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Author Topic: [IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse: The Meeting Hall (Crossover Thread)  (Read 6927 times)

Sutoratosu Akira

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Re: [IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse: The Meeting Hall (Crossover Thread)
« Reply #105 on: July 05, 2021, 12:41:34 pm »

Aurora, Lyra
"Oh it's fairly simple procedure," Aurora said, "Not easy. But simple nonetheless. Preach about the greatness of your god, carry out their rites, and if necessary offer a demonstration of their power to the more vehement infid-er... non-believers, using what powers you've been bestowed. Or by asking for a miracle from them. Sometimes you'll have to get a bit more hands on than that and tackle a person's or community's plight in the name of your god. If you're successful and avoid too much collateral, that typically goes a far way towards ingratiating the populace and making them more open to entering the fold. Mortals tend to be drawn to heroism, after all. Especially that sponsored by a deity or other great figure."
    The diminutive queen began pacing around Lyra and, it seemed, using the opportunity to examine her even further. "Then of course, there's terror, and indoctrination, which I've always found worked quite well when properly executed. Indoctrination is fairly self-expanding and easy to maintain so long as one keeps up appearances. Terror serves as a valuable weapon against non-believers who might oppose you, and a coaxing tool for those on the fence about whether they want to commit; after all, better to have a god as a patron than an enemy, when you're a mortal. But I don't believe that Mitsurugi is the type to endorse those latter two methods, so we'll largely be refraining from them."
    Having made one full pass around the mercenary, she stopped on a dime and stared the woman in the eye. With so close a view, it was easy to see now that whoever or whatever this spider lady was, there were no whites to her eyes. They were unending seas of verdant green, not unlike an expanse of rolling steppes in mid-spring. There was something undeniably inhuman about them, but what exactly would be Lyra's guess.
    "Regardless of the approach, however, the first step to successful conversion is to know one's god. So for now, you and this 'Kraken' should do what you can to learn from Mitsurugi. How she expects her followers to conduct themselves, what she represents and how best to honor her domain through rites, rituals, etc. In short, you're going to have to become priests. Or something very close to it. While a screaming missionary with nothing but a copy of scripture and holy symbol but no actual ordination or blessings can bring in more followers, it tends to be hit or miss, depending on how good their rhetoric is. But that's all it is to non-believers if it doesn't work, failed rhetoric. Priests are able to actually back up their claims, among other things."
"Reality, unlike fiction, has no obligation to conform to what people find believable." -Chroniqler


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Re: [IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse: The Meeting Hall (Crossover Thread)
« Reply #106 on: July 05, 2021, 01:57:48 pm »

Aurora, Lyra

“Mitsurugi was preparing something to show us, actually. Don’t know when that’ll be ready, mind….” Lyra did her best not to flinch or look away, even when the spider lady’s eyes gazed right into hers. This had to be a test or measurement of her nerve… she wasn’t going to back down. Not now.

Sutoratosu Akira

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Re: [IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse: The Meeting Hall (Crossover Thread)
« Reply #107 on: July 05, 2021, 02:19:50 pm »

Aurora, Lyra
"I see... very good." Her stare lingered in the silence that followed, seeming to intensify the longer it carried on. Finally though, apparently satisfied with whatever she had seen, she was merciful enough to let her gaze drift around the room. Probably searching for something or someone else to scrutinize. "Hmmm, yes, You may yet make a suitable priestess. We'll just have to wait and see. Now, where is this other mortal, the one called Kraken?"
"Reality, unlike fiction, has no obligation to conform to what people find believable." -Chroniqler


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Re: [IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse: The Meeting Hall (Crossover Thread)
« Reply #108 on: July 05, 2021, 07:41:46 pm »

Aurora, Lyra

Lyra shrugged. “I don’t really know. I last saw him in the throne hall, though he may have moved from there. If I may ask, who are you to be taking such an interest in Mitsurugi’s affairs?” Lyra was honestly a little irritated that this… spider priest (or whoever she was) had managed to say so much without even introducing herself, but the contractor did her best to keep her frustrations down. Wouldn’t do to have a repeat of last time.

