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Author Topic: Divine Engines IC  (Read 1533 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Divine Engines IC
« on: May 16, 2021, 06:36:11 pm »

When the world was shattered the living gods ascended into the heaven and cast off their mortal coils. They gifted their chosen races powerful ships so that they could survive upon the world as it had become. So began the Age of Divine Engines.[/center]

Admiral Auden Bracket
Admiral Auden took his herbal tea quietly in the admiral's quarters as he read over the reports. Food stores were looking good, they had a prevalence of meat and fruit. Medicine stores looked alright as well, though there would be insufficient herb motes if disaster struck. Stone, iron, and wood were also flowing in from various parts of the ship. Though, one report concerning the jungle was flagged. Deep in the jungle a wild mote had been discovered, though at this time its effects were unknown.

Before he could finish the rest of the reports, a siren called the Admiral to the deck. Admiral A. Bracket leaned out over the bow, a spyglass in hand. He pointed it at a dark cloud on the horizon. Wingworms again, and a lot of them. Ever since the spring their flocks had grown to massive proportions, huge numbers that travelled like a thick black storm across the skies. One wingworm was easily stomped under a sprite's boot, but the vast swarm was another matter entirely. If they got into the forest or the jungle, they'd eat every piece of vegetation they could with their filthy radulae. He had received word from the spotters there were several islands nearby, perhaps he could shake the swarm with a tasty distraction, if they even chose to follow.

Yume No Yōna Kaze
Yume surveyed the various settlements and Lands from far above, having taken an especially strenuous flight upwards. In some way, they found comfort in this, despite the effort, flying higher than any other Kowareta could. Food production was at an all time high, and the population of the Kowareta people had exploded over the last few years. Wheat, meat, fish and the occasional batch of shellfish was all harvested, traded, cooked and eaten across the entirety of the nation. Herbal teas and medicines were also common. Though, building materials were in short supply and a supply of stone hadn't been secured since the World Shatter. Still, the people flourished and the weather was fair.

At least, it was that morning. By the time Yume finished the survey, harsh winds began blowing in from the east, powerful enough to make the decent uncomfortable if not precarious. Several islands had been spotted nearby, perhaps some shelter from the winds would do the people good.

Znekinq Rapidtail
Zneking stuffed another loaf of bread down his throat, grinding it to mush with his teeth only as a half-remembered formality. It had been a long long time since he'd had any meat that didn't have a face much like his own, and the runs that came with eating ratflesh had only just subsided. But this was the case everywhere, hard bread was all that could be made from the one cropbearing land in his domain, ever since they nearly killed off all the game there, hunting had diminished and the meat rationed. Same with medicine he thought, looking over the many incident reports of stabbings, attempted murders, suspicious deaths, and unlikely workplace incidents. If it were any other race, one would think it was from such close proximity, but no, this is how it had always been for his kind.

A sniveling rat snuck into his quarters unannounced, and a moment later Rapidtail's knife was through their throat. Turns out, it was an urgent messenger. Well, that'll teach the rest of them to knock. Zneking stepped over the body and made his way through the twisting metal tunnels towards the Creation Forge, stopping only briefly to toss a lackey in the general direction of his quarters, throwing a mop right after. "For the Horned Rat. Better be spotless." When Rapidtail arrived at the stern, it was clear already clear what was going on. An elemental storm, fire it looked like but Rapidtail had learned long ago not to trust the elements by look alone. Unless evasive action was taken, the country would be charged by fire energy and more than a little bit scorched. Nothing they hadn't lived through before, but if those wheat fields burn, there will be riots. Several islands laid to the north, as well as some to the west, but really as long as they moved, they'd be fine.

Empress Gwendolyn
Empress Gwendolyn looked out over the dreary sky and frowned a bit to herself. 'What an awful looking sky.' She grumbled quietly to no one in particular. She idly ate one of the various fish cakes on the table. However, the taste of crab was a pleasant surprise, an uncommon delicacy, but the sea gave them a steady trickle. She looked over her agenda for the day, and sighed. Checking stockpiles had become so dull. She'd delegate it to the representatives, but last time she did so, fish motes started disappearing and several elected officials began looking quite plump. Not that it mattered, the wood, wheat and iron stores were fine, stores of fish and stone were flush, and they even had a supply of pearl and shellfish motes stocked up.

After a boring morning of bureaucratic checking and rechecking the math of those poor kells assigned to the storehouses, she made her way to the helm, taking in the noisy hub-bub of the city as she went. The sky had darkened, and while some rain would do the fields good, she had yet to shake that frown. The storm bothered her. Though it would be easy enough to avoid, as many points of interest could be explored in the vicinity, though information beyond their presence was nearly non-existent.

Aeternum Custodian
Aeternum Custodian blinked twice in greeting to the report bearer as they delivered the news. A respectable position that, report bearer, deliverer of information for the consumption of the information hungry Eyes across Providence. The Aeternum would have to ensure they are well paid, and made a mental note to observe their salary statistics later. Upon examining the report, the Custodian reconfirmed the validity of the stocks at current, which aligned neatly with their previous projections. Wheat, stone and meat stores had a good supply of 3 motes each, 2 for iron, herbs, and wood. Aeternum Custodiam found these numbers to be quite pleasing in their symmetry.

Unfortunately the spotter's reports were less pleasing. They had entered an entirely dull area of sky. The people had grown bored of wind speed metrics, cloud formation counting, and other idle pass times. They desired new information, places to examine and categorize for future visiting. As always with this strange machine, all the Aeternum Custodiam needed to do was direct the ship onwards and they would somehow find something of interest. In a way, this irked the Custodiam, for it was one of the marvels the Spectators had yet to truly understand. Yet, in the same breath, the challenge of understanding the gods was hardly a dull endeavor. Blinking twice, they rose to fulfill their duties.

