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Author Topic: WikiGangWars - Episode 5: The Lorax Gets Beaten Up  (Read 6314 times)

Machiavelli Corleone

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Re: WikiGangWars - A New Hope: The Reboot! [8/8 Players]
« Reply #45 on: July 20, 2021, 06:40:51 pm »

Episode 0: Countdown
Time: Just before noon...

~Another sleepy day in the city of dreams~

El Fuego Taqueria (King Zultan)
The food at El Fuego is delicious and cheap, which means that is packed every day of the week. Today is no different, the brightly colored rooms are buzzing with conversation, laughter and boisterous Latin Pop music coming out of a boombox next to the counter. Sitting at a corner booth is a group decked out in doctor's uniforms with the exception of a plainly dressed man. Surprisingly, it is this ordinary guy who is the leader of the group. Casually waiting for the competition to start, King Zultan glances down at the timer on his Wiki-o-Matic 2000. He looks at his cup of water, and with ease causes the liquid to instantly turn into steam. One of the doctors sitting with him says, "Zat is a really cuul treek, you must zeach us eet wun dae," in a thick French accent. A Brazilian doctor stands up and in a much clearer accent declares, "I'm going to the get another Mexican Coke from the vending machine, does anyone want something?"

Before someone can respond, the door's to the kitchen burst open and a full Mariachi band strides out. The leader of the band, a middle aged man with big eyes and curling mustache yells, "Everyone, it is time to sing! One, two, three! "Alguien una vez me, dijo que el mundo me iba a rodar!" The delighted customers begin to sing along but Zultan knows this is no ordinary Mariachi band. The lead singer is Hector "El Apunalador" Molina, and the musicians are his thugs. Hector got the restaurant after he stabbed the previous owner to death.

Overhill Graveyard (Euchre Jack)
Overhill Graveyard is a creepy place. The superstitious and paranoid avoid it out of fear that it's haunted by ghosts and restless spirits. Even the regular folk avoid the graveyard if they can, since it's a popular sport with drug dealers, vandals and other criminal types. Case in point, underneath a large oak tree in the middle of the cemetery stands a group of people wearing black cloak, their faces painted white. One of them stands at the front of the group, notably bigger than the rest, a black streak painted down the middle of his white face. "My followers, Legion of Satan, today we will channel our energies here so that we may commiserate with our Dark Lord and heed his commands. Join me, the Midnight Prince, in evil prayer..."

As they begin their ritual a biplane and a sleigh carried by a flying reindeer land at the other side of the graveyard. Galia Prosdocimus Arnold, the middle aged Sudanese computer vigilante hops out of the sleigh to meet her companion, Frank Luke, who exits the plane. The fighter pilot stretches his arms and says, "Well, we made to this tomb factory Galia. I honestly don't want to spend too much time here, it gives me a real eerie feeling." He whispers as he points to the reindeer, "Also, you know I'm not a big fan of those...German types."

Pepito's Pizzeria (ANGRY_DEMON_NOISES)
Joey Jo-Jo Junior Shabadoo sits in the family-friendly pizzeria chomping down on a slice of his favorite flavor to give him that boost of energy before the "big game" starts. Before sitting, Joey went on over to the jukebox and changed the music from powerful Rock-n-Roll to the grooviest Disco hits. Some of the kids complained, but Joey explained that they must learn the ways of Disco if they want to grow up as cool and funky as he is. It's the power of Disco that allows him to fly after all!

As Shabadoo eats his treat and moves his body, he sees a group of tough looking men carrying boxes into the back of the store. The box crashes to the ground, opening its top and revealing its contents: a dozen handguns. Responding to the noise, a short man in a cheap suit bursts out of his office. He looks at the spilled crate and strides right up to the big brute who dropped it and slaps him right in the face! "You stupid mutt! You do this one more time and I'll kick you into a coma!" The thug rubs his red cheek, "Sorry boss. It won't happen again." This little man is of course Orlando "Giant" Vitali, who has enough rage in his little body to fill five basketball players.

Mar Bayo (Knightwing64)
Logan's personal train pulls up to the edge of Mar Bayo beach. As he steps out he can see the brilliant shining blue waters and white sand, full of carefree people swimming, playing and sunbathing. It was so odd to have a place so bright, so happy compared to his homeland. He had died so many different times in so many awful ways that there was nothing left for him to fear.

