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Author Topic: A Council of Wizards  (Read 2976 times)


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A Council of Wizards
« on: May 25, 2021, 09:28:40 am »

Assemble the Council!

Faced with increasing pressure from the dreaded Sorcerers of Q’sal, wizards and mages from across the Realms have decided to come together and combine their magical talents. From the war-torn mud of the Westfolds to the glittering cities on the Golden Coast, Wizards are often feared for their power and mistreated, even killed outright! The Council will be there to advance the interests of the wizarding community,  and provide a central resource to go to get the absolute best in spells and enchantments throughout the land.

As a member of the Council will have a voice in the direction and the goals of the organization! You will help direct funding for research, defense, and extraplanar adventures! You will be there to provide expert opinions on cases our clients bring before us, all from the comfort of our Tower! No need to hump your way across the countryside to whatever bumpkin is paying you from week to week. The clients come to us! Join now!

First, Create your Wizard
                Appearance: Can be any race/gender, from human to elf to weird eldritch creature (as long as they still call themselves a wizard)
                Specialization/Interest: What does your mage specialize in, or is interested in studying? You are not limited in spells or enchantments you suggest even if they are outside your specialization. You may get small bonuses and opportunities based on yours and others specializations.
                Background: Optional/ a quick description of your history and priorities, and/or your reason for joining the council.
                MP(MagicPoints):5 Determines how magically powerful you personally are. Soft Cap of 10 before you must make a Master Spell to ascend higher.
                Items: Staff or Wand. Just a personally choice, no real mechanical effect
                Test: Dragons and Wizards have been classical foes for ages, but rarely do they meet directly in battle. Tradition calls for a Wizard to equip a champion with an enchantment or magical item to help them slay the Dragon. Create an Enchantment or Spell to give an aspiring Dragonslayer. Should be unique, and not be a repeat of a previous Wizard (Feel free to discuss with your fellow Wizards if you want some inspiration or just want to explain why your idea is best! Doesn’t have to be particularly effective, but it is an opportunity to showcase your Wizards skills.

Example: Shield from fire. Enchanted on the Client’s shield.  An enchantment that protects the bearer from fire. Fire nor it’s heat will affect the user. It does not allow the bearer to breathe in the middle of a conflagration.

Spoiler:  Example Sheet (click to show/hide)

Currently there are no plans for a player cap. My idea is that I won’t really be detailing your character’s actions, and only describing the overall council and big decisions. Feel free to do as much or as little in-character role play as you want.

Spoiler: Spell Making (click to show/hide)

The first task as the Council, of course, is to decide the location of said Council. You have two clear options:

A. By a Major City. The benefits are clear, easy access to markets for reagents, easy access for clients, and easier meddling in the politics of mortal affairs. Downsides are it might be harder to defend, and you are limited in access to powerful ley lines and rare magical materials

B: By a Magical Location
The benefits are obvious. Placed on a major leyline by a place of power, magical resources and phenomena are abundant. Research is easier, and magic and rituals will be stronger. However, it’s remote location and dangers will limit contract opportunities and trade. However, those desperate or powerful enough will still make the trip.

C. Somewhere else?

Hey all, it’s been a minute! Basically the game is going to be you all coming up with cool spells and enchantments to solve problems. For now don’t worry about actions or anything, just make your character and vote on where you want your Council headquarters to be.
Let me know if you have any questions, if I made a mistake in the OP, or anything else.

Quote from: Votebox
A. Major City:
B: Magical Location:
C. Something Else:
Sindari Immortals Play as an immortal being trying to subvert an evil empire of (for now) stronger immortals. On *very* long term hiatus.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: A Council of Wizards
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2021, 09:28:56 am »

To Make a Spell:
Spells can vary wildly in complexity and reach. As Wizards you are responsible for crafting the spell, with English forming the basis of your magical language. (Like in Eragon, saying Brisingr,meaning fire, could create fire, and more complicated spells required more Elvish words. So to cause a similar effect in this game, you could just say Fire. More complicated spells may require more words, but intent also matters.

Now, all spells (there may be exceptions but for now all spells) are Commands. You are telling Magic what to do. So Fire is perhaps more accurately Magic, (create, become) Fire. Intent can “fill in” the unsaid gaps, so you don’t necessarily need to lay out exactly what you want to do in the spell, so Fire will work for both lighting a candle and causing a conflagration (though on a bad day you might accidentally cause a conflagration while trying to light a candle).


