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Author Topic: The Colorless Home: Seaside Nightmare - Successor Thread  (Read 23437 times)


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Re: The Colorless Home: Seaside Nightmare - Successor Thread
« Reply #30 on: August 23, 2021, 08:42:37 pm »

Good Job Iron Fists!  Murder that Snail Tourist!

Also: Kinda strange to see a Swordsdwarf armed with a Steel Axe, but I guess that was the best weapon available to them.  Presumably they also have at least some sort of skill with the Axe (or if not, they do now).


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Re: The Colorless Home: Seaside Nightmare - Successor Thread
« Reply #31 on: August 24, 2021, 04:45:30 am »

> Good Job Iron Fists!  Murder that Snail Tourist!

Nobody was more shocked than me; I'd have expected some casualties for sure, after all I just saw the damn thing kill a fully-grown muskox by spitting at it twice. But no, dwarves piled on it and roflstomped it.

The army in general is getting serious attention, as per old Doren's personality profile. I've made some weapon-specific uniforms, something that I wouldn't normally bother doing this early; but here it's justified by all these delicious pre-existing skills. No idea what I'll arm and armor them with -- this may be the only fort where I hope for invasions to get some iron, and where I'll bother to make some training spears and axes.

For the rest of the weapons, we're doing quite fine; obsidian swords are twice as good as steel when it comes to sharpness, so I'm not even going to bother with other materials (ok, adamantine is an obvious exception). Maces and warhammers get made from silver and benefit from increased bashing damage, so it's only axes and spears where I'm really not covered. I suppose I can make them from silver, even if they won't be great? Yeah, no training weapons here either.

Also, the Iron Fists have been 'restructured' already: the two peeps who have no military skills got replaced with two others who do. And I keep forgetting to enlist a crossbow squad, dammit...

This fortress is starting to become a surface fort, with only stone quarries and minimal crafting & farming underground, and most interesting things taking place in the aforementioned colorless houses. BTW, I'm going to repurpose those 2 structures south of the main pit; I've gotten some ☼ideas☼. At least I think they're ☼ideas☼, they might be XXideasXX).
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Re: The Colorless Home: Seaside Nightmare - Successor Thread
« Reply #32 on: August 24, 2021, 07:53:09 am »

obsidian swords are twice as good as steel when it comes to sharpness

Is that innate to crafted obsidian swords? I gave obsidian the [IS_METAL] token for arena testing and stopped after the fourth battle because "obsidian short swords" were consistently slightly worse than silver short swords. The opponents were armoured with copper, maybe the sharpness matters more against unarmoured targets?

I suppose I can make them from silver, even if they won't be great?

Good question!  This research data on weapon-vs-armor material, as well as my own small experiments just now in arena mode, suggest that silver axes are ineffective against armored opponents.  Combat logs reveal they glanced off and got deflected a lot.  Silver hammers beat them slow and steady all three times, suffering only bruises and some torn skin in return.  I also tried two macedwarves who curiously lost to axedwarves because they both got punched unconscious.

Of course, all of that is with silver weapons.  Consider armour penetration when deploying the militia.  Keep us posted on the developments!


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lord of Norderland - Lv 20 SKOOKUM ROC
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Re: The Colorless Home: Seaside Nightmare - Successor Thread
« Reply #33 on: August 24, 2021, 02:32:49 pm »

Spears have the advantage that if they so much as hit one area that isn't covered by armor, it can be the end of the battle for the person speared.

I guess the question is what armor do the goblins wear?
EDIT: It looks like goblins can be armored the same as dwarves, bugs and all.*  Silver spears may not find sufficiently unarmored bits to poke.  Should be quite effective versus the creatures that goblins bring to the sieges.  Hm, can a spear "poke" through mail if similar/worse material?  The breastplate/greaves/gauntlets/helm don't cover everything...

I'd advise buying everything in a caravan made of bronze, iron, and steel, and melting it down, and ask for the traders to bring iron.

*Bugs and all, meaning that the goblins might be missing a boot, or any other possible bug that might hit dwarves when trying to dress for the military.  Only the goblins don't have the player to  fix the problem for them.  Guess we won't know for sure until they show up.


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Re: The Colorless Home: Seaside Nightmare - Successor Thread
« Reply #34 on: August 24, 2021, 05:03:16 pm »

I requested weapons-grade metals from the caravan, so there should be some good things to buy this fall.
Fort is running at 21 FPS, the ground is having a panic attack in places, and what looks like a conga line of zombified Hungry Heads has formed on (I think) Z-level 32 of the caverns.
I love dwarven status reports.


