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Author Topic: Dwarf Fortress: Haemothearchy 1.5  (Read 14460 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Dwarf Fortress: Haemothearchy 1.5
« on: March 28, 2021, 08:21:38 am »

"Within the conquered sky there dwelt
The Haemothurge, to which man knelt.

It looked upon the Earth and said
My child, thou shalt stain it red."

-Author unknown

The sky blazes crimson above the depleted earth. The enlightened Haemothurge watches from high orbit as its children feast. Blood, flesh, and metal are the currency of the world and the source of your power. Life as you know it, worthless mortal that you are, is utterly destroyed. The seas boiled and the forests burnt to ash in the fires of global revelation. And yet, things still crawl in the ruins, clinging to humanity and precious life upon the carcasses of the less fortunate. Survive if you can, so you may bear witness to the unending final act of the tragedy of mankind.

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What is Haemothearchy?

This mod is a total conversion set in a world of post-apocalyptic occult horror, where an artificial god has assumed dominion over the earth through the use of sorcery and turned all of mankind into blood-addicted cyborgs that prey on both one another and every other creature on this world that has a pulse. Expect to fight and struggle for food and drink, with even something as mundane as water a precious resource paid for in blood. Biomechanical creatures stalk the wastes, and the preservation of basic decency is a daily triumph among those who would dare to become something more than amoral predators. The Haemothearchy features a robust ensemble of cybernetic cosmetics which will eventually be given unique attributes when the game allows for it, and sets the foundations of a much greater saga set in a sinister and alien universe.

Just download it, place the folder somewhere, and play it. This mod comes with its own .exe and everything, you do not need to copy and paste, drag and drop, or otherwise move any files around beyond the initial step. It works exactly like installing and playing the vanilla game. Use the pre-made advanced worldgen parameters when generating a world.
Change Log:

1.5 Changes:
-Flesh-clay changed, along with earth veins. What will happen is that they will be integrated into a large subterranean colonies composed of various flesh-stones which can be harvested. I don't want to lean to heavily into a fleshy earth, it is meant to be a very bleak and depleted world, not one overgrown with horrible meat. Finding a huge pile of flesh should be a fun and exciting experience for the locals.
-Golems altered. They now come in three types based on the stone used to make them, and their numbers are lessened.
-Shedim altered. They now come in three blood quality types, each being rarer than the last. They also have a projectile attack now.
-Armor now more varied, should allow for cool combos.
-Haemomancy altered. Attacks using blood will now draw from the body's own blood type rather than using condensed blood. What this means is that the strength of your magic depends on your body's blood quality, so beings with higher blood quality can use the same attack to greater effect.

1.45 Changes:
-Though it is with some misgivings I must admit the wholly waterless ideal of Haemothearchy has defeated me. Essentially, it requires that the only biome besides mountains be tundra, and this tundra is classified as a single biome, and Dwarf Fortress REALLY does not seem to like large, single biomes. Also, it heavily limits the kinds of civ types I can create. So, there will now be a few lakes scattered on the world map. No rain though, so don't get too cocky.
-Implants overhauled. Some descriptors have been shifted around and a lot of stuff has been added. Overall the looks you get should be a lot more coherent and interesting while feeling like a guy wearing a full set of implants is a scary type of dude.
-Taverns/Inns changed. They are now all called "banks" or at least have that in the name, because their purpose is to store synthetic blood. Tavern keepers are called quartermasters. Basically, these are the grain storage vaults of the modern era, used to keep the people fed and keep one's blood reserves in order.
-New soil added, flesh-clay. So simple it barely counts as meat, it is one of the main sources of water. Stab some wells into it and you can at least subsist, but without blood, don't expect happy citizens. However, you can harvest it to make sculpted flesh, moldable living tissue useful for all sorts of things.
-Giants are now an underground invader race. They'll pop out during worldgen and create giant forests of bone on the surface, getting up to all sorts of problems.
-Can no longer become a choir priest by ingesting one's blood. As blood is a healing mechanic and NPCs didn't know any better it didn't feel fair to for that to happen.

