With a flourish and a belch, we do make an an attempt at interpretation
Thus sayeth The Holy Book: “Incompetent and much unprepared for battle, the eggplants improvise a massive bong in France on May of tenebrous joy, it consumes flesh, vituperating rage like many kittens screaming profanities at babies incessantly. SUDDENLY, dwarfs explode elven minds, hastening Armok's arrival via consumption of stars.”… with burping
"My lord, it is as the skies are blue."
"Eggplants are fruits of the viney *burp* loins from which they do grow from the seed of virility *burp*. In this case, the eggplants are your sibs, of both kinds and *burp* the plant from which they grow is your ailing father. The eggplants *burp* are rich in
deliciousness and
ripe, *burp* but easily bruised and easily cooked. So it is that your *burp* sibs may thusly be beaten *burp*, like a peasant's omelette of sawdust *burp* and kelp. This bong that they shall make *burp*is the funeral that shall take place in an area of *burp*
sacral power. With much *burp* joy they'll dance and celebrate shed tears *burp* of the wolf, for they shall enjoin in the *burp* harvest of their father's own *burp* vine. Their feast of the lands - the bounty *burp* most
full and
nubile and
mature - will be ravished *burp* by them and with them."
"And yet, like all sibs, they shall fight like kittens whilst danglings *burp* bits of this or that. The last part of the prophecy is what matters, oh yes. The short dwarf batters the mind of the tall elf by surprise and quickening doom *burp*. To be successful one must court *burp* doom itself."
"The nomads. Seduce-enamour them *burp* , take them as kin and bloodlover *burp*. Though they are your foe, only by their use shall your kin be dealt with and the kingdom yours *burp* *burp* *burp*."