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Author Topic: WikiGangWars - Episode 5: The Lorax Gets Beaten Up  (Read 6305 times)

Machiavelli Corleone

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Re: WikiGangWars - A New Hope: The Reboot! [8/8 Players]
« Reply #60 on: July 23, 2021, 06:14:55 pm »

Episode 1: The Party Gets Started
Time: Noon

Mar Bayo (knightwing64)
Logan attempts to win over the crowd at the beach with his natural charm, shouting, “All aboard! The train shall be leaving in a moment. Please tuck in your seatbelts and get ready for a fun adventure! Logan is not responsible for any injuries or death that occur in the train.” [Charm: 6+1(Charisma)] Swayed by this sense of adventure, the Beach Boys commiserate with each other. "Hey, it's a free ride!" "Yeah, we can cruuuuise on down the boulevard in this locomotive!" They climb up the train steps in close formation to pile into the engine area. Looking around in wonder, they touch and feel the metallic surface of the compartment. "This is far out, I feel like a kid again!"
All the Beach Boys are thoroughly impressed except for their leader, Ryan Bilson, who looks fairly sullen. One subordinate asks him, "Hey Bilson, what's drakking ya?" Ryan gives his answer, "It's just some old train. What's the point if it can pick up girls or do any tight moves?"

[Charm: 1+1(Charisma)] The other beach goers are not as impressed with Logan's call to adventure. Soon enough a crowd of fifty beach attendees have the train surrounded, equipped with cross arms and mean mugs. They vocalize their discontent: "How are you just going to drive a train around?! Where's your license?!" "You can't even drive a train here, it's a public street, that's against traffic laws!" "You're giving free rides to those awful Beach Boys, you're just as bad as they are!" There continues to be boos and jeers from the crowd while the aforementioned Beach Boys, from within the partial safety of the engine, look fairly shaken by public resistance, with the exception of their aloof leader.
Ryan Bilson (Leader, Cool Cat, Revoler)
*Beach Boys [8/8] (Love Partying, Women, Music and Cars)

Angry Beach Mob [50/50] (Mob, Unruly)

(@nightwing: One of your Articles has given you a "Power: Choose 1!" You pick one of the 3 listed powers underneath and it will be added to your powers.])

Michael's Used Car & Bike Lot (Fluffe9911)
Webster honks in agreement with his pilot companion as they discuss the advantages of air travel over ground transportation. The odd couple get a lot of stares as they walk between the endless rows of cars, but eventually salesmen and customers alike get back to their main business, buying and selling used cars. Webster's spices things up by pecking erratically at his Wiki-o-Matic's screen until two key buttons are pressed.
The first button causes a suitcase to drop of out of the sky and land directly in front of the goose & pilot combination. The curious pilot opens the suitcase and his eyes widen at what he finds, it's completely packed with twenty dollars bills. "Blimey! That's a year's pay right there!" Webster is loaded now, but in the back of his bird mind he knows that such a grand capitalist transaction is going to infuriate a certain group of Communist terrorists...

The appearance of a large cash sum attracts eyes from all around the car lot. That attention is averted to something even more interesting however, as patrons and sellers alike turn their eyes upwards at a round, metallic spaceship hovering from above. The spaceship lands on a clear open patch of asphalt towards the end of the lot, and droves of curious people run over to witness this extraterrestrial encounter. With baited breath, they watch as long metal staircase slowly descends from the side of the spaceship down to the ground.

An opening side door reveals a group of exotic creatures: glass helmets over large, robotic heads, green spacesuits, thick gloves and some sort of square electronic box laying upon their torsos. The squad descends down the stair with standard humanoid ambulation while everyone looks on in paralyzed shock. One of the aliens speaks in a robotic but recognizable voice: "Greetings Earthlings. We do not come in peace, your planet is ours for the taking. Thank you." The aliens pull out their laser pistols and began firing into the crowd without hesitation. Screams fill the air as humans run away in terror, some falling to the ground as their organs are blasted apart. The "car salesmen" break their façade, diving for cover behind the nearest cars and reaching in their pockets and belt loops for a variety of small weapons: handguns, knives, clubs.

