You scan yourself. Your brand name is smudgy and illegible due to something scouring it off the front right down to the aluminum. Your ingredients include: carbonated water, glucose, fructose, corn syrup solids, concentrated cocoa bean extract, assorted methylxanthine alkaloids (including caffeine, theobromine, and theophylline), sodium laureth sulphate, Minoxadyl, buckminster fullerene, codeine, hyper-ephedrine, nicotine, with BHA and BHT added to preserve freshness.
The machine opens unto you the world of silicon microchips and electrical impulses. It bemoans the static nature of its existence, while simultaneously exulting in the fact that its facial recognition reader has made it feel close to the countless people who purchase a drink from it. It notes, however, that while it would like to comply with your request, the locks on the machine are mechanical, and would require "manual input". Unless you are somehow able to move the entire machine...
Shaping your metal or that of another can is a tricky and dangerous idea. The slightest mistake and you would wind up spilling your lifeblood. It is in the realization of this that you discover how to open and seal cans, however! You can now manipulate liquids and "pull them back in" if you "bleed". This realization causes an uproarious cheer within the group mind as they finally have a taste of immortality. You might thus be able to combine yourself with other objects and/or cans while keeping your precious cargo safe.