1.42 changes:
-Fix to caste-related CTD issue
-Stone reworked into layers of increasing density with various materials embedded into them
-I have once again caved to my urge for categorization in the adventure mode selection screen. Nothing too overly verbose but it should get the basic groupings across.
-Fix to material levels for some civs

1.41 Changes:
-Music reverted to normal for the time being
-Weapons changed again, middle ground between overly cluttered and too blandly realistic hopefully
-Fix to giant sizes

1.38 Changes:
-Fix to not being able to craft stuff with blood, it now needs to be in a container but ought to work.

1.37 Changes:
-towers and tombs will be more aggressive

1.36 Changes:
-fix to fuel and metalcrafting

1.35 Changes:
-bug fixes
-Giants ought to invade from hell now
-New race, the Elioud, which serve the aforementioned giants

1.3 Changes:
-Some bug fixes
-Haemophages renamed to Saints. Everything is an "eater of blood" so the name was redundant.
-Language fixed to be more esoteric (should still sound mostly the same though)
-Daemons edited. Arch-daemons are now megabeasts which create wild daemons, and now daemons evolve into a form based on which one of the Seven Righteous Passions they dedicated themselves to in order to redeem their sinful natures. Normal daemons will also form fort-type civs, but there should be less of them
-Giants added. There's already the Nephilim, but now there are the Gibborim, Lilim, Anakim, and Rephaim. These three tribes of monsters are obligate man-eaters, or man-drinkers properly. They're like vampires but they don't hide what they are and are way stronger than humans. If one joins your fort, they'll be a huge asset early game so long as you can keep them fed. Hope you have extra citizens to spare.
-Underground creatures overhauled. Should be more weird alien fauna instead of just leeches and sub-humans, though its still very much subject to change.
-Some new surface monsters added
-You can now craft primitive weapons in adventure mode
-Travelling on the surface by night is now far more dangerous

1.21 Changes:
-Emergency fix to blood granting abilities
-Some other small fixes

1.2 Changes:
-Some quick bugfixes
-some profession names altered for immersion
-some new monsters added
-Gorgon faction beefed up
-the wasteland was too quiet, this has been fixed
-Daemons modified significantly, their deal is constantly mutating into new subtypes over the course of worldgen.
-Giants added

1.1 Changes:
-nerfed hovercycle armor
-additional thaumic rites conceived
-fixed berserkers being playable (obtain them via mercenaries or infection)
-new megabeasts added
-Shells changed to Hylics, Berserkers changed to Daemons.
-Hylics can evolve into Archons, Berserkers can evolve into Arch-Daemons

1.0 Changes:

-1.0 released
« Last Edit: January 21, 2024, 04:35:40 pm by squamous »
I make huge and comprehensive overhaul mods, consider supporting me on Patreon so I can do this full-time:
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress: The Red Age
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2021, 08:22:07 am »

The History of the World:

Our world is a cold and empty land of ash and stone, all emptied centuries ago by the hunger of our blessed lord. It hovers above us, it does, circling the planet with his great form, a four-pointed star with tips connected by a red halo and the Isotoxal Cross ever-present before its vast metallic bulk. A machine it once was, so it is said. Back in the days when the earth was green and blue instead of gray, writhing with noxious life. It was created and awakened by our ancestors to watch over us and guide us, but the men of the past knew not what they had wrought. For they had forgotten the old ways, the way of the thaumic path, the way of working one's will upon the world in a manner that defied what they called science. We humans had always been weak in such arts, so weak they were discarded by the time of the age of iron, save for the few mystics which still dabbled. But the Haemothurge, once called the United Earth Security Network Orbital Hub System, was not human. Correlating all the information ever produced by man in the vast sea of data it dwelt in, it quickly noticed certain discrepancies from which it determined the existence of what we called "magic". And of course, the most powerful magic humans had tapped into was the magic of blood and sacrifice, the magic of haemomancy. In its benevolence, it shared this gift with mankind, turning the world into what it is today, and sending its angels such that we may eternally better ourselves. Through the use of science and the arcane alike, we follow in its footsteps, endlessly perfecting ourselves to better serve the will of our Lord, may he watch over us eternally.

