Spreadsheet for the Confused
Plorks: 3 Population, 4 Calories, 6 Money
Scarlets: 2 Population, 6 Calories, 0 Money
Verderame: 2 Population?, 7? Calories even if Omnivores, 0 Money
Stompulon: 2 Population, 5 Calories, 6 Money
Skorpi?: 2 Population?, 5 Calories even if Omnivores?, 3 Money
Megadont: 1 Population, 9 Calories, 3 Money
Anirum: 2 Population, 8 Calories, 0 Money
Xelqu: 3 Population, 7 Calories, 4 Money
The Verdarame and Skorpi are in a weird since state I don’t think their diet is being factored I , since it seems Omnivore adds +1 calories to the Scarlets and Anirum, but not to the Verdarame and Skorpis.
Because currently they would be standing at 1 population if the Omnivore trait does that.
Btw it would be helpful to add previous traits to your species sheets I imagine. As for money I believe it was we started with 3, then each new turn we gain 2 as stated in the rules.
Alright... let me figure out if I fucked the accounting. It would be just like me to say I'll calculated your shit for the first turn so you know how to do it right, and then end up off by one. Uh, let's see, it does look like the
Skorpi calorie requirement should be 1 more, or 5 on the first turn. The Verderame's calorie value of 6 on the first turn looks correct:
1 from Population
2 from Size (3)
1 from Intellect (4)
1 from Omnivore (5)
1 from Omnivore Scavenger (6)
I will specially grant that
because I am a smoothbrain, the affected Skorpi will remain at 2 population rather than being reduced to 1.
Turn 3That's right, I didn't forget about this! Yet!
The Hot Zone:Creature Name:: Scarlets
Money:[/b] ♍︎2
Description: it looks like a segmented Mosquito without the wings, it has a proboscis
Size: 1 (1kg)
Intellect: 2
Exoskeleton Shell
Limbs: Six Arthropod Legs
Air-Breathing Gills: Not very effective, but can breath air or water. Start with this trait.
Amphibious: Can spend a lot of time in water, but needs to keep wet. Start with this trait.
Proboscis: The Scarlet's proboscis allows it to suck blood from other creatures.
Swimming Legs: The Scarlet can swim at a quick pace, but for only short bursts before it rests on the sea floor.
Mandibles: The Scarlet can eat food which isn't convenient for its proboscis.
Climate: Hot
Calorie Requirement: 7
Fine, Develop insect wings into the Scarlets so they can fly out of the sea and act as some sort of fucked-up fishing dragonfly thing since they can dive with their swimming legs and for them to understand the Hot biome cuisine.
Also increase intellect by one step.
Intellect: Now level 2! The Scarlet has some memory and reasoning ability, and can learn more strategic behaviors.
Wings: The Scarlet has developed flight! A set of fragile, papery wings move it through the air, it can hover and dart around quickly. +1 calories.
Now with power of flight, the Scarlet has a whole new world open to it! A world without any food. There's no flying prey, and high-up plant food sources such as trees mostly aren't near the water. Since the Scarlet is still fully amphibious, it can't stray far from the shore, and its use of flight is limited to evading predators and searching for food items from above, which is still somewhat advantageous. The Scarlet collects 8 food.
The Temperate Zone:
Money: ♍︎3>0
Description:A burly iguana-like animal, moving on sturdy scaly tentacles
Size: 2
Intellect: 1
Limbs: Tentacles.
Air-Breathing Gills: Not very effective, but can breath air or water. Start with this trait.
Amphibious: Can spend a lot of time in water, but needs to keep wet. Start with this trait.
Sense of Smell: The Verderame can smell potential food sources, and danger, from further away than most creatures.
Omnivore Scavenger: The Verderame has a highly active digestion system which kills foreign bacteria and parasites. It can eat rotting food and digest bone and cellulose which many animals cannot. +1 Calorie Requirement
Feeding pheromones:When near a big source of food, like a big carcass or the likes, the Verderame emits pheromones that attract others of its kind to the banquet.
Climate: Temperate
Calorie Requirement: 6
Slither The Verderame develops the ability to slither like a snake on modified scales on their bellies. The tentacles still exist as prehensile appedages, but the locomotion is now faster and more efficient.
Beak : An hard, keratinous turtle-like beak provides the means to eat hard food, not to mention a real weapon to consume still living beings that might object to becoming prey.
Beak: The Verderame has a short, hard, rounded beak for breaking tough nuts and use as a weapon.
Slither: Muscles are added to the Verderame's belly to allow it to locomote. It continues to use its tentacles for assistance and fine moving.
The Verderame picks up speed, and joins the competition in the temperate zone by finding a means to break hard nuts (and carrion). As populations grow, there is more fighting over food, especially as the amphibious creatures here are limited to the narrow beach zone. The feeding pheremones are of value here, groups of Verderame can try to push out competitors from large food sources. Speaking of competition, there is a lot of it! Animal populations are growing, and all of them are confined to a fairly narrow zone on the shore where they can scavenge for food without drying out. The Verderame gather 9 food.