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Re: The Colorless Home: Seaside Nightmare - Successor Thread
« Reply #35 on: August 25, 2021, 09:16:52 am »

obsidian swords are twice as good as steel when it comes to sharpness

Is that innate to crafted obsidian swords? I gave obsidian the [IS_METAL] token for arena testing and stopped after the fourth battle because "obsidian short swords" were consistently slightly worse than silver short swords. The opponents were armoured with copper, maybe the sharpness matters more against unarmoured targets?

Well that is very concerning; I went by the sharpness value that DFHack shows in weapon descriptions, and did no testing of my own. It might be one of those "yes but actually" cases, where the sword itself really is that sharp, but something else prevents it from dealing damage.

The weapons damage thread is from 2010-2011; I'm not sure how much trust I should place in it.

I requested weapons-grade metals from the caravan, so there should be some good things to buy this fall.
That's a habit that will continue; the map seems very metal-poor. We definitely have no iron, and even if we have copper*, we don't have any cassiterite to make bronze.

* Slight spoilers for next report: in that one, I'll say we have no copper. That's not strictly true -- we do have some tetrahedrite veins, BUT they're not discovered; they're located in a weird place, and there's no real reason for anyone to go dig in that general direction. Combined with total lack of tin sources, and I decided to NOT massage the story in a way that lets me find them.
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  • Lord of Norderland - Lv 20 SKOOKUM ROC
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Re: The Colorless Home: Seaside Nightmare - Successor Thread
« Reply #36 on: August 25, 2021, 10:04:25 am »

I'm pretty sure sharpness does not lead to penetration against armor, in that a sharp piece of glass will be broken by an iron breastplate.  Considering what Obsidian Swords really are, I think the analogy is good.

Everything you ever wanted to know about "Obsidian Swords", including the fact of why they need wood to manufacture


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Re: The Colorless Home: Seaside Nightmare - Successor Thread
« Reply #37 on: August 30, 2021, 03:24:00 am »

Spring Part 2
303 01.18 - 04-01

The immediate effect of this adventure, besides bolstered spirits and a truly decadent amount of meat, was a new batch of tattered clothes. Our military doesn’t have proper armor, and had to make due with normal civilian clothes. So I now consider it a priority to get some armor out the door. There was a chunk of tetrahedrite mined out, best to locate that vein and all its friends.

… Oh no. We don’t have any vein of tetrahedrite; the chunk we do have was clearly marked as bought from traders. We are in a terrible position: we have gold and silver to spare, but no means to keep others from taking them.

This turns the surface defenses from a low-priority “just in case” project to a critical requirement. Not only do we need to block out an invasion, but the invaders are going to be, paradoxically, the best source of iron and copper we are ever going to have. Caravans are the second-best source, and a very distant second at that.

All our pre-existing constructions (except the fishery and associated guild) will be surrounded by our first line of defense: a wooden palisade, with main access points controlled by drawbridges and invader access points covered in cage and weapon traps. We’ll add a tavern open to the public, just in the hopes of attracting adventurers with some semblance of good gear.

The military was slated for expansion anyway; the problem now is that I know for a fact I can neither arm or armor them in anything resembling good time. Four new squads were assembled, in addition to the Iron Fists. Two of them are swords-dwarves, in anticipation of obsidian blades; the others are for crossbows and have taken weapons and ammo from the hunters, and the last one… is a reminder of error. We have no maces in the fort, only war-hammers; conversely, we have very few hammer-dwarves in the fort; we have far more mace-dwarves. The mace-dwarf squad is waiting for weapons; making a hammer-dwarf squad is unjustified, because we don’t have enough people.

After we clean-cut the surface trees, many of the woodcutters can be retired as well; this should release enough axes for a sixth axe-dwarf squad.

Now if only the magic armor fairy would drop by to put some decent coverings on these poor guys…

The next step after that’s done will be to do something about our terrible traffic problems -- our crafting areas are far from raw materials, leading to even skilled artificers producing maybe one or two items per week simply because that’s how long it takes to haul. Ideally, the crafters would only craft, and leave all the hauling to others.

I shake off a vision of a surface settlement with towers dedicated to each craft category. We’re dwarves not humans. But we’re also on top of an aquifer, and there’s little worth digging for, so who knows what may turn out to be the optimal solution.

