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Author Topic: [IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse: The Meeting Hall (Crossover Thread)  (Read 6924 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • A knight, returned from a journey weary and long
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Venturing through the strange portals appearing in Gensokyo, the Weatherlight, and the Castle brings one to a strange location that seemed to be some blend of all three. Traditional Japanese decor and bonsai trees dot great stone tables blending seamlessly with a living metal hull. The area itself consists of a large main hall, not dissimilar to the banquet hall of the Castle, and four side rooms, one of which hummed with unknowable energy as incomprehensible machines worked at mysterious purposes within - perhaps to stabilize this liminal space.

(Trespassers V2 OOC)
(Director's Cut OOC)
GM of Trespassers V2.
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Although most of Freya's time spent trying to perfect her necromancy, but even though she was now part of something greater, the explorer within her heart pushed her to continue doing so, mostly to make a mental layout of the ship so she would know where she was going. Of course, this also led her to find... Oddities, mostly through a portal that she didn't recognize being in the ship, one that she was sure she didn't make herself.

So, naturally, the young Necromancer took the initiative, stepping through it and finding herself in a melded together room, staff in hand as she curiously scanned the room,

"Hello? Is anyone here? Helloooo?"
Just some nerd who thinks they're a half decent writer.
FEF: Marks of Royalty links:


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Tim follows in through the portal shortly behind Freya, dusting the last bits of potting soil off his red robes as he went.
"Empty?  I would've expected something at least."
He glances around, looking for anyone else who might show up.
We are born, out of storm and thunder,
Raised, tear the worlds asunder,
Sent, in the darkest hour,
By the hands of power.


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With no small amount of caution, Sister Rachel enters the strange fused zone, alert for any signs of warp treachery.  Finding no signs of daemons, hostile sorcery, or indeed anything other than a largely-empty space, she begins walking around the zone.  These peaceful reminders that she is so far away from home are disorienting, yet necessary.  It would not do, she thinks as she continues her explorations, to fall back into old habits too easily.  An open mind is an unguarded fortress, but a closed mind is easily manipulated, after all...
"If a lightning bolt can't solve your problems, you aren't being creative enough." - Zoe Walker


  • Bay Watcher
  • A knight, returned from a journey weary and long
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Vi-Ra-Nor, Sister Rachel

The knight stepped through the portal with a mixture of trepidation and curiosity. The space that greeted her beyond it was disappointing, even if she'd been fully expecting it. No sign of getting closer to home. It seemed there were a few others entering the area from the opposite end, with one sticking out in particular. A hulking set of armor that looked like the Church's wet dream of an Inquisitor contained a sharp-looking woman with hair of a silver tone different from her own. She felt the ears atop her head lay back, and took a moment to attempt to recenter herself. Different place. She doesn't even look anything like anyone you've seen, don't just assume she's hostile. Nobody else has been yet.

In lieu of actually moving up to greet the woman, Vi-Ra-Nor simply offered her a small nod of acknowledgement. Her anxiousness was palpable, despite her resisting the urge to rest a hand on her pistol. Not that it would even be helpful should this stranger turn out to be hostile; that armor looked like it would stop a 9mm and then some without even noticing.
GM of Trespassers V2.
If you like my work, consider becoming a patron. (Since apparently people think this is a requirement: no, my game(s) are free to play and always will be.


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While the other investigated, Aquila bumbled around in much the same manner the large armored man usually did when he encountered a new place. But it'd worked for him so far, and so he continued on, eventually settling on inspecting one of the portals curiously.


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Rachel and Vi-Ra-Nor

Sister Rachel turns on her heel at the sound of footsteps behind her, beholding the abhuman behind her.  She takes in the woman's eccentric apparel with a glance, and the distinctive way she's very deliberately not touching her weapons.  All too familiar from countless shell-shocked guardsmen on battlefields past.

"Fear not.  I intend no harm," Rachel spreads her arms, keeping her hands far away from her weapons, palms facing Vi-Ra-Nor, "Though my oaths compel me to inquire as to the arcaeotech sword thrust through your chest.  I see no signs of obvious distress, but as a Sister Hospitaller I must ask if you require medical assistance."
"If a lightning bolt can't solve your problems, you aren't being creative enough." - Zoe Walker


  • Bay Watcher
  • A knight, returned from a journey weary and long
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Vi-Ra-Nor, Sister Rachel

"I'm fine. This belongs here." Sister Hospitalier? Maybe my first guess wasn't actually that far off. Her nerves were still acting up, despite not having any real reason to worry, and it showed. "You're a medic, then?" Vi-Ra-Nor failed to conceal herself eyeing the various intimidating-looking devices scattered around the Sister's person.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2021, 10:52:00 am by Chevaleresse »
GM of Trespassers V2.
If you like my work, consider becoming a patron. (Since apparently people think this is a requirement: no, my game(s) are free to play and always will be.