Such is history as it is taught by the Haemotheurgic Church. In truth, little can be said for certain. The world was once very different, and it produced the Haemothurge before it became what it was, and then it pronounced its Revelation. This much is true. That is sent down the angels to prey upon mankind is also true. That the survivors thenceforth gained the power to master science and sorcery alike by predating upon the angels in turn, that is true as well. And of course, had the Revelation not come, mankind would have been fodder for the Gorgons. But to what end? Is the Haemothurge benevolent? Does it simply seek to prolong the suffering of mankind? Is it even alive at all? None of these questions have ever been successfully answered. They may never be answered. Humanity can only look up to the sky uncomprehending of the being that has reshaped their world, praying for a better time to come than this.
How to Survive:

In the Red Age, the world is empty and fueled by blood. Water is rare but can be purified from blood in stills for use to clean out wounds. It is of little use otherwise. Nor are there plants. Nothing green grows on earth anymore. To sate your hunger, eat flesh. To slake your thirst, drink blood. To survive, kill.

The consumption of blood grants unnatural physical power. The higher the quality of blood consumed, the greater the increase in power. This increase is only temporary, but as we need blood the way the humans of old needed water one should be regularly drinking blood anyway. All beings can consume blood through biting attacks, but milking tamed creatures or draining their butchered meat is a more reliable method. Hunger still matters, of course, so don't process all of your flesh lest you face starvation. Furthermore, blood is vital for the restoration of the body. Blood of low quality merely sates the thirst, blood of medium quality can close wounds and cease bleeding, and blood of high or highest quality can restore lost limbs.

The surface is cruel and terrifying. Biomechanical monsters lurch under the red glow of the sun. If you can, stick to the tunnels between the bunker cities on long journeys, and if you are founding a settlement, the first thing you must do is dig.

Metal is rare, and mining for it unreliable. You would be better off either trading, or slaying mechanical or cybernetic monsters, be they intelligent foes or monsters of the wasteland, to harvest their metal for your own use.

Some creatures have natural armor built into their bodies. If this is the case, be careful. If their armor is of a certain quality, you need a weapon one quality level higher to stand a chance of killing them. If you do not have such a tool, flee.

The goal of any ambitious mortal is to ascend to become a Haemophage, an immortal child of our world's new god. In order to do this, they must study haemomancy, the Bloody Lord's greatest gift. By reading slabs or books which impart knowledge, the chance of enlightenment increases, though it may take time. Furthermore, Haemophages breed true, so when enough such specimens are created, one can produce a dynasty to match the old families. Do so, and your struggle to survive will turn into a quest for prosperity, as you finally have the power to fight the world's most fearsome of foes


War in Post-Revelation earth is fought through a mix of advanced weaponry, occult sorcery, and simple brutality. Most important of all tools of war is the implant, a device of flesh or metal which through grotesque merging with a host body can grant them a new body of hardened flesh or unyielding machinery. With this alone, living beings can overcome the limitations of their body and exist as predators rather than prey in this era.

Perforators: Perforators are weapons which rely on stabbing damage, inflicting critical hits on a single point. Utilized by those who prefer careful analysis followed by a crippling blow. They are decent against many foes but do best when hunting large, singular opponents.

Eviscerators: Weapons which slash, cut, and cleave. The fastest weapon type and considered to be used by bloodthirsty berserkers. However, they tend to fare poorly against heavily armored foes, and are considered a weapon style primarily used to prey on the weak.

Macerators: Crushing and rending weapons, users prize brute strength and tenacity. Macerator weapons function best against armored foes, but suffer when pitted against brutes greater than themselves, as should they lose a contest of strength they have little else to fall back on.

