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Author Topic: Loop Hero  (Read 7485 times)


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Re: Loop Hero
« Reply #15 on: March 07, 2021, 01:10:45 pm »

Necro in general seems to be easy mode, especially if you can get some early max skelly numbers and levels. It does seem to drop off past a certain point tho, but I think it might just be my lack of cast speed and having trouble keeping the summons up against multiple foes alphastriking them the second they're summoned.

Also, thinking on the knight, would it be viable to try the second boss with a heavy counter build? From what I've seen the counter shouldn't have targeting RNG and would trigger when the boss hit you, it's not completely RNG immune since you still need to trigger the counters but I think it's a useful fallback if the hero derps and refuses to target her.
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Re: Loop Hero
« Reply #16 on: March 07, 2021, 01:23:18 pm »

I think the second boss doesn't attack directly, but just summons pets to attack?

I failed second boss two more times today with what felt like very strong rogues. I'm ready to just switch to Necro now and get past that way, but I'm disappointed that I couldn't make it work with rogue.


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Re: Loop Hero
« Reply #17 on: March 07, 2021, 03:14:12 pm »

I've noticed the arsenal card is a big boost for the rogue, helps solve the little sustain he has.
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Re: Loop Hero
« Reply #18 on: March 07, 2021, 05:53:36 pm »


you know the outpost tile?

Well, if you´re playing a necromancer, they´ll fire arrows at you and your skeletons too. Just something to bear in mind.
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Re: Loop Hero
« Reply #19 on: March 07, 2021, 09:48:14 pm »

There's Steam guide that describes how player can set custom game speed through ini modification, which personally improved the game a lot. I can't imagine how one can do all the grind necessary while being restricted to x2 max speed.


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Re: Loop Hero
« Reply #20 on: March 08, 2021, 01:26:42 am »

So "damage to all" does seem to affect the second boss, as I fought them a second time with base damage all from the supply.  She'd take a damage or two even if I punched a window instead.

You're also apparently allowed to put an Outpost next to the campfire, and have a random merc help you with the boss.  Odd, considering the watchtowers explicitly don't aid with the boss.

There's Steam guide that describes how player can set custom game speed through ini modification, which personally improved the game a lot. I can't imagine how one can do all the grind necessary while being restricted to x2 max speed.

I've heard 'overclocking' the game messes with some mechanics.

Although I've never felt resource grinding that bad, so far.  With a proper build and a beaconed path, I can mow through 4-5 enemy groups pretty quick as rogue without too much risk, usually ransacked villages and piles of fire worms.  I never spend more than ten or so loops in a game, and as long as I don't die and make it to the campfire, its a decent haul.  ~16 hours in I have most of the structures built, but most all of them aren't upgraded.

Eventually you unlock something that just tells you what gets you each resource, from there you can set up a deck to optimize getting specific stuff.  It's why I know to create fights with 4+ enemies.
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Re: Loop Hero
« Reply #21 on: March 08, 2021, 04:06:06 am »

Which mechanics? I've found no difference. Maybe in some combat aspect if you speed it up a lot? Although it shouldn't, being strict tbs . And tbh I think making the game speed at least 2x of the regular one is quasimandatory for playability
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Re: Loop Hero
« Reply #22 on: March 10, 2021, 11:58:46 am »

I've bought the game on Saturday I believe?

By now I have nearly 30 hours and every one was worth it. I dunno what's so addictive, is it the build-from-scratch mechanics, the randomness, or maybe the fact its just a L O O P. Heck, if you don't care about loops themselves, you can even engage in some landscape/world designing thingy, the pixel graphics just work well for that :D

And for everyone having problems with playing as Rogue, unlocked Forests:

Forest and (and its variant card, Thicket) tiles give 1% (and 2%) Attack Speed per tile, with no adjacency hassle required (as with Rocks/Mountains for HP boost or Meadows-to-Blooming Meadows).

EDIT: Oh, and the OST is absolute banger. Dat 16-bit chiptune a la Castlevania or some such, ahhh
EDIT2: Lemme share with you my favorite screenshot I made so far:
Spoiler: Dead vs Dead (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: March 10, 2021, 12:38:07 pm by Haspen »
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Loop Hero
« Reply #23 on: March 10, 2021, 08:35:00 pm »

Beat the game.


1. Rogue is by far and away the strongest class. Necro is great for chapters 1 - 2. Warrior is good, but the other two are better. Rogue is the best because he gets the best loot among all three, and isn't as dependant on RNG loot stats. For example, Necro is heavily reliant on every single stat he needs (max skeletons, skeleton level, attack speed, magic shield, etc.). Necro would be good for chapter 3 except... well... he can get oneshot if he's unlucky. Warrior needs less, but still needs defense and vampirism. Rogue is like, whatever dude I'm good with everything.

