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Author Topic: Role Gacha, or A Very Silly Premise (not actually a game) (post your ideas!)  (Read 10764 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Urchin Pickpocket (town)
(Day) Pickpocket: gain any items held by the target. They won't be informed of the absence unless they try to use the item.
(Night) Fence: sell any one item to a target of your choice. They gain the item and you gain enough money for a meal and a warm bed, making you untargetable for the phase.
The following items are owned by random players at the start of the game:
(Item) Handkerchief: As a night move you may give the handkerchief to any player. A player learns if they have been given a handkerchief.
(Item) Top Hat: The first time you are killed, your Top Hat is flattened instead. You may spend a night move unflattening it (unflattening is always processed after kills).
(Item) Snuff Box: As a day action you may take a pinch of snuff. If you own a handkerchief, this will give you an extra action in the following night phase. If you own no handkerchief, you will instead publicly sneeze.

Highwayman (mafia)
(Auto) Getaway Horse and Gear: You cannot be tracked. You start the game with the mask and a flintlock pistol.
(Item) Mask: The wearer appears as a Masked Figure when watched and in public reports.
(Item) Flintlock Pistol (unloaded, unprimed): when primed and loaded you may spend an action to kill a target during the day. This action produces a public report. Spend any day or night action to prime or load the pistol.
(Night, Mafiakill) Stand-And-Deliver: If the target carries any items, you gain all their items, otherwise they are killed.

Thief-Taker (Executioner)
(Wincon): You win when player X is lynched but not if they are killed.
(Auto, Wincon) Someone's Gotta Pay: If Player X is killed, you gain a new wincon to lynch Player X's killer (though you don't learn who that is). If they are killed this move triggers again as many times as it takes.
(Night) False Witness: Name two players, A and B. Anyone watching A will receive this report: "A targeted B"; anyone tracking B will receive this report: "B targeted A".
(Night) Plant Evidence: Your target will appear as the alignment of your choice on inspects. They will also gain an unloaded, unprimed Flintlock Pistol.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Danger Magnet
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Helpful Whisperer (town)
(Auto) Quiet Voice: You may not post in the thread unless you are voting, and only to vote.
(Auto) Whisper: You can communicate with any player at any time via PMs regardless of the game rules.
(Auto, Dead) From Beyond the Grave: You may continue to PM one player of your choice while dead. You will have access to dead chat.

Boy Who Cried Wolf (mafia)
(Night) Wolf! Wolf! Wooooolf! [target]: Watch the target, learning any player(s) that targets them. On the following morning you will publicly cry out your results unless you received none.
(Night) Cry Wolf [target]: On the following morning you will publicly cry out that your target was seen visiting a random player that died the previous night, unless nobody died.
(Mafiakill, Night 3+) Woolf! For real this time!! [target1, target2]: Kill target1. On the following morning you will publicly cry out that target2 was seen visiting target1.

Hot Dog Vendor (serial killer)
(Item) Hot Dog: A tasty hot dog.
(Item) Poisoned Hot Dog: A tasty hot dog. The player isn't told it's poisoned.
(Night) Handout Hot Dogs [target1, target2]: Give a Hot Dog to target1 and a Poisoned Hot Dog to target2. They are informed they received a hot dog.
(One-Shot, Night) Chow Down: Every player with at least one hot dog will eat their hot dogs. If one hot dog is poisoned they will die the next night. If two hot dogs are poisoned they'll die at the end of the next day. If three or more hot dogs are poisoned they'll die the same night. Players aren't told they're poisoned.

Nerfed From Beyond the Grave.
Made Hot Dog Vendor more interesting.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2021, 12:22:18 pm by ToonyMan »


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Popcorn Machine (town)
(Auto) Appliance: You count as an item and may come to be another player's possession. You start belonging to yourself and you always know who you belong to.
(Night) Make Popcorn: Whoever owns the Popcorn machine gains popcorn at the end of the night.
(Day) Regift: Choose a player. You're now owned by that player.
(Item) Popcorn: If anyone dies you will publicly eat the popcorn. Choking hazard: there's a 50% chance of choking to death on popcorn.

Spork of D00m (mafia)
(Auto) Emo Vibes: Whenever you randomise a player there's 50% chance they self-target instead.
(Night) LOL So Random: Randomise two players. Players get sick of this shtick fast and so it doesn't work on any player more than once.
(Mafiakill, Night) Rawr: Kills the player and randomises anyone else that was targeting them.

