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Author Topic: [IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse: The Meeting Hall (Crossover Thread)  (Read 6941 times)


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Freya, Lyra, Tim

"I'm doing fine, thanks. And she's from another group, I don't think she's planning on joining up with ours" Freya replied as the two approached Tim, falling silent as the spoke about what Tim was 'selling'. It was rather odd, seeing him already striking up a business, but she didn't comment on it. In fact, it was only when Lyra drew attention to her bracelet that Freya perked up leaning over to get a better look at it, "Oooh, that looks cool. What does it do?"
Just some nerd who thinks they're a half decent writer.
FEF: Marks of Royalty links:


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Stretch, Arminius, IP, Ehto

IP's expression was again one of curiosity, and, after taking a moment to process all the information, asked, "If I may... where do the Automata fit into all of this? Do I appear somehow similar to them?"

Freya, Lyra, Tim

Lyra was about to speak, but paused. "No, I'm afraid... At least, not at the moment. As for the bracelet? I'm not sure what it does, honestly... but it looks tough enough to protect against blades. That'll be useful for several other people to have." Especially if I fall back into old habits and need them to help me stay alive again, was what Lyra didn't say, though the guilt clearly showed on her face.


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Freya, Lyra, Tim

Tim gently takes the bracelet and gives it a quick look over.
"Hmm...Yes I can duplicate some items, not everything though and not this."
He hands it back.
"My magic allows me to take impressions of items and break them down into a certain value of what my peers and myself call Energy-Matter Currency.  Then I can transmute that "currency" into any other items I've taken impressions of.  Doesn't work on souls though, I don't know why and honestly don't care to look into it.  Whatever that bracelet is it's got something close enough to a soul or something like it in it."
He paused for a bit, glancing between Lyra and Freya.
"I uhh guess you could see if there is any trash in whatever place you came from that nobody will miss.  You wouldn't believe the value of things people throw away."
We are born, out of storm and thunder,
Raised, tear the worlds asunder,
Sent, in the darkest hour,
By the hands of power.


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Freya, Lyra, Tim

Lyra nodded. She'd figured it was a bit of a long shot anyway. "So you just want, what? Bits of junk? Trash? 'Cause if so, I might be able to find some eventually, but I'm still not totally familiar with our own base. If I may ask... how did you learn to do this, anyway?"


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Tim, Lyra, Freya

"I studied under the tutelage of a master of many arts.  Majored in Transmutation with minors in Botanicals and Alchemy.  And yes, just about anything will do, most industrially produced trash is valuable enough to consider."
We are born, out of storm and thunder,
Raised, tear the worlds asunder,
Sent, in the darkest hour,
By the hands of power.


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Lyra nodded, not quite sure what was meant but figuring Transmutation was his primary specialty. Something occurred to her, and she quickly reached into her pack to pull out a the poison sprayers, handguns, and pipes from the last mission.

"Does that mean you can do something with these?"


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Tim, Lyra

"Certainly, what would you like?"
Tim waves a hand slowly over his "wares".
We are born, out of storm and thunder,
Raised, tear the worlds asunder,
Sent, in the darkest hour,
By the hands of power.


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Tim, Lyra

Lyra flinched, a little embarrassed. She'd more wanted to help Tim out more than anything, not just because she wanted more food. "L-look, don't worry about it, okay? I just figured you'd need this stuff more than I would. As it stands, they were just sitting in my pack, doing nothing..." Lyra then realized something.

"Hold on. As long as you've got enough Energy-Matter Currency, you can still make a lot of stuff, right?" Lyra tried not to think about what that implied about Sharicite. "Does that mean you can duplicate other things?" This time, Lyra pulled out her swapper, showing it off to Tim. "This doesn't use magic of any kind, so it should be okay... Right?"


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Tim, Lyra

Tim takes the block of tech and rolls it over a few times in his hands, popping open a small access panel to look inside before putting it back.
"A bit complicated by the looks, but doable."
He takes it to the magical circle from before and sets it down, allowing the table to flare up before picking it back up and handing it back.
"Definitely complicated.  Were you looking for a second one or?"
We are born, out of storm and thunder,
Raised, tear the worlds asunder,
Sent, in the darkest hour,
By the hands of power.


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Tim, Lyra

Lyra hesitated. Why was she asking him to do this? "I, uh..." She considered giving the duplicate to one of the others, but she wouldn't know if a Swapper would fit into their fighting style, and even before taking that into account...

The pattern survives, the fleshlump gets fried.

"You know what... never mind." Lyra quickly took back the Swapper. "I'm sorry I bothered you with this, I just..." And before she knew it, Lyra'd already put a good dozen feet of distance between her and the transmuter.

No, she couldn't have the others have something like this, not without knowing what it was. And if they did, would they even want to use it? Lyra remembered her promise to Mitsurugi. Would the goddess - the one Lyra promised to work for - approve of such a thing's use at all?

