Max claimed the tracker results in the Neighborhood after Web gave his results. Past Noon on the 24th, so point Roden
(Actually, a minor point: You know that I didn't actually understand that web was giving his results until after you said so, some time after I gave mine. I guess I could have faked that, but it would be pretty weird.)
Ok, that's all the proof I need then. Max claimed his results before Web claimed his. And who did Web claim to target?
Jim.See, the problem with his claim is that he made a very specific choice. He waited until almost everyone else claimed results, and even though I claimed to have targeted Max as the very first post of the day, he did not immediately contradict me. In fact, he told me my results were correct.
I got an innocent result on Max. I'm genuinely so lost. This means there was a 75% chance scum legit tried to NK Max on Night 1. And that the mafia blocked me to stop me from confirming a Null passive instead of blocking literally any other useful action.
Your result was correct, at least, I'll promise you that.
I can confirm that EuchreJack did neighborize someone successfully, so he couldn't have done the kill without multitasking. Magma, would you care to elaborate on your suspicions? Do you have any actual mechanical information?
So I'm seeing the following...
Roden claims to have copped Maximum Spin
webadict claims to have counted Jim Groovester
Maximum Spin did... something
EuchreJack neighbourized (I know whom)
ToonyMan ?
Magma Mater ?
This does not look at all like someone that "knows" I'm lying. There isn't any surprise, not even a "are you sure you did that" type of statement. He accepts the clear and moves on. He then goes on to ask what everyone else's actions were without giving his own results. What reason could he possibly have to want to know what everyone else did first when he apparently already caught me in a lie?
If you need to know the reason, it has to do with Web. If Web ever claimed more than one person (besides himself) targeted Jim, then it would clear me if Max tried to claim I targeted Jim. No matter how much Max could try to convince everyone that I'm the one who killed Jim, if it was known that two or more people targeted Jim and nobody spoke up, then it couldn't be me since only the mafia wouldn't want to admit they targeted the dead. His result of Tracking me would essentially be confirmed to be a lie. So all he can do is try to say he saw me target a different person than who I claimed. But, again, he does not even question my Cop check on him. The first thing out of his mouth should've been that I was lying, but he doesn't say it.
Tbh the most obvious reason his results are a lie is that he's claiming I targeted Web at all. Like...why would I target Web? Why would I lie about targeting Web and claim that first before anyone else said anything? Even in past games where I was mafia, I truthfully told who I targeted even when it couldn't be proven, so why would I lie now when I know it could be easily disproved? There's so many little things that don't add up about the claim.