The 4 Elements (Name Pending?)
The Elemental Council had gathered in meeting once again. Around the table sat  Scarralax the Dire, Emperor Eldwin "the Eternal", Ecgweard I, and Mr. Rings. The period when the four of them quarreled in any meaningful way had passed, and though they still disagreed, each knew the future of their people depended not only on their leadership, but the leadership of their council members.

Each had reviewed the provided documents, and their discussion was mainly a matter of procedure at this point. The various districts had plenty of food, despite the nearby volcano polluting the lake. Not that the salamander's minded particularly, as they had began experimenting with it in a wide variety of ways. Plus the volcano offered many notes of interest in addition to the stone it provided.

With the formalities out of the way, the council could get down to business, deciding whether or not to press on, or whether to pursue any of the offers that had come across the Heavenly Radio.

« Last Edit: May 17, 2021, 10:27:16 am by Roboson »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Divine Engines IC
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2021, 06:36:28 pm »

World Event: Divine Flux
The world is flush with the power of the heavens! Food income is doubled this turn, but Creation Forges are recalibrating. Crafting prices may change over the next few turns.

Location Event: Wild Mountains
A distant Divine Engine announced the location of a set of particular green mountains. They stated the mountains were crawling with wildlife, but large predators had made approach to difficult and decided to share the location for those desiring to add it to their Divine Engine's memory.

Location Event: Iced Lake
The Rain Goddess Fian has complained about her rival, Sika, a Spring Goddess. Sika thawed a lake belonging to a powerful ice spirit allied with Iskaib. Any who can refreeze the lake will gain Favor with the Goddess Fian and the sundered spirit, though this may incur the wrath of Sika.

Location Event: Storm of Fire
An elemental storm has charged a region of the sky! Travelling into the storm would charge your lands with the element of fire for 3 turns, affecting mote income drastically.

Offer Event: A Disgraceful Deal
The Stone Demigod Falknes has fallen out of favor of his grandfather Barathrus and can no longer claim dominion over all his lands. He has two lands to auction, a broken mountain Land ripe with stone but poor in ores, and a Cavernous Land fraught with beasts and fungi. Though any wishing to collect their winnings will need to travel to their location.

Offer Event: A Slimy Sale
The Goddess Jyll has announced an offer to all Divine Engines. She will grant any who accept her deal 3 random treasure motes. In exchange for these treasures, all she asks is to place slime pits upon one of your lands. Doing so will replace one of the motes incomes (your choice) into a slime mote income. This may also create a population of slimes upon that land.

Offer Event: A Dying City
The Divine Engine Escobarb has sustained critical damage and will sink into the Sky Depths in three turns. They call for any ships who can take refugees, and offer lands in exchange. Their message was unclear as to the nature of the mortals and lands in need of rescue, further investigation would be required.

The Cloudbank Bastion
Spoiler: Cloudbank Bastion (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Kowareta (click to show/hide)

Clan Vitt-Zarr-Rik
Spoiler: Clan Vitt-Zarr-Rik (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Kellin (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Providence (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Elements (click to show/hide)

« Last Edit: May 17, 2021, 10:40:33 pm by Roboson »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Divine Engines IC
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2021, 10:08:00 pm »

Znekinq Rapidtail immediately starts moving the clan towards the north islands "MOVE MOVE, I SEE PRESOUS THINGS, WE HAVE TO TAKE BEFORE MAN-THINGS OR OTHER-THINGS TAKE"
while that is happening have the 4 iron motes be turned into 40 swords for the army

Spoiler: the clan (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: May 17, 2021, 05:43:32 pm by darkwarlock3 »
I need more things to join, Send me a request if you need players for something.
I came for the games and stayed for the lack of sanity.
Grammar is my only weakness


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Divine Engines IC
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2021, 10:24:23 pm »

Damned wingworms. If they got into the sailtrees...
Auden shook his head. The engine might drive the Bastion physically, but the sailtrees told them the way of the winds. Their loss would nearly entirely cut them off from Rexelia.

No, that wasn't acceptable.

While the nearby islands would be useful, actually stopping at any of them would be foolishness. They wanted to shake the wingworms off at them, not leave the things momentarily distracted and then wait for them to finish.
Auden set a course that would weave between the islands ahead, before going to... hmn... aha, Escobarb. Their engine had failed? Who cared what specifically they were offering, they needed help. And frankly, it was all free resources. It might take some time to integrate them, however.

And there was another communication, from... interesting. Yes, that would seem fair.
Great Lady Jyll, I should be honored on behalf of the people of Polaris to accept your offer. Our jungles could certainly sustain a population of your slimes.
They were producing a glut of wood. Auden honestly wasn't sure what they would do with it all.

And there was a land auction? Excellent. Whatever foodstuffs and other goods might come from the caverns would certainly be new; Auden had no doubt the Polari would love them.
Salutations, Falknes. I would be interested in purchasing your caverns. If nobody has placed a bid yet, I should be inclined to set the start at three motes of wood and one of stone.

Sails set on course and communications conducted, Auden found a messenger, and tasked them to spread the word:
I expect that we will be taking on refugees and their lands shortly. We should be ready to welcome them; it's doubtlessly a stressful time for them, and ensuring that they feel at home here will be advantageous for both them and us.
He watched as the young sprite ran off to inform the others. Ah, youth.

Spoiler: Expected Inventory (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: May 17, 2021, 12:08:52 pm by Glass »
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Divine Engines IC
« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2021, 10:34:03 am »

Yume no yōna kaze settles within her tower-ziggurat in the Capital to go over things.

