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Author Topic: CYOGTCG High School RPG. Game Thread 1  (Read 13062 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: CYOGTCG High School RPG. Game Thread 1
« Reply #360 on: August 14, 2021, 06:01:34 pm »

Rulao watches the scene unfold before them all, even the audience are taken by the beauty and elegance displayed by Odelia's SOUL. The rough kid couldn't help but be struck by the thought. Even as his turn came around, Rulao stood unmoving. This was the truest representation of another's SOUL, and of his that he could bear witness to. . .

"You took Pete's handout too. Huh?" He breaks the extent quiet, drawing a card, making that merely three to his name to deal with the mighty foe across from him. Another critter parts the Kelp Forest, meekly so. Rulao makes no overtures toward its arrival.

Then, as the the fury seems to have subsided among the Crustaceans on Rulao's field, as the sea's wrath appears to have been quelled, he reveals his next card with a twist of his fingers.

Instantly a new wave of writhing emotion ripples through the teeming creatures upon his roiling shore. "Ace card this. Ace card that. . . I crashed through the rests' with my conviction. This time ain't gonna be any different!" The thuggish boy's cry echoed across the gymnasium. Though his beasts remain stoic, hibernating perhaps for a better chance. Whether they'll get one or not.

Spoiler: Rulao's Status (click to show/hide)
I've lost control of my life.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: CYOGTCG High School RPG. Game Thread 1
« Reply #361 on: August 14, 2021, 06:38:22 pm »

Odelia smiled. It was beautiful, it was everything she had hoped her cards could ever be.

She draws.

Blade scraping against stone. View darkens as glowing lines crisscross across the Kings body, then fade.

The king raises her wind-sheathed blade, and cleaves. A storm whips out and rips apart what remains of the kelp forest.

Spoiler:  Odelia's Status (click to show/hide)
(Only one combo can even hope to match up with Arturia + Excalibur. And that's "big armored units + Magic Circuits")
« Last Edit: August 14, 2021, 06:41:50 pm by Failbird105 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: CYOGTCG High School RPG. Game Thread 1
« Reply #362 on: August 14, 2021, 06:51:43 pm »

On the other hand, this wasn't the opportunity Rulao was hoping for. He draws a card, two now in his hand. One, a star granting Isopod, and without a word, another symbol burns across the sky.

Another card comes into his hand, yet his chance to play anything more is for naught. 'These Aces. . . Have some pride.' Rulao grit his teeth, unable to do a lick of anything but have his Crustaceans all bash their heads against the armored king. Nothing save single point of damage makes it through, all untouched as their frustration is sated for now.

At the very least another card washes into the punk's hand.

Spoiler: Rulao's Status (click to show/hide)
I've lost control of my life.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: CYOGTCG High School RPG. Game Thread 1
« Reply #363 on: August 14, 2021, 06:53:13 pm »

(Don't forget Quick Dial. Cure Black is perfectly capable of blasting through that card too.) "Keep up the pace Rulao! You can't lose here!" she says knowing full well Mesmer Mantis can help out if it gets the chance.

(You can say what you want about my Ace card, but it does bring my aces to the field rather than be one itself. Nice to have.)
« Last Edit: August 14, 2021, 06:54:51 pm by TricMagic »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: CYOGTCG High School RPG. Game Thread 1
« Reply #364 on: August 14, 2021, 07:20:31 pm »

Odelia draws.

a worn and gloomy knight arrives on the battlefield in a dark parody of a pillar of light. She stands up, and swings her blade, launching a blast of dark energy into the ocean, striking against the forces stirring it into a frenzy.

(Fallen Paladin targets Frothing Shore for 1 damage)

Then, the King charges, the water lashes at her body, but with an arcing upward strike, she sends a powerful wind whipping forward, driving away the tide and dispersing the powers that rendered it to a violent torrent.
(Arturia attacks the Frothing Shore, taking 1 damage but destroying it)

Spoiler:  Odelia's Status (click to show/hide)
(whoops, forgot to update my stars last turn. Well, it's fixed now.)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: CYOGTCG High School RPG. Game Thread 1
« Reply #365 on: August 14, 2021, 07:45:33 pm »

"Somehow. . ." The punk rasps, drawing a card for the sake of his fallen shore, now nothing more than the scattered crustaceans on this barren field. "I was expectin' worse!"