Another contingent of Death Riders, wearing the customary black leathers of their organization, burst from the main building wielding a similar arsenal. Among them is Tycoon, still in his business clothing although his face is bright red and his hands grip a heavy pump shotgun. "What in the goddamn shit is this!?" He fires a shotgun blast into the air, only adding to the chaos.
The RAF pilot slowly turns to Webster who is calmly waddling away from the situation. The Brit catches up to his fowl companion to ask, "Well mate, we've got alien invaders on one end and angry bikers on the other. I'm pretty sure those angry Reds are set to show up any minute too. Are we sticking around this car park or are we flying out?"
Planet X Invaders [12/12] (Alien, Laser Pistols, Radars)

Tycoon (Business Clothes, Pump Shotgun, Rage!, Savage)
*Death Rider Squad I [12/12] (Business Clothes, Pistols, Knives, Clubs)
*Death Rider Squad II [12/12] (Biker Leathers, Pistols, Knives, Clubs)

(@Fluffe: Normally, in a single attack Action you can try and hurt or disarm an opponent. With Desarmer, you can do both at once! The chance of this free disarm is usually 10% per Magnitude when Webster performs a Fencing Attack Roll that succeeds <3. So at minimum it's a 30% chance, while if he scores a 9 vs. 4 it would be a 50% chance.)

Paperclips Sporting Arena (naturegirl1999 & Failbird105)
Tina walks over to the nearest ticket booth and looks up at a screen displaying various prices for tickets. It's $62 for seats in the nosebleeds, and courtside tickets are quadruple that price. Her starting allotment is not going to cut it.

She walks back towards the mass congregation of people to see what their pre-game activities consist of. It looks like a lot of fans have dressed up as their favorite Realm of Royals characters and holding photoshoots, while others have pulled out their phones or laptops to play amateur level games on the side. She can overhear conversations about which team people think will come out on top, or just generally meeting each other for the first time. In addition, street-side vendors have set up shop selling fan memorabilia like art, manga and accessories while others sell more typical event fair like snacks or street food.

Somewhere else along the perimeter of the arena, Tanya's experience gives her a jaded attitude towards E-Sports in general. "Never gonna get this shit. Ya wanna play videogames ya do it at home, where the only wolves out are the ones ya keep around or the ones that keep you around." She straighten up and gets right into thick of things, "Well, hunts on boys." According to her Wiki-o-Matic, there's another Competitor somewhere in the facility, someone with an obsolete computer. That piece of evidence narrows down the profile, doesn't it? [Tracking: 9+2(Police Investigation]

It hardly takes but a couple of minutes. Tanya and her knights get a wide berth as they walk through the crowds with a presence of authority and power. At the same time, between all the cosplayers, they don't look too out of place. There are many computers scattered around the premises but they're being used to play Realm of Royals. A computer of the age that Tanya is looking for wouldn't have the CPU to be able to run that game, so the target can't be any of these gamers. Which narrows it down to...

The lone girl standing in the center there, lugging around the Apple II. Bingo.

Tina sees someone in riot gear, perhaps a police officer, striding towards her, along with a squadron of knights. She gets a bad feeling...
Excessive Force (Bulletproof Suit, SMG, Pepper Ball Gun, Taser, Baton, Remorseless)
* LPPD Unit I [12/12] (Police Uniforms, Pistols, Pepper Spray, Batons)
* LPPD Unit II [12/12] (Police Uniforms, Pistols, Pepper Spray, Batons)
* LPPD Unit III [12/12] (Police Uniforms, Pistols, Pepper Spray, Batons)

Overhill Graveyard (Euchre Jack)
When Galia tells Frank Lucas to take to the skies, he does so readily, not wasting the opportunity to leave the graveyard and get back into the skies where he belongs. Once the biplane is up and circling the area, Galia and Rudolf both approach Satan's Legion, their heads still down in silent prayer as their minds and hearts fill with pleas for evil and hatred to their dark God.

Their eyes open when Galia announces herself and explains her plan, that if they were rebranded as Santa's Helpers under her command, their territory and wealth would grow exponentially further than what they would be capable of now. She openly gestures to Frank flying around, indicating that she has air power which the Legion lacks. Boldly, she attempts usurps the Midnight Prince right in front of him. [Persuasion: 9]

The Midnight Prince stares down the newcomer, his dark blackened eyes full of hatred and vitriolthen he bows. After a moment of surprise, the other legionnaires bow alongside of him. The Prince slowly rises, "Mistress...our goal is to spread chaos and terror throughout the world. While Satan is feared, you are correct in that Santa is feared even more. They say that Santa is removing Christ from Christmas, which is a movement we would definitely support. Allow us to spread jolly evil in Santa's name, and we will follow you to the ends of the Earth..." The reindeer nods approvingly, "Böse ist gut!"
The Midnight Prince (Satanic, Rituals, Battle Axe)
* Satan's Legion [9/9] (Satanic, Ritual Blades)

San Marco Mega Raceway (Unraveller)
Gruber lists out his orders for the Voortrekkers, to create a distraction without causing any harm. The soldier tilts his head down in thought, his hat obstructing his face in darkness for a moment before he tilts it back up. "No one getting hurt. That's a first. A command is a command, so we will do it! But we're ready to defend ourselves if we are attacked, Ja?"