A proper breakdown is in order, as usual. It is nice to see them thriving.
1500 Citizens, 500 in the Armies. 10 needed from our stockpiles.
Next cycling is projected to create 8 Motes of food. It seems we will need to increase our haul. The production of Water Motes would help with this. Set aside two wood motes for the production of hoes. Produce additional Field(s) to farm Wheat in. Set aside 2 Wheat Motes to be used for the seeding.[Note, come back to this next cycle to look over the results. It may take multiple cycles to see results]
1 Wheat Mote, 3 Meat Motes, 3 Fish Motes, 1 Shellfish Mote..
Seems we may have grown a bit quickly, we will need more to maintain our current lifestyle. I had best look into it.

End Log 1. No changes.
Continue Log 1
Suppose this is the value of doublechecking things. Apparently that's last projection.
Local Godwaves report a number of things, though bringing in the Wild Mountains would prove a boon. Just so long as we deal with the beasts first, as I would rather not lose any of our number to them. The Rain goddess would also make a strong ally, though perhaps not enough to be worth angering this goddess of Spring.
3 Wheat, 3 Meat, 3 Fish, and 1 Shellfish Motes set aside for feeding the population this Cycle.
Divine Engine Started, Destination is the Wild Mountains.

End Log 1.

Spoiler: Kowareta (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: May 17, 2021, 07:39:53 pm by TricMagic »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Resident Wisenheimer
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Re: Divine Engines IC
« Reply #5 on: May 17, 2021, 10:07:50 pm »

Aeternum Custiodium, the largest Eye and the one with the most developed nucleus blinked twice and reflected on its own Observatory, realizing that its population are not getting not enough stimuli and are getting bored, then goes to the Heavenly Radio to make requests for some improvements.

Aeternum has blinked and scan it’s eyes off all the transmissions that had been sent. First sending a auditory message to Goddess Jyll
”Request Received, Request Processed, Request Accepted Goddess Jyll. Accept transfer of a Stone Mote into a Slime Mote and Three Treasure Mote. Slime population would be Protected under Spectator reign. Business has been appreciated.

A Second message to Demigod Falknes
”Auction has been transpired to the Elder Council, Demigod Falknes. Stone Mountain has been processed as a desired land, 2 Herbs and 1 Stone Bid has been sent.

Aeternum finally went off it’s wing from the observatory for a meeting with the Elder Council, and sent a request that processed to the Spotter Navigator.
Set off Providence, and it’s time for the exploration of new lands for the expansion, Council. Initiate Engines and Find new avenues of interest”
The motion was passed with a clear majority, as the Eyes were desperate for new stimuli.

« Last Edit: May 17, 2021, 10:10:49 pm by Shadowclaw777 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Divine Engines IC
« Reply #6 on: May 19, 2021, 11:37:31 am »

Spoiler: Flavour (click to show/hide)

So. What's the news, what plans do we have today?

The chancellor regained her composure, and began to rapidly sort through her papers while the Empress watched in ever so slight amusement. After a few seconds, she began handing some of the papers over to Gwendolyn.

The primary articles of note are a mountain covered in wilderness, and Escobarb, a divine engine which has sustained damage and is requesting assistance. There was also some business with Slimes, but the Parliament has elected to pass on that for now. It should be noted that the divine engines Cloudbank and Koreweta are both charting courses for Escobarb and the Wild mountain, respectively. My idea is that we go to the wild mountain first, and then head to Escobarb to pick up refugees. We don't right now have the means to feed all of them, but if they're offering their land as well, chances are that it'll come with land capable of providing food. Your thoughts?

Gwendolyn did some mental arithmetic for a minute, before shaking her head.

We won't have the time to go to the Wild mountain and Escobarb and tether land before Escobarb sinks out of the sky. If the Wild mountains are still there once we've been to Escobarb, then they're still there. If they're not there, then they're not. Escobarb is more important, The Cloudbank Sprites alone likely won't be enough to take on all the refugees.

Right. oh, also, you recall the... stone plan?

That plan to build fortifications all over Tolan?

The Chancellor's poker face only slipped for a moment, but her bemusement at Gwendolyn's lack of secrecy did not go unnoticed.

I've made the decision to bid two iron motes and one pearl mote on the land auction, going for the stone mountains. If the stone plan goes through, it'll be a powerful investment in the long term.

The Empress produced a carefully timed smile, just for a moment.

Good. I hope your plans work out.

She sighed again.

Is that everything?

Yes, your high- yes, Ma'am.

Good. Then shoo, I have a rock to pilot.

The Chancellor stopped herself from bowing, and after tucking her papers into a coat pocket, decided to glide down to the plaza. The Empress watched her with narrowed eyes, before turning back to the horizon, and beneath her feet, at her command, Kellin began to move.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2021, 11:58:23 am by Imic »
Imic's no longer allowed to vote.
Quote from: smyttysmyth
Well aren't you cheery
Quote cabinet
Regrets every choice he made and makes, including writing this here.