To that, his star is spent, from the ruin of his obliterated shore it cascades down from the heavens, sprinkling its motes about the soil. There, coalescing with the burning symbol of Rulao's tenacity, something sprouts anew! The desiccated land shifts and in an instant, a thousand more trees of hearty kelp spring forth to shelter the beasts of his field.

Healthier than before, the forest stands strong. Bolstering the pompadored punk's resolve. His Longarm Snatcher skitters out with new found courage, dealing a single point of damage to Odelia's Fallen Paladin, yet destroying itself all the while.

Longarm Snatcher attacks Fallen Paladin for one damage.

From his hand, the second-to last card therein is cast to the side, discarded as a new copy makes its way out of the great forest.

Shimmering, shaking, the creature's specular stalk-eyes transfix upon the king and her knight, even they cannot resist this otherworldly shrimp's spell. Arturia finds herself believing that she is the Fallen Paladin, and the Fallen Paladin in verse!

Arturia and Fallen Paladin's effects are swapped!

Now then, with a will, one of the Mossen Crushclaws give up its life for the cause, crimping the mesmerized king's armor, dealing one damage to her!

Mossen Crushclaw copy attacks Arturia for one damage!

"What've ya ever earned in yer life?!" He bellows forth. "Show me some more damn will than that!" It wasn't rightly hard to peg where the guy stood, was he just yelling to tic her off and gain a mental advantage? No. Rulao wasn't that sort of guy.

Spoiler: Rulao's Status (click to show/hide)
I've lost control of my life.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: CYOGTCG High School RPG. Game Thread 1
« Reply #366 on: August 14, 2021, 09:16:40 pm »

And that was the single worst thing that could have happened, that was why, more than anything, she didn't want to play Arturia until absolutely necessary. Because if she was removed from the picture, then suddenly the keystone of the deck was rendered utterly useless, and it would at best be rendered into a slow, unpleasant slog through each hit point.

Odelia draws. Her eyes widen.

"Earned hmm? That's a good question. I cannot say I have earned much of my own certainly."

Odelia plays Friendship Precure.

"I know all I do of our history because I took the time to learn it. I have this deck because I put my SOUL into making my cards, regardless of who helped me along the way."

The aurora casts its glow once again.

"I am dueling you here because I fought through decks all but hand-picked to counteract my own with nothing but careful strategy and the right draws. Decks that even these Ace cards you seem to deride would crumple against without perfect luck and expert skill."

Odelia draws a card.

"I have not earned much however. I cannot claim to know your life, or what you've had to do to get here. I cannot claim to know how much you have earned. But what I do know, is why I am here. Why everyone in this room is here!"

She takes a card from her hand, the very card she drew at the beginning of this turn.

"None of us are here on our own. Every man, woman, child, every human being here is only here because of those that came before us. The ones who created this technology, who built this building, who founded this city, who invented this art we know as architecture. Everything we are, that we have earned, was built on the efforts of those who came before. We would not have been born were it not for what our parents had earned, what their parents had earned, and endlessly onwards. And so that's why, if someone extends a hand to help me, and push me forward, I will gladly accept."

'The Paladin rushes forward, cleaving into the newly grown kelp forest, as the creatures within snap at her, too many to deflect each and every one, already injured as she is, she falls within the twisting weeds.'
(Fallen Paladin attacks the Kelp Forest, dealing 2 damage, but is destroyed.)

"And if someone else falls behind, I will reach back to help them in turn. Because the Beauty of History and the Power of Humanity, are one and the same."

The King stands, her stance wobbles under the mental assault of the enemy, but this sword, the sword in her hand, it tells her all she needs to understand. She may be lost, confused, and unsure, but she is the King. And she will protect her people.