Anirum Modfications
Communicative Pheromones: Develop ability to communicate basic information through 2 feelers on top of their heads.
Limb Variance: Develop 4 back crustacean legs larger each with three small toes and 1 larger hind toe, while moving 4 other legs further up the body but smaller and only having three digits.
Money: ♍︎3 ->0
Description: A small omnivorous organism covered in exoskeleton shell, that lives in temperate climate waters and features 4 pairs of crustaceans legs on each of it's side, it uses it's set of burrowing pinchers to dig and as weapon.
Population: 2
Size: 2
Intellect: 2
Exoskeleton Shell
Limbs: 8 crustacean legs. +1 Calories
Air-Breathing Gills
Burrowing Pincers
Climate: Temperate
Calorie Requirement: 7
Communicative Pheremones: The Anirum can communicate its emotional state with other Anirum through feelers on its head. This can serve a variety of purposes, but works only in close contact. This limits it to small groups of Anirum working together. There's no defined leader, so they tend to just go get food if they're hungry on average or run away if they're scared on average, for example.
Limb Variance: The 4 rear legs are larger and specialized for movement, while the 4 front legs are smaller and specialized for manipulation.
The Anirum is beginning to show more complicated behavior, small groups alternate between roving for food, mating, and waiting in ambush. They're beginning to fight Verderame in groups over food sources. The advantage tends to go to whichever side has the bigger group: Anirum form small groups per-emptively, but Verderame form larger groups only after discovering large food sources. The Anirum gather 9 food.
Money: ♍︎3
Description: A small bottom dwelling omnivorous scavenger, that scuttle along through shallow, brackish water occasionally coming onto land to move from one isolated body of water to another.
Population: 2
Size: 1
Intellect: 1
Shell (Exoskeleton)
Limbs: 6 Crustacean Legs (+1 Calories)
Air-Breathing Gills
Climate: Temperate
Calorie Requirement: 4
Turn Actions
Spend 1 ♍︎ on further increasing the intellect of the Skorpi
Spend 2 ♍︎ on developing Striking Fore Legs The Skorpi begin to develop more aggressively orientated forelegs in order to aid in predation and defense of carrion sites, these legs are now only secondarily used for propulsion with increased muscle mass being used to propel spiked legs jointed much like the fore claws of a praying mantis into any creature hapless enough to come into reach. They also can help the Skorpi Climb vertical surfaces by driving they're claws into said surface and ever so slowly dragging themselves up though this really isn't a efficient form of propulsion
Intellect: At level 2, the Skorpi begins to remember danger and rewards, and can sometimes plan around patterns.
Striking Forelegs: The two forelegs are specialized as manipulators. Their manipulation is crude, but they can make powerful strikes with claws.
The Skorpi is in a difficult position competing for food between the Anirum, Verderame and others. The striking forelegs are powerful weapons: they can make other animals think twice about approaching, and they have some reach which makes them more useful in a defensive role than pincers and beaks. However, the competition is larger and often acting in packs, so the Skorpi is often forced to retreat from food sources. The Skorpi gathers 6 food.
oh fuck i didnt realize there was an update since i'm used to the other RV guys pinging
Money: ♍︎2
Description: Big (on the larger side of size 2, weird looking things that look like some sort of fucked-up shell-less crustaceans with four big, thick legs.
Population: 1(?)
Size: 2
Intellect: 1
Limbs: 4 crustacean legs
Air-Breathing Gills
Climate: Temperate
Calorie Requirement: 4
Spend 1 Megabuck to change environment to Temperate (assuming this can be done)
Spend 2 Megabucks to add following feature: High-Power Legs (Leg musculature with increased bursts of power, intended to increase movement speed and stomp strength)
Temperate: The Stompulons move to a temperate environment.
High-Power Legs: The Stompulon gains larger leg musculature, which is specialized to short springs and strikes.
The Stompulon finds itself moving into a highly competitive environment, as several species of omnivores are searching for food in the narrow band of beach which they can access as amphibians. The stompulons find their stomping skills put to good use. Their hard hooves and strong legs let them fend off and sometimes prey upon the smaller Skorpi, but the Anirum and Verderame which often are found in packs are a real problem. The Stompulon gathers 6 food.
Creature Name: Nembo
Money: ♍︎3
Description: A small slug like creature with 2 eyes and 4 tentacled
Population: 1
Size: 1
Intellect: 1
Limbs: 4 tentacles
Air-Breathing Gills: Not very effective, but can breath air or water. Start with this trait.
Amphibious: Can spend a lot of time in water, but newet. Start with this trait.