The closest thing that reminds him of home is a large sandcastle a family is building. The sandcastle is impressively gothic and detailed, similar to the ones in his homeland. This nostalgia is broken as a group of young men dressed in identical striped shirts come over and stomp it into the ground. The family screams, the mother exclaiming, "Why the hell would you do that?! We're just having fun!" One of the men with a face full of smug arrogance says, "I'm Ryan Bilson, leader of these here Beach Boys! Sandcastles are lame, you should be building cool stuff in the sand, like cars or hot ladies!" The father, red-faced, walks up to Bilson looking as if he's ready to punch him in the face. The leader takes a step back and flashes a revolver out of his pocket, "Slow down daddy-o, you don't want to mess with us." Furious, the father takes his family and walks away while the Beach Boys high-five each other.

Michael's Used Car & Bike Lot (Fluffe9911)
Michael's Used Car & Bike Lot stretches on for what looks like miles, endless rows of cars, trucks and motorcycles. Filling this lot are customers looking to get a new ride for cheap, and collared-shirt salesmen eagerly trying to get them to buy. The vehicles aren't bad, but these sleazy salesmen milk out every penny they can from gullible consumers, charging extra for "Retrofitted Paint", "Inalated Carbonators" and "Driveway Insurance". All the while, Michael "Tycoon" Bradley sits watching in his office. He claims to have decided to lead a legitimate life as a businessman after getting out of jail, when really the place is a front for the Death Riders.

Out in the lot, a couple about to have their first child are inspecting a minivan. The woman nods, rubbing her bulging stomach, "I do like it, but does it really need reinforced cupholders? That seems excessive." The overweight, bearded salesman smiles and nods, "Of course! Cupholder malfunctions cause over 20% of accidents. It is well worth the extra $500 for your family's safety. We just have to....uh....uhm..." He pauses to stare at two other 'people' walking past, a goose dragging a sword in its mouth and an old-fashioned pilot. The pilot shakes his head and talks to the goose, "Y'know what Webster? I'm not much of a car bloke. I'd rather be in the skies, much more freeing and faster too, y'see?"

Paperclips Sporting Arena (naturegirl1999 & Failbird105)
It's an exciting day outside of the massive domed arena. For the first time in Las Peleas's history, the city is hosting an E-Sports tournament for the world's most popular MOBA game, Realm of Royals. Teams are coming from as far away as Korea and Europe. The doors don't open for another couple hours, yet thousands of fans are already lining the streets around the arena in order to hold pre-tournament festivities and to buy last minute tickets. With this many spectators, the Las Peleas Police Department can't afford for anything to go awry, and so multiple police units have been deployed throughout the area. Police Captain Torlid "Excessive Force" Sumner watches from the security room, her sharp eyes darting from screen to screen looking for any suspicious activates.

Tina stands in the middle of the swirling crowd a little overwhelmed, not used to the size of these type of events. It was too bad she wasn't allowed to bring her Pokemon as company, that would've helped a lot. Instead, all she has for support is a heavy old computer she has to lug around...

Tanya leans on one of the arena's massive wall, counting down the seconds until this all goes down. Ironically, her heavy police armor and armament might draw lots of eyes elsewhere, but here she blends in with the high police presence, and even the cops mistake her for one of them, for the time being. Four mounted knights, ripped straight out of a fantasy novel, idle in their saddles. One of them complains, "This is all too fancy for me, all these rules and big buildings. Give me a joust, wooden bleachers and some mutton and I' be happy." A fellow knight pipes up, "I disagree! I think there are many advantages to this foreign style of games," he says as he munches on a bag of popcorn he bought from a street vendor.

San Marco Mega Raceway (Unraveller)
Thousands of fans cheer as the speeding cars zoom by them again, leaving a tempest of mechanical thunder behind. This is probably not Grüber Falx's idea for a great afternoon, but it is where he has been instructed to go to before the beginning. And for Blume, there is nothing he wouldn't do.

For such a rowdy crowd, there is not that much violence or havoc. Perhaps that is because of the roving squads of mean looking men wearing leather, spikes and dark sunglasses. Whenever there is a disruption among the fans, one of these squads is always nearby to shut it down, and the fans invariably back off. The Death Riders deploy here are disciplined and imposing, less like gangsters and more like police, or even Gestapo.

Falx is not alone, he has been supplied with 'friends', although they are a bit too eager to share stories of their victories killing Zulu and British soldiers. One of these scouts speaks to Falx in a heavy Dutch accent, "Zees cars are fest, zah? If ze had zhem, ze zould steel havv Sout Afrika!" He laughs heartily and takes a big swig of beer.