"Every effort, every accomplishment, every achievement. Everything that a human being has earned, humanity has earned. Every triumph and tragedy has pushed us to where we are today. If I was to refuse the aid of another solely because they live today rather than a hundred years ago..."

The wind around the blade breaks. The Invisible Air gives way to glorious gold and shining steel. The blade begins to glow with shining light. The blade comes up. As Odelia speaks, the King screams out a single word.

"all I would be doing..."


"Is denying what we can achieve together!"


The Sword of Promised Victory comes down, and there is Light.

The light clears, the crustaceans are gone. What parts of the Kelp forest sleep below the waves remained, but all that was above it simply ceased to be, the light showing no mercy. The King stands, weakened in body, but not in spirit, Excalibur shining brightly in her hands. There is Silence.
(All cards in play except Arturia receive 4 damage, destroying all but the Kelp Forest.)

Spoiler:  Odelia's Status (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: August 14, 2021, 09:18:36 pm by Failbird105 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: CYOGTCG High School RPG. Game Thread 1
« Reply #367 on: August 14, 2021, 09:29:56 pm »

Diance is stunned. Seeing her card brought about a miracle of reversal.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: CYOGTCG High School RPG. Game Thread 1
« Reply #368 on: August 14, 2021, 09:41:17 pm »

(Is this Odelia baring her SOUL for all the world to see, or just caught up in the heat of the moment and ranting? Well, she'll certainly claim it to be the latter afterwards that's for sure)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: CYOGTCG High School RPG. Game Thread 1
« Reply #369 on: August 14, 2021, 09:46:37 pm »

(Is this Odelia baring her SOUL for all the world to see, or just caught up in the heat of the moment and ranting? Well, she'll certainly claim it to be the latter afterwards that's for sure)
(Diance is literally going to glomp her if she wins, you know that right? That was so cool.)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: CYOGTCG High School RPG. Game Thread 1
« Reply #370 on: August 14, 2021, 10:30:30 pm »

The punk shields his face from the wave of energy blasting out across the field, along with the forceful words fluttering from deep within Odelia's breast. One by one, his monsters disintegrate under Excalibur's duress, under the searing purity of that woman's soul. It nearly causes him to stumble back, barely catching his footing on the raised platform. Even as he draws one card from his deck, it takes all the personal will he can muster to step forward again. But Rulao ain't the kind of guy to back down.

His face contorts, eyes wavering before the storm. "Ya think. . . This is. . . Gonna stop me. . ?" Diance's whimsical SOUL interjected, granting his foe awesome might, and to Rulao a chance renewed. Brutally, he forces his way through Odelia's will to draw another card, and with it, his own SOUL begins to cry.

"I don't give a damn where we've been. I don't give a damn how far we've come." He brought just one card from his hand, crumpling it in his fist. "The only thing that matters is here and now!" Rulao's voice cracks, his aura even more fierce than his tirade against Bennie. "There's only one thing ya can earn from here, give this battle yer all, 'delia DeClaire. . ." His fist slams the card down into play, as a great crimson glow erupts scross the field. "But. . ."

"This SOUL of mine is burning red . ."

"It's loud roar is tellin' me. . ."

Odelia's own core card, the spell streaks out toward Arturia, her immense power having scathed all the land before her. But even that could not protect her. Runic Magecraft: Gandr deals 3 damage to Once and Future King: Arturia Pendragon, ending her reign!

"To grasp VICTORY!"

The machinery whirs below both of the Freshman students, entwining the most elemental parts of their souls together in this duel, were it not for their theatrics, one might mistake it as nothing more than meaningless scrap between near-strangers brought together by the happenstance of their obscure little school tourney. But there was far more at stake than a simple Holographic card. At keast for Rulao.

"Go! Kelp Forest of the Deep!"

And with that, another card flutters out of his hand into the discard pile. As seared trees of kelp twirl in on themselves, forming a great lance, the barren lands already begin repopulating themselves from Excalibur's extinction event.

What remained of the forest rallied, its spear like seaweed striking a grevious wound at Odelia's heart! Dealing 3 damage directly!