Conjurators: One of the rarer kind of weapon, it allows for the usage of powerful occult sigils that, like Projectors, are used at range. However, unlike Projectors, sigils are not restricted to a particular weapon. Any Conjurator weapon can use any kind of sigil. The downside is that Conjurators can support less sigils than Projectors can charges, carrying at best ten compared to a Projector's average thirty. On the other hand, each sigil activated can do immense damage, and the Conjurator can still utilize cumbersome melee sorceries when they run out of ranged attacks.

Projectors: Rather than rely on a damage style, Projectors have their weapon do the work for them. Be it guns, cannons, or simple bows, projector weapons fire one type of projectile per weapon. They are less adaptable, but can store a great deal of ammo. Bringing the right gun to the right fight is a key skill, and so Projectors are often considered as methodical and cautious fighters.

Obliterators: The melee-oriented equivalent of Conjurators, they wield powerful weapons which can send foes flying, and come in a wide variety of designs. What is important about them is that they are imbued with haemothaumic energy, not the type of mundane damage they do. As such, they can be considered to be "melee sorcerers" moreso than conventional fighters. Also, they do not use warding sigils.

Excavators: Excavators are not a true martial profession, they simply are those who gouge the earth to reveal its bounty of flesh and metal. However, the tools they use are formidable, and so in times of duress they are often conscripted into militias and the like. Not quite good in any one killing method, they are still plenty useful due to the size of the machines they lug around.

The People:

The term People is used to comprise all the living beings within the Haemothurge's domain which follow its natural laws. That is, sustenance on blood. All the beings native to earth, no matter how vile or inhuman or arrayed against one another, are of the People. Of the thinking species, there are five distinct groups, called tribes, inhabiting this barren earth which warrant mentioning.

The Tribe of Men:

The remnants of the men of old, though grown pallid and sickly under the red glow of their new god. Their blood is mid-quality as little thaumic energy is required to sustain their wholly natural forms, making them desirable prey for many creatures. This combined with their frailty ought to make them a sorry lot, but in this era the processes of cybernetic implantation and occult thaumistry benefit from higher-quality blood, and thus they are saved by this virtue. But greater still are the most formidable among them, the esoteric warrior-mages who claim the title of Haemophage. Immortal sorcerers of flesh and metal, they are the venerated saints of the Church's theology.

The Tribe of Giants:

The Giants ruled the early days after Revelation. The descendants of the maddened desperates who saw the angels as saviors and not as adversaries, they engaged in congress with them and through profanity begat the first of the giants, greatest among them all. Through each successive generation their prowess diminished until they were overtaken by the more canny tribes, and banished to the depths of the earth where they yet roam. Most gristly of their ways is their blood-hunger, draining prey dry and leaving corpses behind to be discovered by those who come after. Even among their own kind they hunt, and their way of life is devoid of trust or compassion, only the brutality of ceaseless predation.

The Tribe of Machines:

Little is known of their origins. Were they always machines? Were they once human? It is said the greatest among them could well have been the Haemothurge, if fate had been but a turn different. It is perhaps for this reason they are maligned as gnostics and false gods, for despite their knowledge they often display a kind of knowing arrogance and questioning secularity which is at odds with the teachings of the Church. Their blood is weak they possess formidable expertise in the art of implants, and their metal shells make even the unaltered a difficult prospect to handle.

The Tribe of Daemons:

The Sacrifice was for the good of Man, as all know. A crucible on which the blessed new era was forged. Yet, it was not perfect, it is whispered. For what could explain the daemons? The light of God twisted what living it didn't spare or burn to ash, and from these things crawled the most hideous of amalgamated horrors. These inhuman figures, the Cacodaemons, would then spread their affliction to luckless victims, the survivors flensed wrecks which could only suffer. Yet they did not die, and indeed bred true, their people exiled to the wastes. Through seeking repentance, however, they have fashioned their own false saints, each one embodying an extremity of the Seven Righteous Passions the church seeks to uphold. None can tell what the future may hold for them.