Falx doesn't pay too much attention to his companion because he spots someone lounging in the center of the racetrack field, sitting among businessmen and local celebrities. It's Charlie "The Viper" Thacker. His fancy suit and expensive cigars don't fool Falx, he's a top dog in the Death Rider ranks. Rumor has it that many of his enemies are buried deep within the earth of this very racetrack.....


At precisely 12 P.M., a cute 8-bit trumpet starts to play from your Wiki-o-Matic 2000. On the screen appears a short message in glowing green text:


Spoiler: Gangs and Locations (click to show/hide)

Finally! We can get the show on the road.

There was a lot to type, so I would not be surprised if I missed a word here or there or put something in the wrong area. Please let me know if you find any errors so I can fix them. Also feel free to ask me if you need clarifications on any character abilities.

I've added a few elements to the game. One of them is the Wiki-o-Matic 2000, a device very similar to Fallout's Pipboy. The Wiki-o-Matic comfortably mounts on your character's right forearm (or wing), feels surprisingly lightweight and is practically indestructible. Your character can see all sorts of information on their Wiki-o-Matic: the Names and Abilities of other Combatants, which Location everyone is in (but not specifically where they are within each location), each Combatant's Points and WikiBucks, and who is in Control of each Location, whether it's a Gang or a Combatant. PCs can not communicate to each other via Wiki-o-Matic, though it does pick up radio stations!

I've also decided to give everyone $20 to start out with. I noticed in other WikiWar games it would be very common for half of the characters to have to beg for the first few turns of the game, slowing it down a bit. I think $20 is enough to get everyone started in case they want to make some quick purchases!

Speaking of purchases, I want to clarify that Locations include a general area, such as the streets and places immediately around the Location. You're allowed to go a couple blocks over! I just don't want to see what happened last game, which is where people flee into the wilderness or back alleyways, and it often takes several turns for someone to find them, slowing down the action significantly. For every location, there's always at least one convivence store, gas station, strip mall and public bathroom in the immediate area; Los Peleas is a huge city! Basically, as long as you can see the main area of the Location from where you are standing, you're fine.

Best of luck to everyone!  :)

Spoiler: King Zultan (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Tina (Naturegirl1999) (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Logan (Knightwing64) (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Webster (Fluffe9911) (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Tanya (Failbird105) (click to show/hide)


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Re: WikiGangWars - Episode 0: Countdown [8/8 Players]
« Reply #46 on: July 20, 2021, 07:22:14 pm »

Joey is named Jo-Jo, of course he'll pick the ability to summon a Planar Ally to Stand around and protect him while he Breaks it Down!

Joey wipes his chin clean with a piece of paper before moonwalking into the gentleman's rooms. Where he'll transform to fit in ;) with the mobsters, before approaching them under the pretenses of being a stray goon looking to help them.

"What's up, diggity canis? I see you need some help dude-I mean don vitali, would you let this lowly goon help you sir?"


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Re: WikiGangWars - A New Hope: The Reboot! [7/8 Players]
« Reply #47 on: July 20, 2021, 08:09:18 pm »

What’s PMMM?
Madoka Magica

They didn’t say the full name. It’s Puella Magi Madoka Magica. For some reason, I felt a strong urge to clear up this misunderstanding. I think I’m weird.
Why do you think you‘re weird for clarifying things?
Try figuring out how much a ticket costs. If it’s less than $15 buy the ticket. Check what kind of pre festivities there are ((I’ve never been to an Esports thing IRL, so I don’t know what kind of pre festival things there would be, like is there prop armor, foam weapons, wait that’s LARPing))
« Last Edit: July 20, 2021, 08:47:40 pm by Naturegirl1999 »


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Re: WikiGangWars - Episode 0: Countdown [8/8 Players]
« Reply #48 on: July 20, 2021, 08:35:53 pm »

Logan shouts “All aboard! The train shall be leaving in a moment. Please tuck in your seatbelts and get ready for a fun adventure! Logan is not responsible for any injuries or death that occur in the train.I attempt to seduce/charm these people into becoming my allies and helping me win Wiki Wars!

Machiavelli Corleone

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Re: WikiGangWars - Episode 0: Countdown [8/8 Players]
« Reply #49 on: July 20, 2021, 08:48:03 pm »

Logan shouts “All aboard! The train shall be leaving in a moment. Please tuck in your seatbelts and get ready for a fun adventure! Logan is not responsible for any injuries or death that occur in the train.I attempt to seduce/charm these people into becoming my allies and helping me win Wiki Wars!

"These people" being the Beach Boys, correct?


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Re: WikiGangWars - Episode 0: Countdown [8/8 Players]
« Reply #50 on: July 20, 2021, 09:44:46 pm »

Webster "HONKS!" in agreement to the pilot.

