Telepathic message toward the Throne...
"Hello Amon! I'm back in your mind! Sorry if you mind!"
"Last time time we talked, you asked if I could teleport my island near the Throne, but I doubt I would have the power to do so..."
"Anyway, I prefer protecting my creations against the undead army that is getting ready to attack me than come meet you now, but if the situation becomes truly desperate I will probably consider the option! So thank you for the offer!"
"Also I reiterate my alliance proposal, because the army in front of my castle is like... very agitated right now, and certainly going to strike very soon, so I don't have much time to talk to you... And by the way, the army in question is like, very big, and is leaded by a dark grim 'stached mystic holding a scary scepter that can shoot dreadful bursts of flames and that he found in some sort of volcano tomb!"
"For these reasons, your help would be particularly appreciated, and if you come to assit me, I would be much indebted toward you. Moreover, I get the feeling that if my close enemies manage to squelch me, it will then be your turn because of your eminent presence at the Throne!"
"But beyond all what I said, I deeply believe that if some of us mystics decide to join forces, it will give us an incredible advantage over the others in the big war game we are playing, all because of the fantastic powers of union, cooperation and empathy! But if you think that such principles are bonkers, well... I will handle things with my pixel friends! Thank you for listening!"