Maximum Spin

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Divine Engines IC
« Reply #7 on: May 19, 2021, 05:56:22 pm »

After subjective eternities of debate, the Elemental Council more or less come to, if not exactly agreement, a mutual commitment to defer further argument. By common consent, Ondine bureaucrats are dispatched to carry out the orders, passing them on to yet more bureaucrats down the Great Chain of Being till they reach the Engine room.
First, the Engine fires, sending the ship toward the Escobarb refugee crisis to render such assistance as needed.
Second, two almost identical missives are directed toward a pair of divine entities.
To Jyll, first,
"The Elemental Council sends its greetings and wishes to accept your offer. However, as we expect imminently to obtain one or more new lands, we politely request you allow us time to confirm our future holdings before we decide where your slime pits would best fit. We thank you for your understanding."
Then, to Falknes,
"The Elemental Council sends its greetings and wishes to participate in your auction. However, as we expect imminently to obtain one or more motes of potential buyer interest, we hope that you have time to allow us to finalize our inventory before submitting a bid. We thank you for your understanding."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Divine Engines IC
« Reply #8 on: May 25, 2021, 06:08:45 pm »


And so the Age of Engines began, a time of wonder, adventure and exploration. Yet for the Escobar, this journey was not a long one. Many ships approached the failing city, or heard tales of it's sundering upon the holy radio. The news was ominous indeed, a powerful titan of air and thunder had thrown a spear of immense size from deep in the swirling maelstrom as the ship had wandered through it's territory. The massive weapon was crude, but effective, having pierced the ship and damaged the engine! Several ships rushed to the aid of Escobar once it had reached a safe distance from the titan's territory. Those who arrived there saw that Escobar had 4 lands. They are as follows: A mudflats, a swamp, a boiling sea, and a mistlands. While it is unknown the mote income of most of these lands, the populations present upon the ship are better known. There are two main races, the Calgari and the Untulgari.

The Calgari are crustaceous humanoids with long armored stilt-like legs who use their incredible height and slim form to walk through the mudflats and the swamps they inhabit. They are often colored brown, green or bluish, but red Calgari are fairly common as well, with redness being a recessive trait in a large part of the population. The have rather elven faces, though their fair inflexible facial carapace prevents most forms of facial expression, which is often confused for stoicism or aloofness by races which use facial expressions regularly. Yet this could be hardly further from the truth, the Calgari are a race of hospitable people. Their culture is well known for it's generosity, as hosting guests and visitors is considered a great passion of these humble folk. Their villages often share a single dining space, with families or social groups hosting the daily dinner for the entirety of the village. Their villages are of solid construction, mostly formed of wood and clay, having a strong sense of structure and design, creating massive stilted buildings, and having a lesser emphasis on ornate or superfluous details. In general, they live rather long lives, subsisting off agriculture and foraging for the majority of their food. Mild druidism paired with their inhospitable choice of locals makes them rather challenging to visit, and even more difficult to conquer, as the Untulgari have come to sorely resent. As a result, they would present a difficult challenge to any who would chose to invade rather than befriend them.

The Untulgari are a proud warlike race native to the Escobar mistlands. The Untulgari are broad giantkin of white ash or somewhat sooty coloration. In their twilight home, the Unulgari are effective fishers and hunters, using their large eyes and lean muscular builds to effectively hunt. They are highly militant, living in warbands that often erupt into full scale battle whenever they meet. In most cases, this only occurs when one warlord has come to raid another for spoils, slaves, or territory. Often their settlements are well defended camps, with only the truly powerful warlords along the coast of the boiling sea having permanent structures.

Typically these giants stand about twelve to fourteen feet tall, and are of lean build as opposed to the stockier stock of most giants. They are rather heat resistant, living among the steamvents and hot pots of the mistlands and sailing across the boiling sea, often fishing by hand in the boiling waters or climbing across superheated rock. These cold blooded giants use the heat of the land around them to heat their blood and reduce energy use, which has also made them very effective hunters in this incredibly hot area. However, in temperate or colder regions, they easily become sluggish.

The attack that began to sink the Escobar had ripped through the engine, scattering meteorite sized debris and divine technology in violent impacts across the lands, though most of the lands are otherwise unscathed, having not been directly hit.

Admiral Auden Bracket
Admiral Auden looked out over the jungle, having recently made a deal with the Goddess of Goo, Jyll. While her intentions have never been clear, she has a long and documented history of spreading slimes across the multiverse. But in this instance, it had been a headache for Admiral Bracket. The slime pits had grown wild and free in the jungle, mutating and shaping themselves to the environment in an echo of the adaptability of the residents. The pits had bored deep into the earth, creating a vast complex of cenotes in a section of the jungle. And while this alone was rather beautiful, with slimy trees and foliage grew up and around the cenotes, offering alien and wonderous views of the lakes and rivers of slime beneath framed by gelatinous jiggle trees, the population of various slimes there posed a strain on the ecosystem. A report form Scout Leader Uldrain pointed out that in time, the slime species could be classified and potentially even domesticated for use across the nation, though they admit the military lacks the necessary equipment for doing so at the moment. Yet a conflicting report from Lieutenant Sanders strongly calls for the eradication of the slimes, pointing out that they will likely return after a few turns of the heavens. Though they admit this may reduce the nation's standing with Jyll, who could be a powerful ally in their own way and the army would need weapons to do so. Among the other papers Bracket found reports indicating that if something is not done soon, food stores would be depleted as the nation was now consuming more food than it was producing. Gain 1 shine crystal mote, 1 gold mote and 1 ivory mote. Gain a population of 200 unclassified slimes. Replace one Wood Mote income from the jungle with a Slime Mote income permanently.

Next report comes from a communications priest, a title for those who parley with the gods by attuning themselves to the Divine Engine's Holy Radio. The god Falknes has agreed to your offer! There was little discussion, the god pleased to have sold off the land for a good price, if nothing else.  Location Gained: Falknes Caverns.