Another unpleasant question when Lyra already had so many. She wasn't even sure what to do. Maybe she should go find somewhere to practice her fighting, clear her head. Or perhaps she'd be better off talking with someone else? Or maybe Mitsurugi was ready to give Lyra her first lesson and was just waiting for her...


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Re: [IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse: The Meeting Hall (Crossover Thread)
« Reply #100 on: June 26, 2021, 05:37:38 am »

Lyra, Tim

Tim starts to say something, gesturing as Lyra rushed off.
"Hey I thou-"
He cut himself off, shrugged, and sighed.  Once she was a fair ways off he let out a pensive hmm... and pulled up another copy of the device Lyra had passed him, taking some time to look over the exact duplicate.  He fiddles with various panels of it on the table, using his stone and various tools to go so far as to disintegrate parts to access others.  Of course, he also had no real idea what it was or how it worked, or how to figure either of those things out.  Right now he was just poking at some odd bit of tech to see what was in it, as one might a bicycle or lock.

(Tim is unoccupied if anyone wants to interact)
We are born, out of storm and thunder,
Raised, tear the worlds asunder,
Sent, in the darkest hour,
By the hands of power.

Sutoratosu Akira

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Re: [IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse: The Meeting Hall (Crossover Thread)
« Reply #101 on: July 04, 2021, 12:34:39 am »

Spoiler: A fateful conversation (click to show/hide)

Aurora enters the Meeting Hall
She gazed around at the bizarre decorum set out before her. Faces both familiar and foreign, though mostly foreign, helped to cement the feeling of being lost. But her face remained still as ever as she scanned the room, Mitsurugi's description still fresh in her mind. Before long she spotted... a dog.

The dog. From the suites. And this time she actually felt her. And recoiled in disgust. Looks could be deceiving. She was no lycanthrope, that much was clear. She wasn't even similar to the silver-coated child. She wasn't even a true canine as far as Aurora could tell- well that was half true. Her signature was barely much removed from that of a wild hound, superficially. But beneath the veneer was death. So much death. Renewing death, but death nonetheless...

That discovery alone put her at ease enough to pry her burning eyes off the mutt. After all, she couldn't be a trespasser, not with an essence like that. Just a small cog in some other world's cosmology, not grand enough to deserve a mortal's worship, but just so to deserve mythic fear nonetheless. Aurora couldn't help but wonder just how many other cogs, just alike, there were back wherever the beast hailed from.

It didn't matter right now though. She had other priorities. A moment more of looking and she eventually found a young woman (or man? It was a fair distance and she didn't feel like reading an essence just to check something so trivial anyway.) roughly matching the manner of dress Mitsurugi had described. With purpose in her small stride, she approached Lyra and practically flagged her down.
   "You there! you wouldn't happen to know any mortals named 'Kraken' or 'Lyra', would you?"
« Last Edit: July 04, 2021, 12:38:17 am by Stratos »
"Reality, unlike fiction, has no obligation to conform to what people find believable." -Chroniqler


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Re: [IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse: The Meeting Hall (Crossover Thread)
« Reply #102 on: July 04, 2021, 05:31:23 pm »

Lyra, Aurora

Lyra flinched a little as she nearly ran into the… spider person? “Y-yes, I’m Lyra Concept, contractor. How may I help you?” Better to help the person with whatever her problem was, rather than ruminate on something she couldn’t really tackle just yet.

Sutoratosu Akira

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Re: [IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse: The Meeting Hall (Crossover Thread)
« Reply #103 on: July 05, 2021, 12:44:02 am »

Aurora, Lyra
"Ah, perfect," The goddess said, "I understand you're interested in becoming an acolyte of Mitsurugi, yes? Good. I will be coordinating with you and the one known as 'kraken' to help restore her worship base. Since you're the first mortals who've expressed a desire to help, I'll be expecting you to take point when it comes to missionary work and public relations. At least until we have greater numbers and people more..."
    She paused, looking the young mercenary up and down. Lyra might note the glimmer of otherworldly emerald hues as she did, as if the woman's eyes were merely lenses through which the light of another plane was filtered through. "...qualified to fill the role of a head clergy. Any questions so far?"
« Last Edit: July 05, 2021, 12:50:09 am by Stratos »
"Reality, unlike fiction, has no obligation to conform to what people find believable." -Chroniqler


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Re: [IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse: The Meeting Hall (Crossover Thread)
« Reply #104 on: July 05, 2021, 08:58:39 am »

Aurora, Lyra

Lyra did her best to hold back her frown when the spider lady looked over her with creepy green eyes and, presumably, found her wanting. This venture wasn’t gonna end well, was it? But she could hardly go back on her word without ar least trying. After a few moments of thought, Lyra asked, ”How would I… convince people to worship Mitsurugi? I’ve never… The organizations I’ve worked with in the past don’t generally recruit people…”

Void, she was just disappointing the spider lady more, wasn’t she?
« Last Edit: July 05, 2021, 01:58:27 pm by AzyWng »
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