My idea with obsidian swords turns out to be less than grand -- yes, they have excellent sharpness… but they don’t work anywhere near as well as their sharpness would indicate. With this in mind, there’s no point in creating an obsidian generator. I’m glad I asked the swords-dwarves of the fort for advice before sinking so much labor in a sub-par project.

Alright; enough daydreaming. Step one is to cut all those trees on the surface. We already gave most of our axes to woodcutters, how about they get to use them? Incidentally, I don’t intend to waste wood all that readily -- I have to remind you none of the surface trees grow back, and caves are massively flooded. As plentiful as surface wood looks, it’s still nonrenewable.

Which reminds me: I should make a dug-out pit somewhere, and see if new trees will sprout in it. The current depot and barracks room seems like a good candidate; there’s plenty of holes in it already, and the troops can benefit from not being cave-adapted.

Another high-priority: clothes. In the long term, we may or may not have a Tailor's Tower; but this year all clothes get made in a corner of The Pit: a clothier’s and leatherworker's workshops have been placed in two nooks, and ordered to make the bare minimum: dresses, trousers, caps, gloves and shoes. All these items are getting claimed by dwarves the second they're made, too.

Plenty more looms were added in the cavern; this layer has turned into our primary silk collecting and granite processing spot. In the long term, I’ll probably add a mechanic’s shop to carve some of the local mica into magma-safe mechanisms. That, or I’ll run away from some forgotten beast.

Several more temporary stockpiles were laid down in The Pit; one is for occupied cages; another one is around a still (named the Desperate Donkey for some reason), which takes only plants and fruit. This stockpile exists because, despite appointing a dedicated brewer, our drinks are still being consumed slightly faster than they’re being made. I hope the shorter distance will allow this fort to have some positive booze production, for once. Lastly, the food stockpile as a whole receives its own farmer’s workshop, whose sole job is to process pig tails into thread; this will get weird come summer, but in summer I’ll probably have another round of micro-managing basic tasks.

Towards the end of spring, all three guild agreements expire in quick succession. I am slightly annoyed at myself for this; pedestals were carved out, and we have artifacts too; I could have met these demands with minimal fuss. But from this failure, comes opportunity: two of the expired guilds were placed on the bottom level of the guildhall, so now I have a decent reason to boot all three guilds from the ground floor, and move them to the (as yet unconstructed) second floor. The ground floor gets made into our spanking new public tavern, and receives some booze barrels for good measure. No tavern keeper until some schmuck actually arrives, though.


Author’s note: the absence of copper was found at the end of spring, after the palisade was already built; this leaves only the ‘visitor’s tavern’ as post-discovery addition. But I chose to massage the narrative a bit…

And yes, traffic is even worse than I said initially. Especially vertically; there are 110 levels between surface and magma, but the block I wanted to use (to floor over the magma breach) was listed as ~380 tiles away. I’m going to refrain from my usual One True Staircase With No Ways To Cut Access To Portions Of The Fort Because I Never Get Security Breaches Anyway, but I’m still going to widen the existing stairways all the way to magma. At least have a 2x1 staircase, ffs...

More tid-bits:

The mountain titan was indeed butchered, and did produce a stupid-huge amount of meat:

Forgotten beasts: good for the economy? A new best-seller by Urist McDolt.

All fishing has been stopped; we are swimming, pun very much intended, in unprocessed fish; it got so bad that I made a stockpile and two fishery workshops inside the fisher’s guild, and left them to their own devices. They were clogging the entire food stockpile, and we had no room for any other meat.

All hunting has been stopped as well; again, we have food for years to come, and that crossbow squad had to be armed from somewhere...

Speaking of meat -- there seems to be a need for a slight clarification: corpse stockpiles only take sentient corpses; for animal corpses, a refuse stockpile needs to be created. I’ve done one after the titan attack, which is how I ended up with all that meat I mentioned above: dwarves collected and butchered all kinds of dead wild animals on the map, including the mountain titan and the muskox killed by the mountain titan (dead tame animals are never butchered post-mortem; the only thing you can do with them is to destroy them, by dumping them in magma or atom-smashing).

The hedgehog can’t be moved into the cage stockpile; it’s alive and well, but still sits in front of the wooden bridge that closes off The Pit. [Edit] Upon closer inspection, the hedgehog cage was not moved because it was built in place. Oops.