Goal: A Knight requests a Death Sword
Ex A: Steal the Life Essence of whoever the Sword cuts. Creates a sword that weakens and kills whoever it cuts.
Ex B: Death Sword The sword, in a sense, becomes death, and radiates death essence. It is deadly to both its victims and owner.

Now your intent with Ex.B could be something like Ex. A, but the spell wording in B is very vague, so your results could differ based on your roll. The more powerful or dangerous the effects you are working with, the more important your wording becomes.

More examples to come.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2021, 02:56:14 pm by chubby2man »
Sindari Immortals Play as an immortal being trying to subvert an evil empire of (for now) stronger immortals. On *very* long term hiatus.

Demonic Spoon

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Re: A Council of Wizards
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2021, 11:35:40 am »

Name: Bartolemproze
Appearance: Nominally ungendered mass of worms that ate a powerful deceased spellcaster, gaining various magical powers and instinctive grasp of arcane theory as a result. They assemble themselves into the rough shape of a man, hiding themselves within deep and voluminous robes for many find their appearance disconcerting.
Specialization/Interest: Curses and Sympathetic Magic in relation to Planar Mechanics and the principles of Arcane Dimensional Transducibility.
Background: As previously mentioned, Bartolemproze was originally merely humble corpse-eating worms, elevated by a most serendipitous meal. They spent several years in the wilderness, wielding their magic like a crude club, to kill animals and leaving their corpses to rot to just the right consistency... hmmm.

Until they happened to witness an actual wizard at work, against themselves ironically. Eventually they managed to beat their opponent, but not before having it pounded into them, quite violently, that understanding what they're doing is something they really should get to. They managed to apply bludgeoning notice me not charms and truly nadir uncanny illusions to get into a nearby mage apprenticing hall run by an ambitious hedge wizard. Even managing to last a week before the wizard tried to kill them for being a demon, and they had to start over again somewhere else.

It took many do-overs and false starts, and starting an urban legend about the Worm Demon who eats the brains of children and mages, as Bartolemproze learned bits and snatches of theory in a unstructured fashion on a very broad and eclectic range of magical topics. His illusions grew more sophisticated, his mental nudges more subtle. He could judge the quality of a teaching institution with a mere thorough sniff, and using some of the spoils of his various regrettably murders, decided to commit to a full education. With some references obtained by mental domination and memory wiping, Bartolemproze applied to one of the most prestigious universities this side of the Wailing Mountains.

There Bartolemproze, soaking up new knowledge like a sponge, developing a particular fondness for the often janky fields of hexes, curses and sympathetic magics, closely related to minor demon summoning and some odder interactions of the planes and space. He graduated with honours, and it seemed he was set for a bright future in the academia.

Then the city, which had recently undergone a regime change, banned wizards and drove them all out of the city. Bartolemproze, to say the least, was fuming. While he did eventually murder the particular idiots in charge of that decision, he never managed to overturn the policy, and became something of a wandering vagabond until he heard about the Council and its goals of providing a home for wizards. Perhaps this would be a new chance thought Bartolemproze.

Once he had secured a senior position in the slowly assembling hierarchy of the Council, Bartolemproze has actually gone semi-public about their nature as a miserable pile of worms, not actively hiding themselves behind layers of illusions and suggestions when interacting with other senior members of the Council. Bartolemproze understood that any such deception would be doomed to be eventually uncovered, so better to go public from the beginning. And besides, some of the other members of the Council were certainly quite odd themselves.
Magic Points:5
Items: Sapphire staff.
Test: Dragon Puppetry. While Dragons will furiously deny even the merest suggestion of such, they are actually incredibly closely related to the very common and prolific, almost verminlike, pseudodragons of the Southern Jungles. With the proper prepatory runes and forcefeeding of potions, even the most braindead of adventurers could, after collecting the feces of discarded scales of the target dragon, use the caged and enchanted Pseudodragon to force the victim dragon to clamp their own throat closed with their claws before discharging their mighty breath, leading to a painful death as they self-destruct from the inside from their continuously discharging weapon of mass destruction.