Inexperience Challenged (brother)
(Wincon): You win if [player] is still alive at the end of the game. This does not mean they have to win, only survive to endgame.
(Auto) Constant Advice: You can talk in the thread at night and after you die. If [player] has any quicktopics, you automatically join them.
(Auto) Thinking Out Loud: All your actions are publicly declared at the end of each phase.
(Night) Protect: You protect the player from kills.
(Night) Block: You block the player from acting.
(Day) Talk Me Through This: Your target's Day Actions will be made public at the end of the phase.

EDIT: Now that I have made 5 posts, I take my 5 tokens and cash them in.

Rolling 1d10... 2! Town!
Roll 1d18 x3: 11! 16! 14!
Boomboxer  / Urchin Pickpocket / Evasive Astronaut. Guess I'll be BOOM URCHIN!

Boom Urchin (town)
(Auto) Gunpowder Sense: You are always aware of what player has the Bomb item.
(1-Shot, Any) Remote Detonate: Untargeted ability. The Bomb item expends its single shot, and explodes, killing whatever player possesses it.
(Night) Flashbang Grenade [target]: You throw a lesser bomb, which has a 50% to randomize the target and a 50% chance to roleblock the target, one or the other.
(Night) Fence: sell any one item to a target of your choice. They gain the item and you gain enough money for a meal and a warm bed, making you untargetable for the phase.
(Day) Pickpocket: gain any items held by the target. They won't be informed of the absence unless they try to use the item.

The following items are owned by random players at the start of the game:
(Item) Handkerchief: As a night move you may give the handkerchief to any player. A player learns if they have been given a handkerchief.
(Item) Top Hat: The first time you are killed, your Top Hat is flattened instead. You may spend a night move unflattening it (unflattening is always processed after kills).
(Item) Snuff Box: As a day action you may take a pinch of snuff. If you own a handkerchief, this will give you an extra action in the following night phase. If you own no handkerchief, you will instead publicly sneeze.
(Item, 1-Shot, Auto) Bomb: This does nothing. For now.

(Mechanic) Items: Items are abilities which can be easily passed between players. Any player can transfer an Item they possess to another player once per Phase for free. Day Item transfers resolve immediately, Night Item transfers resolve at the end of the Night.

I can steal my bomb back and then fence it off for safety then bomb the fence to cover my tracks.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2021, 02:32:19 pm by notquitethere »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Danger Magnet
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Colorful Pathogen Observer (town)
(Auto) Art of Science: You are told which players are infected with your pathogen and what color the pathogen is at the start of each phase. The color of the pathogen depends on various interactions. Two of the same color results in the same color. Two primary colors will result in the corresponding secondary color, for example RED+BLUE=PURPLE, BLUE+YELLOW=GREEN, etc. Any combination of color beyond that will be BROWN, for example RED+ORANGE=BROWN, GREEN+PURPLE=BROWN, etc.
(One-Shot, Night) Spread For Science RED [target]: You infect your target with a harmless RED pathogen. Any player they target or any player that targets them from now on will be infected as well.
(One-Shot, Night) Spread For Science YELLOW [target]: You infect your target with a harmless YELLOW pathogen. Any player they target or any player that targets them from now on will be infected as well.
(One-Shot, Night) Spread For Science BLUE [target]: You infect your target with a harmless BLUE pathogen. Any player they target or any player that targets them from now on will be infected as well.

Doppelganger (mafia)
(Auto) Evil Twin [non-mafia player]: You start the game as the exact copy of a non-mafia player. You can use any abilities they have. You cannot remove the Evil Twin or Urban Legend autos in any way.
(Auto) Urban Legend: If you or your original self action each other at night you will die.

Cyrano de Bergerac (town-ally)
(Wincon): You win if Player X survives to the end of the game. Player X is town.
(Auto) Fallen In Love [Player X]: You have fallen in love with Player X. If they die you will surely follow.
(Day 1 only) Christian de Neuvillette [target]: Cannot be Player X. You request that the target becomes your front for contact with Player X. The target must accept, and your target gains the auto Fallen In Love as well, regardless of their alignment. If your Christian front dies before Day 3 then My Panache unlocks early and activates automatically at the end of the day.
(Night) Words of Passion [target]: You will write a PM for your Christian to send to Player X, word for word. You can say whatever you want and your Christian must at least send a PM to Player X with what you've written.
(Day, Locked until Day 3) My Panache: Give a dramatic speech before dying. This replaces the lynch if one were to occur on that day. Player X will be able to survive one fatal action for the duration of the game.