Lastly: the full imgur album. I tend to take more pictures than I include in reports, so if you want a better overall image of the fort, it’s probably worth looking at it. On the other hand, it also includes pictures from unpublished portions, so… spoilers.
« Last Edit: August 31, 2021, 01:12:49 am by StrikaAmaru »
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Re: The Colorless Home: Seaside Nightmare - Successor Thread
« Reply #38 on: August 30, 2021, 06:02:08 am »

The premises are shaping up nicely!

Forgotten beasts: good for the economy? A new best-seller by Urist McDolt.

Big brain idea: Use the Z-settings to season the 137 slices of meat with a handful of dwarven sugar or syrup, instantly gain ten thousand bucks worth of roasts to lure invaders with (or simply grant happy thoughts).

Unrelatedly, Für Ludwig by Kelly Valleau reminds me of DF.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Colorless Home: Seaside Nightmare - Successor Thread
« Reply #39 on: August 30, 2021, 04:48:05 pm »

Experimenting with Leather Armor for...other projects, I found that it can in fact provide some protection against Iron Short Swords.  I saw one blow actually deflected by the leather armor, and another that appears to have been converted into a bruise rather than a tear.  So it's not useless!

For comparison, it seems the Leather Leggings provided no protection.  Most shots seemed to just go right through it.  So, presumably Leather Armor will be more effective than Leather Coats.  In my experiment, the 3 goblins with iron short swords and iron gear LOST to the 10 dwarves with iron short swords and leather gear.

Numbers count, although note that I gave the goblins Breastplates and not mail shirts.


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Re: The Colorless Home: Seaside Nightmare - Successor Thread
« Reply #40 on: September 01, 2021, 04:31:28 am »

Part 3 (303.04.01 - 303.10.18)


303-04-13 The human caravan arrives. More importantly, their trade guild sent one of their people over, so I can order specific products from them. Unsurprisingly, I pick a great variety of stone, and nothing else, since that will load the caravan to capacity. Most of it is for iron, tin and copper, but I also added some more metals we don’t have, and other stones:

We have little of the usual trinkets preferred in trade, so worn clothes and prepared meals will have to do. There were no ores on sale this year, but I did get some of the raw glass available, some of the iron bits that weren’t overly expensive, some decent weapons and secondary military gear (meaning: quivers, waterskins, and backpacks) all the alcohol available (which wasn’t much; humans, you know), and all the thread, cloth, and leather available; this last category was quite a lot.

In the cavern, a few changes are made; a large cluster of mica has been dug out, and a temporary mechanic’s workshop was assigned to turn it into mechanisms. This has the added benefit of increasing the area available to cave spiders, and hopefully the amount of webs (incidentally, the fort’s only cat has long been assigned to guard the food stores from vermin; if the little murder ball gets in the cave, it won’t rest until every spider is dead).
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The entryway to the cave was changed as well: it was widened, for a start, and moved up one layer, then closed with two doors right next to the ramps; this old trick is probably well-known to the reader, but it keeps even Forgotten Beasts from battering down the doors.

(OOC: Yes it does. Without an accessible tile above the ramp, the two ramps become ‘unusable upward ramps’ when the doors are locked, and can’t be included in pathing calculations. In theory, a building destroyer can still sit on the ramp and bash down the doors; in practice, they don’t. Even fliers are subject to this restriction).

The rest of summer gets spent with adding a cage corridor to the northern gate. Then I somehow manage to faff about doing minor tasks, and find myself with barely 10 days until season change without a single trap on the surface. An emergency act allows everybody in the fort to pick up mechanics’ tasks, and the trap corridor receives, well, traps.

Luckily, my stupidity has no ill effects: the cages are completed until the 27th, so I preemptively sound the alarm. If a siege comes this autumn, there’s no point risking anyone.


303.07.04 Clearly, no siege will come, so the alarm is rescinded.

The caravan comes and goes, in largely the same conditions as the human one. From the guild representative, I ask for stone and little else.

The only real difference is that my predecessor has obviously ordered bars, so all metal products are overpriced. Thankfully, some ore was brought as well, and I quickly bought it. I also bought cloth and leather, and just about every piece of clothing that wasn’t stupidly over-decorated; some armor and weapons made the cut too.

Once again, I paid for it with prepared meals. It’s telling that this didn’t even put a dent in the sheer number of prepared meals we have.

With that done, I can return to building. The guildhall gets my focus next -- after all, I did temporarily boot three guilds out of it with the promise to construct the second floor for them, and the farmers have required a guild of their own in the meantime; so it’s kind of demanding attention.

