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Author Topic: Role Gacha, or A Very Silly Premise (not actually a game) (post your ideas!)  (Read 10762 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Blatant furry. Also a hypnotist.
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Post three silly, interesting, or unique role ideas in each of your posts. One Town, one Mafia, one Third Party (you may choose the specific type of TP).

You earn one Token for every non-spam post you make in this thread. (Double posts don't count). Pay 5 Tokens to generate a role: select a random alignment (1d10, 1-7 is Town, 8-9 is Mafia, 10 is Third Party), select three random posts in this thread, and look at the roles from each of those posts. Select two of the three roles that correspond to your alignment and then merge the roles together, and that's the role you get to display proudly as your Gacha Role. (Third Parties don't use two different Third Party roles, instead they pick one Third Party role and one Town role, the Third Party role taking precedence.)

You may redo your Gacha Role generation if you don't like it, but you have to pay another 5 Tokens.

Quantum Entangler (town)
(Night) Entangle [target1] [target2]: Target1 and Target2 are considered to be the same player tonight. This means that any and all effects affecting one of them will affect both of them, as though they were fused together.

Locked Room Murderer (mafia)
(2-Shot, Night) Jailkeeper Assassination [target]: Counts as using the mafiakill. You roleblock your target, nullify all actions used on them tonight (other than this one), and kill them.

Bodyguard Golem (brother)
(Wincon): You win if [player] is still alive at the end of the game. This does not mean they have to win, only survive to endgame.
(Night) Standing Stone [target]: You stand guard over your target, preventing them from acting tonight (via roleblock). Additionally, they are protected from all kill actions tonight, and you learn what players visited your target tonight.
(1-Shot, Auto) Fortified: You may survive one kill action used on you, though you cannot act for the next Cycle after this ability triggers.
(1-Shot, Day) Self-Destruct [target]: You explode (and die). (Fortified cannot prevent this) You kill your target (by exploding on them).
A Thousand Treasures (And You).

Would you like to play a game of Mafia? The subforum is always open to new players.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lord of Norderland - Lv 20 SKOOKUM ROC
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Dwarf (town)
(1-shot, Day) Tantrum: Once per game, you can kill another player.  Lose your vote for that day while you calm down.

Vampire (mafia)
(Night action): You MUST kill one player every three nights, you may kill more often.  You die if you fail to kill within that time frame.  Target is roleblocked and killed.

Kobold (survivor)
(Wincon): You win if you're still alive at the end of the game
(Voting Restriction): Nobody can understand you well enough for you to convey your vote, so any votes you submit don't count.
(1-shot, Night): Once per game, you can steal the ability of one other player.  Gain nothing if that player had no ability, gain as many uses as that player.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Blatant furry. Also a hypnotist.
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Nuclear Saint (town)
(1-Shot, Auto) Vengeful Detonation: When you are executed via the Day vote, you immediately kill everyone who voted for you.

Chain Tracker (mafia)
(2-Shot, Night) Chain Track [target]: You learn who your target targeted, if anybody, during this Night. Additionally, you use this ability on every player your target targeted during this Night.

Loyal Roleblocker (mafia-ally)
(Wincon): You win if the mafia win the game.
(Auto) Loyal: Your actions do not affect members of the mafia.
(Night) Roleblock [target]: You stop your target from acting this Night.
A Thousand Treasures (And You).

Would you like to play a game of Mafia? The subforum is always open to new players.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Former King of the Mafia
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Bathroom Cleaner (town)
(Auto) Waste Removal: Whenever a player uses an action that has no target or fails to hit its target, you gain that action.

Upper Administration (mafia)
(Auto) Squeaky Clean: You inspect as town.
(Night) Blacklist [target]: The target always inspects as Mafioso (mafia) from now on.