"HONK!" For my power I shall choose Parer!

"HONK! HONK!" Webster pecks at the buttons on his Wiki-o-Matic 2000 activating both his Big Business, Big Problems! and Invaders from the Stars at the same time! after that Webster gets bored and waddles away! "HONK!"
« Last Edit: July 23, 2021, 06:21:18 pm by Fluffe9911 »


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Re: WikiGangWars - Episode 0: Countdown [8/8 Players]
« Reply #51 on: July 20, 2021, 10:53:17 pm »

The wide-built man sighs, his voice is imperceptible under the rolling thunder of car and crowd, but still, he sighs. The man waits, watches the strange piece of equipment strapped to his arm as the clock wears down, practically feeling like he's gazing into a time bomb. In a sense, that was true. . . All at once Mister Falx feels a rush, the Wiki Wars begin without so much of a crescendo as he was expecting, but a rush nonetheless. A surge of power coupled with impure thoughts floods through him, and he nearly levitates out of his seat! Steeling himself, the middle-aged man takes in a few strong deep breaths, he remains seated, and does not act so carelessly.

Sunken green eyes gaze through the different screens of his device, fingers pressing many buttons at once and generally poorly navigating, frustrating for the technology inept man. Eventually, he sorts it out and takes stock, "Twelve points to victory." He murmurs silently to himself as he looks through the competition. "They've all no doubt their own reasons to enter. . . I cannot pursue them." His eyes then wander up to the suited figure in the center of the field, sucking on their cloying smoke. "But. . . I have no qualms taking on a fatcat like that." He says aloud.

So long as it is for her. . .

With the countless bystanders that could be caught in the crossfire, Grüber is hesitant to act. He speaks to his companion, over the roar in the best Dutch he can muster, "I take it you and your men are ready on a moment's notice ya? Have you set up the cannon?"

Spoiler: Grüber Falx (click to show/hide)
I've lost control of my life.


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Re: WikiGangWars - Episode 0: Countdown [8/8 Players]
« Reply #52 on: July 20, 2021, 11:04:24 pm »

"Never gonna get this shit. Ya wanna play videogames ya do it at home, where the only wolves out are the ones ya keep around or the ones that keep you around." Tanya says to nobody in particular.

She straightens herself up. She's gotta admit, she might have thought the boss was kinda a nut but she kinda missed the "membership tux" he gave her. Those workshops made some impressive shit when ya had a Color's budget. This armor is about as tough but damn is it restricting.

"Well, hunts on boys."

Tanya isn't going to wait around. She's here to conquer and to win. There's another Competitor somewhere in this place with her, one who's apparently stuck with an oversized and outdated computer. Attempt to track her down by searching for said computer.

Machiavelli Corleone

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Re: WikiGangWars - A New Hope: The Reboot! [8/8 Players]
« Reply #53 on: July 21, 2021, 01:26:30 am »

Quick, throw together a character sheet and claim it's always been there.  The GM will never know!


"HONK!" For my power I shall choose stomach of holding! like a bag of holding from dnd but I eat stuff then puke em out when needed.

Sorry for the confusion, but after a "Choose 1 Power!" there are list of 3 Powers that you can choose from related to the article.

With the countless bystanders that could be caught in the crossfire, Grüber is hesitant to act. He speaks to his companion, over the roar in the best Dutch he can muster, "I take it you and your men are ready on a moment's notice ya? Have you set up the cannon?"

"Ja! We speak good English too, see?" The grinning Voortrekker turns his head to bark at his companions next to him, "Eruit halen!
" Synchronously, they put their beers down and reach under their legs for a large, red cooler. Flipping the lid, they what they reveal isn't booze or soda packed in a pile of ice, but an entire cannon. The head scout turns back to Gruber with that trademark smile, "Beauty, is she not? Small but fierce, just how I like em." He takes a final swig from his aluminum can, crushes it in his palm and tosses it to the side.

(Lovely opening paragraph btw!)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: WikiGangWars - Episode 0: Countdown [8/8 Players]
« Reply #54 on: July 21, 2021, 01:57:03 am »

"HONK!" For my power I shall choose stomach of holding! like a bag of holding from dnd but I eat stuff then puke em out when needed.