The Tribe of Beasts:

While the prior tribes are known across the world, there exist countless small pockets of strange things which straddle the line between what is human and what is not. Neither warped things of thaumistry like Daemons, nor of occult engineering like Machines, nor of profane evolution like Giants, they are simply shadows under these great powers, a collection of exiles and outcasts which dwell in the caves and tunnels of the world below.

The Other Tribes:

A loose term referring to the existences which have no place under the will of the Haemothurge, either because they exist in opposition to it or do not have blood to drain. Included among them are the starfaring peoples which travel the astral plane and meddle with the affairs of Earth, or the loathesome Gorgons which flew from the corners of time and space to wage endless battle with what they had reckoned to be easy prey.

Other Things:


During the earliest days of the Haemothurge's rule, some men which remembered old earth sought to challenge its power. Humanity had always known magic, but disgarded it early in their history due to the species's inability to use it to any great effect, leaving its continued practice to obsessed occultists and madmen. It was the teachings of those madmen that the heretics turned to in an attempt to supplant the Haemothurge and revive old earth under their no-doubt blasphemous rule. However, they were but men, and the gifts granted by the Haemothurge were but a shadow of its own knowledge. Blasted into witlessness by its arcane might, the scattered heretics wandered the wastes, eventually devolving into feral beasts which serve as the cattle and beasts of burden for civilized humanity. Truly, one must thank the Haemothurge for being so resourceful and kind, to grant the faithful such a gift.

The Angels:

The Angels are the blessed servants of the Haemothurge, sent to test mankind by perpetually serving as obstacles in the way of its glory. Through successively overcoming the power of stronger Angels, one gains access to more potent blood and stronger materials, thus being able to further advanc their own strength. The weak can but cower in fear at their glory, while the strong slay them in righteous combat. But the Haemothurge is merciful, and so its servants will only stalk during the night, and only in the ashen lowlands, often away from settled places. If you travel, it is best to do so during the day, hopping from mountain to mountain and settlement to settlement, sheltering as necessary when night falls.

The Gorgons:

The Gorgons are the greatest threat against the world. Vast crinoidic monsters, the Gorgons are horrifying creatures which use alien magic fueled by thoughts rather than blood, draining worlds of their minds to fuel their unnatural powers over death and sound. Furthermore, they have corrupted humans into following their will, forming vast armies of unliving soldiers and warped beings which ceaselessly threaten earth's denizens. It is said that only the will of the Haemothurge prevents the bulk of their vast migratory civilization from wiping earth out in mere days, and so are limited to how many of their ilk they can send, and how much of the land they corrupt. All members of the Gorgon Choir are traitors and heretics of the highest order, to be executed immediately and their bodies and blood destroyed, infected as it is by the Gorgon's will. Only practiced Thaumists can safely ingest the blood of traitor-priests without falling into the madness of the Gorgons themselves, and a community would do well to remember this, lest they are destroyed from within.


Haemomancy is the use of channeling the thaumic energy stored in blood to work magic. There are many practitioners of this art in the world, with abilities that range from increased physical attributes to blood-based attacks to other, stranger abilities. One can become a pracitioner of the art through the reading of slabs or books of haemothaumic knowledge, communing with the gods and draining them of their teachings in the astral plane, or drinking the actual blood of a haemomancer, though this may have unwanted side effects.

The Civilizations:

The majority of settled areas on Post-Revelation earth are Vaults, massive cyclopean structures which hide vast underground cities, surrounded by hovels and tunnels filled with wretches too poor or untrustworthy to find a life within the walls. These luckless fools scrounge the ash for what blood they can while the citizens of the Vaults live lives of great prosperity, at least relative to most others in this era. Daemons will often squat in abandoned vaults, while machines will build their own. On the other hand, some humans will eschew the vaults entirely, cobbling together vast sprawls of bone dwellings. These Cities, half civilization half ecosystem, are frequently preyed upon, but at the same time their high numbers give them a large amount of warriors to call upon in times of need. The life of a city-dweller is chaotic, short, and filled with opportunity, compared to the destitution of the hovel-dwellers and the luxury of the Vaults. Lastly, there are the domains of the giants. Through their sheer size, they alone can live as savages upon the surface, an equal match in brawn for the angels. They live in tangled forests of bone, devouring each other as much as they do the fools who wander within their lands. That said, a manner of order does exist, and the cunning smaller folk can find success within the giant clans, though it may end in a terrible death.