Yume No Yōna Kaze
Yume set sails for the Wild Mountains, a lush mountainous region that was rumored to be teaming with wildlife, much of it dangerous. They looked out over the Bow, spyglass in hand. The wind had shifted several minutes ago, likely an eddy cast off by an island. Yume's connection to the air allowed them to detect the mountains before they appeared out of the cloudbank. By that time, Yume had already begun moving, the shock of their appearance having already warn off. For the peaks that appeared out of the mountains were much larger than one would have guessed. One land in particular was much larger than other lands, a rarity among the islands, but not unheard of. Though such a prize often indicates the direct work or favor of a god, and could not be approached lightly. Surrounding the Sky Mountain, were one Lush Mountain and one Mountain, as well as one Green Hills.

While the Sky Mountain's dangers were less clear, the dangers of the mountains were quickly clarified. The lush mountains were wild, full of dense forests, tigers of immense size, jungle trolls, and a variety of poisonous snakes and flora. The mountains and hills were less dangerous, still having trolls of various types, but less environmental dangers overall.

Znekinq Rapidtail
Zneking made a quick decision and sailed northward, easily outpacing the firestorm that came to occupy the location they had just passed through without tailing them further. Without knowing what lay beyond, Rapidtail set out for an island to the north at random, and within a few days, they had arrived. As they flew, the ratling forges burned bright and hot, splashing liquid metal upon any who were unwary or simply unlucky. Wrought iron blades of dubious craftsmanship, but exceptional in their wickedness, the sharp uneven blades cutting and shredding in equal measures. Add: 40 Ratling Iron Sword (1d10).

As the northern island Rattail had set course for came into view, it was clear that it was a small island, only composed of two lands, a badlands and a mesa. The badlands seemed mostly uninhabited, mainly being a choked place of exposed stone, heavy winds carrying dust and sand. Only twiggy brush was able to grow here, and animals were few and far between. The mesa more hospitable, the ancient remains a land carved by eons of erosion, the plains between the mesas were dry but somewhat fertile. The savannas here surrounded the the raised mesa, sparse grasses and the occasional grove reigned here, and large herbivores roamed the landscape. The raised mesas, which boasted some hearty high altitude plants, boasted little other floura or fauna. Large birds were common here, flightless and harsh, they hunt across the mesa troughs. Their prey is often the swift deerlike marsupials, something akin to a cross between a kangaroo and a small elk, which roam the lands in herds. Large lizards also dwell here, though less dangerous than the birds.

Empress Gwendolyn
Empress Gwendolyn did, if only for a moment, have a small smile upon her face as the messenger swiftly departed. She had just received word from Flaknes, who had taken their bid for the mountain land over the offer of Aeternum Custiodium. Remove two iron motes and one pearl mote from your stores. Gained location information: Falkres Mountains.

She took a few moments to observe the city of Tolan, looking out from her perch here at the top of the plaza. The citizens seemed content, bustling about in the morning market, the smell of fish and the sounds of their rancorous saleskells cawing out advertisements for their fresh catch. Though there was little time to observe her charge, her folk, her responsibility. She may be hard on those around her, but they bear the burden of charting the future of these people as much as she does.

The city of Escobar came into sight a day or so later, though one can hardly be sure with the divine engines, as it's often unclear how much time has passed during their flights. Still, the ship Escobar had not yet sank, and the Empress joined the Admiral in observation of the morbid sight ahead of them.

Aeternum Custodian
The Aeternum Custodian held their eye shut for a moment in disappointment. They had been outbid in the auction of the mountains by some distant engine of birdfolk. They apparently offered the demigod a jewel of the sea, which captured the fancy of the deity, as well as good solid iron. An opulent bid.

Yet their dealings with the goddess Jyll had gone much smoother. The goddess descended upon Providence and sunk the slime pits into the side of the mountain. It was a major event among the populous! Spectators travelled from across the nation to view the display of holy power, and it was the topic of happy conversation among the Spectators for weeks on end. The touch of the goddess collapsing in part of the mountain, sending a plume of acidic gas safely and dramatically skyward. This left behind several hundred pits of slime, carved by the holy acid of Jyll into the solid rock. From these poured many many slimes, which immediately cut into the food stores of the Spectators and placed a burden on the food income of the nation. A soldier force, properly equipped might be able to capture and domesticate the slimes, though it is safe to say a temporary reprieve could be achieved in a more violent fashion by the soldiers as well. Gain one Opal Mote, one Topaz Mote, and one Silver Mote.  Gain a population of 200 unclassified slimes. Replace one Wood Mote income from the jungle with a Slime Mote income permanently.[/b]

Lastly the Aeternum Custiodium set their Divine Engine off in search of new lands. The wind data from the west indicated that a small island was just beyond the horizon, and pleasantly, they were incorrect. The island was actually a bit further, and a bit larger. It was composed of three lands, though the contents of this island brought mixed reactions. It was composed of a Hills, a forest, and a moors. For the most part, it was already inhabited. A civilization of dark red humanoids had erected a large civilization upon the one of the lands, a set of hills. Tall stone spires topped with flags and banners capped castles of rough hewn rock, surrounded by stone buildings and thatch roofs of decent build and construction. Though lacking in magic or advanced technology, this medieval race was rather successful. They grew wheat in abundance upon the hills, and vegetables and wool from the moors. While wood and stone were collected from the forest and hills respectively. The ship is hailed once it is in range, and the civilization indicating it is open to trade and discussion.

The Elemental Council
Last to arrive to Escobar, the Divine Engine belonging to the Elemental Council is the last to arrive at Escobar, joining the Kells and the Sprites in surveying the slowly sinking ship in an attempt to decipher what should be done. The rather damaged ship seems to have had its engine destroyed by a devastating attack by an incredible power of yore, a dangerous reminder that the ships are not immune to damage.

Their discussions with Jyll are equally fruitful, as the goddess accepts their offer and will extend it for another two turns. Though they must depart after that time.

