Originally posted on reddit, I wanted to get some input on this from here as well, in case I am misinterpreting something.
It seems that the job distribution of histfigs is completely buggered in the current version. Specifically, there are way too many animal caretakers and herbalists in the histfig pool. The cause of this appears to be that something is wrong with how jobs are selected by people in elven settlements. If you look at any forest retreat in legends mode, you'll see that people only ever take those two jobs (apart from the odd performer, scout and scholar). This doesn't seem right of course, because people should be able to have more varied professions according to the raws:
So I tried have a closer look at some relevant data to try and work out what might be happening. I wrote two scripts (see below) to extract what data is needed and to make a few hideous looking plots. Specifically, what is interesting is:
- what professions are the most frequent (I removed soldiers and some other non-relevant jobs from the list here), and
- what new jobs people take most frequently. Whenever people become adults or have a change of heart, there is a change_hf_job-type event with a new_job value.
Then I had a look at four worlds: two with the default raws and two with modified raws. For the latter, I just removed animal caretaking and herbalism as permitted jobs from the elves.
Default raws, 250 years of historyHistfig professions:
https://i.imgur.com/6qocGqb.pngNew_job values:
https://i.imgur.com/oGGlVnG.pngAs you can see, something isn't right. There are way too many animal caretakers and herbalists. Those jobs are way more common than they should be. Most of this seems to stem from people taking those jobs in elven settlements.
Default raws, 500 years of historyHistfig professions:
https://i.imgur.com/wECYyCj.pngNew_job values:
https://i.imgur.com/o4pIfL5.pngSame situation, except it seems to be even more extreme. The longer the world history, the more the job distribution seems to skew towards those two professions.
Modified raws, 250 years of historyHistfig professions:
https://i.imgur.com/ZN2AvuU.pngNew_job values:
https://i.imgur.com/tD6abIU.pngNow, removing those two lines from the raws seems to solve the problem of animal caretaking and herbalism being overrepresented. However, there is something else not right here. Look at the discrepancy for the remaining permitted jobs. Clothier, weaver and bowyer are very low on the list of new_job values, and woodcrafter does not even seem to appear once. Despite that, those professions seem unusually common.
Modified raws, 510 years of historyHistfig professions:
https://i.imgur.com/uvSRm93.pngNew_job values:
https://i.imgur.com/DZfpByO.pngAgain, same situation. People don't really become clothiers etc. that often, but those jobs are still some of the most frequent ones.
ConclusionSomething seems to be wrong with the elves. I don't really know why though. I don't remember this being an issue before 47.01 (although I still need to look at some 44.12 data). I combed through the devlogs, but I didn't see anything obvious that might be causing this. My guess is that it's related to the guilds.
ScriptsHere are the scripts I used, in case someone wants to give it a try as well.
DFHack script to export the relevant data:
local gui = require 'gui'
local script = require 'gui.script'
local args = {...}
local vs = dfhack.gui.getCurViewscreen()
function move_back_to_main_folder()
return dfhack.filesystem.restore_cwd()
local folder_name = "job_data"
-- Go to save folder, returns true if successfully
function move_to_save_folder()
if move_back_to_main_folder() then
return dfhack.filesystem.chdir(folder_name)
return false
function progress_ipairs(vector, desc, interval)
desc = desc or 'item'
interval = interval or 10000
local cb = ipairs(vector)
return function(vector, k, ...)
if k and #vector >= interval and (k % interval == 0 or k == #vector - 1) then
print((' %s %i/%i (%0.f%%)'):format(desc, k, #vector, k * 100 / #vector))
return cb(vector, k)
end, vector, nil
function escape_xml(str)
return str:gsub('&', '&'):gsub('<', '<'):gsub('>', '>')
local df_enums = {} --as:df
setmetatable(df_enums, {
__index = function(self, enum)
if not df[enum] or df[enum]._kind ~= 'enum-type' then
error('invalid enum: ' .. enum)
local t = {}
setmetatable(t, {
__index = function(self, k)
return df[enum][k] or 'unknown ' .. k
return t
__newindex = function() error('read-only') end
if not move_to_save_folder() then
qerror('Could not move into the save folder.')
local filename = "job_data.xml"
local file = io.open(filename, 'w')
if not file then
qerror("could not open file: " .. filename)
file:write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding='UTF-8'?>\n")
for hfK, hfV in progress_ipairs(df.global.world.history.figures, 'historical figure') do
if hfV.race >= 0 then
for ID, event in progress_ipairs(df.global.world.history.events, 'event') do
if df.history_event_change_hf_jobst:is_instance(event) then
for k,v in pairs(event) do
if df.history_event_change_hf_jobst:is_instance(event) and (k == "new_job" or k == "old_job") then
This is based on the exportlegends script. I basically just ripped out the parts that I needed. Call it from legends mode and it creates a job_data.xml in the main DF folder.