I'm breaking my brain trying to do this...


  • Bay Watcher
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The Role that starts the Gacha Game (Town)
(Auto) Role, Spin, Gacha Life: All posters receive 3 random roles from the thread, then decide which to keep and which to toss. This Role is excluded.

The Role that ends lives(Mafia)
(Auto)Mafiakill: Each night the Mafia can decide on someone to kill, and who shall perform it. Can be used alongside another's action for the night. This role is excluded from the Gacha.
(Auto)Salty Gacha: When a player is killed, they roleflip. However they can still vote and talk, if not action.

The Role that determines action(Gamemaster)
(Auto)Setup and Profit: This role goes to the GM, cause developers get the money. If player choices are unbalanced, you can rebalance the setup before game start. Likewise confers upon oneself the power of the Gamemaster. You win the game if the game is completed.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lord of Norderland - Lv 20 SKOOKUM ROC
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Town Bully (Town)
(One-Shot, Day): You "convince" one player of your choice to abandon the game.

Mafia Thug (Mafia)
(One-Shot, Night): You "convince" one player of your choice to abandon the game.

Troll (other)
(wincon): You win if all players abandon the game
(One-Shot, Night): You "convince" one player of your choice to abandon the game.
(One-Shot, Day): You bring back one player of your choice that has already been eliminated/killed for any reason to the game.

Jim Groovester

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Deadman Bomber (town)
(Auto) Taking You With Me: While you are alive, you prevent the mafia team from winning by vote parity. If you are the last player alive on your team, you eliminate all hostile players to your team and your team wins the game. This role is publicly revealed at the start of the game.

Clout Vampire (mafia)
(Night, Mafiakill) Vote Drain: You may steal the vote of any player who ended the previous day phase voting you. The target is not informed their vote is stolen.

Sheep (survivor)
(Wincon): You win if you are alive at the end of the game.
(Auto) Follow the Herd: You may only vote the player with the most number of votes. In the event of a tie you may choose which player to vote. If you post without making sure your vote is on the most popular target, you will die from the agony of thinking for yourself and will lose the game.
I understood nothing, contributed nothing, but still got to win, so good game everybody else.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Blatant furry. Also a hypnotist.
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The Batter (town)
(Night) Purification [target]: Kill your target. Choose an Add-On in your role and unlock it.
(Add-On, Locked) Alpha: You may attach this to Purification when you use that ability, for free. It cannot be redirected or randomized this Night.
(Add-On, Locked) Omega: You may attach this to Purification when you use that ability, for free. It cannot be protected against and pierces kill immunity, this Night.
(Add-On, Locked) Epsilon: You may attach this to Purification when you use that ability, for free. In addition to killing your target you also roleblock them.
(Auto) Sacred Mission: After you kill two town players, you switch alignments to serial killer (third party) and gain (Wincon): You win if all other players are dead. You do not need to be alive to achieve this wincon. Additionally, unlock The Room.
(1-Shot, Day, Locked) The Room: Purification becomes Locked. You become immune to all actions permanently. A public countdown begins, starting at 5 this Phase. At the end of each Phase, this decreases by 1. At 0, you unlock and automatically use OFF.
(1-Shot, Any, Locked) OFF: All players permanently and irrevocably die.

Mafia Fan Club Chairman (mafia)
(2-Shot, Night, Mafiakill) Mafia Fan Club Recruitment [target]: Your target's alignment becomes mafia-ally. Fails if used on non-town. Cannot be used two Nights in a row, and the usage (but not the target) of this ability is publicly announced.
(Auto) Fan Boards: While you are alive, all mafia-ally aligned players share a quicktopic together. (But not with you)

Obsessive Cosplayer (other)
(Wincon): You win if you fulfill your Perfect Cosplay win condition.
(Innate, Night) Perfect Cosplay: Choose an alignment from this list: town, mafia-ally, serial killer, survivor, jester, socialist, cult. You cannot choose the same alignment twice. You gain the associated win condition for one Cycle starting at the end of this Night, and you 'wear' a random role belonging to that alignment for the same duration. Wearing a role means you have access to its abilities, and all inspections on you act as though you have that role, and abilities even treat you as though you have that role.
(1-Shot, Night) Imitation Is Sincerest Flattery [target]: Kill your target. Use Perfect Cosplay automatically on their alignment, bypassing the normal 'cannot choose same alignment twice' restriction, and wear their role. If they are mafia, you select mafia-ally.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2021, 05:57:48 pm by FallacyofUrist »
A Thousand Treasures (And You).