Railroad Worker (socialist)
(Wincon): You win if all living players own a share of equity.
(Day) Distribute [target (x1+)]: If all targets are different alignments, they gain a share of equity.
(Night) Transport [target1] [target2]: All actions targeting target1 are performed on target2 instead and vice versa.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Blatant furry. Also a hypnotist.
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Salesman (town)
(Auto) Stock Delivery: At the start of Day 1, choose two basic abilities from the following list: Track, Roleblock, Protect, Hide, Redirect. You receive a (Night) action of each of those abilities.
(Auto) Expiration Date: After you've had an ability (that was not part of your base role) for two Cycles, it becomes Unusable.
(Day) Sales Pitch [target]: Select one ability from your role that was not part of your base role. Your target is sent an offer via PM. The offer informs the target of the full text of the ability you selected. They can choose to accept the offer, selecting one ability from their role and trading it for the ability you selected. Or they can choose to decline the offer, in which case nothing happens. Optionally: you may choose to use this ability forcefully, in which case they must choose to accept, but they are made immune to this ability for the rest of the game afterwards.

Chaotic Witch (mafia)
(1-Shot, Night) Wandering Smog [target]: You transfer this ability to your target. Whoever has this ability at the start of Day 4, dies. Whoever has this ability for two Nights in a row is randomized each time they take a targeted action.
(1-Shot, Night) Devouring Frog [target]: Your target is eaten by a frog! 50% you are eaten by the frog, too. Eaten targets are removed from the game for one Cycle.
(Mafiakill, 1-Shot, Night) Chaotic Banishment [target]: The target immediately uses all their abilities on random targets, then is killed. They do not roleflip for one Cycle.

Sheeple Caller (cult)
(Wincon) The majority of living players are members of your alignment, and no lethal abilities not controlled by your alignment can influence the game.
(Night) Shake The Earth [targets (1-3)]: Redirect your targets to yourself. Survive any lethal actions used.
(Auto) Insidious Call: Anyone who targets you with an ability successfully gains a stack of Corruption. They are not informed of this until they have 2 or more stacks.
(Auto) Word of the Flock: Anyone who is voting you at the end of the day gains a stack of Corruption. They are not informed of this until they have 2 or more stacks.
(Any) Awaken [target]: Target player joins your cult as your alignment, if they have four or more stacks of Corruption. Otherwise, they gain 1 stack of Corruption. Mafia players cannot be converted.
A Thousand Treasures (And You).

Would you like to play a game of Mafia? The subforum is always open to new players.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Danger Magnet
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Loyal Sheep (town)
(Auto) Mindless Faith [Player X]: You can only vote a player if Player X is voting that player as well.
(Auto) Rewarded Faith [Player X]: You start the game knowing Player X is town. Player X is not aware of this.

Forensics Framer (mafia)
(Night) Collect Evidence [target]: You gather evidence on your target, allowing you to use them as target2 for Frame Kill.
(Mafiakill, Night) Frame Kill [target1, target2]: Counts as using the mafiakill. You untraceably kill target1, making it look like target2 was the killer. Next morning a public announcement will be made that target2 appears to have killed target1.

Revenge Clown (jester)
(Auto) It's Not Over Yet [Players X,Y,Z]: You are unlynchable until Players X, Y, and Z are dead.
(Night) Pie On Face [target]: You pie the target. They become aware that they have been pie'd, but not what it means.
(1-Shot, Day) Clown Massacre: Every player that has been pie'd will be forced to vote you today.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Blatant furry. Also a hypnotist.
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Executioner (town)
(Auto) Axebearer: Only your vote may hammer, while you are alive.
(1-Shot, Auto) Merciful Strike: The first time you would hammer a player of your own alignment, they are pardoned and the game proceeds to Night.

Apiarist (mafia)
(Night) Construct Hive: You build a beehive and populate it with bees. Gain one beehive.
(Night) Pollination [targets (0-x)]: The maximum number of targets of this ability is the number of beehives you have. Pollinate your target(s)' abilities, restoring shots to any expended abilities.
(Night) Swarm [targets (0-x)]: The maximum number of targets of this ability is the number of beehives you have. Roleblock your target(s).
(1-Shot, Any) Royal Jelly [target/self]: Activates immediately. The target is nurtured by nutritious royal jelly, and may use an additional action this Phase.

Marathon Runner (survivor)
(Wincon): You win if you are still alive at the end of the game, or a player you used Pass the Torch on is still alive.
(Night) Message [target]: Send your target a private message, routed through the mod. You may choose to be anonymous or have your player name revealed.
(1-Shot, Add-On) False Papers: Append to Message. Allows you to choose a false player name instead of your own or remaining anonymous, though the player must still exist within the game.
(1-Shot, Auto) Pass The Torch: When you die, you may choose another player to give your final message to. If they survive to the end of the game, you still win.
A Thousand Treasures (And You).