However, Falknes was less understanding. The stubborn god a product of his sphere, they sold their two lands almost immediately, as a rather nice offer was made to the desperate being.

Ongoing Events

Location Event: Iced Lake
The Rain Goddess Fian has complained about her rival, Sika, a Spring Goddess. Sika thawed a lake belonging to a powerful ice spirit allied with Iskaib. Any who can refreeze the lake will gain Favor with the Goddess Fian and the sundered spirit, though this may incur the wrath of Sika.

Offer Event: A Slimy Sale
The Goddess Jyll has announced an offer to all Divine Engines. She will grant any who accept her deal 3 random treasure motes. In exchange for these treasures, all she asks is to place slime pits upon one of your lands. Doing so will replace one of the motes incomes (your choice) into a slime mote income. This may also create a population of slimes upon that land.

Offer Event: A Dying City
The Divine Engine Escobarb has sustained critical damage and will sink into the Sky Depths in three turns. They call for any ships who can take refugees, and offer lands in exchange. Their message was unclear as to the nature of the mortals and lands in need of rescue, further investigation would be required.

New Events

A Dangerous Offer: A demon of unknown stature and power has requested the aid of at least two sets of soldiers, 200 strong each. Though would welcome any additional sets of 200. They will be equipped by the demon, and will be able to keep any armaments they acquire, if they survive. The soldiers will be absent for three turns. While they are gone, they will fight a terrible war to overthrow a rival power which has gained the ire of this patron. The rewards for victory in the war are unknown, but any surviving soldiers may bring back spoils from the campaign depending on how successful it was.

A Spiritual Font
A location of particularly high spiritual power has been discovered, it's location appearing on the radar of each divine engine. While the actual island involved is unknown at this point, it is clear that this island is teeming with the energy of the spirit world for the moment. Enterprising pilots would do well to not underestimate the usefulness of the spirits. The spiritual font will remain for three turns, and will once again fade away, leaving behind just the Lands that housed it.

An Esteemed Guest
A particularly wealthy demigod named Pilontus is looking to vacation upon one of the Divine Engines. They have incredibly fine tastes, requiring a residence of luxurious make, and food of good quality. Preferably, they should entertained by the leader of the host civilization, and the offerings of the host be made clear so that Pilontus can accurately weigh which ship shall be graced by his most high presence and deep pockets.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2021, 06:43:03 pm by Roboson »


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Re: Divine Engines IC
« Reply #9 on: May 25, 2021, 06:29:43 pm »

Brilliance Be. Praise the Before for this find, and whosover left this land here. An Offering must be made.
For Now, the Mountain is of first order. It will be rich in Stone motes, and perhaps even a bit of metal.. Care should be taken however. I will need to think on this.

The Divine Engine moves into position to Tether the Mountain to the other side of the Ocean from the Plains. It is slightly offset to the left so that another more lands would leave just enough room for the Sky Mountain in a sort of pyramid formation.
Spoiler: Positioning, Grey (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Kowareta (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: May 26, 2021, 08:30:10 am by TricMagic »


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Re: Divine Engines IC
« Reply #10 on: May 25, 2021, 06:55:14 pm »

Spoiler: tracker (click to show/hide)

Znekinq Rapidtail thought to himself but he needed more land before agreeing to such a deal
Znekinq Rapidtail then uses the 10 ratling swords to start training citizens into the soldiers and has another ratling 40 swords be made
« Last Edit: May 27, 2021, 04:13:03 pm by darkwarlock3 »
I need more things to join, Send me a request if you need players for something.
I came for the games and stayed for the lack of sanity.
Grammar is my only weakness


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Re: Divine Engines IC
« Reply #11 on: May 25, 2021, 10:18:55 pm »

Eradicate the slimes... Sanders, you're supposed to be smarter than that. Auden shook his head, and set the report aside. Killing off the slimes would most likely anger Jyll, would likely have casualties, would need to be redone later on, and would probably take just as many resources as taming the things would. No, better to take the more sustainable course.

Two wood motes, three iron motes, the two wild motes, and the new slime mote were all set aside for the production of equipment. Machetes would be needed for traversing the jungle, while a young scout had devised an oar-like tool with a wide end that could be used to corral and move the slimes relatively effectively. For containing the slimes, barrels would likely be suitable. The wild and slime motes would moreso provide arcane alignment or attunement to the equipment, allowing them to be more effective in the untamed jungles, and capable of truly interacting with the slimes.
30 machetes were made, 30 of the oar-things - slimecrooks? - and 20 barrels. The wild and slime motes left their marks on the appearances; the blades of the machetes looked like raw iron, hammered and ground cold into their sharpened state, with rough-hewn wood bound in leaves for the handles, while the slimecrooks had moss and vines growing up and down their shafts, a thin layer of slime dripping from the paddles. The barrels had wrappings of iron vines in place of hoops, and the seams slowly oozed slime. Nonetheless, they would be undoubtedly effective, and the scout companies were glad to have them as they made their expeditions into the jungle.

As the scouts were being equipped, Auden was meeting with a representative of the Calgari, where an agreement was struck: Polaris would tether the Mudflats, housing all those it could support, but no more than 200 more than that. There were few enough reserves of food as it was, what with the slimes projected to eat through a third of them shortly; while the Falknes Caverns would likely provide more, it would still be two turns of the hourglass until it could be tethered, and even then, all would have gone somewhat hungry before it could be completed - and that was with the assumption that all went smoothly. No, no more than 200 extra could be accepted, and even that would be advised against.