The Bavarian stands and prepares to fly, as he will have to master the art of this foreign skill if he wishes for his plan to work, and in the long-term, if he wants to win the tournament and secure that ever important wish. Behind him, he hears the booming of the cannon, and as if it were a starting pistol at the beginning of a race he launches into the air. He does not fall, his body levitates into the open air. As if it were all a dream.

[Distraction: 8] The cannon ball sails back out of the Raceway, arced to land somewhere random out in the parking lot. More important than the actual shot was the sound of the explosion, which overcomes the raucous noise of the audience. Thankfully, the cars were on the other side of the track for a moment. All this adds up to is a deafening blast that causes audience members to jump, to cry out in shot, to spill the hot dogs and beer bottles they clutch in their hands. Some run, others hit the deck. Two nearby patrols of Death Riders cease their walkabouts to turn towards the source of the trouble. The Voortrekkers grin, going to no lengths to hide their involvement in the blast and showing no fear in the coming retaliation, hands firmly on their guns.

Gruber Falx does not turn around to see the carnage unfold. Instead he hovers over the raceway, afforded the view of an angle or a drone. The cars look like toys zipping around, still unaware of any disturbances beyond the asphalt. In the center of the field is some commotion as the VIPs realize something is amiss. With this opportunity, Gruber eyes The Viper like a hawk does a rabbit, and positions himself accordingly...[Flight: 6]

The Viper has been in many battles throughout his life, backalley brawls with rival gangs, shootouts with police. He has developed a sense for when something is awry, even when it is totally new. At the last second as he surveys the scene of the explosion at the stadium seats, he feels premonition that his attention should be elsewhere. A dark shapes descends on him and he takes a step back, instinctively shielding his face. One of Gruber's hands wraps around the collar of his fancy jacket, but The Viper swats and wrestles the other hand away. Gruber does lift his quarry into the air, but with a weaker grip than he anticipated, it feels as if he is lifting a great weight into the sky. The Viper struggles and shakes as he begins to leave the ground, eyeing his prized rifle that sits several feet away, which might as well be a mile's distance in this situation. "What the hell is this? Put me down goddamn it! Someone get me out of this!" The Viper's high faulting friends can't do a thing besides stand there, jaws on the floor. The lieutenant's bodyguards are faster to act as they run about gathering their weapons...
The Viper (Fancy Clothes, Savage, Veteran, Sturdy)
*Death Rider Squad I [12/12] (Biker Leathers, Pistols, Knives, Clubs)
*Death Rider Squad II [12/12] (Biker Leathers, Pistols, Knives, Clubs)
*Death Rider Squad III [12/12] (Biker Leathers, Pistols, Knives, Clubs)

Pepito's Pizzeria (ANGRY_DEMON_NOISES)
Joey cleans his chin and dances right into the Men's Bathroom. The inside is small and dingy but clean, perfect for his next move. With a single spin he goes from wearing his classic disco attire to three-piece suit and fedora, just like a real mobster. He strikes a pose and winning smile in the mirror before heading out.

Outside he strides right up to the gangsters as they clean up the remains of the last accident. "What's up, diggity canis? I see you need some help dude-I mean don vitali, would you let this lowly goon help you sir?" [Fitting In: 9+2(Learning Cultures)+1(Charisma)] All of the thugs pause to stare at him until Vitali breaks out in a huge smile. "Ah shit, I hardly recognized you!" He hugs Joey and turns around, "Everyone, this is my nephew Angelo! I didn't recognize him now that he's a full grown man! Say hi!" His goons offer hellos as he orders and Vitali shakes his head, "Man, you got big! What are they feeding you? Hey, don't worry about doing any work, that's for these numbskulls. I want you to come into my office and tell me about that fancy school your parents sent you too. Want anything to drink?" He offers as he opens the door to his secluded, private office space.
"Giant" Vitali - (Fury of the Small, Brass Knuckles)
*Tortino Squad [12/12] (Revolvers, Bats, Switchblades)

El Fuego Taqueria (King Zultan)
"Men I must tell you that things will probably be getting dangerous from here on out, but worry not I shall be contacting someone to get us some protection." Zultan then pulls out his phone and calls the Governor of East Java. "Hello sir I'm in a situation that's gonna be getting more dangerous as it goes on and I am requesting a group of soldiers and a spare handgun be sent to my location."