The current plan is to have three rooms per floor, with brick walls and wooden floors. Obviously, this will continue. The exact shape of the three rooms will follow the pattern of the ground floor, though, not of the first floor; and the reason for this is floor space.

On the ground level, the northern room covers 80 square urists, while the other two have 70 each; on the upper floors where the central division is different, this floor space goes up to 88.

On the first level, there was an attempt for a more triangular design, which ironically turned the rooms into drastically different sizes: the top one has barely 50 spaces, while the lower ones are 99 each.

The construction will continue by the template of the ground floor. This will make defining rooms easier, too, now that they’re boring old rectangles.

The corridor under the surface receives a new drawbridge, in the underground corridor. It aligns perfectly with the fortifications above-ground, and will help define the ‘internal courtyard’ as an actual internal courtyard, not just ‘courtyard that can be accessed from outside through this little corridor’.

Unfortunately, the lever linkage was not done in time, meaning the bridge couldn’t be closed. This caused some minor issues, come winter…


Finally! We’ll get some armor!

The ‘vile force of darkness’ is made up of one mixed squad of 10 goblins:

In a perfect world, the only entrance into the fort would be the trap corridor, so goblins would make a bee-line for the northern gate and get neatly caught in traps. In this world, the goblins have spread all over the interior courtyard (through the yet-unsealed corridor) and proceeded to faff around scaring dwarves through incidental tree holes in the surface.

One great advantage of this situation was that all invaders have spread out; so our under-armed and non-armored military can stand a chance. They are ordered before the western (and only) bridge that seals the pit, and then the bridge is dropped.

Goblins rush through the corridor; three of them are caught in traps, and six others get overwhelmed and killed.

A single lasher survives the siege, as he was wasting time off to the north-east, outside the court-yard, instead of trying to enter the fortress; there was no way for any dwarf to intercept him.

There are still two and a half months left in my term; but with the siege out of the way, they’re bound to be fairly uninteresting.


Spoiler: Stonesense pics (click to show/hide)

And that's the penultimate update. The last one will cover the remaining 2 1/2 months, and an overview of changes I made (especially levers), plus my wild plans for the future.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2021, 02:28:34 pm by StrikaAmaru »
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Re: The Colorless Home: Seaside Nightmare - Successor Thread
« Reply #41 on: September 01, 2021, 05:18:38 pm »

Good job! Show us what you're doing with that Goblinite!


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Re: The Colorless Home: Seaside Nightmare - Successor Thread
« Reply #42 on: September 01, 2021, 09:17:58 pm »

I see my artistic liberties with the layout of the guildhalls was unacceptable.  :D

My original intentions were to have every floor laid out differently, but of course I didn't have time to build more than two.

Good show wiping out the goblins.
Fort is running at 21 FPS, the ground is having a panic attack in places, and what looks like a conga line of zombified Hungry Heads has formed on (I think) Z-level 32 of the caverns.
I love dwarven status reports.


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Re: The Colorless Home: Seaside Nightmare - Successor Thread
« Reply #43 on: September 05, 2021, 11:26:44 am »

The remainder of the year was entirely free from any exciting events, so we’re going straight to the epilogue. Heck, the closest thing to excitement that happened was the arrival of a Forgotten Beast composed of steam… in the third cavern, where we have no business.

Oh yeah, there have been reports of cave fish people fighting with reachers in cave #2:

For those who were curious about our newly-acquired goblinite, of course any usable armor and weapons were all picked up immediately; the rest are still laying on the ground. Corpses were moved outside of course; in the long term, they’ll need to be atom-smashed or dumped in magma from great heights.

What’s left are a few bits of usable copper armor, which sit around mysteriously unclaimed, and some unusable gubbinz: two copper caps, flails, bows, and whips; these would need melting.

After some discussions in the thread, I went to the wiki and found out my usual way of making steel masterwork everything may have been ridiculous overkill, according to the DF wiki article on material science; relevant quotes:

“Weapon weight matters very little past a certain threshold: for example, a platinum war hammer in dwarven hands only gets about 12% more momentum over a steel one, despite being thrice as heavy. (An adamantine hammer, however, only has 1/7th as much). Thus, since all common weapon metals have about the same density, it can be safely ignored.”

“The best defence can be reached by wearing a dense mail shirt (like copper) under a rigid one (like candy).”

“Armor quality doesn't matter much: masterwork armor provides only about 15% more protection than low-quality one.”

“Blunt weapon quality appears to not affect damage at all.”

