ToonyMan, webadict, tell me why I should care about a Bodyguard claim when it very much seems to me that honestly claiming Commander or Bodyguard would have only detrimental effects on the Rebel team?
I'm going to retract my opinion about BluearianKnight and EuchreJack not being competent enough to lay low on Mission A. Laying low on the first mission was explicitly mentioned as a spy strategy by notquitethere before the game started so it's perfectly possible that any player who actually read the thread before the game start (potentially anybody and certainly EuchreJack) would know about that being a viable strategy.
I've put some thought into how possible a ToonyMan/webadict/? spy team is and the more I think about it the less possible it is. It's 100% true that if web's team comp had two spies on it web and Toony and ? could have hammered Pass. That they didn't hammer means that the third spy isn't in the team comp, which leaves BK, TricMagic, and Vector as potential spy partners which is impossible given the interactions during this pick.
I can only conclude the game is already over and webadict and ToonyMan are being dicks or the game isn't over and there'll be a pick for Mission E.
I'm wondering about other possible insta-lose situations, e.g. a spy team with two of FoU, EuchreJack, and Knightwing64, but I'm not seeing much that ties either of those players together, either with interactions or with vote patterns.
At this point I think I would tentatively support the mission comp but I'm going to give myself some time to think about it before casting a vote, which is actually act of cowardice on my part because I'm worried if I don't think through the game hard enough I'm going to lose.
...he says, having forgotten the dunce cap on his head.