Sutoratosu Akira

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Re: [IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse: The Meeting Hall (Crossover Thread)
« Reply #109 on: July 05, 2021, 09:02:10 pm »

"Aurora", Lyra

"ah yes, of course. Where are my manners?" She chuckled at the oversight, but once more her gaze bore into Lyra. This time whatever she was looking for, it was more introspective. She made up her mind before there was any real time to question it. "My name is Arachne, but it's for the best you simply call me Aurora. As for why I've decided to get involved, well there's a few. As a god myself, her current plight is one that strikes close to home for me. Too close. Then there's also the fact that allowing her to stay in her current state will only prove a detriment to our mission in the long run. This was well before your time, but the man who originally gathered us all warned us that if we were to have any hope at stopping the trespassers, we would need to become exponentially more powerful. I trust you can see why letting one of our own slowly starve out of existence is not... very conducive to that."
"Reality, unlike fiction, has no obligation to conform to what people find believable." -Chroniqler


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Re: [IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse: The Meeting Hall (Crossover Thread)
« Reply #110 on: July 05, 2021, 09:30:17 pm »

“Aurora”, Lyra

”Wait wait wait, ”starve out of existence”? That can happen? She didn’t tell us things were that bad! Uh…” How are you supposed to help sustain the existence of a goddess you’ve known for less than an hour? Think, Lyra, think! Lyra slapped her hands together into a position resembling prayer, and started saying…

”Dearest Guardian Disaster Spirit Goddess Saigai-no-Mitsurugi-no-Kami, please, hear my prayer… Know that we are doing all we can to hold you together and make sure you can still help us!” Desperately, the contractor looked to Aurora for some sign to keep going or stop or anything that would help with Mitsurugi’s situation.

Sutoratosu Akira

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Re: [IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse: The Meeting Hall (Crossover Thread)
« Reply #111 on: July 05, 2021, 09:50:09 pm »

Aurora, Lyra

Perhaps I should've worded it a bit less bluntly... oh well, they might as well know the truth.

"Your concern is admirable and befitting of a priestess," she interjected, "but now is not the time to panic. She still has some time, and we have potential access to the mortals and secrets of infinite worlds. We will figure out how to help her... one way or another. But... yes. Unfortunately. Since you and this Kraken fellow are the main ones helping, I think it only right you understand the full scope of things. To the gods of certain worlds, such as my own or hers, faith is much like sustenance. If one goes without for too long, they will either fade away, or go dormant. And I fear it's been a very long time since Mitsurugi had a reliable source of Faith. She received an infusion from Alexandria, another goddess you may have met, a while ago, and I hope to enlist her aid in this as well whenever I see her again. In short, there's still plenty of opportunities, and thus plenty of hope."
"Reality, unlike fiction, has no obligation to conform to what people find believable." -Chroniqler


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Re: [IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse: The Meeting Hall (Crossover Thread)
« Reply #112 on: July 05, 2021, 10:04:35 pm »

Aurora, Lyra

Lyra lowered her hands, but what Aurora told her didn’t relax her at all. “You’ve told the others about this issue too, right? At the very least, they can keep an eye out for such opportunities… Oh, another thing. Mitsurugi said she was a disaster goddess and guardian spirit. Can you elaborate on that? What disasters was she responsible for? What did she do before she fell on hard times? How did she protect people?”

Maybe if she knew these things, she’d have a better idea of how to pitch Mitsurugi-worship to the folks she ran into on her travels.