Sorry for the confusion, but after a "Choose 1 Power!" there are list of 3 Powers that you can choose from related to the article

Ah woops fixed! Whats the odds of a disarm going off assuming I succeed the melee roll by the way also does it give me any bonus torward normal disarming aka saying I try to disarm the gun out of his hand etc etc. May change to Parer depending on the odds both are very tempting.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2021, 02:09:10 am by Fluffe9911 »

King Zultan

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Re: WikiGangWars - Episode 0: Countdown [8/8 Players]
« Reply #55 on: July 21, 2021, 04:15:27 am »

"Men I must tell you that things will probably be getting dangerous from here on out, but worry not I shall be contacting someone to get us some protection."
Zultan then pulls out his phone and calls the Governor of East Java.
"Hello sir I'm in a situation that's gonna be getting more dangerous as it goes on and I am requesting a group of soldiers and a spare handgun be sent to my location.'

For my power I chose Nice Save! than I call up the Governor of East Java and request a group of solders and a spare handgun be sent to my location after that I sit in the booth with the doctors for now.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: WikiGangWars - Episode 0: Countdown [8/8 Players]
« Reply #56 on: July 21, 2021, 06:47:24 am »

Logan shouts “All aboard! The train shall be leaving in a moment. Please tuck in your seatbelts and get ready for a fun adventure! Logan is not responsible for any injuries or death that occur in the train.I attempt to seduce/charm these people into becoming my allies and helping me win Wiki Wars!

"These people" being the Beach Boys, correct?

Nay, Everyone on the beach.


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Re: WikiGangWars - Episode 0: Countdown [8/8 Players]
« Reply #57 on: July 21, 2021, 10:54:07 am »

"Ja! We speak good English too, see?" The grinning Voortrekker turns his head to bark at his companions next to him, "Eruit halen!
" Synchronously, they put their beers down and reach under their legs for a large, red cooler. Flipping the lid, they what they reveal isn't booze or soda packed in a pile of ice, but an entire cannon. The head scout turns back to Gruber with that trademark smile, "Beauty, is she not? Small but fierce, just how I like em." He takes a final swig from his aluminum can, crushes it in his palm and tosses it to the side.

(Lovely opening paragraph btw!)

(( Much appreciated boss! ))

Grüber's eyes widen from their oft' sunk expression, seeing the implement of war from more than a century ago. Just who are these dutchmen? The large man couldn't help but ask internally, and perhaps an additional why are they helping me out too?

For a man who's lived his life in relative peace, Mister Falx was more than out of his element. But. . . What choice had he? He must take other lives in this struggle should he hope to save Blume. The powers suddenly imbued within him at the mere tolling of the hour were proof enough that the arbiter of this competition bore some supernatural abilities. Any doubts were tossed out of his head.

Returning a genuine smile, Grüber speaks still in the Dutch he'd vaguely remember learning as a young boy, "I am glad you are on my side." Whether the message got through is unsure, so he switches to their common tongue. "Captain, you can take that cannon and make a big enough boom to draw attention, yes?" As he asks the question, Grüber looks over his little device again, going over his strengths once more, eyes falling upon the word 'flight'.

"It doesn't matter how you do it, stuff the cannon with fireworks if you need, just be my decoy and escape as soon as you can." He pats the scout firmly on the back and stands from his spot on the bleachers. "But I don't want anyone hurt, understand?" He adds, a meaningful gaze.

Provided the Voortrekker scounts can make any sort of distraction despite the immense noise of the racetrack, Grüber will muster all that he can to fly straight, quick, and true to pick up the suited boss in the center of the field and fly off with him, far away from the foe's men.

Spoiler: Grüber Falx (click to show/hide)
I've lost control of my life.


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Re: WikiGangWars - Episode 0: Countdown [8/8 Players]
« Reply #58 on: July 21, 2021, 12:37:40 pm »

Frank, get in your plane and into the air.  When I point at the Midnight Prince, shoot him down.  When they're all bowing to me or dead, we'll have secured the area and we can move on.

[A few minutes later]

Galia Prosdocimus Arnold and Rudolf approaches the group and politely explains that they'll be reforming as Santa's Helpers.  If the Midnight Prince so much as moves a muscle, she points to him and Frank blasts him with machine gun fire.

She then points up, and remarks that following her and her air power is a great way to grow beyond this one cemetery.  As Satan's Legion, they're stuck here.  As Santa's Helpers, they can rule much much more.  Oh, and we'll all be rich.

Bow to me as your new leader of Santa's Helpers.

Machiavelli Corleone

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Re: WikiGangWars - Episode 0: Countdown [8/8 Players]
« Reply #59 on: July 23, 2021, 10:59:46 am »

Oops, I miscounted and was on the final person to post but everyone posted by the 21st. My bad! Term coming later today.
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