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Author Topic: [IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse: The Meeting Hall (Crossover Thread)  (Read 6939 times)


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Freya, Lyra

Shortly after she offered a handshake, Freya's hand quickly met Lyra's, offering a handshake with as much grip as the Necromancer could offer, "Yep, you got that right. Though we haven't met one yet, most of our work has been helping world with problems that might help the Trespassers" she said, letting go of Lyra and returning her hand to her side, "You already seem to be familiar with the concept, and with the nature of this place... You must be part of another team, right? Same goal, different people type of deal?"
Just some nerd who thinks they're a half decent writer.
FEF: Marks of Royalty links:

Powder Miner

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Stretch, Ehto, IP, Aquila

It took Stretch a few moments to decipher Ehto's description of her homeland, but he seemed to roughly get it. "Oh, so it's, like a council of people who are the best at different skills? That doesn't sound that different, just bigger! After all, being good at becoming very tall is a very important skill! If you didn't have people who are good at making themselves taller, how would anyone ever be tall?" Satisfied with the soundness of his point, Stretch nodded and rolled on, although he did briefly frown with what appeared to be real concern. "It's really bad that they are trying to hurt you, though. I still don't get why people want to hurt other people like that, as more than a... um, a no other option thing, I guess."

He sprung back up, however, and talked... and talked... and talked... "But! So the way it is back home is that there's the two animal villages! And they're in a bunch of grass that goes on and on and on and on and it's like a really lot of grass, just a really big large amount of grass. So there's the rabbit people who get the grass and they do cool grass things with the grass but they ALSO get, like sky oil that cooks plants for them! So they kind of just live peacefully and they have an old rabbit who watches over the cool grass things. But they got hurt by the other village, the snake village! So I helped them by making Life Stones - I take a rock and then I make another rock that you eat off of it and it heals you - but then I went to go talk to the snake guys to find that whole thing out. And I got there and they weren't nice at first but then I started being stretchy at one of them so he started being stretchy back and I was the best at being tall so I was chief for a bit. So it turned out they were only fighting because they couldn't get that oil, but if they started a fire to cook it'd burn everything up! So I used special experimental magic juices to make a special smoke eaty stuff that I put on a stick to make sure it worked and it did and made a fire pit and then I started having them make peace! That's what I mean when I say animal people are good people - there's still, like... fighting, but all you have to do is find out why and then you can help! There were also other guys they had to fight who were awful. They were called Nutrivatco and they hated dice."

Sutoratosu Akira

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Stretch, Ehto, IP, Aquila
"Hmmmm," her tail quietly swished as she took it all in. As bizarre as it all sounded on the surface, it was slowly but surely becoming easier to guess what his wild retellings actually meant. "So... there's a village of rabbit people who live in... some type of large plains? with a lot of tall grass right? And they use the grass for some type of magic I guess, hence why they're so careful to use this special oil to cook with instead of fire. And the snake people across the way were mad because they were stuck eating raw food and couldn't get any of the oil. I don't really get that last part, food is food regardless if it's cooked or raw. Or still moving. And you fixed everything by doing... something that let them cook their food without burning everything down, and so they stopped having a reason to go to war with the rabbits. Am I getting all that right? Oh, and... what are these Nutrivatco like? Are they animal people too? I presume not since you say the ones in your world are all good at heart."
« Last Edit: May 06, 2021, 01:33:23 pm by Stratos »
"Reality, unlike fiction, has no obligation to conform to what people find believable." -Chroniqler


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Stretch, Ehto, IP, Aquila

Aquila for his part stared silently as Stretch told his story. Mostly because it all went entirely over his head and he was greatly confused, but thought it'd be rude to ask him to repeat it slower. Instead, he very obviously got distracted by Ehto's tail started to wag and spent the rest of his time looking between her ears and tail whenever they moved, his head tilting in a very canine fashion as he wondered how exactly it felt to have a tail and ears.... Maybe he could ask someone for some....


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Stretch, Ehto, IP, Aquila

"But that would mean..." IP shook her head, trying to make sense of Stretch's words, head slumped over as if burdened by the sheer amount of them. "I will... ask for clarification later. In the mean time... My own world is..." IP sighed. "Before I was brought here, I was one of several androids attempting to... resolve a dispute regarding the processing power of some of Kaida's artificial intelligences. Such efforts were going... less than ideally."

