Game Start:Knightwing64 - Werewolf
ToonyMan - Troublemaker
EuchreJack - Apprentice Seer
BluarianKnight - Aura Seer
Persus13 - Drunk
Jim Groovester - Robber
notquitethere - Village Idiot
4maskwolf - Prince
Secretdorf - Seer
Middle Roles are Mystic Werewolf, Prince, and Minion.
Robber Action (Jim swaps with Knightwing):
Knightwing64 - Robber
ToonyMan - Troublemaker
EuchreJack - Apprentice Seer
BluarianKnight - Aura Seer
Persus13 - Drunk
Jim Groovester - Werewolf
notquitethere - Village Idiot
4maskwolf - Prince
Secretdorf - Seer
Middle Roles are Mystic Werewolf, Prince, and Minion.
Troublemaker Action (Toony swaps NQT and 4maskwolf):
Knightwing64 - Robber
ToonyMan - Troublemaker
EuchreJack - Apprentice Seer
BluarianKnight - Aura Seer
Persus13 - Drunk
Jim Groovester - Werewolf
notquitethere - Prince
4maskwolf - Village Idiot
Secretdorf - Seer
Middle Roles are Mystic Werewolf, Prince, and Minion.
Village Idiot Action (NQT moves everyone but himself left one):
Knightwing64 - Troublemaker
ToonyMan - Apprentice Seer
EuchreJack - Aura Seer
BluarianKnight - Drunk
Persus13 - Werewolf
Jim Groovester - Village Idiot
notquitethere - Prince
4maskwolf - Seer
Secretdorf - Robber
Middle Roles are Mystic Werewolf, Prince, and Minion.
Drunk Action (Persus swaps their own role with the Right Middle):
Knightwing64 - Troublemaker
ToonyMan - Apprentice Seer
EuchreJack - Aura Seer
BluarianKnight - Drunk
Persus13 - Minion
Jim Groovester - Village Idiot
notquitethere - Prince
4maskwolf - Seer
Secretdorf - Robber
Middle Roles are Mystic Werewolf, Prince, and Werewolf.
End Result:Knightwing64 - Troublemaker
ToonyMan - Apprentice Seer
EuchreJack - Aura Seer
BluarianKnight - Drunk
Persus13 - Minion
Jim Groovester - Village Idiot (lol)
notquitethere - Prince
4maskwolf - Seer
Secretdorf - Robber
Middle Roles are Mystic Werewolf, Prince, and Werewolf.
At this point it's a mind game whether Persus is lying or not. If they're the Mystic Werewolf they want to pretend they're the Minion, if they're the Minion they want to pretend they're the Mystic Werewolf. They're not the Prince as they would have claimed that they picked the Center Middle role honestly.