Science club Senpai comments. "Its good to develop a habit of keeping accurate records. Some games can get pretty crazy you know."
Jakob draws a card...
Jakob takes a good look at the card that G3 discarded.
"That card...
That couldn't kill me if I play it right? ... Eh. Its not a serious game anyhow."
Jakob plays Apprentice Necromancer!
Jakob pays 1 Star, and Apprentice Necromancer calls Gratuitous Harem to Jakob's side of the field!
The following cards are played via Gratuitous Harem's effect, in numerical order:
Jakob's deck is shuffled.
Oathbreaker Paladin gains 3 Attack and 3 Hearts, bringing it up to 5/13
Upon playing Mortician of Ill Repute, the top three cards of Jakob's deck are discarded!
- Undying Skeleton attacks Endless Horde. Undying Skeleton now has 2 hearts and Endless Horde is destroyed! A copy of Endless Horde goes to Jakob's hand and Jakob gains a star!
- Having been destroyed, the card played second (Endless Horde) cannot attack.
- Mortician of Ill Repute attacks Endless Horde #2, destroying it. Mortician of Ill Repute now has 2 hearts. A copy of Endless Horde goes to Jakob's hand and Jakob gains a star!
- Having been destroyed, the card played fourth (Endless Horde) cannot attack.
- Oathbreaker Paladin attacks Undying Skeleton, destroying Undying Skeleton. Oathbreaker Paladin now has 9 hearts left.
Jakob loses 8 hearts!Jakob then activates the effect of Cannibal Zombie to allow him to play a card from his Graveyard!
He briefly considers playing Gratuitous Harem again, but decides not to.
Jakob plays Endless Horde from his discard!
The Apprentice Necromancer that was already in play attacks Shotgun Android Waifu, and both are destroyed! Apprentice Necromancer is removed from the game!Cannibal Zombie attacks the newer Masochist Knight Waifu, reducing it to 1 heart, and it then recovers to 2 hearts.This ends Jakob's turn.
Hearts: 12
Stars: 2
Cards in hand: 5
Cards in play:
Obtained Twisted Necromancer's effect!
2 Hearts remaining
5 Attack, 9 Hearts
Jakob's Discard Pile:
Carrier of the Disease
Call of the Grave
Twisted Necromancer
Vengeful Spirit
Shotgun Android Waifu
Call of the Grave
Undying Skeleton (In grave for 0 turns)
Endless Horde
Undying Skeleton (In grave for 0 turns)
Gratuitous Harem
G3's Discard:
Shotgun Android Waifu