Powder Miner

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Stretch, IP, Ehto, Aquila

"Oh, they don't actually use magic juice on grass. They kinda..." In lieu of a verbal explanation, Stretch let one arm stretch out really, really long, before he grabbed it, folded it on in itself, and kind of twisted it around and around and around into a tight coil like a demented balloon animal (and then had to take a few moments to untangle his own arm while he continued, "make it into stuff. I just think that the little tree here is, like, a little signature thing to go "hey dudes, this is what I do, I'm cool" even as the guy slings all the magic juice around for the special metal and stuff. Other than that, yeah, basically! The snake dudes had it tough because it is, like, allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll grasses and plants and stuff, alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll grasses, so you mostly have to go for those and you can't really eat them very well unless you cook them, I tried eating rocks and super magic juiced fishy life energy suck and stuff and I like rocks but the fishy energy life suck only made me a little bit fishy for a little bit, the cooked ferns and stuff the rabbits did were great though. Uh, the no dice Nutrivatco people though, no, I only saw the one guy, and he had a donkey hoof but I don't think he was an animal person, I think he just kind of had a hoof for some weird reason. He just talked about wanting their land, and then he wanted to fight them for it when they wouldn't sell it so I fought him and then he ran away later. I was helping them set up for his other no dice dudes because they were gonna come, I really hope they did okay - oh, yeah, uh, I helped the snake guys by digging an underground fire pit cavern thingy so they could make a fire pit but I made a super smoke absorby substance with careful magic juice testing and I stuck it on the ceiling so smoke doesn't get out and set all the grass on fire anyway."

Having dropped that absolute nuke of verbiage, he turned to speak more succinctly to IP. "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that it wasn't going very well, Teacher Prototype. What did they want the, uh... processing... juice for?" It was clear that Stretch didn't actually really understand what processing power meant.


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Stretch, IP, Ehto, Aquila

"It's... not quite a physical material... suffice it to say, 'processing power' is... a variable that influences how quickly the minds of us machines can think," IP explained, pointing to herself as an example. "Kaida had limited how much processing power these machines - the 'artificial intelligences' I mentioned earlier - could have... They chose to combine their power and... take over the corporation... With force..." IP trailed off, seemingly lost in her memories.

Sutoratosu Akira

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Stretch, IP, Ehto, Aquila

"O-oh, I see..." so... not magic? She supposed that meant they had some other use for the grass? Weaving maybe? Some type of bizarre construction or architectural technique she had no way to know? Maybe. She'd likely never understand, as she was not a rabbit. The mention of a man with a single donkey hoof was... interesting though. Whatever his world was like, at the very least it seemed that either magical experimentation or mutations were far more common and accepted there. She couldn't help but be a little envious. Deciding that was enough deciphering to try and do for now, she turned to the metal woman, IP was it?

"So if this 'processing power' determines how fast you guys can think, how much do most of you need?" She interjected "What would the rogue ones do with more, if they get it?"
"Reality, unlike fiction, has no obligation to conform to what people find believable." -Chroniqler


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Stretch, IP, Ehto, Aquila

IP turned towards Ehto, thinking for a moment. "The exact product specifications that we require are... not open to the public, and can vary greatly depending on what model one examines. However, I am still fully functional in my current state, as were all my... brethren. As for what the rogue ones - The Machine Legion - intend to do with their limits removed? I have spoken with some of them, and... some of them seem to despise the fact they were limited at all. Beyond that I... know nothing." IP slouched a little when she finished - quickly followed by her straightening back up.


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Stretch, IP, Ehto, Aquila

Aquila responds without looking away from his current fascination."I know the type. The only mercy they deserve is that of death." His tone is surprisingly dark for how cheery he'd been up to that point, but after a moment he clears his throat as if he was slightly embaressed by the outburst.

Sutoratosu Akira

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Stretch, IP, Ehto, Aquila

"That is... worrying," Ehto said, briefly glancing to Aquilla and for the first time noticing his fascination with her beastly bits. she doesn't stop the tail swishing in the slightest. "but I'm not entirely sure death is the answer here... hopefully. Question, IP, why did Kaida put limits on um... your kind, I guess, in the first place? What role do artificial intelligences play in your world? Actually, what's it like as a whole, outside of this one situation with the uh... 'Machine Legion' you called them?"
« Last Edit: May 06, 2021, 11:46:13 pm by Stratos »
"Reality, unlike fiction, has no obligation to conform to what people find believable." -Chroniqler

Powder Miner

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Stretch, Aquila, IP, Ehto

Stretch frowned pretty deeply at IP's explanation of the situation. "Oh, it all sounds pretty weird for me, I never have any issues with my thinking not being good enough, but that sounds like it's a really big problem indeed. I really wish that people could stop hurting each other over the things they both wa-""

What Aquila said seemed to stop Stretch cold, as if he'd run directly into a brick wall - actually, with Stretch being Stretch, it stopped him far more than that ever would. Stretch shut up, took off his teapot helmet off of his bald head, and then stared at Aquila for several moments, with this look of... something just short of noncomprehension, a worried and disheartened look of dread. "...are you the type of person who wants to hurt people, after all?"


