kingdom of New Mahallo: Reign of King Arawn
« Reply #382 on: September 03, 2021, 05:50:04 pm »

Oooh, even better. Anders will be ecstatic about having another blasphemous tome to work with.
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.

King Zultan

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Re: (SG) Petty Kingdom of New Mahallo: Reign of King Arawn
« Reply #383 on: September 04, 2021, 03:01:13 am »

Agree to let Marion learn magic, but let her decide what she wants to learn. We should know enough about our options to more or less describe them to her, or set her up with somebody (probably Anders) who can do so better.

Leave mother and Alan where they are. Phillip would either thank us later or be mad we left him out of the loop, but Alan would panic if he figured out he was being sent somewhere by us. Besides, maybe trying to be killed by somebody other than us will be good for him.

Quick, dangerous route there. Let's say hi to the locals, whoever and whatever they may be.

Also blasphemous books are best books.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?

Maximum Spin

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Re: (SG) Petty Kingdom of New Mahallo: Reign of King Arawn
« Reply #384 on: September 04, 2021, 08:00:23 am »

Agree to let Marion learn magic, but let her decide what she wants to learn. We should know enough about our options to more or less describe them to her, or set her up with somebody (probably Anders) who can do so better.
Strongly agreed, she should get to know all the available options.

Maybe tell Phillip we fear that somebody may try something while we're gone and that he should be careful. We'd look like a dick if we just leave him completely out of the loop once it becomes clear that this was planned.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Petty Kingdom of New Mahallo: Reign of King Arawn
« Reply #385 on: September 04, 2021, 09:08:46 am »

Agree to let Marion learn magic, but let her decide what she wants to learn. We should know enough about our options to more or less describe them to her, or set her up with somebody (probably Anders) who can do so better.

Leave mother and Alan where they are. Phillip would either thank us later or be mad we left him out of the loop, but Alan would panic if he figured out he was being sent somewhere by us. Besides, maybe trying to be killed by somebody other than us will be good for him.

Agreed. We can work with whatever choice Marion makes for magic. They all have positives and risks that nearly balance from what I can tell.

Quick, dangerous route there. Let's say hi to the locals, whoever and whatever they may be.
This, and long northern route back. See more of the countryside, and if my map is correct we'd come home via the Frontier Road so we can get news of how things are playing out before we reach the environs of the capital.

Powder Miner

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Re: (SG) Petty Kingdom of New Mahallo: Reign of King Arawn
« Reply #386 on: September 04, 2021, 01:17:12 pm »

Agree completely unreservedly to let Marion learn magic, but don’t promise any specific type yet.
I’d rather not quite leave it up to her - we don’t really need a second illusioncaster, and under the circumstances, I’m not sure that learning druidism is all that safe. Also, that book of secret divine shit is looking mighty tempting but we don’t have to commit to teaching her divine stuff now.

I don’t actually trust the Druidic temple terribly much right now myself, but I do NOT like the idea of keeping Alan especially in the Molar. How about we arrange for Mother and Alan to happen to be visiting the DeVilles for a few days?

I’m actually partial to taking the South Route there and the quick route back to maximize how much Kane-related potential asset stuff we get to see


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Re: (SG) Petty Kingdom of New Mahallo: Reign of King Arawn
« Reply #387 on: September 04, 2021, 02:44:06 pm »

I don’t actually trust the Druidic temple terribly much right now myself, but I do NOT like the idea of keeping Alan especially in the Molar. How about we arrange for Mother and Alan to happen to be visiting the DeVilles for a few days?
Ooh, this is good. +1 to this.
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


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Re: (SG) Petty Kingdom of New Mahallo: Reign of King Arawn
« Reply #388 on: September 04, 2021, 08:11:33 pm »

I don’t actually trust the Druidic temple terribly much right now myself, but I do NOT like the idea of keeping Alan especially in the Molar. How about we arrange for Mother and Alan to happen to be visiting the DeVilles for a few days?
+1 To this as well


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Re: (SG) Petty Kingdom of New Mahallo: Reign of King Arawn
« Reply #389 on: September 05, 2021, 12:34:11 am »

Quote from: Marion's Magic Vote
Let Her Choose - 4
Promise that she will get to learn magic, but stall on the details - 1

Before you leave the wedding tent, You tell your wife that she will have options to choose from, but that laying them out to her will be a long and clinical conversation ill suited for the air of romance and lust brought about by the wedding.