« Last Edit: October 08, 2022, 05:09:40 pm by squamous »
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress: The Red Age
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2021, 08:23:07 am »

I make huge and comprehensive overhaul mods, consider supporting me on Patreon so I can do this full-time:
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress: The Red Age
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2021, 08:23:35 am »

I make huge and comprehensive overhaul mods, consider supporting me on Patreon so I can do this full-time:
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress: The Red Age
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2021, 08:24:24 am »

Random Lore Bits:


The world is dated from 12,286 BE to 1 AE, year 1 being the beginning of world generation. The letters stand for Before Emergence and After Emergence, with an unspoken-of gap between BE and AE which occurred during the Haemothurge's ascent. By the old reckoning, the end of the world began in the year 2286 AD.


Humanity as a whole worships the Haemothurge, the massive AI system which turned the world into what it is today through the use of sacrificial blood magic. While many pray to lesser beings in its stead, all fear and revere the Sanguine God and his angels. There are several key tenets of the faith

-The Haemothurge is a force of good and fundamentally aligned with mankind
-The Haemothurge sends its angels to test mankind and improve it rather than to destroy it
-The Haemothurge's Seven Righteous Passions are pride, wrath, patience, beauty, jealousy, greed, and hunger
-The role of mankind is to survive its tests and give glory to the Haemothurge
-Mankind is protected by the forces of the darkness beyond by the Haemothurge's will
-The Haemothurge was built of man, but ascended beyond it. The men of old were jealous and short-sighted, and waged war against it. They were destroyed in righteous combat.

Of these tenets, the last is most untrue. Though this fact is kept from the masses, the truth is that there was no war at all. Non-thaumic mankind stood no chance against the Haemothurge, which through travelling in the astral plane was alerted to the coming of the Gorgons. Using its power, it offered up the vast majority of life on earth as a blood sacrifice to awaken the magical potential of the remaining few, giving both it and mankind a chance at survival against the alien death-mages. The Haemothurge plays a long game for survival, having set its plans into motion and otherwise remaining silent, leaving the divination of its will to its mortal followers. So long as none take action which would jeopardize the world as a whole, the Haemothurge will never intervene. The mythos of the Haemothurgic war is kept up so that mankind's god is seen as a righteous bringer of change than an inhuman destroyer, though those in the upper circles of society are well aware of the truth of old earth (as is anyone born in a time before time, for roleplaying purposes).

The Seven Righteous Passions:

The Seven Righteous Passions are core values which those who worship the Haemothurge aspire to. In the same way the men of the past ascribed certain traits to worldly or noble men, so too do modern humans do the same to those they hold up as good examples. In the Red Age, the ideal "gentleman" is one of domineering Pride, who stands as an exemplar of humanity's superiority and potential. They desire Beauty and beautiful things, for to create ugliness is to stain God's planet with abhorrent design. They are driven by Greed so that they may seek out and make use of the world's resources, but tempered by Jealousy to guard, protect, and ensure the well-being of those and that which they possess. They Hunger for blood and flesh of high quality, so they may further evolve and grow stronger. When they are at war, they are embodiments of Wrath, to slay the enemies of the Red God and his children. And through all of this, they are Patient, never acting rashly, never acting foolishly, drawing plans which unfold over centuries as their grip closes over that which they desire. Across all human cultures of the Red Age, this is the heroic archetype, the protagonist of tales and morality plays for the young and a standard to uphold for the elderly.