Would you like to play a game of Mafia? The subforum is always open to new players.


  • Bay Watcher
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Mourning Dove (town)
(Auto) Mournful: If a player you are roosting with is killed while you are roosting, you may not roost with anyone else.
(Night) Roost: Pick another a player to roost with. You learn the names of any players who target them, and any non-kill action that targets them will also target you.
(Day) Coo: The mod will post an anonymous message of your choice to the thread.

Overworked Butcher (mafia)
(Auto) Limited Shelf Life: If a player owns meat for more than one complete cycle, it is consumed by them.
(Night) Prepare Corpse: Destroy target corpse and gain +1 meat. Special: this action can be performed multiple times in a night if you have additional actions.
(Night) Butcher Dog: If your target is carrying meat, they lose all meat and you track them. They will be told that their meat was stolen by a dog.
(Night) Lace Meat: Convert 1 meat you own into Poisoned Meat. Poisoned Meat can be sold. If Poisoned Meat is consumed, it will Poison the recipient.
(Day) Sell Meat: Pick a series of different living players equal to the amount of meat you have. They each gain +1 meat and you lose all meat. In the following night phase you will gain additional actions equal the number of meat sold.

Personal Trainer (Third-Party Ally)
(Wincon): You win if your Ally wins.
(Day) Reps: Permanently boost your ally. Choose an exercise to focus. Each time they repeat a specific rep, they gain the next effect in the list.
Squats: (1) Gain the ability to send PMs  (2) All limited-shots gain an additional shot; (3) Resurrect Once
Lifts: (1) Unblockable (2) Ignore Protects; (3) Doublevoter
Laps: (1) Untrackable; (2) Unwatchable; (3) Untargetable
(Night) Workout Buddy: You learn another player's wincon and they learn yours.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Blatant furry. Also a hypnotist.
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Hag of Crows (town)
(Auto) Thousand Eyes: You are always informed of who visits you during the Night.
(1-Shot, Night) Murder [target]: Lose Thousand Eyes, kill your target and steal a random ability from them before they roleflip (even if they survive the kill).

Prophet of the Abyss (mafia)
(Day) Declaration [target]: You publicly announce that your target will be dead before two Cycles from now have passed. If they are dead before two Cycles pass, unlock the next locked version of Call of the Depths. Every time a member of the mafia dies, gain a free use of this ability the next Day.
(Night) Call of the Depths I [target]: Bind your target with oceanic tentacles, preventing them from using more than one action this Night.
(Locked, Night) Call of the Depths II [target]: Imprison your target within oceanic tentacles, preventing their Auto abilities from functioning this Night.
(Locked, Night) Call of the Depths III [target]: Suffocate your target with oceanic tentacles, removing all shots from one of their shotted abilities, selected at random.
(Locked, Night) Call of the Depths IV [target]: Subsume your target into oceanic tentacles, replacing one of their abilities with this ability. This ability will not function if used on the player with the role 'Prophet of the Abyss'.
(Locked, Night, Mafiakill) Call of the Depths V [target]: Infest your target with oceanic tentacles, causing them to join your team. Lose this ability afterwards if this succeeds.

False Hydra (serial killer)
(Wincon): Every player other than you is dead. You do not need to be alive to win via this wincon.
(Auto) Wretched Song: If you do not act during a given Phase, all players targeting you with actions have their results replaced with 'You have forgotten your action results.'
(Night) Monstrous Siren [target]: Your target must target you during each Night from now on. They are not informed of this. This does not function like a redirect - instead of having their target(s) changed, it is as though they submitted their actions differently, with you as the target. Prevents their negative-effect actions from working on you. Effect ends if you die.
(Night) Devour [target]: If your target visits you tonight, you eat them, killing them. They do not roleflip or alignment flip. All action results given out tonight (except to you) are edited to what they would have been if the player you killed did not exist.
A Thousand Treasures (And You).

Would you like to play a game of Mafia? The subforum is always open to new players.