As difficult as it is to get Marion alone and bring yourself talk about things other than love and physical intimacy, you do manage to have this conversation in chunks over the next few days. Considering her options, your queen decides that she will start with Druidism, the least offensive of the bunch. She does, however, imply that she understands that the principles of Divine Magic are usually at least partially transferable between faiths and traditions, and more or less states that once she is established in the realm and skilled in the mystic arts, she might start to dabble in the more subversive spells of Agusta or the Dragon Gods.


Quote from: Family Evacuation Vote
Leave em - 2
Send em to the De'Villes - 2
Give Phillip a Vague Warning - 1

(I wrote this before Fluffe9911 came in with a tiebreaker. Sorry.)

You wind up torn on what to do with your remaining family. As much as you'd like for Your Mother, step-father, and youngest brother to remain safe, traveling for Anne the elder and Alan the younger could be risky with the former's difficult pregnancy and the latter's self destructive tendencies.

In the end, you decide to leave it up to them. You ask Kane and Anders to work together and prepare evacuation options for your kin. Shortly before the purge of the corrupt begins, the situation will be explained to them, and they will be given the choice to remain home, travel to visit Burt De'Ville at St. Arawn, or quietly relocate across town to the large manor where the De'Ville's on your council live.

Before you leave, you have a brief conversation with your mother and Phillip, warning them that you believe something may happen while you are gone, and that Nails and Anders have been left in charge of their safety. They thank you for the warning and the consideration.


The extended hunt is a secret, but you leaving town is not. You and your Queen depart in the royal carriage, and everybody important in town understands that you are enjoying a brief honeymoon at some rustic ranch or homestead in the Inner Savannah. Many people also know that Kane and Andre left the other day with a small hunting party for an extended trip. The real trickery will occurs in about ten days, when the Royal Carriage conspicuously returns. That fact that nobody will be riding in it at that time will be concealed from almost everyone, and the roundup and mass execution of criminals will begin shortly thereafter. The Druid Luanda, whose homestead will serve as a meeting point for all parties and the temporary residence of your wife and in-laws, had quietly taken the carriage owned by Jasper and Clarence home with her after the wedding, so that Marion may be protected from the sun on her journey home.

Although no proper roads move east to west in New Mahallo, there are plenty of well worn wagon trails to follow across the flat savannah. Tensions are high. You are stuck in a confined space with your attractive wife for five days, and unable to shake Jasper, Clarence, Anne or the driver to catch a private moment with her. You suspect your fathers-in-law are suffering a similar situation.

Eventually the five of you decide to distract each other by playing Big Knuckles, a game of chance and daring popular among the poor folk of The Titan Canyons that as the name suggests is played with knucklebones; The game is played in teams of two, with each side using a set of 10 human knuckles, and three larger bones from a troll. You wind up alternating between Jasper and Anne as partners, as Marion has refused to play Big Knuckles with any teammate other than Clarance since she was six years old. You quickly learn why this is; Playing several hundred games over the course of your journey, you are able to count your victories on two hands. Marion comments that you must be quite talented to help Jasper get any wins whatsoever. You don't mention, but can't help to note, that more of your wins have come alongside your sister than your Father-in-Law.


When the carriage arrives at Luanda's homestead, you enjoy what are easily the most fun-filled few days you have experienced since you were a young child lounging around a lakeside manor in the Nameless City with few responsibilities. The others have beaten you here by several days, and have been hunting local game so that Kane might surprise you with a proper, if scaled down, wedding feast. For three days, you sleep in, spend the daylight hours alone with Marion inside, and stay up well past midnight tearing across the Savannah, getting your wife acquainted with your friends, and teaching her and Anne to ride a Dire Kangaroo Rat. Some of Luanda's neighbors are payed off by your friends to remain in a state of constant cooking, so that anyone in the party may have a warm meal whenever they please, and your host provides you with all the exotic fruit liquor you can drink from her Druid garden.

