There isn't an exact plan. I'm just going to have fun with it for a while. The current notion of the end game is gone, as are the three inside 'rivers' in order. With the ability to move the world around seamlessly, there has to be more connectivity between map features, so the vertical striping is out. It will have an enormous effect on play, especially if the river isn't a guarantee (it won't be unless the mountain is ringed just inside with a circular river, which seems quite odd). Depending on how far I get with it, the first few releases might be inferior to the current setup. That's fine with me -- the freedom I'm building in now will make it much, much better in the future. I look forward to doing lakes and mushroom jungles and horrible horrible environments for horrible horrible bad creatures.
Another casualty of this rewrite (today actually) was save compatibility. I always try my best to let the worlds ride along between the versions, and have been able to do it up until now, but this was just too much. I was looking at weeks just to get the old save maps in line with the new ones (imagine approaching an old dwarf map from the right or top in adventure mode for example, especially if that fortress were actually on an east facing cliff, and keeping in mind that none of the map features like the cave river would even be recognized as such any more). With things in basic development as they are, this was bound to happen eventually, and all I can say is that I'll try to minimize how often I have to do it. It sure felt great stripping out all that code though! It gets very convoluted and nasty. The save files have been through 180 versions (many of those internally)... loading the oldest saves took a long time due to how much fiddling it had to do, then fiddling on top of the fiddling.
We'd thought a bit about suffocation in tight spaces, but it was one of those things that's easy to disregard, since it's a hard problem. I guess it could take the map components, as they are indexed, and then using their sizes track some kind of total air staleness in each one, with breathing creatures affecting that number based on their size and the volume of the space, but each addition like this saps the CPU.