  • Bay Watcher
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Mustache Girl(town)
(Auto/Day) You are the bad guy!: Start the game knowing who the Hat Kid is. Once per day phase you can kill a player that Hat Kid is voting.
(Night, 1-shot)The Plan: During the Night Phase you can enter a chat with the Hat Kid. This chat closes at the end of the next day phase.
(Auto)Turn back: When the Hat Kid dies, Mafiachat and Mafiakill are disabled for the rest of the game and your Win Condition changes to Mafia's win condition. From now on 'You are the bad guy!' activates off of your vote instead of Hat Kid's.

Hat Kid(Mafia)
(Auto) Alien from Outer Space: You investigate as Town. When 3 players remain and you are one of those players, your Win Condition changes to Town's win condition.
(Auto 3-shot)A Million Hats: Once per phase pick one ability a town player would have. Gain that ability during the next phase.
(Auto) Here to Win: When you are lynched or killed, you become Town, with all that that implies.

(Night)Contract Trap: Pick one player. You learn who targeted them
(Day) Let's Make a Deal: Take the Soul of a player that targeted one chosen by Contract Trap. Grant them one positive ability of your choice. They know they signed the contract. (It is within rights for a player to refuse the Contract instead, however they won't be able to act or speak until they accept it.)
(Auto)Deep Dark Forest: When all remaining players have no Souls, you win the game. You are not exempt from the requirement.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Blatant furry. Also a hypnotist.
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Boomboxer (town)
(Item, 1-Shot, Auto) Bomb: This does nothing. For now.
(Auto) Gunpowder Sense: You are always aware of what player has the Bomb item.
(1-Shot, Any) Remote Detonate: Untargeted ability. The Bomb item expends its single shot, and explodes, killing whatever player possesses it.
(Night) Flashbang Grenade [target]: You throw a lesser bomb, which has a 50% to randomize the target and a 50% chance to roleblock the target, one or the other.

(Mechanic) Items: Items are abilities which can be easily passed between players. Any player can transfer an Item they possess to another player once per Phase for free. Day Item transfers resolve immediately, Night Item transfers resolve at the end of the Night.

Droneswarm Alpha-Theta-Omicron (mafia)
(Auto) Swarm Intelligence: You may use an additional action each Phase. You may not use actions that did not originate in your own role.
(Any) Scan [target]: Learn the name of a random ability in the target's role. If used twice on the same target in the same Phase, reveals the text of that ability as well.
(Any) Sky Eyes [target]: At the end of this Phase, learn how many players visited your target prior to the end of this Phase, during this Phase. If used twice on the same target in the same Phase, also learn the identity of a random player that visited them (aside from you).
(1-Shot, Night) Kamikaze [target1][target2]: You die. Kill both your targets. This ability requires two actions to use instead of one.

Arms Dealer (mafia-ally)
(Wincon): You win if the mafia win the game.
(Day) Contacts [target]: Compose a message. If the target is non-town, they will receive it via PM. You may choose to be anonymous or reveal your identity.
(Night) Weapon Sales [target]: Name a weapon or killing method. The target gains a 1-Shot Mafiakill ability based on that named weapon or killing method. Non-mafia players cannot use Mafiakill abilities. You learn what ability was given.
(Auto) Weapon Tracking: You are aware of who, if anybody, was targeted with the mafiakill each Phase.
A Thousand Treasures (And You).

Would you like to play a game of Mafia? The subforum is always open to new players.


  • Bay Watcher
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Anti-Vaxxer (town)
(Auto) An Apple A Day: You are immune to all protects and cures.
(Night, Auto) Super-Spreader: Every night you visit every other player in the game.
(Day) Bleach Solution: You may poison yourself, if so you will die at the end of the day.

Jaws (mafia)
(Auto) Stomach Contents: The bodies and roleflips of everyone you swallow appear after you die.
(Night, Mafiakill) Swallow: Swallow the victim whole. This leaves no body and there is no roleflip.
(Night, 1-shot) Submerge: Dive deep and disappear from the game until the start of the following night.

Double-Agent (Town Ally)
(Wincon): You win if your Ally wins.
(Night, 2-shot) Swap Allegiance: Choose a target, you learn their alignment and become their ally. You rolename increases its numbering (double becomes triple, triple becomes quadruple etc.)
(Night) Leaked Intelligence: Learn the rolename and one random ability of another player. You and a random player from every team you've ever been allied with will receive a copy of the results.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Blatant furry. Also a hypnotist.
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Daykill-Reverser (town)
(Day) Reversing Daykill [target]: Kill your target. They do not roleflip. The daykill is reversed at the end of the day, causing them to revive (and any side effects of them being killed are undone if possible).
(1-Shot, Day) Reverse Reversing Daykill [target]: Kill your target.

