Referring to this thread and the interview:
** also tidbits from elsewhere, what's left is apparently:
* Screens/UI for the manager (integrated with the autolabor stuff he has already)
* Unit job list
* Workshop profiles
* Civilizations screen (tileset for the world map is already created)
* Military & squads
* Mine-cart hauling routes
* Burrows
* [q,t,k,v] updated/combined into a single clicking/looking command (some progress made already on this
* Embark screen (tileset for the world map is already created)
* Retooling worldgen so that you aren't dumped back into the title screen (tileset for the world map is already created)
* Adventure mode (much of the interface won't carry over, but the graphics all will)
* Legends mode (should be very quick apparently)
* Implementing the already created sprite-work into their respective places in the game (already lots of this in place obviously, but not sure how much; this happens alongside other tasks and doesn't take long)
* Graphics for procgen creatures
* Steam workshop support
* Misc technical Steam support stuff
Tarn said at the time of that interview (Feb 12th, about 14 weeks ago) that "this year is still fair" as a release date estimate, and since then he has done at least this (can't know what else he's doing in the background):
* The 25 non-workshop building UI's (beds, chains, cages, statues, etc) and the the rework of those buildings (ie them using zones)
* Levers
* Trading screens/trade depos
* Basic automatic labor assignment implemented (but it still needs refinement)