All good things must come to an end, however. Eventually Kaylee, who is to helping her father carry out the purge in your name, abandons her brother and husband to take the royal carriage back to Bride Price. You abandon your spouse as well, leaving Marion to enjoy Luanda's hospitality and perhaps begin her training in Druidism while you go off with the hunters.


Quote from: Route Vote
Central Route - 2
Northern Route - 1
Southern Route - 1

The hunting party is a small but lively bunch: Yourself, Andre, Keanu, Kane, Simone, and Kane's cousin Inoke whom you met a few times growing up when his family caravan visited the nameless city. Your kid sister Anne, of course, is present as well, having somehow procured a child-sized crossbow despite having been forbidden by her parents from partaking in the hunt. Also along for the journey are two wagons which will be used to haul whatever large trophies you take from the Mega-fauna back to Bride Price. Driving these wagons are two pretty tattooed young ladies from the raider clans that Andre personally handpicked for the job. Perhaps aware that the purpose of the hunt is for you to 'force' Kane to wed Simone to protect her honor and not wanting you to look like a Hypocrite, your brother is very careful not to let you see him go off alone with either of the drivers, but you do note that the way he looks at them is not dissimilar to how you might look at Halia or Marion.

As you travel East, the only sign that you have passed from the Inner Savanna to the Land of Ruin is the appearance of the Bloodstone Plateau on the northern horizon. From this distance, the crimson rock formation almost looks like a perpetual sunset by daylight. You spot several other small parties at a distance; If they are orcblooded, they leave you alone. Inoke, who has been to the Land of Ruin several times before explains that outside of the raiding parties, the citizens of the Bloodstone Fortress are more afraid of the Mahallo than the Mahallo are of them, and even the brave halfbreeds know that it is more profitable to bother hunters returning west with full trophy wagons than those traveling east to fill them.

Eventually the grass becomes greener ruins appear on the horizon. Inoke says that your party now approaches the mighty Blood River. Within a day you stand at the crumbling walls of a ruined city. Entering town, you can tell it changed hands between human and orcish nations at least once by looking at the sizes of the doorways on the buildings that still stand. You cross town, occasionally spotting people who duck into buildings when they notice your group; Many are non human,  and Andre and you wear traditional Imperial garb.

At the edge of the city you find the Blood River, which at this point is wide and shallow enough to cross in the wagons. On the far bank you see the crumpling walls of yet another ruined city. Kane tells you the city across the river is the legendary Wrotiron, the great Orcish Capital whose capture and destruction at the hands of your great-grandfather sealed the fate of the Orcs living in the lands that would become New Mahallo. Your friend explains that the dragon cult you had hoped to meet live in the remains of the palace.

It takes two hours to cross the river, and another thirty minutes to find a gap in the walls of Wrotiron large enough to fit your wagons through. The stories say the palace of Wrotiron was so large, extravagant, and beautiful that even King Geralt, whos personal mission was to 'snuff out the breath of every living orc', couldn't help but cry upon witnessing it's destruction carried out on his orders. At first you think the stories must have been blown out of proportion, as all you see is a mound of mud, about twice the size of the Molar. It is only after Inoke explains that what remains is the castle's inner most sanctum, seemingly constructed from a single piece of steel without welds by Orcish magic users. It has been covered in mud to prevent the metal walls from cooking the inhabitants alive in the sun.

Kane, himself a Dragon Priest, approaches the sanctum first and speaks with the single guard posted out front. After a few minutes, he gestures for you and the others to approach, and your group is permitted entry.

As all the windows are covered in mud, the inside of the cult's hideout is lit mostly by candlelight. Several of the larger, more important looking rooms are illuminated instead by soul candles; People who have suffered the unspeakable fate of being sacrificed to a dragon-god of radiance by soul-first immolation. Tied to stakes, the burn with a white and heatless flame, their faces contorted in agony but their mouths only capable of releasing a constant peaceful chant in a language you don't understand and at a pitch that barely amounts to background noise. Kane tells you that a soul candle can last about decade before the metaphysical fuel is burnt up, and the victim is put out of their misery as a more conventional flame consumes their flesh.