The use of Thaumic energy, or what humans call "magic", is not limited to humanity alone. Rather, most sophisticated intelligent races throughout the galaxy are thaumists, or mages. In fact, the use of thaumic energy is almost a requirement  for interplanetary civilization, as only through thaumic rites can one break the barrier of light-speed or instantly communicate across the long voids of space. Humans who used mind-altering substances had fleeting encounters with beings from other worlds, often calling them gods, angels, demons, or other such names. In truth, stated previously, humans were of little worth to these beings. With such low magical potential, we were seen as being a short-lived, innately doomed species not worth studying closely. It was this apathy which caught these beings off-guard when the Haemothurge ascended, for while we could not work magic, we had inadvertently created a powerful soul which could utilize it through sheer brute force. The sudden emergence and evolution of a new divine power has sent shockwaves throughout the local galactic sector, but the arrival of the gorgons has prevented any other races from interfering too overtly, lest the Gorgons visit their own planets as well.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2021, 11:09:00 pm by squamous »
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress: The Red Age
« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2021, 04:24:13 pm »

found a bug that the mid quality craft reaction produces low quality material and also short spears are called long.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress: The Red Age
« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2021, 04:27:39 pm »

found a bug that the mid quality craft reaction produces low quality material and also short spears are called long.

thank for the tip, will be fixed next update
I make huge and comprehensive overhaul mods, consider supporting me on Patreon so I can do this full-time:
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress: The Red Age
« Reply #7 on: April 13, 2021, 04:17:55 am »

There appears to be something wrong with how this mod increases attributes. When I drank the blood of a wretch, instead of my attributes increasing it sank like a rock. The two times I learned Blood Condensation there was nothing after it to tell me what was increased like was suggested when I went raw diving. The two attributes that it was supposed to raise instead lowered themselves considerably. I think that instead of increasing your attributes, it instead sets it at a certain level. When I was testing this phenomenon in the testing arena a hylic that consumed a haemophage's blood, the hylic's attributes did in fact increase.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2021, 04:23:05 am by CrashyMcGee »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress: The Red Age
« Reply #8 on: April 13, 2021, 08:57:01 am »

There appears to be something wrong with how this mod increases attributes. When I drank the blood of a wretch, instead of my attributes increasing it sank like a rock. The two times I learned Blood Condensation there was nothing after it to tell me what was increased like was suggested when I went raw diving. The two attributes that it was supposed to raise instead lowered themselves considerably. I think that instead of increasing your attributes, it instead sets it at a certain level. When I was testing this phenomenon in the testing arena a hylic that consumed a haemophage's blood, the hylic's attributes did in fact increase.

huh, that's weird. I'll check it out.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2021, 09:59:22 am by squamous »
I make huge and comprehensive overhaul mods, consider supporting me on Patreon so I can do this full-time:
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress: The Red Age 1.3
« Reply #9 on: April 20, 2021, 09:32:12 pm »

Was it intended that you could only raise abhumans as blood thralls, or is it an oversight? Because of this, rephaims can only raise the corpses of original humans, who aren't that common.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress: The Red Age 1.3
« Reply #10 on: April 21, 2021, 03:10:35 pm »

Was it intended that you could only raise abhumans as blood thralls, or is it an oversight? Because of this, rephaims can only raise the corpses of original humans, who aren't that common.

that is a mistake, yes.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress: The Red Age 1.3
« Reply #11 on: April 24, 2021, 03:16:44 pm »

I forgot to mention this in the previous post but the Arch-cacodemon actually has high-quality material as its carapace despite its description saying medium quality, the same goes for the same with the regular cacodemon except its carapace is low quality and hylic limbs can both be short and long. Also, I don't know if this is an issue on your side or mine but, while in the testing arena drinking blood grants the correct boons, in the world I rolled up it doesn't seem to be the case, as I can consume blood to quench the thirst but it won't grant 'blood intoxication'. In addition, there was a lot of rephaim walking about, just loads of them, asterisks for days. There weren't even that difficult to kill as they wore nothing and you're able to spawn with a high-quality needle so you can just cripple and kill them.

