Hey, glad to hear you're still alive.
Also, congratulations on graduating from gatherer to hunter. Long term, you're going to need that diversity in your diet.
BUT, there's a new risk you should become aware of... other apex predators. Ever watch any nature documentaries about lions and hyenas on the African savannah? The lions down a zebra, and then a pack of hyenas roll up to fight as the vultures circle. Bears in Alaska fight each other for salmon on a regular basis. Predators steal each others kills constantly. See also wolves or cougars.
Now you many not have seen any apex predators yet, but I can guarantee they're aware of you by at least sound and smell. Some lone big cats will prowl a 'home range' about the size of the city of Seattle (for West Coast folk), Brooklyn (for East Coast folk), or Amsterdam (for Eurotrash). And of course, individual predator home ranges overlap. My point being, just because you haven't bumped into one, doesn't mean one or several apex predators aren't crossing your path daily. They're probably still not sure what to think about you, but now they're guessing they can gank your hunting efforts for fresh meat.
There's actually a whole school of thought that a lone survivalist shouldn't hunt large game for this reason. You'll possibly get challenged at the kill site, and they'll almost certainly raid your butchery site. (Both sites absolutely will get picked over the moment you vacate them.) Anything you try to stash overnight is also certain to get raided as well.
I'm probably getting ahead of ourselves with small game, but better to start safe procedures now, eh?
First thing to keep in mind here, you do not want anything dangerous sniffing around where you sleep. (This point should be self-explanatory.) Just about everything I say next is to prevent that.
Do not butcher near where you sleep. Ideally do it outside the camp. As a bonus, this'll also deter flies and other vermin from taking over your camp.
Do not eat in your shelter. You've probably been getting away with this, but eventually you're going to make a mess. Define an eating area and stick to it. As a bonus, this'll deter flies and other vermin from taking over your bed.
Do not dispose of refuse near where you sleep. Although we think of predators as... well, predators... virtually none of them are beneath scavenging for scraps. Define a trash dump outside your camp, and bury that shit if you can. As a bonus, this'll also deter flies and other vermin from taking over your camp.
Holy shit, my dude, DO NOT STORE FOOD IN YOUR SHELTER. Again, you've probably been getting away with this, but your stash is due to get ratfucked at any moment now. See previous point about large predators going full scavenger. Either bury food and hope wild hogs don't dig it up overnight, or suspend it in a tree and hope any birds of prey don't figure out what you're doing. It sucks to say this, but consider just trashing leftovers until you can stow them securely. As a bonus, this'll deter flies and other vermin from taking over your bed.
Go wash up before bed. By the end of all of this, you're going to be covered in blood and other aromatic nutrients. You really don't want to sleep in that state. Luckily, you got running water, so this shouldn't be too difficult. Also, have you done laundry yet? Probably should soak and dry your one set of clothes every few days too. As a bonus, this'll deter flies and other vermin from taking over your bed.
Yeah, this is all a pain in the ass, but it's one of those 'ounce of prevention saves a pound of cure' situations.
Regarding worship. I mean, as fun as it is to get egoist here, try considering it a moment of sincere reflection. Quietly state what you're thankful for. Keep in mind, whatever brought you here is likely watching and listening; Why else would it do all this?