The cult itself numbers about twelve priests and sixty disciples, and it is quite the diverse group. Among their ranks you get to see your first Orc Blooded people up close; They are tall and beefy, similar in size and build to Andre. Their skins have tints of brown, grey, or green, and sometimes a smattering of all three colors in freckle-like patterns. Many have impressive underbites. The Orcblooded are about equal in number to the cult's human members, and although those two groups make up the vast majority of the members, there are yet others still. You recognize an elderly Vermant amoung the ranks of their clergy. You also spot a strangely beautiful woman with flippers for arms and a body concealed by black and white feathers everywhere except for the spots a respectable Imperial or Mahallo woman would take extra care to cover: a Polar Siren, far from home.

The leader of the cult is an elf of some kind. You can tell he isn't one of the local Moon Elves that the Mahallo raid; His skin is turquoise, and the tips of his long ears curl backwards into themselves, as if they were more fashion accessory than sensory organ. He introduces himself as Blueblaize Three-Hoards, generalist cleric of the Draconic Pantheon, supreme leader of the Children of Rust, mentor to your spymaster Nails, and your humble servant. He bows low. This catches you off guard. He is an elf and a dragon worshiper, both identities punishable by death under Imperial Law. Even if he technically lives within the boundaries of New Mahallo, acknowledging him as a vassal would be scandalous, and protecting him as such would be impractical. How do you respond? Do you acknowledge yourself as his rightful overlord?

Blueblaize then offers to host you for a meal. As the food is brought out, you are a bit disappointed; It is the same wild game you have been feeding yourself with on your travels, but salted rather than fresh. You get the feeling that the Children of Rust don't get out to hunt much.

After the meal, Blueblaize gives a brief sermon. You learn that the chief deity of The Children of Rust is Azeelrath the Silver, one of many of her kind to ascend to godhood. Wrotiron is sacred soil to adherents of her faith, as several of her offspring diety attacking the city, and according to legend their remains were incorporated into the metal structure you are presently standing in. Like most dragon gods, Azeelrath preaches greed as a virtue and accepts the sacrifice of sentient beings, but aside from that she is generally understood to be a forgiving and benevolent deity who cares deeply for her followers, whom she accepts unconditionally regardless of their species or social standing.

"Today, goddess Azeelrath has delivered a boon to our door in the form of two just and pure Imperial Royals!" Blueblaize declares, "King Arawn, Princess Anne, the ancestors of your goddess worshiped my goddess among others, and as such Azeelrath looks upon Agusta's children with favor, even as the clerics of her faith twist her love of humanity into hatred of non-humans and their gods. It is likely our goddess would accept one or both of you as hosts through which she might celebrate with her faithful. Would either or both of you wish to experience divinity through means of a brief possession?"

You glance first to Anne who seems entranced by the idea of experiencing divinity. She meets your gaze, wordlessly pleading for your blessing in the matter. Next you look to Kane, who seems curious and unconcerned. Do you submit to Blueblaize's ritual? Do you permit Anne to?


The following morning you leave the sanctum of the Children of Rust, and your party resumes their journey. As you leave town, you spot an old and ragged looking man leaning on the wall near the large gap your wagons fit through.

"That is a hell of a sling you got hanging from your waist there traveler," he states as you pass. "Giant Cave kakapo leather. Superior material that. Hard to find anywhere other than the orcblood city on the Plateau without having to cross the desert. Fancy a wager? Beat me in a contest of aim and skill with that weapon, and I'll share some of my wisdom with you."

The old man smirks. "If I win, however, I take that sling. You can pry out the diamond decorations and keep those. Got no use for em, me. Whatcha say child?"

You consider the offer. Many of the people who choose to dwell in the ruins by the Blood River are magic users. His wisdom could actually be valuable. You are confident in your skill with the sling, but if you wanted to tip the odds even further in your favor, you could convince the old man to allow Keanu to compete in your stead. Your older friend taught you everything you know about using that particular weapon, and as good as you are, he is just that much better.   

How do you respond to the challenge?
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