Sutoratosu Akira

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Re: [IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse: The Meeting Hall (Crossover Thread)
« Reply #113 on: July 06, 2021, 12:10:04 am »

Aurora, Lyra
Aurora shook her head "I only found out a short while ago. But... I planned on getting a few more of them to pitch in with the effort anyway, so there's no harm telling them. As for Mitsurugi's domains and history, well..."
   She wondered how wise it was to reveal much more right now. Letting loose that the other goddess was struggling to even hold onto her own identity may do more to hinder their efforts than bolster them. No... no. That tidbit would have to stay between her and Alexandria, for the time being. Gathering a new following was something just about any of them could pitch in with, but this was not. Nevertheless she gave Lyra a reassuring smile.
   "It would be better to ask your matron herself, dear." She said. "Those are all things that any good cleric should get to know about their god. And you're in luck, because unlike most clerics I've known, you can actually speak to your god in person."
"Reality, unlike fiction, has no obligation to conform to what people find believable." -Chroniqler


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Re: [IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse: The Meeting Hall (Crossover Thread)
« Reply #114 on: July 06, 2021, 01:08:21 am »

Arminius, Stretch, Ehto, IP

"I'm not sure if I should be afraid or amazed of everything I just heard. All this type of stuff is really normal in your world? How long has the succubus reigned? And what role does the demon king play in your cosmology; obviously they're more than just a leader of monsters if their influence is so great that they can um...forcibly change the very methods by which their subjects draw sustenance."

Arminius thinks for a moment. He hadn't really considered how long the demon king's reign had gone on, wasn't a very important subject for him at any point. Taking into account the existence of Automata and the fact that they apparently were just like that when found though.... "Oh, it's been a couple thousand years at least. I mean, I don't think there are even any elves the remember how things were before her reign. As for her role.... Well, she's like a higher god. I think it's something to do with the title? But whatever it is she's powerful enough that she changed regional gods in Zingpangu and her children, the Lilim, are able to turn regions of the world into Demon Realm. Nice places, you should visit if you get the chance."

IP's expression was again one of curiosity, and, after taking a moment to process all the information, asked, "If I may... where do the Automata fit into all of this? Do I appear somehow similar to them?"

Arminius's response to this takes far less time as he turns to address IP. "Oh yeah, I mean, it's mostly broad strokes like being humanoid uh... automata. Anyway, they're machines built by an ancient and highly advanced civilization. Normally they don't do much but if they get shocked they turn... aggressive. Met a guy with one as a wife, very polite girl, non-lethal armaments only type, made it funnier when she took out an attacking platoon by herself while extracting the pair." Arminius chuckles a bit at the memory.


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Re: [IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse: The Meeting Hall (Crossover Thread)
« Reply #115 on: July 06, 2021, 11:08:24 am »

Aurora, Lyra

Now Lyra relaxed a little. “O-okay,good… just… please, let the others know that this is a priority, alright? I’m going to tell as many people as I can about the situation. I know you said we have some time, but time has a habit of running out.”

Arminius, Stretch, Ehto, IP

”An entire platoon? And you say this automata was equipped with non-lethal weapons only? Fascinating. Even I would have trouble with twenty foes at once, and I’m purpose-built for combat… IP’s eyes seemed to look down for a moment, then resumed their normal positions on her face.

Sutoratosu Akira

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Re: [IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse: The Meeting Hall (Crossover Thread)
« Reply #116 on: July 06, 2021, 10:00:11 pm »

Aurora, Lyra
As if I don't already know how fleeting time is. Foolish child, I've seen mortal dynasties rise and fall, fellow gods fall to one another's schemes, and whole continents be subsumed by the sea.

"I would hope most of them will comprehend the seriousness of it without me stressing it..." she muttered, briefly thinking about the various mishaps that had stemmed this army of misfits in the past, "but yes, I suppose that probably would be for the best. Just to prevent any... oh nevermind, I'll cross that inevitable bridge when I get to it."

With that said, she turned on her heels to leave, "Now unless you have any more questions, I must go find Kraken."

Arminius, Stretch, Ehto, IP

There were many interesting things the man shared just now. Things she probably should've been adding to her notes. But in that moment, there was one thing that Ehto just couldn't steal her attention away from. And in that moment, she realized this must've been what Utzi felt like when she forgot to explain terms properly. But she wouldn't be a scholar if she was afraid to forge ahead into the unknown in search of answers.