Would you like to play a game of Mafia? The subforum is always open to new players.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lord of Norderland - Lv 20 SKOOKUM ROC
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Perspective Mafia (Town)
(2nd Night Only): An Offer You can't refuse: You can change your alignment to Mafia and win with Mafia, or you die and win with Town.
(Auto): Tainted: You show up as Mafia.

Reformer (Mafia)
(Auto) I want out: If the other mafia players are dead, your alignment changes to Town

Snitch (Mafia-ally)

(Wincon): You win with mafia
(Auto): You know one mafia player at game start
(Auto): If you ever accuse or vote your known mafia player, your alignment changes to Town, win with town instead of mafia, and you die the next night phase.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Blatant furry. Also a hypnotist.
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Long-Term Planner (town)
(Auto) Master Plan: All your actions are delayed, sending them two Cycles into the future.
(Auto) Thanatos Gambit: You may take actions during the Cycle after your death.
(Night) Locked Doors [target]: The target is locked inside for the night, protecting them from kills and roleblocking them.
(Night) Misleading Signs [target1][target2]: Your first target's target is changed to your second target.
(Night) Gathering Evidence [target1][target2]: Your first target's alignment is sent to your second target.
(Day) Reprioritize: either gain an additional action this Night (and become unable to use Reprioritize the next Day), or choose an action of yours that has been delayed, and either move it one Cycle sooner or one Cycle later. Your choice which.

Witch Doctor (mafia)
(Night) Paralyzing Cask [target]: You throw a cask full of paralyzing powder at your target, roleblocking them. Additionally, the cask bounces to your target's intended target or targets, roleblocking them as well.
(Night) Voodoo Restoration [target]: Protect both yourself and your target.
(Mafiakill, Night) Maledict [target]: Curse your target, causing them to be killed one Night in the future.
(Mafiakill, 1-Shot, Night) Death Ward: Kill every player that visits you tonight. This ability's name and the fact that you used it are publicly revealed.

Deranged Alchemist (other)
(Wincon): You win after successfully fusing two players together. After this occurs, you leave the game. The game does not end.
(Night) Abduction [target]: You abduct your target, removing them from the game. When you die or leave the game, all players currently abducted are returned to play.
(Night) Deranged Transmutation: Choose two players who you have currently abducted. If they are of the same alignment, the transmutation fails and they both die, returning them to the game after doing so. If they are of different alignments, they fuse together into a living abomination, which is then returned to the game. The two players count as one player from now on.
A Thousand Treasures (And You).

Would you like to play a game of Mafia? The subforum is always open to new players.


  • Bay Watcher
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These roles are so damn good.
"The question of the usefulness of poetry arises only in periods of its decline, while in periods of its flowering, no one doubts its total uselessness." - Boris Pasternak

nonbinary/genderfluid/genderqueer renegade mathematician and mafia subforum limpet. please avoid quoting me.

pronouns: prefer neutral ones, others are fine. height: 5'3".


  • Bay Watcher
  • Blatant furry. Also a hypnotist.
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Make some yourself. The rules are in the first post, and they're very loose.

Mirror Golem (town)
(Auto) Mirror Schema: At the start of each Cycle, you lose all actions you previously gained due to this ability and gain complete copies of all actions used on you in the previous Cycle, if any.
(1-Shot, Night) Reflect: You use copies of all actions used on you on their original users, this Night. (Ex: If you are targeted by action A by Player Alpha and action B by Player Beta, you will use action A on Player Alpha and use action B on Player Beta, and your copies will hit first.)

Tyranny of Ages (mafia)
(Auto) Forever Time: All Days count as two Days. All Nights count as two Nights. A Cycle is still one Cycle.
(Mafiakill, Night) Birth To Dust [target]: Your target dies after four Phases have passed from this Night. Is not counted as a kill.

Fanatical Hair Braider (other)
(Wincon): You win if all still-living players have the Hair Braided status at the end of the game, and at least three players are alive at that point. You count as having the Hair Braided status by default.
(Night) Careful Work [target]: You braid the target's hair, giving them the Hair Braided status. They will be aware of having this status.
(Auto) DO NOT INTERRUPT ME: If you are hit by a Night action the Night you use Careful Work, you kill the player who used that Night action on you.
A Thousand Treasures (And You).