[Diplomacy: 4+2] "Hello again my friend," comes the voice of Wibawa, the governor of East Java. "I regret to inform you that we do not have a surplus of soldiers. Earlier today, rebels attacked one of our southern islands, so we've had to use every soldier on hand to deal with them. But because you have been such a staunch ally, I will personally send you one of my personal bodyguard as backup, and instruct him to bring a spare firearm. Good luck in your endeavors, we will talk again soon."

With that business squared away Zultan sits back down, his UN doctors thoroughly impressed with his political connections. With that out of the way they are free to eat their lunch and listen to the mariachi band play. Out of the corner of his eye, Zultan notices a security camera in the corner lingering, staring at his table. When he turns to face it, it begins to swivel around normally. Odd...

[Incoming: Indonesian Soldier / Handgun - 2 Turns]
El Apunalador - (Mariachi Clothes, Massive Steak Knife, Butcher)
*La Pantera Squad - (Mariachi Clothes, Pistols, Machetes)

Spoiler: Gangs and Locations (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: King Zultan (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Tina (Naturegirl1999) (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Logan (Knightwing64) (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Webster (Fluffe9911) (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Tanya (Failbird105) (click to show/hide)

There we go! And we're off to the races.

Made another update to the game. At the end of each Location's action report will be a section detailing any Dangerous NPCs in the area and what details can describe them, to help players strategize.

Let me know if I made any mistakes, that was a lot of information! I should probably invest in a computer mouse before the next turn. Would make writing the turns up easier, methinks.


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Re: WikiGangWars - Episode 1: The Party Gets Started
« Reply #61 on: July 23, 2021, 06:29:30 pm »

Webster "HONKS!" then continues waddling away from the situation.

"HONK!" Continue to waddle away until I reach a relatively safe location where I can watch the chaos unfold! "HONK!"

(In that case I shall take Parer instead if its not too late to change, if im close enough to disarm them they will probably try to melee attack me anyway HONK!)
« Last Edit: July 23, 2021, 06:46:27 pm by Fluffe9911 »


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Re: WikiGangWars - Episode 1: The Party Gets Started
« Reply #62 on: July 23, 2021, 06:52:15 pm »

Use True Revelations of Peaceful Enlightenment, then run towards the densest crowd and try hiding myself within said crowd. Find out how much an Apple II computer would sell for


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Re: WikiGangWars - Episode 1: The Party Gets Started
« Reply #63 on: July 23, 2021, 08:22:33 pm »

I’ll join but I had a question: do you get to pick the powers my articles give me or do I? And also what are the limits on that?
We're talking about partially sapient undead spaghetti here, you can probably instruct it to only strangle specific diners.

Machiavelli Corleone

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Re: WikiGangWars - Episode 1: The Party Gets Started
« Reply #64 on: July 23, 2021, 08:34:45 pm »

I’ll join but I had a question: do you get to pick the powers my articles give me or do I? And also what are the limits on that?

In WikiWars the GM decides the powers that each Article confers. Once in a while a player might want to negotiate or revamp their article in some way, but generally the GM is the ultimate arbiter.


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Re: WikiGangWars - Episode 1: The Party Gets Started
« Reply #65 on: July 23, 2021, 08:45:24 pm »

Spoiler: To GM (click to show/hide)

Machiavelli Corleone

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Re: WikiGangWars - Episode 1: The Party Gets Started
« Reply #66 on: July 23, 2021, 09:12:33 pm »

Spoiler: To GM (click to show/hide)

May I answer this publicly?


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Re: WikiGangWars - Episode 1: The Party Gets Started
« Reply #67 on: July 23, 2021, 09:25:47 pm »

"Sure thing uncle,  I'll tell ya these fancy Yale shidings got the broadesd broads ya know what I'm saying? But fuggedaboutit, you see I wanted to ask ya bout somethin'. Ya know what this shiding in my arm is? Kinda popped up overnight and ya know the doctor's steal these days so I wanted a opinion from someone I can trust, someone from the family, know what I'm saying?"

"Angelo" asks doing his best impression of a clueless yet loveable mafia prince who just got ropped into a wikiwar and now needs his uncle's help. Good thing dance class was a one-in-two deal with the acting one back in the California University of Funkiness and Disco. 