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"I have been a lot of things, but first I was a doctor, and then a field medic with the Imperial Guard," Rachel detaches the Force Sword from her back and sets it to one side, leaning it against the wall.  Her flamer goes next to it, a flick of the switch extinguishing its pilot light, and she returns the auto-injection needles over her right index and middle finger to her Medicae kit before testing the edge of the stone table behind her.  When it doesn't break, she carefully sits down, about as disarmed and nonthreatening as she feels comfortable being with what looks an awful lot like a twitchy, abhuman veteran.  "I've had a long and eventful career.  Longer than you probably think; the Rejuvenat treatment takes the years, off, but not the mileage.  And if that sword's any indication, you've had some adventures yourself."  Rachel pats the stone table next to her, "Why don't you have a seat.  I am Sister Rachel of the Order of the Argent Shroud, and thus far it's been nothing but a pleasure to meet you.  I promise, unless your head looks like it's about to transform into a portal into the warp and start letting daemons through, I'm not going to shoot you, so please, try to relax a bit.  I haven't had to treat a stress-induced cardiac arrest in almost five months now, and I'd like to keep that streak going.  Those are pretty tricky."  The Sister of Battle jokes morbidly.
"If a lightning bolt can't solve your problems, you aren't being creative enough." - Zoe Walker


  • Bay Watcher
  • A knight, returned from a journey weary and long
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Vi-Ra-Nor, Sister Rachel

"Well, you're in luck. I don't think I'm physically capable of having a heart attack." She let out a small laugh, though it was still edged with some tension. "And I don't think there's a big risk of tearing into another dimension with my skull." She made an attempt at forcing herself into a more relaxed posture. "Sorry, my last few encounters with members of the Church. . . didn't go well. I am V-" wait, no, she wasn't using that name right now, "-Martyr, Knight of the Black Queen." She nodded resolutely, as if it would erase her verbal stumble.
GM of Trespassers V2.
If you like my work, consider becoming a patron. (Since apparently people think this is a requirement: no, my game(s) are free to play and always will be.

Powder Miner

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Soon, another individual entered the room, having wandered in vaguely after Freya and Aquila had... but vaguely indeed, having gotten lost in some train of thought on the way. This individual was an odd-looking one indeed. His clothing was normal from the hips down -khaki pants and brown shoes- but from the waist up, it suddenly became, well... he was wearing a rather literal tube-top that appeared to be made out of a very bright cyan, opaque plastic substance, and atop his head (nearly hairless but for a vaguely blue dusting) was a blue helmet in the shape of an actual teapot. Finally, the guy himself was... his height was difficult to pin down, given that all of his motions involved him elongating and shortening, with big stretchy strides.

This guy was named Stretch Armstrong, in a cosmic probably-not-a-coincidence, and when he walked in the first thing he did was to openly gawk at pretty much everything and everyone in the room. It was all interesting, from the way that lady had a sword in her to the way (that would totally tear him if it were him!) to the metal (also on the strange ship that had picked him and the others up after Guy-Spider World) seemed like it probably had some crazy magic juice behind it, to what seemed to be fairly mundane things. The second thing Stretch did after he entered the room was to beeline for one of the bonsai trees on the table, crouch down a bit (his legs bending into smooth curves sideways as he did) and look at one with a pensive expression. "Ah, I know of these sorts of things! This is a sign that the space we were in was forged either by a master treesmith (like a rabbit but with trees)... or perhaps depending on the way it was done, merely a mere adept of the arts of the magic juice, I suppose... or maybe... a master of the arts of the magic juice."
« Last Edit: May 05, 2021, 08:31:16 pm by Powder Miner »


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After some wandering, IP managed to find a large meeting hall, looking around for... someone else to speak to. Looking at a... strangely amorphous person. Carefully approaching, IP raised a hand in greeting.

"Ah, hello. I'm Instructor Prototype, an android from Kaida Corporation. I'm... rather new to this operation. Do you know more about this place?"


At about the same time, Lyra entered the hall from a different area - and this time looked over the room before heading towards Freya. Unsure who any of these people were, the contractor decided to stand where she was, not reaching for a weapon or anything... not yet.

Probably silly of her, considering that a fight would likely have started by now if they were hostile, but... One could never be too careful.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2021, 09:04:11 pm by AzyWng »

Sutoratosu Akira

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It was while searching for any trace of a library, study, or other suitable location where copious quantities of books would be stored that the young(?) crossbreed found a portal that she just couldn't resist taking a closer look at it. Impressive stuff such phenom were, even by the standards of her own world given they had yet to crack any form of remote teleportation. She had promised herself just a quick look, but well... one thing led to another, and her curiosity would prove to get the better of her as one foot slipped and the rest of her was sent stumbling into the gateway.

Within the meeting hall, A loud thud resounded as a young woman, with ears that would make a border collie jealous and a tail so voluminous it covered most of her sprawled body, faceplanted directly into the floor. With a few muttered 'ows' and bit of audible whining, she pushed herself up looking not much worse for wear. Ehto just sat there for a moment, taking in the strange new surroundings, and the equally strange new faces dotted around the room.

"Well... this is unexpected, but let's see where it goes..."
« Last Edit: May 05, 2021, 09:09:36 pm by Stratos »
"Reality, unlike fiction, has no obligation to conform to what people find believable." -Chroniqler


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The crusader that'd been watching over the portal curiously had taken a step back as the first two exited, but did little more than glance at them until another stepped through with slightly less grace. With a sound that's startlingly similar to a concerned parent witnessing their fallen child, the large (possibly largest of those in the room) man gently lifted Ehto onto her feet and looked her over for signs of damage.

Sutoratosu Akira

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Ehto, Aquila

"Oh, thanks stranger!" the crossbreed's tail wagged at the random act of kindness, either unaware or uncaring of what potential dangers this new locale held. The fact that the man was quite imposing in his stature seemed to not register in the least bit. "Say, I kinda ended up here on accident... you wouldn't happen to know where or what this place is, would you? I'm Ehto, by the way."
« Last Edit: May 05, 2021, 09:24:31 pm by Stratos »
"Reality, unlike fiction, has no obligation to conform to what people find believable." -Chroniqler
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