Porta Porta John: 10 (Good)
The Porta Porta John manages to move a portapoty around without leaking anything, without smelling, and while being only a minor safety hazard thanks to its set schedule! This is nice considering how many factors could go wrong with truly mobile human waste disposal faculties. There are currently no major competitors in this market - though you do *technically* have to compete with companies that just have the workers pee in bottles or skip bathroom breaks altogether. Your marketing team suggests expanding the clientele to the public sector - PPJs could be used to keep homeless waste off the street while avoiding providing transients with "housing" that keeps them around if they connect to the smart car network instead of a floor plan.
Cost: Cheap
Traits: Clean, Safe
Gnome AI, Influencer Edition: 11 (Great)
Using AI memes in advertising has been an occasionally explored field, but most major companies give up when it is clear that its much cheaper to hire a couple of young kids or foreigners then it is to invest in a new field of advertisement. Especially when trending memes could be something you don't want associated with your brand, as KFC learned during the "Based Colonel" incident. Gnome AI, IE is set up to be the first success story. The secret was to have the AI focus on specific content creators rather than the public consciousness. By only looking at popular approves sources they can stay on top of all relevant memes, form Gnome-sonas(R) by combining the personality of keyword-related internet personalities together, and avoid having your company investigated for hate crimes. Part of the AI tracks the rise and decline of new personalities to add to the approved list, while looking out for any uproar for anyone on said list to remove them from it, allowing you to be constantly up to date. Individual accounts can be manually added or removed at operator discretion.
Cost: Expensive
Traits: Advanced, Approved Profolio
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