Quote from: Votebox
A. Major City:
B: Magical Location: |
C. Something Else:

"Magical leylines cannot be moved, or are at least almost completely infeasible difficult to shift and are vital for many avenues of magical research and specific enchantments and rituals. Meanwhile, if the enticement is large enough, and you wait long enough, cities always eventually form around areas of interest, like some sort of migratory scavenger or perhaps barnacle. Let us build our bastion of magic, and inevitably, the opportunists and merchants and fortune seekers will come to us like flies to the most succulent dung, building their flotsam and jetsam and laying the foundation of the future city of which we will be the masters. Transportation will probably be a trivial problem if we actually try to solve it, but personally I like a little isolation. Far too many people with an irrational hatred of our kind. And then there's the dragons of course."
« Last Edit: June 09, 2021, 05:02:30 pm by Demonic Spoon »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: A Council of Wizards
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2021, 05:16:50 pm »

Name: Arven of the Mazewood
Appearance: A male elf dressed in a forest green cloak.
Specialization: Reality warping
Background: Born in a nearby village Arven spent much of his youth exploring the magical forest known as the Mazewood, studying and learning to navigate it's strange geography. Arven joined the Council for the opportunity to conduct research without having to go adventuring for funding. 
Items: A Maple Staff

Test: Shorten Distance. Enchantment placed on Boots. Temporarily compresses space in front of the wearer allowing them to easily travel long distances or move at great speed (from the perspective of an outside observer).

Quote from: Votebox
A. Major City:
B: Magical Location: ||
C. Something Else:
Agreed. A place of power provides things that can not be bought. We can always shorten the road to the nearest city if we need to.

Maximum Spin

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Re: A Council of Wizards
« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2021, 05:57:43 pm »

                Name: Orcorbis of Orange
                Appearance: A Seraph, a kind of horrible fiery winged being from the void between the stars who traditionally come to punish mortals for sins various and unpredictable. Seraphs look a little like black holes poured into humanoid bodies, then doused in gasoline, lit, sprinkled with white feathers, and topped off with a pulsing, swirling gold aura. This one is a little weird.
                Specialization/Interest: Psychology, both magical and ordinary.
                Background: I was born in a small Seraphic community on this world, which had been founded by a Seraph-worshipping cult that would later be exterminated for unrelated reasons, leaving their gods to mill about on their own. Because Seraphs like to maintain an air of superiority, they were not willing to admit that they had no idea how to get back to their natural habitat, nor to ask for help; instead, they slowly adapted to their new environment, learning to eat the kinds of food they could farm here and live in the kind of shelter they could build. The days of the first generation were punishing, but they finally succeeded in establishing a Seraph colony that even drew immigrants, those with an unusual interest in this world. As a second-generation immigrant to this world and the first Seraph in the community to pass wizarding exams, I ended up going to a prestigious wizard college on a diversity scholarship, and, after graduation, I was heavily recruited by organizations seeking to mobilize the Seraph community for political power. My ambitions were much humbler, though, so I disappeared from the public eye and took up a life of private research and arranging political assassinations for profit until convinced to join the emerging Wizard Council.
                MP: 5
                Items: Telescoping Wandstaff.
                Test: Summon Bigger Dragon: The name of this spell is actually intentional misdirection to fool the dragon. It only makes the hero look to the dragon like a bigger, angrier dragon who has arrived to beat up the smaller dragon and take its territory and women/men. The spell also includes lots of sparks, whizzing noises, and other special effects to give the appearance of a really powerful incantation. For full intimidation effect, it is intended to be worked almost all the way before battle, then finished by the hero on the field by speaking the triggering incantation, "Summon Bigger Dragon". Although it is also perfectly useful for chasing dragons away when they try to steal your sheep or something, the proper use of this spell in pitched combat is to chase the frightened dragon into a trap, where it will be humiliated and sold to the circus, a fate worse than death.

Quote from: Votebox
A. Major City:
B: Magical Location: 3
C. Something Else:


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: A Council of Wizards
« Reply #5 on: May 25, 2021, 06:53:39 pm »

Name: Jack The Magic Man
Appearance: Jack is a average looking middle age caucasian man with greasy black hair and tired brown eyes. He wears simple glasses and a poor quality blue robe that looks like it was bought cheaply at some bargain bin costume shop. If one is observant enough they can spot a dirty business suit underneath his robes.
Specialization: Accoun- I mean uh explosion magic?
Background: Jack has never had any affinity and little interest in magic but one thing he did have interest in was managing money, this eventually lead him to being a accountant working for one of the largest trading companies in the land. it wasn't that bad of a job but the little issues kept building up and Jack was never that good at properly managing his emotions So one day after suffering a mental breakdown due to yet another customer INSISTING that their shipment of fleece coats should of arrived by now when IT WAS CLEARLY STATED that it would arrive tomorrow Jack punched the customer and in a fit of hysteria loudly proclaimed to everyone in earshot that he would rather be a wizard then put up with another minute of all the morons around here. Jack promptly in furry stormed from his office out into the street went to the nearest costume store bought a robe plus some firecrackers and (after trekking for a couple of hours motivated threw pure irrational rage) stormed into the Wizard Council claiming to be a powerful wizard plus financial genius and demanded a position in this council he then demonstrated his "magic" by throwing firecrackers around his feet and letting them watch the crackers pop. which to the later surprise and horror of Jack when he came back to his senses actually got him into the council.
Items: A bag of firecrackers

