I can spend hours just reading stuff in Dwarf Fortress. I recently had the new library engraved, and did not specify what the walls should be engraved with. I had them engraved in four section lots, once a month, so that different dwarfs got assigned each time and engraved something they found interesting (Although it turned out that a certain broker had a lot of time on his hands and did his best to keep getting assigned the engraving task). I then sat there with "loo{k}" reading each engraving, marvelling at what has happened in my fort and previous forts and how that has affected the lives and the stories of the dorfs in the fort. I love looking at the images the jewellers decorate the furniture and trade goods with. When I buy ropes, and instruments, and chests, and other things in the trade depot, I love reading about them and what they are decorated with. I love reading about the books.
I also spend hours designing my fortress, getting particular parts dug in particular ways, putting together a huge and elaborate magma forge area, placing bedrooms, having coffins decorated with particular images and people.
At other times, I spend yet more hours lettimg the game play, and just sit following a particular dwarf, a particular animal, or even a particular cup (It was an artifact gemstone goblet, and bright pink) progress around the fortress. Seeing where they go, trying to reason why they go there. Just watching.
I do a lot of things in this game just to roleplay. I love reading about what dorfs have experienced, are interested in, or not, and trying to change those bits of information.
So yeah, this game is incredibly detailed, and I love that aspect. Never seen anything like Dwarf Fortress anywhere else.