All immediate matters resolved, Auden set his attentions to what information the Engine had acquired recently., they couldn't spare any soldiers - didn't even have a full "set" in this demon's eyes, besides... ...while interesting, there was no good way to get to the font in time while still doing what else needed to happen... ...oh? A wealthy demigod, looking for a vacation... interesting.
Particularly high-quality food was off the table with the current situation - trying to push that path would only lead to quicker starvation. He would need to be sold on a fine residence and the local sights.

Five motes of stone, three motes of wood, and a mote each of Jyll's graciously-offered gold and ivory were set aside for the residence. It would be pointless to make such a thing purely for this one visitor; it would need to be reusable. To that end, the building would not be a single residence, but rather a small complex, fit to host a number of visiting dignitaries, demigods, and other persons of importance. It would be located a few minutes' walk away from Auden's quarters, which were built into the Cloudbank's "quarterdeck"; it wouldn't do to need to be too far from the Engine just to meet with others, of course.
The structure sprouted from the ground in a flurry of gold leaf. An imposing structure, it used the cliff of the Bastion's stern for support. The exterior was stark white stone, just as the rest of the Bastion was where not covered by the dirt and foliage, but unlike the rough rock of the land, the façade of the Sunlight Alcove - as this complex would be named - was polished to a radiant shine, and decorated in a grand gold-inlaid engraving of Tachyel's construction of the Cloudbank Bastion from the pieces of a shattered world. The interior, meanwhile, was softer in shade; while the lobby held a marble and gold fountain at its center, decorated with a statue each of Rexelia (with mists spraying from behind her, caught in chaotic currents of air), Tachyel (whose upraised hammer was the source of a spout), and Adena (who had water cascading from their head, as knowledge overflows), much of the interior was constructed from the white wood of the sailtrees, with decorations like lamps and reliefs carved from ivory, all of it much easier on the eyes than the shiny, reflective exterior. Each room, too, had a comfortable bed, a desk and chair to work at should such be desired, a space wherein to keep whatever one may have brought with them, and a lamp, all decorated beautifully, albeit with no two rooms being quite the same; additionally, each had access to a balcony, from which one could observe the beautiful and unique blue-and-white landscape. A luxurious apartment, an excellent base from which to explore the rest of the Bastion.

Construction concluded, Auden made contact with Pilontus.
Salutations, honorable Pilontus. I would be Admiral Auden Bracket, head of Polaris, and commander of the Cloudbank Bastion. We would be quite honored to host you for your vacation, and I have just had a domicile constructed for you to make residence in for the duration of your stay, should you elect to come here. Aside from the housing, the Bastion is host to a number of beautiful sights; our sailtrees are unique among the many Engines, and at the rise and set of the sun, a myriad colors dance across the marble face of our mountains. Recently, we have accepted a gift from Jyll, and our jungles are now home to a technicolor interplay of slime trees, rivers, and other foliage and fauna.
In the spirit of truth and honor, however, I must admit that our foodstuffs may not be the sort of fare you may desire. We lack the resources at present to construct higher qualities of food motes, I'm afraid. However, I can assure you that Sprites are excellent cooks with what we have, and the variety of meals you will likely have will be nigh-unmatched. Our traditional cooking covers a wide range of flavors and palates, and I am certain that whatever you wish for, our cooks can produce something to your taste; in fact, if you told them the recipes you most loved, I have little doubt that they would gladly pay you for the privilege, and set their minds to perfecting the dishes for you. We do all set our minds to our favored vocations, after all.
I do hope that you decide to come to the Cloudbank Bastion for your vacation; the experience is one I expect would be not soon forgotten.

Spoiler: Expected Inventory (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: May 31, 2021, 08:07:27 pm by Glass »
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


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Re: Divine Engines IC
« Reply #12 on: May 26, 2021, 12:25:44 pm »

The Chancellor stood in front of the Kellish Parliament building, willing herself unsuccessfully to walk inside. It was a beautiful old building, large and tall and with a round base, topped with a bronze dome long since turned fully green with age, lined with flying buttresses all around the exterior with tall, thin, stained glass windows in between each flying buttress. It was made of massive grey stone blocks, each lovingly handcrafted by some long-forgotten mason from a long-forgotten time. Beyond the tall, polished doors, the Parliament was waiting for her.

Through the doors, past the reception hall, up the staircase, past another door, up another staircase, and she stood in front of the assembly. The room was silent, every eye was on her. The light through the windows made her squint, no-one had considered the glare from all the windows when choosing the parliament building, but no-one was ready to give a solution more complicated than adding curtains, which she was at this point very tempted to do.

For our first topic of the day, we now turn to Escobarb, and the Untulgari.

And the room erupted instantly.

They're savages!
If we let them in, they'll sack Tola-
If we don't let them in, no-
They're just people, just the same as-
So are we to leave them to die?
We need to take care of our own fir-
The heat from their sea will do untold damage to-
They could make for powerful soldie-
They'd be uncontrollable!
They could-
If we-
We need t-

Finally, the room began to settle down, and people began to return to their seats.
Thank you, Custodian. I am hereby proposing that the Boiling sea and the Mistlands be tethered to Kel-

This is prepo-

... I am hereby proposing that the Boiling sea and the Mistlands be tethered to Kellin, and its people accepted as equals. We can live by our morals, our philosophies, our guiding principles, we can accept the Untulgari, we can work to establish diplomatic ties with them, we could one day see Untulgari sitting beneath this very dome... or we could leave them to die. We can practice what we preach, we can help a peoplegroup in need regardless of their situation, regardless of our opinions and fears, or we can leave the dying ship Escobarb the most truly despicable of hypocrites. To abandon these people is to abandon everything we have fought for, everything we claim to stand for and have claimed to stand for, or we can get our hands dirty, and give them a future beyond the abyss beneath the clouds.

A tense silence descended upon the chamber.