"I see... that's really interesting and all, but... what's a god?"
« Last Edit: July 06, 2021, 10:04:05 pm by Stratos »
"Reality, unlike fiction, has no obligation to conform to what people find believable." -Chroniqler


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Re: [IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse: The Meeting Hall (Crossover Thread)
« Reply #117 on: July 07, 2021, 02:34:17 pm »

IP, Ehto, Stretch, Arminius

Arminius nods in response to the robot's question. "Yes, Automata typically are equiped with lightning weapons. It's obviously not as powerful as say, a thunderbird's lightning, but it disables people through armor just as well as any other kind."

The dog girl's question gives him pause, as he frowns in thought. He muttered the question to himself again, looking to IP quickly for help before shaking his head. Why would an automaton know about gods after all? Finally he shrugs. "I... Don't know the definition off the top of my head but it depends on how powerful they are. Ryu exist on the mortal plane and control storms and other such phenomenon in their local area. Lilim are administrators of demon realms on the mortal plane and in addition are incredibly powerful magically as well as being strong physically. Then there's ones like the Queen of Hearts, who controls an entire plane of her own...." He trails off, thinking of more examples for Ehto.


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Re: [IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse: The Meeting Hall (Crossover Thread)
« Reply #118 on: July 10, 2021, 11:07:46 pm »

Aurora, Lyra

Lyra just nervously nodded. "Okay..." And with Aurora about to leave, Lyra was left, gain, wondering where to go, and what to do. Perhaps she would seek out Mitsurugi. Though she didn't want to interrupt whatever preparations she was making, the spider-lady goddess had a point: Lyra needed to figure out who her goddess was, exactly. Alternatively, she could try to explore the castle - hopefully without running into any more corpses like earlier.

Or, Lyra reflected as she held back a yawn, she could try to get some rest. Though with all that had happened, she doubted she'd be able to do that, especially since sleep wasn't something that came easily to her to begin with.

IP, Ehto, Stretch, Arminius

IP nodded, then cut in with her own explanation. "A god is... an entity that possesses extreme, often supernatural powers over the world. Such entities are often worshiped by others, and, depending on the exact religion one follows, can be anything from a single, supreme being, to one of several deities in a pantheon, each having power over one particular aspect of life. I myself have known one such entity - Zir, the God of War... He is... is..." IP trailed off, trying to think of what words could best describe the mysterious entity...

Sutoratosu Akira

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Re: [IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse: The Meeting Hall (Crossover Thread)
« Reply #119 on: July 10, 2021, 11:43:46 pm »

IP, Ehto, Stretch, Arminius
"So...I still don't get it." Ehto shook her head, tail falling in displeasure. The most powerful thing anyone had encountered and recorded in her world were the Horrors. And the most powerful she had personally crossed paths with was an adult dragon, which wasn't that far behind. Now, the Horrors were nebulous and well, horrifying, but they didn't quite operate like what was being described. They ate the world, not influence it's workings. And Dragons well, they could have elemental affinities, yes, and their intelligence and power could easily outpace even an experienced sorcerer, but these traits were also tempered with an (almost) universal megalomania that often led to their own downfalls. At least that's how the old legends always went. Didn't sound like a very good fit for a god. She turned to IP, fairly certain that the automaton would give her a better follow up than Arminius at this point.
    "Are they common then?" She said "You guys make it sound like it is, if both your worlds have them. If my home had something that powerful lurking around, we probably would've found them by now. Or they would've found us; plenty of other things have already... What other traits do gods have, besides extreme power? Where do they come from? And what do you mean that people 'worship' them?"

She stopped for roughly two seconds as a rather heretical conversation reached her ears. But despite the annoyance it brought, she said nothing and strode through the portal. Figures, the mutt was apparently unaware of what a god even was. If there were any more new recruits as oblivious as her, Aurora would have her work cut out for her.


Aurora leaves the meeting hall
« Last Edit: July 10, 2021, 11:51:56 pm by Stratos »
"Reality, unlike fiction, has no obligation to conform to what people find believable." -Chroniqler
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