Python script to parse the xml and plot the data:
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Parse xml
context = ET.iterparse("job_data.xml", events=("start", "end"))
context = iter(context)
ev, root = next(context)
# Find histfig professions and new_job values
professions = []
newjobs = []
for ev, el in context:
if ev == "start" and el.tag == "profession":
if el.text is not None:
elif ev == 'start' and el.tag == 'new_job':
if el.text is not None:
# Remove all the fluff
bollocks = ["recruit", "pikeman", "master_pikeman", "trained_war", "trained_hunter", "blowgunman", "master_blowgunman", "none", "drunk", "standard", "baby", "child", "swordsman", "axeman", "maceman", "hammerman", "spearman", "lasher", "pikeman", "crossbowman", "bowman", "wrestler", "master_swordsman", "master_axeman", "master_maceman", "master_hammerman", "master_spearman", "master_lasher", "master_pikeman", "master_crossbowman", "master_bowman", "master_wrestler"]
professions_filtered = [x for x in professions if x not in bollocks]
newjobs_filtered = [x for x in newjobs if x not in bollocks]
# Get jobs and job count for professions
count_prof = []
jobs_prof = []
for job in professions_filtered:
if job not in jobs_prof:
jobcount = professions_filtered.count(job)
# Get jobs and job count for new_jobs
count_new = []
jobs_new = []
for job in newjobs_filtered:
if job not in jobs_new:
jobcount = newjobs_filtered.count(job)
# Sort by job count
jobs_prof_sorted = [x for _, x in sorted(zip(count_prof, jobs_prof))]
count_prof_sorted = [x for x, _ in sorted(zip(count_prof, jobs_prof))]
jobs_new_sorted = [x for _, x in sorted(zip(count_new, jobs_new))]
count_new_sorted = [x for x, _ in sorted(zip(count_new, jobs_new))]
# Normalise count values
count_prof_norm = [float(i)/max(count_prof_sorted) for i in count_prof_sorted]
count_new_norm = [float(i)/max(count_new_sorted) for i in count_new_sorted]
# Categorise professions
miners = ["miner"]
woodworkers = ["woodworker", "bowyer", "carpenter", "woodcutter"]
stoneworkers = ["stoneworker", "engraver", "mason"]
rangers = ["hunter", "animal_caretaker", "animal_dissector", "animal_trainer", "trapper", "ranger"]
doctors = ["doctor"]
farmers = ["planter", "beekeeper", "brewer", "butcher", "cheese_maker", "cook", "dyer", "gelder", "farmer", "herbalist", "lye_maker", "milker", "miller", "potash_maker", "presser", "shearer", "soap_maker", "spinner", "tanner", "thresher", "wood_burner"]
fishers = ["fisherman", "fishery_worker", "fish_dissector", "fish_cleaner"]
metalsmiths = ["armorer", "furnace_operator", "metalcrafter", "weaponsmith", "blacksmith", "metalsmith"]
jewelers = ["jeweler", "gem_cutter", "gem_setter"]
crafters = ["craftsman", "woodcrafter", "stonecrafter", "leatherworker", "bone_carver", "weaver", "clothier", "glassmaker", "strand_extractor", "papermaker", "wax_worker", "potter", "bookbinder"]
engineers = ["engineer", "mechanic", "siege_engineer", "siege_operator", "pump_operator"]
# Assign colours based on profession (default DF colour scheme used)
colours_prof = [
"#C0C0C0" if y in miners
else "#FFFF00" if y in woodworkers
else "#000000" if y in stoneworkers
else "#008000" if y in rangers
else "#800080" if y in doctors
else "#808000" if y in farmers
else "#000080" if y in fishers
else "#808080" if y in metalsmiths
else "#00FF00" if y in jewelers
else "#0000FF" if y in crafters
else "#FF0000" if y in engineers
else "#800080"
for y in jobs_prof_sorted
colours_new = [
"#C0C0C0" if y in miners
else "#FFFF00" if y in woodworkers
else "#000000" if y in stoneworkers
else "#008000" if y in rangers
else "#800080" if y in doctors
else "#808000" if y in farmers
else "#000080" if y in fishers
else "#808080" if y in metalsmiths
else "#00FF00" if y in jewelers
else "#0000FF" if y in crafters
else "#FF0000" if y in engineers
else "#800080"
for y in jobs_new_sorted
# Plot data
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(18,12))
ax.barh(jobs_prof_sorted, count_prof_norm, color=colours_prof)
ax.set_title("Histfig professions")
ax.grid(which="both", axis="x")
fig2, ax2 = plt.subplots(figsize=(18,12))
ax2.barh(jobs_new_sorted, count_new_norm, color=colours_new)
ax2.set_title("New_job values of change_hf_job events")
ax2.grid(which="both", axis="x")
Run this in the folder where job_data.xml is located. Requires matplotlib. It created two plots: one for the job distribution and one for the frequency of new_job values.