Gambler of Fates (mafia)
(Night) Fate's Roll [target]: Roll two six-sided dice, and take their sum.
*2: You die.
*3-6: Your target is randomized.
*7-11: Your target and their target(s) is/are randomized.
*12: Kill your target. This does not count as the mafiakill.
(Auto) Chaotic Blessing: You cannot be targeted by randomized abilities, and are immune to being randomized.
(1-Shot, Night) Consequences [targets]: You die if you are not the last person in your team. Target any number of players with Fate's Roll. Additionally, give any number of other players a temporary version of Chaotic Blessing that lasts only for this Night.

World Tree (survivor)
(Wincon): You win if you are still alive when the game ends.
(1-Shot, Auto) Thick-Rooted: Survive one death. This regains a shot after 1 Cycle passes from it triggering.
(Night) Divergent Branches [target]: You receive an alternate version of the next Day's starting post. This alternate version is what would be shown if your target chose not to act during this Night.
A Thousand Treasures (And You).

Would you like to play a game of Mafia? The subforum is always open to new players.


  • Bay Watcher
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Evasive Astronaut (town)
(1-shot, Night) Elite Training: Pick another ability to gain +1 extra shot.
(2-shot, Night) Space-Walk: You cannot be targeted this night by anyone on Earth. When all space walks are used up, you unlock After-Dinner Speaker Circuit and lock Moon Walk.
(Locked, Day) After-Dinner Speaker Circuit: Give a speech mentioning up to two players. Their votes do not count against you for this phase. For this to work, you must actually write out a speech in the thread of at least 200 words about your time in space.
(Auto, 1-shot, Day) Moon Walk: if anyone tries to day kill you, the moon is chosen as the target instead.

The Sun (mafia)
(auto) Star-Sized: It takes two kill abilities in the same phase to kill you, though you can be voted out as normal.
(1-shot, Night, mafiakill) Planetary Alignment: this kill is fated to happen and no other role or ability can prevent this.
(2-shot, Day) Sunlight: Skip the next night phase.
(1-shot, Night) Eclipse: Skip the next day phase.

Laika's Vengeful Ghost (serial killer)
(Wincon): You win when everyone else is dead.
(Auto) Already Dead: If you are killed, you role flip and continue playing as if nothing happened.
(Auto) Exorcisable: If all the other players in the game unanimously vote for you, you will be exorcised and forced to leave the game.
(Night) Ghostly Howl: three other players, picked randomly, hear your ghostly howl. If a player hears the howl on two consecutive nights, they die of guilt.
(1-shot, Night) Apparition: you appear to anyone in the game even if they would ordinarily be untargetable. If they heard your howl on a previous night, they will die of guilt.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Danger Magnet
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Bomb Defusal Expert (town)
(Auto) Explosive Awareness: Knows which wire to cut to defuse the Time Bomb. Can set which day the Time Bomb will explode as long as they're holding it. Knows which player has the Time Bomb at the start of each phase. Starts the game with the Time Bomb.
(Item) Time Bomb: A time bomb that will explode on a certain day. Whoever is holding this item at the end of that day, dies. There are five colored wires you could try to cut during the day to stop the bomb: red, blue, green, white, and black. One of these wires will stop the bomb while the other four will detonate it instantly, killing the player. You may hand the bomb to someone else during the night instead of performing an action.

Flagbearer of Burden (mafia)
(Auto) Nightless: There are no night phases as long as you are alive.
(Item) Flag: Mafia lose if the player holding the Flag is killed. You start the game holding the Flag.
(Day) Pass the Flag [target]: Covertly places the Flag item on the target, can be of any alignment and they aren't told of this.

The Whisperer (other)
(Wincon): You win if Player X is involved in the death of Player Y in some way.
(Auto) Quiet Voice: You may not post in the thread unless you are voting, and only to vote.
(Auto) Whisper: You can communicate with any player at any time via PMs regardless of the game rules.

Changed the Time Bomb exploding to the end of the day as that seems better.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2021, 10:17:44 am by ToonyMan »
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