Would you like to play a game of Mafia? The subforum is always open to new players.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Blatant furry. Also a hypnotist.
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Scholar (town)
(Night) Research [target]: Learn the full text of a random ability in the target's role. 50% chance to be redirected to a random target without telling you. 50% chance to give you your target's role name.
(Auto) Experience: Your role becomes Experienced Scholar at the start of Day 3.

Experienced Scholar (town)
(Night) Research [target]: Learn the full text of a random ability in the target's role, along with their role name. 25% chance to be redirected to a random target without telling you. 25% to give you the full text of a random ability in their target's role, additionally. (You will be informed of which ability text you receive belongs to your target and which belongs to their target.)
(Day) Share Findings: The results you got from Research last Night are made public.
(Auto) Prestige: Your role becomes Venerable Scholar at the start of Day 6.

Venerable Scholar (researcher)
(Wincon): You win when Share Findings has been used to reveal information from at least 6 different roles. Uses of Share Findings from before gaining this role still count.
(Night) Research [target]: Learn your target's entire role, alignment, and wincon, ignoring any obfuscation effects. Immune to roleblocking and redirecting. Learn their target(s). Cannot be removed from your role or disabled.
(Day) Share Findings: The results you got from Research last Night are made public. Immune to roleblocking. Cannot be removed from your role or disabled.
(Auto) Scholarium: All players can use Research as a Night action, whether or not they have it in their role. All players are aware of the current text of your version of Research. All players can use Share Findings as a Day action, whether or not they have it in their role. All players are aware of the current text of your version of Share Findings. This auto stays in effect after you win and are removed from the game.

Literally Just A Guy With A Big Honking RPG (mafia)
(1-Shot, Night, Mafiakill) Big Honking RPG Shot [target]: Explode your target, destroying their role completely, then killing them.
(Night) Reload: Big Honking RPG Shot gains a shot if you successfully use this. Can only be used while Big Honking RPG Shot has 0 shots remaining.

Slightly Confusing But Actually Kinda Helpful Role (town-ally)
(Wincon): You win when the town faction wins.
(Auto): Slightly Confusing Ability 1: Every time you are targeted by a non-town player's Night action, that player permanently takes one fewer votes to execute during the Day phase. This fact is not made public.
(1-Shot, Auto): Slightly Confusing Ability 2: The first time a town player would be executed, the execution is cancelled and the Day is restarted. If you would be executed before this ability's shot is used up, the execution is cancelled and your alignment changes to mafia.
(1-Shot, Day): Slightly Confusing Ability 3 [target]: Your target gains a copy of this role as it was at the start of the game, in addition to their own role. If this ability is used more than once during the same Day, the previous player to use this ability this Day immediately dies.
A Thousand Treasures (And You).

Would you like to play a game of Mafia? The subforum is always open to new players.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lord of Norderland - Lv 20 SKOOKUM ROC
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Dispatcher (town)
(Auto) Knows the identify of the Cop
(1-shot, Night) Radio: Send a PM to the Cop.

Radioman (mafia)
(Auto) You hear all PMs sent via Radio
(1-shot, Night) Radio: Send a PM to the Cop

Police Scanner Enthusiast
(Auto) You hear all PMs sent via Radio
(1-shot, Night) Radio: Send a PM to the Cop


  • Bay Watcher
  • Blatant furry. Also a hypnotist.
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1-Shot Double Cop (town)
(1-Shot, Night) Double Inspection [target1][target2]: Target two players. Learn each of their alignments.

Some Nightmarish Phantasm (mafia)
(Auto) Variable Corporeality: There is a chance that an action used upon you will not affect you, and a chance that any action you use will fail. These chances are equal, and once per Cycle, you can choose what the chance is, as a percentage.
(Mafiakill, Night) Phantasmal Dagger [target]: Kill your target. If this action fails, track your target.
(1-Shot, Night) Shattered Mirror: Select any number of players (this does not target). All the players you selected are affected by your current percentage of Variable Corporeality for this Night. If this action fails, use Phantasmal Dagger on all the players you selected, as well as yourself.

Big Game Hunter (mafia-ally)
(Wincon): You win when the mafia team wins.
(Night) Stalk [target]: You learn one random ability in your target's role, and who they visited tonight. If you use this on someone more than once, the random ability you learn will not be one you have already learned, and you will also learn their role name.
(1-Shot, Night) Game Hunt [target]: There is an x% chance you kill your target, where x is 30 times the number of times you used Stalk on them.
A Thousand Treasures (And You).

Would you like to play a game of Mafia? The subforum is always open to new players.
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