Test: Magical Bang Rocks Uhm I uh enchanted these rocks to err explode upon contact with a surface! Sure to put any dragon you throw them at into a state of pure terror threw magic, totally not just firecrackers!

Quote from: Votebox
A. Major City: 1
B: Magical Location: 3
C. Something Else:
Magical Location is probably better for doing spells but major city is much more convenient. and totally not cause I cant do magic
« Last Edit: May 25, 2021, 08:01:16 pm by Fluffe9911 »


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Re: A Council of Wizards
« Reply #6 on: May 25, 2021, 07:40:00 pm »

Name: Amon Antigonus, The Outsider.
Appearance: Always covered in a strange mist, If you somehow see his true appearance... He looks like a strange ball like creature covered in maggots and looks corrupt and alien.
Specialization: Mental, Spiritual and Eldritch magic.
Background: Amon was a powerful alien who attempted to invade this plane of it’s resources and sacrifice it to its master, What he didn’t expect was losing most of his power on the trip here and being stuck on this backwater plane till he gets enough power to go back. He is now posing as a wizard helping people till he can get enough influence and power to get back home.
MP: 5
Items: A bag of forbidden items and a book of forbidden secrets. Also, A talking skull?

Test: Use the forbidden knowledge to enchant the talking skull and make it unbreakable.

Quote from: Votebox
A. Major City: 1
B: Magical Location: 4
C. Something Else:
« Last Edit: June 09, 2021, 04:31:56 pm by Knightwing64 »


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Re: A Council of Wizards
« Reply #7 on: May 25, 2021, 08:04:33 pm »

Name: zzzz(No name ever given, most just call him Z.)
                Appearance: Some sort of blob obscuring their looks. Looking too long makes observers sleepy. Not know to be male or female, blob obscures their voice.
                Specialization/Interest: Dreams/Sleep.
                Background: Some wizard who has discovered the wonders of Dreaming. Spends most of their time asleep. Joined the Council for more sleep time and money so they can Dream more. None knows what they Dream about, but they insist on the capitalization..
                Items: Incense (Also a fragrant staff made from an aromatic dream.)
                Test: Dreamer's Draught: An enchanted aerosol that can be used to put even the mightiest of foes into dreamland. Note that it doesn't prevent them waking up, so make sure your strike counts. (May end up putting the unwary to sleep along with the dragon if precautions aren't taken. Needless to say, you make for a crispy dragon snack afterward, and one less idiot to disturb my sleep.)

Quote from: Votebox
A. Major City: 1
B: Magical Location: 5
C. Something Else:
« Last Edit: May 25, 2021, 08:07:56 pm by TricMagic »


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Re: A Council of Wizards
« Reply #8 on: May 25, 2021, 09:15:01 pm »

Spoiler: Probably Finished (click to show/hide)
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: A Council of Wizards
« Reply #9 on: May 25, 2021, 09:37:02 pm »

So far looking good and accepted! Looking like we will have a very eldritch Wizard Council! It will be another day or two for people to hop on before we really get started. Let me know if you have any questions.

Knightwing: For your test, can you include what you enchanted the Talking Skull to do?
Sindari Immortals Play as an immortal being trying to subvert an evil empire of (for now) stronger immortals. On *very* long term hiatus.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: A Council of Wizards
« Reply #10 on: May 25, 2021, 10:40:32 pm »

Spoiler: Real submission (click to show/hide)
Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
nothing here.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: A Council of Wizards
« Reply #11 on: May 25, 2021, 11:16:08 pm »

Spoiler: not an angry dragon (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: A Council of Wizards
« Reply #12 on: May 26, 2021, 06:02:42 am »

So far looking good and accepted! Looking like we will have a very eldritch Wizard Council! It will be another day or two for people to hop on before we really get started. Let me know if you have any questions.

Knightwing: For your test, can you include what you enchanted the Talking Skull to do?