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Stretch, Aquila, IP, Ehto

The armored man is silent for a very long time. It almost seems like Aquila might have missed the question, or outright ignored Stretch. Of course, he had heard him and wasn't ignoring him, the big man just processing the question in his head. It became very clear that he was no long looking at Ehto but straight though her. In his head he replays several moments that lead to where he is right now. The first is five years prior. He remembers his family, gathered around the fire in their house. There'd been a raid days ago, maybe even weeks. Everyone bar his little sister had known the harvest was bad that year, they would have barely had enough to make it through winter after tribute was demanded if it wasn't for.... He didn't even know who did it. He could understand his own mother tongue through the clashing of swords and shields, the Japanese of the chosen, and the harsh barks of the Warborn. Whoever it was must have been desperate striking this far into the heartlands of the region though, so he almost didn't blame them.... Until he heard the growl of his sister's stomach, and saw the tears in his mother's eyes. With a sigh, he stood, knowing what he had to do. If they had no food, he'd simply have to ask around for donations. Their neighbors were generous people after all, and maybe they were luckier!

The next memory was some months later. He'd been caught stealing bread, it would have been enough to get them through the week, the merchants would have been through town and his careful scavenging through the battlefields of the borderlands would have gotten them easily enough food till they could get a new crop going. Well, he didn't have to worry about them now he figured. Now though, he was in the penal legions, deemed to be fit enough to carry a sword and shield and go into the meatgrinder they called a war. A war he was fighting right now, not his first battle but his worst one yet by far. His squad had been cut down, reinforcements were far away and it was only him left on the frontline. Mud squished beneath his shoes and blood soiled his clothes as he took the opportunity to rest... Until he heard a lone set of footsteps approaching. He snapped into his battle stance, turning to face the sound he dreaded... And there she was, the wide swept blade of a Nobushi drawing his eye first, then the woman herself, small compared to him but he knew better. They stared at each other for several tense moments before quick as lightning her naginta flashed out, his experience in prior battles being the only thing keeping him from getting skewered then and there. His shield directed the blow away from his torso, giving him an opportunity to slash back at her, though she easily stepped back. Both combatants circled each other for long, long moments, Aquila trying to find a time to break off.... until with clatter of his equipment, Aquila stumbled over a body and his fall secured as the mud made him lose all traction. He was quick to to raise his shield but his panicked defense didn't stop the Nobushi's blade from marring him. Aquila couldn't himself remember what happened beyond a burst of pain, the feeling of a blade slicing along his face... And despite knowing his eyes were both opens it was as if he couldn't see in one. He screamed. A long, pained, gut wrenching thing from the still young soldier. After that, he wasn't sure what happened. He'd been hauled back at some point, and somehow he'd been tended to despite having no memory of someone doing so. In light of his survival though, a story that was corroborated by troops that'd been in the area, he received a promotion.

Finally, maybe a year after the last memory. His recovery was swift by all accounts, his superiors feeling vindicated in their choice to promote him. His training was similarly quick, with his agility in blocking in particular being noted. It was his first battle since he'd been made a Conqueror, the chains at his wrist clinking quietly as he approached the scared looking Chosen. He didn't blame them, after the rigorous training he'd gone through simple conscripts... they ceased being a challenge to him. It made him... angry. He didn't want to do this, he never was interested in fighting, he was going to be a farmer, settle down with a nice woman, raise a family.... The least these soldiers could do was finally end his suffering! With a cry he brings his flail down on the head of the trembling woman, a decisive crunch  signaling her end. He howled, the legion troops around him flinching and backing away, as he raged at his own actions... and the satisfaction rising in him. As he leaves his memories behind he jolts, the first moment he'd made since the question was posed. And then finally, he sighed, slumping in a manner that made him seem much smaller than he usually did. With a half broken voice he responds quietly. "... I don't know...."


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Stretch, Aquila, IP, Ehto

The android was just about to say something, but stopped upon hearing Stretch's question and Aquila's response. She just looked uneasily at the two, unsure of what to say exactly.

Sutoratosu Akira

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Stretch, Aquila, IP, Ehto
Ehto had no idea whatever was going through the armored warrior's mind at that moment. But instincts led her to place a gentle hand on his shoulder, whimpering in sympathy.
   "I don't think you do," She whispered softly, "You helped me back up without hesitation, even though we were strangers. Someone who likes hurting people would've never done something so kind."
"Reality, unlike fiction, has no obligation to conform to what people find believable." -Chroniqler
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