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Re: WikiGangWars - Episode 1: The Party Gets Started
« Reply #68 on: July 23, 2021, 09:29:55 pm »

Spoiler: To GM (click to show/hide)

May I answer this publicly?
yes. I put it in the spoiler so it doesn’t clog up the thread. I imagine the answer will help others with finance skill and those with allies who have finance skill

Machiavelli Corleone

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Re: WikiGangWars - Episode 1: The Party Gets Started
« Reply #69 on: July 23, 2021, 09:40:20 pm »

Yeah, I wanted to answer publicly bwcuaset it might help clarify skills in general.

So I treat skills pretty broadly. Finance, for example would cover all the things you listed. It would also include stock trading, accounting, and so on. It also covers Financial Knowledge.

For me, your Skill in something additionally represents your knowledge in it. In other WikiWars I didn't really like how Regular Skills and Knowledge Skills would be different. It's more logical, and more mechanically interesting, if the player with a +3 Elephant Riding knows a lot about Elephant Riding.

So Skills cover broad logical areas. Being good at Mathematics means you could convince me that includes Logic Puzzles and Pattern Solving. It would not convince me that you would be good at Kung Fu or Submarine Driving, no matter how many arguments about "calculating the trajectory of objects" you could make :P


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Re: WikiGangWars - Episode 1: The Party Gets Started
« Reply #70 on: July 23, 2021, 09:47:57 pm »

Ok thanks


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Re: WikiGangWars - Episode 1: The Party Gets Started
« Reply #71 on: July 23, 2021, 09:53:36 pm »

Spoiler: To GM (click to show/hide)

May I answer this publicly?

Uh, you are the Great and Noble GM.  You can obviously do whatever you want.  And if you later decide that you were wrong and should do something else, then you are of course Absolutely Correct in that as well.  All hail our Great and Noble GM Machiavelli Corleone, may their game (and desire to run it) last for a long time!

The Midnight Prince stares down the newcomer, his dark blackened eyes full of hatred and vitriolthen he bows. After a moment of surprise, the other legionnaires bow alongside of him. The Prince slowly rises, "Mistress...our goal is to spread chaos and terror throughout the world. While Satan is feared, you are correct in that Santa is feared even more. They say that Santa is removing Christ from Christmas, which is a movement we would definitely support. Allow us to spread jolly evil in Santa's name, and we will follow you to the ends of the Earth..." The reindeer nods approvingly, "Böse ist gut!"

I erupted with an evil laugh for a full minute at this.  "Böse ist gut!" indeed.


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Re: WikiGangWars - Episode 1: The Party Gets Started
« Reply #72 on: July 23, 2021, 10:55:49 pm »

"I don't fuckin think so. Not sure what ya think you're doin with those 'Tree Revelations' there."

Pedantic Corrector. True Revelations of Peaceful Enlightenment to Tree Revelations of Peaceful Enlightenment, then, provided the utter wrongness of peace doesn't baffle Tanya to inaction, shoot for the legs.


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Re: WikiGangWars - Episode 1: The Party Gets Started
« Reply #73 on: July 23, 2021, 11:04:22 pm »

((After True is replaced with Tree, will GM alter power with appropriate abilities? What would causing trees to be peaceful entail, now I’m curious, of course don’t change it until the turn happens, also who’s power will happen first, will my power activate before it’s changed, or will her power activate before I use the new power?))

Machiavelli Corleone

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Re: WikiGangWars - Episode 1: The Party Gets Started
« Reply #74 on: July 24, 2021, 12:26:11 am »

Spoiler: To GM (click to show/hide)

May I answer this publicly?

Uh, you are the Great and Noble GM.  You can obviously do whatever you want.  And if you later decide that you were wrong and should do something else, then you are of course Absolutely Correct in that as well.  All hail our Great and Noble GM Machiavelli Corleone, may their game (and desire to run it) last for a long time!

I appreciate the enthusiasm! But for me, it's really important to get permission and input from the players to do certain things. A GM recognizes that they have ultimate power, a good GM considers what they should do with it.

((After True is replaced with Tree, will GM alter power with appropriate abilities? What would causing trees to be peaceful entail, now I’m curious, of course don’t change it until the turn happens, also who’s power will happen first, will my power activate before it’s changed, or will her power activate before I use the new power?))

Abilities that are altered by Pedantic Corrector will be altered and explained afterwards.

The order that each player in a Location goes is random (excluding potential Powers that effect player initiative) so the RNG will have a the main say in controlling what happens.
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