We were toying with the idea of having armies run by messengers and so on, to some extent, but this could just get very annoying -- the smaller number of units than would exist in reality leads to a high messenger-to-actor ratio if you want to do it all that way. Might do some stuff along these things though.
This archaic message board lacks a lot of functionality and has various bugs. On the other hand, I don't have a target board to migrate too, and don't know how/if migrating posts/members is something I can easily accomplish without accidentally deleting all of you.
Yeah, you'll currently sink into lakes and oceans down to the lowest level. The "issues with swimming" entry on the task list is handling all the pathing nightmares associated with this.
It'll take a while to finish what's left on the list, but I'll put it up around when the list is empty. Month or two? nfc. Sometimes things take longer than I expect, clearly.
Yeah, like a contour map. Instead of not displaying the lower area at a cliff break, it could draw a pixel-or-two-wide line between the relevant tiles, color-coded in some way. This is one way to allow the game to display tiles at any level with less ambiguity at the cliff boundaries.
Adventurers will be able to do any fortress mode task at some point. That's what the Adventurer Skills Arc is all about.
berent, initially DF was as you mentioned, but Armok I was going at that time, so we still had all our living world ideas piled over there. There was enough overlap between the two that DF eventually took over, since it was easier to manage and it was clear that more of our goals would be realized through it after a while. Yeah, the goal is to have a fantasy world that would be interesting to watch left to its own devices, where the history of the world is recorded and each actor plays their part, but where you are moreover allowed to assume pretty much any role you want and affect anything you'd care to affect within the bounds imposed on the role you've assumed. These roles include sites like "dwarf fortress" independent of a specific creature.
I'll be able to think more clearly about migration matters once the Life Cycles Arc is underway. We have all of the historical figures in the world precalculated, and this would include all of the skilled artisans and so on. The whole notion of migration has to fit into the preexisting populations on the one hand, and retain any notion of enjoyable gameplay on the other. In the end it might just have to use groups of foreign dwarves from the map edge (as exist already in the new version) to handle the problems if none of the existing dwarves are feeling like pioneers when you decide to found your fort -- this also links in to start scenarios and why/who is founding your fort in the first place. The sensible way to handle it is to get the world working independent of the player first, but you can't play that, so the player fortress is going to be in an artificial bubble with placeholder mechanics until it's ready to be incorporated, kind of like new fish being introduced to a tank in a plastic bag or something.
[ July 12, 2007: Message edited by: Toady One ]