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Author Topic: [IC] Trespassers v2: Monster Hunter: Rumblings of the Past  (Read 19841 times)


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Re: [IC] Trespassers v2: Monster Hunter: Rumblings of the Past
« Reply #255 on: April 16, 2023, 12:43:57 pm »

The spikes don't resist being pulled. There's a trail of them leading down into the caverns, whose crystalline walls almost feel as if they're watching you move. A few of the smaller monsters around (which are still man-sized or larger) start to bristle at the party's approach, but they see Brynn and think better of doing so. Evidently she registers as a larger predator.

The temperature is going up, and the ground is uneven with crystal shards and the occasional gouge mark or pile of dragon bones.
GM of Trespassers V2.
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Re: [IC] Trespassers v2: Monster Hunter: Rumblings of the Past
« Reply #256 on: April 16, 2023, 12:57:23 pm »

Once they touched down, Mira was quick to survey the area, taking in the lesser wildlife, the gouges in the earth, and the embedded spikes, before simply walking down the path, ignoring the rising heat. She was focused more on finding Nergigante quickly and then eliminating the dragon.
Just some nerd who thinks they're a half decent writer.
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Re: [IC] Trespassers v2: Monster Hunter: Rumblings of the Past
« Reply #257 on: April 16, 2023, 03:25:08 pm »

Saejik spares a few envious looks towards his bodyguards' sealed and air conditioned armor as he follows Mira and Kraken down the spike trail.  "This all seems...  Convenient," He remarks, "The creature in the Coral Highlands did not leave an easy trail to follow.  Is this creature perhaps so confident in its power that it feels no need to hide?  Or is it possibly...  Leading us to it?"
"If a lightning bolt can't solve your problems, you aren't being creative enough." - Zoe Walker


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Re: [IC] Trespassers v2: Monster Hunter: Rumblings of the Past
« Reply #258 on: April 16, 2023, 06:22:16 pm »

"Creative nonsense?  So where did I get this book from?  This ink?  This Where did all the extra black feathers come from?"

"I'm fine with being examined.  I just don't want to be imprisoned.  If you want to examine me for a while, we'll just make a deal, between two intelligent creatures."

"Or maybe you'd prefer seeing how and where I got to this world instead?"


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Re: [IC] Trespassers v2: Monster Hunter: Rumblings of the Past
« Reply #259 on: April 16, 2023, 08:36:17 pm »

Kraken almost gleefully pulled the spikes from the wall, inspecting them as he did so. This didn't seem to be a fairly weak or even soft wall for that matter. Mulling the question over in his mind Kraken eventually shook his head. "I doubt it. Most animals would only lay bait in areas where they attack from, and given we aren't currently getting treated like this cliff face right now..." Kraken let his analysis hang in the air as he watched Mira go straight for the crystalline cavern. "... She knows how big that thing was right? Anyway, this is either simply from the beast being injured and trying to steady itself or... This is a warning! Marking his territory so other predators know to stay away or prepare for a fight... Which is technically bait I guess, they said it eats Elder Dragons right? Well, I'm not an expert on dragons but I would assume from the stories they won't take having their territory challenged lying down."


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Re: [IC] Trespassers v2: Monster Hunter: Rumblings of the Past
« Reply #260 on: April 16, 2023, 10:59:10 pm »

IP raised her shield and gun as she moved to the front of the formation. At the very least, if there was an attack, she could serve as a distraction. "Then we shall simply need to be prepared for a fight."


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Re: [IC] Trespassers v2: Monster Hunter: Rumblings of the Past
« Reply #261 on: April 19, 2023, 11:58:30 am »


"Well, I've seen monsters that spew fire from their maws as if squeezing it out a waterskin, and gigantic moving mountains that turned out to be single dragons. A bit of improbable storage hardly seems like evidence of wizardry."

The Actual Plot

The caverns are unnervingly silent as the group presses deeper. The spikes continue to appear with regularity through the treacherous caverns, until they suddenly stop at a crevasse. The rift was nearly invisible until they stood atop it, although it did look large enough for the dragon to have squeezed through. The air coming from it feels cooler than their torrid surroundings.
GM of Trespassers V2.
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Re: [IC] Trespassers v2: Monster Hunter: Rumblings of the Past
« Reply #262 on: April 19, 2023, 12:34:23 pm »

Kraken looked up above, just in case this was a trap, but assuming that he wasn't attacked he shrugged and got to work securing a rappelling line at the top of the crevasse.


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Re: [IC] Trespassers v2: Monster Hunter: Rumblings of the Past
« Reply #263 on: April 19, 2023, 01:05:26 pm »

"Best evidence is this dead body I'm moving around.  Checking if I'm dead or alive shouldn't take very long, and I'm happy to cooperate."

Newton shuts down his imitation bodily functions and allows his body to appear dead.