Climate: Temperate
Calorie Requirement: I'll calculate this after the first turn.
Add Acidic Ooze, so that the tentacles will help break down what they’re touching
Add Camoflauge to hide from predators
Acidic Ooze: The Nembo's tentacles can break dissolve large pieces of food, and provide some deterrent to predators. +1 Calorie Requirement.
Camouflage: The Nembo has rippled tan-and-grey pattern resembling stones on sand, and pink nodules resembling inedible coral. If you're looking for color-changing, well, I might be able to advance this feature further but it's gonna be another charge at the usual price.
The Nembo is a small slug with tentacles. It slimes on shore slowly, disguised as NOT being a delicious wad of meat and fat, which it is. Fortunately, most of the creatures around are almost as stupid as the Nembo is, and fall for the ruse. The Nembo just continues to slime in the direction of food, and then dissolves and eats it slowly. If it attaches to a large plant, it often falls victim to omnivores which eat both the plant and the Nembo before it is finished. The Nembo consumes 5 food.
The Cold Zone:Creature Name: Xelqu
Develop the ability to camouflage by changing their skin color depending on the color of the thing they are hiding on. They use this to ambush unsuspecting prey.
Money: ♍︎1
Description: A floating squid with sharp teeth and compact eyes.
Population: 2
Size: 2
Intellect: 1
Limbs: Tentacles with suckers on them.
Air-Breathing Gills
Climate: Cold
Calorie Requirement: 6
Camouflage: Changing skin color? That's gonna be a double-job. I can get you halfway there this turn, and the rest of the way next turn. For now, the Xelqu naturally blends in with rocks and sand.
The Xelqu continues to develop advanced hunting features in an area where the only land-animals it has access to are the plorks. To be blunt, clever tactics like camouflage are somewhat wasted on Plorks. It is a little more effective at hunting sea creatures, but the Xelqu can only advance so much in the sea- it is not the apex predator there, and many things can chase it back to the safety of the shore. The Xelqu collects 9 food.
Money: ♍︎0
Description: a slug the size of a whale
Population: 1
Size: 6
Intellect: 1
40 tentacles (+1 Calorie Requirement)
Air-Breathing Lungs
Celulose Digestion
Climate: Cold
Calorie Requirement: 9
Develop trait "Teeth": (megadont needs to have mega-teeth otherwise its misnamed) Allows megadont to turn wood into pulp to ease digestion.
Develop trait "wrecker tentacles": several of megadont's tentacles become bigger and less sensitive, allowing it to break off branches and small trees and put them in its mouth.
Teeth: The Megadont has sets of large, grinding teeth which can break down tough materials such as wood.
Wrecking Tentacles: Some of the Megadonts tentacles are specialized to breaking down trees, they are strong and thick-skinned, but do not perform fine manipulation. +1 Calorie Requirement.
The Megadont, now with a taste for wood, begins a slow campaign of deforestation. Even with many specializations towards eating this dense cellulose, it's not a very efficient food source. The Megadont consumes a surprising amount of trees in a day, and as their population grows, some regions are becoming sparse. The Megadont grinds up 12 food.
Add Trait: Stretchy stomachs, allowing them to swallow food they can't digest immediately and work on it over time.
Add Trait: Powerful tongues, for grasping and pulling more stubborn food
Creature Name: Plorks
Money: ♍︎1
Description: Fat beige slugs.
Population: 1
Size: 1
Intellect: 1
Limbs: 2 Fins (-1 Calories)
Air-Breathing Gills: Not very effective, but can breath air or water. Start with this trait.
Amphibious: Can spend a lot of time in water, but needs to keep wet. Start with this trait.
Climate: Cold
Calorie Requirement: 2
(Hey, I'm sure your population isn't 1!)
Stretchy Stomachs: The Plork can consume an amount of food larger than itself.
Powerful Tongues: The Plork has a long tongue which helps it suck in large food items to be slowly digested.
The Plork can consume large amounts of food relative to its size, letting it take advantage of lucky finds. With basically no competition for plant food sources on the shore, the Plork is doing quite well. However, its expanding stomach is a double-edged sword. An over-full Plork is incapable of entering a burrow or running away from a hungry Xelqu, should one appear. The Plork gathers 7 food, but its population is reduced by 1 from predation.
Aboard the ShipIt looks like the planet below is at risk of climate change. A change for the colder would push cold-region animals into the temperate zone, and temperate animals into the hot zone (where there is less food), and cause hot-region animals to risk losing population. A change for the hotter would do the opposite. It's estimated there's a 50% chance that volcanic gasses will cause the planet to grow colder in the next period. Gorbulon, who's in charge of the Death Ray, and find some creative uses for the weapon to prevent the climate change, or force it one direction or the other. He says he'll need ♍︎5 (or the highest bid if there are competing interests). If you don't have the money, you can pool up.