Sure, My bad. I’ll edit it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: A Council of Wizards
« Reply #13 on: May 26, 2021, 10:04:46 am »

Name: Bill
Appearance: A bald human wearing only gray overalls, a yellow hard hat, and a tanned human face as a mask.
Specialization/Interest: Object Animation.
Background: Bill has an obsession with animating objects to solve tasks. Or when he's bored. As it turns out, villagers don't appreciate sapient wagons or intelligent cranes. After seeing them chop down the last abomination Bill had crafted, he decided it was time to find work elsewhere.
Items: Hammer-shaped wand.
Test: Animated Ballista. An enchanted ballista. The ballista is sapient, complete with two googly eyes. It can fire, reload, and move on its own, seemingly generating bolts out of thin air. It may have some disagreements with its user. Not fireproof.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: A Council of Wizards
« Reply #14 on: May 26, 2021, 10:51:47 am »

You sonabitch, I'm in.

Name: Silvernius Regalis, High Patriarch of the Esteemed House of the Seven Ethereal Leaves, Leading Star of the Hemsworth Peoples, Companion of the High Table of Ambarella, Grand Knight of the Order of Gnu; AKA "Vern"

Appearance: An unassuming middle-aged caucasian male.

Specialization/Interest: Cantrips and other 'popular' magic.  "Vern" openly advocates to expand magic outside of traditional hereditary practices.  As such, he focuses on practical cantrips, most suitable for mass-market licensing.

Background: Of all the human wizarding lineages, is there a pureblood lineage more prestigious than that of the Regalis?  Silvernius' father, Irludium, was the prime scion to this lineage, and all it entailed.  Which would've boded well, except for two things: he was an only child, and a political anarchist.  (Per the slanderous anthems of an imprisoned bard, Irludium's father had irreversably emasculated himself in a failed Genitalia Maximosa transfiguration attempt sometime after Irludium's birth.)  Irludium's final rift with his father came when he eloped with a mundane common woman.  Irludium was disowned, but despite his father's best magical efforts, he never sired another scion.
Silvernius thus grew up in a mixed household, a magic-user who lived among mundane society and had many mundane friends.  It wasn't until his teens until he did his own research figured out the storied history of his lineage.  After a long sitdown with his father, Irludium, he heard the whole story of his father's estrangement.  When he became a man, he made a lone pilgrimage to meet his grandfather.  It had been decades since Irludium's elopement, and he had no idea he had a grandchild.  While he couldn't bear the shame of undoing his disinheritance of Irludium, he legally embraced his only grandson Silvernius as the prime scion of Regalis.
When the old man passed, Silvernius inherited everything.  It wasn't until he got a look in the ledgers, that he discovered this was a problem.  The estate was heavily indebted, and nearly bankrupt.  His grandfather didn't want these debts known in wizarding society, so he borrowed from Clan Methunes, a wealthy lawful evil vampire clan.  As was common in vampiric law, blood collateral would be collected upon default.
"Vern" has tried various scheme in the years since, but he's still treading water.  He's already liquidated or leveraged virtually everything in his state, but as a Council member, must keep a veneer of grandiosity in his lifestyle.  Although there are some murmurs of financial distress at the House of the Seven Ethereal Leaves, no one knows the full extent of his troubles, nor his contract with Clan Methunes.

MP(MagicPoints): 5.

Items: A common tin teaspoon, enchanted by his father Irludium.  Said to be proof that even the mundane can possess magic.

Test: Aqueous Distillado
As had been said, "One does not just walk into Mordor."  Some knight in shining armor just expects to cross a barren wasteland and ascend a mountain?  When his 2000 pound warhorse gets thirsty, is he just going to take it to a well?  You know, evil dragons aren't exactly big on developing water infrastructure in their domain.  What about "privy business?"  You don't want to be on a volcanic mountainside with only a jagged piece of obsidian in your hand.
Aqueous Distillado is a cantrip that collects aerial water into a small stream of slightly chilled water emanating from the tip the wand.  The potable water is crystal clear and free of miasma.  Usable not only by adventurers, but has a place in every household that values the heath of themselves, wife, and children.  As with all "Vern" products, such a spell can be licensed at affordable prices.

Quote from: Votebox
A. Major City: 2
B: Magical Location: 5
C. Something Else:

"Ideally, we should have more access to mundane society."
« Last Edit: May 26, 2021, 02:02:40 pm by ConscriptFive »
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