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Re: [IC] Trespassers v2: Monster Hunter: Rumblings of the Past
« Reply #264 on: April 20, 2023, 06:46:39 am »


The researcher stares at the dead bird for a moment before opening the cage to check its vitals. On verifying that it seemed to indeed be so, he put Newton back in without locking it. "Well, assuming that wasn't even more proficient playacting than previous specimens I've seen, you have a point. I can let you go once you've given me sufficient detail on what, exactly, you are."

Elder's Recess?

The crevasse leads down diagonally to, eventually, another set of walkable passages. An underground river flows past crystals glowing with a gentle blue light. The way upriver is impassable, unless you plan on getting a drill down here.
GM of Trespassers V2.
If you like my work, consider becoming a patron. (Since apparently people think this is a requirement: no, my game(s) are free to play and always will be.


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Re: [IC] Trespassers v2: Monster Hunter: Rumblings of the Past
« Reply #265 on: April 20, 2023, 08:53:58 am »

"A lot of it is wizardry.  In brief.."

"I'm from a different world.  In it, there is an energy called magic, that allows people and creatures to do supernatural things.

There is a type of energy there called necromancy.  This deals with animation of dead things, and creation of artificial forms to house unbodied spirits.  It also deals with decay, and can be used to prevent or accelerate decay of living creatures.

It is not the only kind of energy, and you aren't restricted to only using one kind of energy.  Most of what I can do uses non-necromantic energies.

Anyway, there was a great being where I lived that had bound almost all necromancy in the world to itself.  It alone could raise creatures or use the power of necromancy, and all beings that existed through necromancy did so according to its will, and were enthralled to its control.  This lasted for centuries.

Until, one day, it was destroyed.  All the necromantic energy of an entire world was released, and spread out over a wide area around the location of its death.  many, many beings were raised as free undead, unbound spirits found themselves with magical bodies, people were imbued with wild necromantic powers, and so forth.

I was a bird, a kind of bird called a crow that was killed only a few days before the event happened.  I was curious about another energy user, a wizard, was doing.  When I settled down to investigate, and see what he was reading, I was killed by him, because he thought I was a spy of the great necromancer, some creature observing his movements for an attack.

I didn't like that, and I was angry, and my anger bound my spirit to the earth a few days after my death..  which left me still around at the time the great burst of necromantic energies came forth, which empowered me with new intelligence and certain necromantic abilities, and raised me from the dead.

That was a long time ago, and at that time I was still in my original crow body.  The one I am currently in is wholly artificial, created by my own powers and is merely a good imitation of flesh.  Damage to it still hurts me, though, and if I'm 'slain' again, I'll be freed as a spirit for some time until I can recreate my body.  My abilities will also be hampered.

As for the current body, it is immutable over the short term, like a real body, except that my needs and desires have some unconscious level of control over it.  I can carry far more items than a normal creature can, including some nonphysical ones, by putting it 'inside' me in some nonphysical space.  This is probably because I like to collect things.  I also seem to have grown quite a bit larger than I was, probably because most of my companions have been creatures far, far larger than myself, and it makes things easier.

But at the heart of it I'm a nonphysical being of spirit inside a self-powered artificially-created body."


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Re: [IC] Trespassers v2: Monster Hunter: Rumblings of the Past
« Reply #266 on: April 21, 2023, 03:09:52 pm »

IP continued down the walkable passages, keeping gun and shield at the ready and making sure not to get too close to any of the crystals.


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Re: [IC] Trespassers v2: Monster Hunter: Rumblings of the Past
« Reply #267 on: April 21, 2023, 06:10:21 pm »

Affter that long bit of truth, Newton decides to work in a lie.

"I do still need to sort of eat.  I do that by marking creatures or people who are about to die, and if they die in a few minutes, I can absorb a little of their power.  I don't need to do this often, but every once in a while I have to.  If you want to see some necromancy in action, do you have a creature which you wouldn't mind having die?"
« Last Edit: April 21, 2023, 07:41:10 pm by Devastator »


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Re: [IC] Trespassers v2: Monster Hunter: Rumblings of the Past
« Reply #268 on: April 21, 2023, 06:27:51 pm »

Kraken looked into the river for a few moments before finally shrugging and scooping up a handful of water with a curious look. When he couldn't notice any detrimental effects or other causes for worry he took a sip. After a moment he nodded and continued down the way towards their destination.


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Re: [IC] Trespassers v2: Monster Hunter: Rumblings of the Past
« Reply #269 on: April 23, 2023, 12:01:40 am »

"It does seem like a good habitat for the creature," Saejik notes as we walk,  "Available water, the ambient temperature to ward off all but the most determined intruders, and of course the tight, maze-like nature of this place.  Well, not tight for us, but most certainly for the large beasts common to this place.  I'd wager it could fill the entirety of one of these corridors with its spined bulk.  Hopefully we'll encounter it in a more open space.  I don't like having so little room to maneuver, or the lack of cover."
"If a lightning bolt can't solve your problems, you aren't being creative enough." - Zoe Walker
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