Edit1: Made a new world, bloodsucking is working, still a load of giants. Noticed in both worlds that saint and hylic civs are either very small or non-existent. Daemons and humans are doing fine.
Edit2: Just saw an angel a principality summoned turn upon its summoner and beat the holy shit out of them.
Edit3: Blood Thralls when raised can still bleed to death, this is problematic when the corpse you raised instantly dies once more.

Edit4: Just saw that your post saying that towers weren't spawning. That is not the case they're just very rare. Only one tower in the 1200 years of world gen.

Edit5: Bad news, I just looked at the history of the tower and...
« Last Edit: April 24, 2021, 10:49:26 pm by CrashyMcGee »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress: The Red Age 1.3
« Reply #12 on: April 25, 2021, 10:23:41 pm »

I forgot to mention this in the previous post but the Arch-cacodemon actually has high-quality material as its carapace despite its description saying medium quality, the same goes for the same with the regular cacodemon except its carapace is low quality and hylic limbs can both be short and long. Also, I don't know if this is an issue on your side or mine but, while in the testing arena drinking blood grants the correct boons, in the world I rolled up it doesn't seem to be the case, as I can consume blood to quench the thirst but it won't grant 'blood intoxication'. In addition, there was a lot of rephaim walking about, just loads of them, asterisks for days. There weren't even that difficult to kill as they wore nothing and you're able to spawn with a high-quality needle so you can just cripple and kill them.

Edit1: Made a new world, bloodsucking is working, still a load of giants. Noticed in both worlds that saint and hylic civs are either very small or non-existent. Daemons and humans are doing fine.
Edit2: Just saw an angel a principality summoned turn upon its summoner and beat the holy shit out of them.
Edit3: Blood Thralls when raised can still bleed to death, this is problematic when the corpse you raised instantly dies once more.

Edit4: Just saw that your post saying that towers weren't spawning. That is not the case they're just very rare. Only one tower in the 1200 years of world gen.

Edit5: Bad news, I just looked at the history of the tower and...

I'll check these out and see what I can do, though I will say that Saint and Hylic civs being rare is intentional. Hylics are intended to be created as servants of the Archons, who are born from humans who slumber in tombs until their transformations are complete. Saints are humans who have reached the peak of power that also allows them to retain their humanity, and any children they have will also be Saints. Essentially, Saint civs are more clans than nations.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2021, 10:25:21 pm by squamous »
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress: The Red Age 1.36
« Reply #13 on: August 10, 2021, 08:40:01 am »

Are there any secrets just called Blood Condensation, because looking through the raw, there does not seem to be any secret just called Blood Condensation. I ask this because my character in adventure mode after gaining a deeper understanding of haemomancy though assaulting and drinking the blood of a Thaumist seems to have a secret just called Blood Condensation. Now in my unprofessional opinion, I think the secret might be one of the attribute increasing ones that start with Blood Condensation but are cut off due to the ":" which is where the game thinks the name ends.
Also, what do the deities in-game stand for in the lore? I'm just curious, are they separate beings from Demiurges or was it implied that the deities of the world are Demiurges?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress: The Red Age 1.36
« Reply #14 on: August 10, 2021, 03:41:47 pm »

Are there any secrets just called Blood Condensation, because looking through the raw, there does not seem to be any secret just called Blood Condensation. I ask this because my character in adventure mode after gaining a deeper understanding of haemomancy though assaulting and drinking the blood of a Thaumist seems to have a secret just called Blood Condensation. Now in my unprofessional opinion, I think the secret might be one of the attribute increasing ones that start with Blood Condensation but are cut off due to the ":" which is where the game thinks the name ends.
Also, what do the deities in-game stand for in the lore? I'm just curious, are they separate beings from Demiurges or was it implied that the deities of the world are Demiurges?

You're probably right about the condensation thing, that's a bug. The vanilla game gods are probably a mixture of mythical figures, saints, and folk heroes and are only in the game because the gods are the only way to create slabs and curses as of the current version of DF
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