Behind her, so quietly to be almost silent, the Custodian whispered, in his hoarse, wheezy voice
Very idealistic of you, Chancellor.
She ignored him. No-one else seemed to have heard him.

So. I hereby call the Parliament to vote, whether to abandon the Untulgari to their imminent death, or help and accept them.

The Chancellor looked up from her desk. Into her office walked the Empress, wearing a plain brown shawl and leaning on her walking stick.
You called.
The vote passed, not by much, but by enough.
A risky move.
The Chancellor ignored her.
The plan to tether the Mistlands and the Boiling sea is thus: We tether the Boiling sea to the mountains, and tether the Mistlands on the far side of the boiling sea, with a small land bridge circumnvigating the boiling sea to attatch it to the mountains by land so we can access them without building a boat out of solid stone. In the case of an emergency, we can construct a fortification of some description on the land bridge, between the abyss and the sea, and if they reach the mountains, it's just one more barrier for them to pass.
Interesting way of treating your equals, putting them on the far side of a mountain range so they don't slaughter your people.
The Chancellor glared at her for a moment, but said nothing.
... That's the overall plan for Escobarb. If the Elementals can't take on the Calgari, we'll bring them on as well, but for now, I humbly request that the Mistlands and the Boiling sea be tethered as specified. The Untulgari as it is have the means to feed themselves, so unless we have severely misread the situation, that should at least for the time being, take care of itself. If all goes smoothly, once we've completed the land tethering we can make for the Falknes mountains and begin to tether that as well. I... I think that's everything.
The Empress studied the Chancellor silently for some time.
Then it shall be done.
Imic's no longer allowed to vote.
Quote from: smyttysmyth
Well aren't you cheery
Quote cabinet
Regrets every choice he made and makes, including writing this here.


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Re: Divine Engines IC
« Reply #13 on: May 27, 2021, 09:42:07 pm »

Aeternum Custiodium flew around its room reflected on all the pass events and processing it as latent memories into its nucleus and blinking at set intervals each time an event is processed. The failure of the bid, the godly power of Jyll, the uniqueness of the slimes, and now the encounter of mortals on a island.

Aeternum first met with the Elder Council, and set the declared decrees among the other Eyes as they are all sipping on their rye teas.

”First Issue of Processing, Slime Complexities. As Overseer and the Custiodium, we shall set these creatures and begin the creation of a ranch for them. To domesticate, we first pacify, then speed of reproduction, determine whether they produce food or just food themselves.

Second Issue of Processing, Tethering and the Mortal Settlement. Create a Diplomatic Mission to see what these dark red creatures with arms and legs have to discuss. Tell them we are open to see what that they have and their asking prices, tell them of the treasures that the Eyes have collected. Secondly, go ask them about basic diplomatic things such as NAPs (Non-aggression pact), Alliance, and also for them to see of the possibility of them to becoming vassal for us, for us to become a protectorate. This will have deciding factors based on inherent isolating altitudes and shyness, but maybe they have a problem that needs solving that they would be grateful for. We offer the power of ever-growing forces and knowledges we will scout out as we are the Harbingers of seeing everything. Now go, Lead Ambassador.

"All Eyes blinked in agreement and then set forth, 40 Eye-Poker Units (Spears) were created from 4 Iron Motes to go and "domesticate" the slimes, more likely scout them and to try to see if we can ranch them. then a Lead Ambassador went and begin the act of negotiations with the red humanoids, also account for their military force that is visibly shown.

« Last Edit: May 27, 2021, 10:43:01 pm by Shadowclaw777 »


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Re: Divine Engines IC
« Reply #14 on: May 31, 2021, 04:48:57 pm »

Once again the Elemental Council breaks into a long, loud, and occasionally violent debate. After finally having decided on the snacks to have for their actual discussion the council returned to the picture of serenity and understanding that most certainly always accompanies these most pleasant conversations. So peaceful was it that Lord Rings had fallen asleep for the majority of the event with his nods and bobs being taken as affirmation of the current topic.

When they received the message that the other two islands had decided to gobble up the majority of the Island and its people without so much as consulting us, despite their marked inability to even feed their own population, the Elementals sent out a message of their own. Yet it was not to the other Islands (that would come later and in a much less friendly manner) but to the "powerful Warlords" living in the permanent settlements along the coast.

The messengers where sent with three gifts and an offer. All three where Artifact Clubs, one with the Aspect of Fire, another with Lava, and the final with beautiful Obsidian. The offer itself was simple, join hand with the Elementals to forcibly claim the whole of the falling Island for the good of all its inhabitants (and the Club-shaped-bribe).

(Club Recipes: 1 Stone, 1 Wood, 1 Lava; 1S,1W, 1 Fire; 1S, 1W, 1 Obsidian)

Hopefully joining hands with the now-friendly local fighters, the military forces of the Elementals are sent out to repel any foreign attempts to integrate land anywhere but the Elemental Council and assist with tethering Mudflats, Boiling Sea, Mistlands, and the Swamp along with the entire population of Escobarb. They are authorized to use as much violence as necessary to accomplish the task and ordered to prioritize the Boiling Sea and our allies there if they meet significant resistance. Tether Boiling Sea as first priority.

A second message was sent to Jyll, thanking her for her patience and gladly accepting to turn a Wood Income into a Slime Income. Workers from various races are to be on the lookout for any Slime population that pops up with orders to herd them towards the battlefield if they do - "conscripting" them to fight for the Elementals in any way that seems practical.

Spoiler: Stuff (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: May 31, 2021, 07:28:39 pm by Stirk »
This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

This is my waifu, this is my gun. This one's for fighting, this ones for fun.
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