Spoiler: Rulao's Status (click to show/hide)
I've lost control of my life.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: CYOGTCG High School RPG. Game Thread 1
« Reply #371 on: August 14, 2021, 11:08:47 pm »

Odelia draws a card. There's no hesitation in her eyes, no sense of worry at the loss of her greatest card. No, there's only conviction. The look in her eyes is nothing less than that with which one would face down every single thing that's wrong in the world.

Odelia plays her card.

Another fang sprouts. The army, that had stood frozen in silence, stares onward. But the Dragons Teeth show no fear. They only march forth to fight. That is their purpose.

Odelia draws a Card

Jaws snap, and glowing lines cross the skeletal form.

Spoiler:  Odelia's Status (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: CYOGTCG High School RPG. Game Thread 1
« Reply #372 on: August 15, 2021, 12:24:19 am »

So too does the hard-hearted student share in his foe's silence. He draws a card as she does, a glares onward just the same. Even after the clashing of their hearts. Another card discarded, another Cosmic Isopod emerges from betwixt the Kelp, a brilliant star.

This empowered forest, brimming with a red glow, it's tendrils rip forward even as they're cut down by the skeletal warriors across the field. Their advance is unstoppable, tearing apart decayed bone and rusted arms. The Kelp Forest of the Deep destroys the Dragon Tooth Warriors, having received two damage.

Then, beside the good forest, from the field does a great Hermit emerge! Wearing the fallen mass of Spanish gold centuries old.

From below! The first of the skittering Isopods dash ahead, attacking and dealing one damage to Odelia directly!

Spoiler: Rulao's Status (click to show/hide)
I've lost control of my life.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: CYOGTCG High School RPG. Game Thread 1
« Reply #373 on: August 15, 2021, 03:03:14 pm »

Odelia draws a card.

A spotlight shines down. A woman gingerly twirls into view.

Her hips sway, her body twirls, a dazzling belly-dance that bewitches the eyes. She dances closer, closer. The hermit snaps at her, but she is not deterred. In the end, Beauty soothes the savage beast.
(Mata Hari attacks Shipwreck hermit, taking two damage, dealing one, giving Rulao a card, and bringing the Hermit to Odelia's side.)

It's clear Odelia's gaze has been drawn away from Rulao, as she now stares down at the board with... an incredibly vibrant blush painted across her face.

Spoiler:  Odelia's Status (click to show/hide)
(Okay I've done what I can to calm down Odelia, don't mess this up I don't want this arc to end in negative character development please whatever you do do not insult the pretty lady.)

(Unrelatedly, while I have not decided what I might do with the Holographic card yet, I definitely know what card I want to do immediately after the tournament)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: CYOGTCG High School RPG. Game Thread 1
« Reply #374 on: August 15, 2021, 03:25:25 pm »

Rulao sucks at his teeth, "Everyone's always stealin' my damn cards." He mumbles. Drawing one for the turn, and one for the Hermit whose been put under that succubus' spell.

"This again? Eh. . . It'll have to do." With a crash, the thuggish guy throws down Odelia's core card once more. Using a piece of her SOUL to blast away at the entranced Shipwreck Hermit!

Runic Magecraft: Gandr deals 3 damage to Odelia's Shipwreck Hermit.

Then, without much choice, Rulao's pair of Isopods, starry as they are, skitter ahead to give up their lives. Their oversized bodies brought to bear against the weakened Hermit and their demonic seducer. A treasure cask is granted to Odelia in the form of a drawn card, while her side of the field is left barren once more.

Cosmic Isopod copies attack Mata Hari and the Shipwreck Hermit separately. Destroying them all!

Rulao discards the other card remaining in his hand, a new crustacean emerges from the seaweed, taking the field to replace its lost bretheren.

Finally his Kelp Forest of the Deep, still clinging on by the beat of its Crimson Symbol, strikes forth! dealing another three damage to Odelia directly. All the while the punk doesn't make any kind of notice toward's the quiet shift in his foe's mood, his focus is on the battle. . .

Spoiler: Rulao's Status (click to show/hide)
I've lost control of my life.
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