I know from experience that melting goblinite requires remarkable amounts of fuel, so I’d seriously postpone ‘recycling’ until after we make a proper magma smelter. By the way, we literally don’t have enough bars of magma-safe metals to make a minecart so we can make an above-ground magma-powered smelter. Though to be fair, there is a chunk of magnetite in the trade depot that can be converted into iron bars to make one minecart.

The guildhall now has 5 levels (only the first three used), and a great deal of uncertainty about how I should close that roof. The ground floor is a public tavern as mentioned before, the first floor has halls for the ranger, hunter and farmer guilds, while the second floor has the miner’s, woodworker’s and craftsdwarf’s guilds. Yes, the grouping is intentional.

The fisher-dwarves’ guild is still off on the beach where it belongs, and was ‘decorated’ with the fish cleaning workshops and the giant pile of raw fish. It took about three seasons for the two cleaners to go through the immense backlog of raw fish:

The “craft towers” that I’ve been dreaming about were only worked on in winter, after the invasion was killed off. Nonetheless, they’re taking shape.

Towards the east, the three towers for pottery, metalworking, and glassworking got the most attention.

Pottery is at the top; it has four fully-enclosed kilns, all of which are currently gathering clay due to pre-existing workshop orders. The tower’s underground footprint has been marked, but lies unused.

Metalsmithing is the center one, and has the least progress on account of so few metals. The space under it was hollowed out, and turned into a bar stockpile. Only later it occurred to me this will cause complications when/if magma forges will be created. There’s still the possibility of removing (some of) the bar stockpile and building magma forges in the under-layer, or level -1 if you will; layer -2 under it is nice dry sand. Also, it’s danger-close to our food processing stockpile.

The most southern tower is the glassworks one; four glass furnaces above-ground, and room for another four on level -1. On level -2 there is the spanking new sand collection zone, and a small sand bag stockpile. Going up, on level 1 the tower was continued in the same way pretty much out of inertia; there’s probably no need for 12 glass furnaces.

Towards the south, where the original buildings were, there may or may not be the cloth and farming towers. They had some progress but no completed work; the farming tower especially exists mostly in imagination. It did get moved one tile to the south so it aligns with the Tailor’s Tower.

Underground, both towers are near the large grazer’s pasture.

The last and most absent tower is the Murder Tower. Planned next to the north gate and its traps, this tower would handle… emptying enemy cages. If you know what I mean. The military barracks would be constructed nearby, for some reason.

Onward to defenses. Entering The Pit is still done through an underground corridor closed off by a bridge, except now there are two bridges. The middle of the corridor has two ramps leading in the inner courtyard. Once the three surface bridges and the outer corridor bridge are closed, the courtyard should be safe from all, except maybe flyers and exceptionally good ranged attackers.

I’ve done some hotkey assignments too: F1 remains the surface, F5 to F7 were assigned to caves (common practice in my forts) and F4 is for magma, where I usually build my smithy. (F2 and F3 go to stone crafting and living quarters, none of which exist properly in this fort).

Shift+F1 was assigned to the old crafting area in the dolomite layer (the one next to the original aquifer punch). This last location also has the three levers for the surface bridges, and some graves and slabs that aren’t interesting enough to be screenshotted. We ended up with four ghosts this year, after the accidental atom smashings of last year.

All in all, gameplay was plagued by all kinds of random crashes; enough so that I hesitate to enlist for another turn. Most notably, last Friday; played until almost the end of the year (I think it was 24-26 of Obsidian; a lil’ bit until the end anyway) when DF suddenly croaked. Luckily, the last save was around the 20th of Opal, after I had made a bunch of stockpile assignments, so I didn’t lose that much, but it still annoyed me enough that I left it aside until Sunday evening.

And with all this, I leave you a world in the golden age.

« Last Edit: September 05, 2021, 11:35:51 am by StrikaAmaru »
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Re: The Colorless Home: Seaside Nightmare - Successor Thread
« Reply #44 on: September 05, 2021, 04:44:37 pm »

Nicely done! I wonder what the source of the crashes is this time? When I caused one, it was pretty clear what the source was.

Edit: The Hedgehog is still alive?
« Last Edit: September 05, 2021, 04:51:23 pm by fatcat__25 »
Fort is running at 21 FPS, the ground is having a panic attack in places, and what looks like a conga line of zombified Hungry Heads has formed on (I think) Z-level 32 of the caverns.
I love dwarven status reports.
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