2. The final chapter is a massive bugger of a stage. It's a gigantic difficulty jump from the previous one. You'll need to farm quite a bit or be super lucky. Kinda sucks to be forced to grind.

3. Max your watchtowers asap. Also get warehouses. Watchtowers are great for making your campfire a deathzone. Just stack every single enemy in the 6 tiles around your campfire and melt them all with the archers for mad exp and loot. Warehouses give you lots of supply space to put gear.

4. Get cheatengine and turn on the speedhack. The game expects you to grind at the last chapter so you'll need it for your sanity. I heard the ini file editing fucks up the game, so this is safer.

5. The final boss is pretty easy honestly. It's the stage that's difficult.

6. Swamp + vampire + spiders + blood grove = mad exp and loot. The mosquitos will blow themselves up and clear that side of the screen for you. Also the vampires make all the enemies take extra damage when they attack due to swamps making vampirism do damage.

7. Honestly don't bother putting down terrain tiles until you need it. It accelerates the boss spawn for no reason. This is ESPECIALLY important for the final chapter.

8. It's really short. It seems really deep at first but you can tell they rushed it near the end. All the dialogue kinda just ends, there's no new enemies or any new mechanics. I'd say once you play like a couple hours you've basically seen everything the game has to offer. It's fun but any depth to it is artificial from grinding for achievements or whatever.

9. Magic damage is a bait stat. It seems good at first, true damage, but it's so puny that it becomes worthless later on when things do hundreds of damage or have thousands of hp. It just takes up a valuable stat line.

10. Regeneration is only good on Necro. It's bait on the other classes. For the others, vampirism is 10x better.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Loop Hero
« Reply #24 on: March 10, 2021, 09:03:34 pm »

The rogue does seem notably better, evasion as a stat scales so much better than most other sustain.  Even if the stamina system tries to nerf it.  Free outposts, too.

Necro would be more tolerable if you had a base of three skeletons, two is too little for anything useful.  Either you burn a perk for more or skip a lot of equipment because it doesn't give +skeletons.  The perk to share damage with your skeles is also a must pick.

Speaking of perks, +exp per tile placed is really strong, especially as a first pick.

Arsenal seems like the only gold card that isn't pure gimmick.  The tomb is alright but needs a specific build and doesn't scale much faster than equipment does, and it doesn't seem worth on necro when arsenal could potentially give you another +skele item.  The other's a boss speedrun card (I guess?).

The supply scales pretty absurdly after a while, apparently you can haul a hundred different trinkets with you if you maximize for it.  Some trinkets scale off of other trinkets as well.

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Re: Loop Hero
« Reply #25 on: March 10, 2021, 09:34:58 pm »

The supply scales pretty absurdly after a while, apparently you can haul a hundred different trinkets with you if you maximize for it.  Some trinkets scale off of other trinkets as well.
Yup. It's why getting warehouses should be a priority. Then craft furniture. All the best trinkets are furniture. You could literally start with like... +5 max potions or +10% vampirism, or other silly stuff.


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Re: Loop Hero
« Reply #26 on: March 11, 2021, 03:00:55 am »

Messing with the ini gives you only two resources for "completing" the treasury, and also messes with HP regen (gives less).  Doesn't matter since I only play the rogue.  Just rush to act 4 and lay down spiders, ruins, and lanterns, then slowly removing spiders leaving only ruins with lanterns covering the whole path.  Let the game sit until you're satisfied and hope it doesn't crash.

What have you guys messed with in terms of trinkets?  I've got 40 max I can bring along but no idea what synergizes well.  I've just been saving all that I've gotten, except the Oak Bed, which is probably the only trinket that I burn immediately.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Loop Hero
« Reply #27 on: March 11, 2021, 08:03:54 am »

Beat the game.


1. Rogue is by far and away the strongest class. Necro is great for chapters 1 - 2. Warrior is good, but the other two are better. Rogue is the best because he gets the best loot among all three, and isn't as dependant on RNG loot stats. For example, Necro is heavily reliant on every single stat he needs (max skeletons, skeleton level, attack speed, magic shield, etc.). Necro would be good for chapter 3 except... well... he can get oneshot if he's unlucky. Warrior needs less, but still needs defense and vampirism. Rogue is like, whatever dude I'm good with everything.

2. The final chapter is a massive bugger of a stage. It's a gigantic difficulty jump from the previous one. You'll need to farm quite a bit or be super lucky. Kinda sucks to be forced to grind.

3. Max your watchtowers asap. Also get warehouses. Watchtowers are great for making your campfire a deathzone. Just stack every single enemy in the 6 tiles around your campfire and melt them all with the archers for mad exp and loot. Warehouses give you lots of supply space to put gear.

4. Get cheatengine and turn on the speedhack. The game expects you to grind at the last chapter so you'll need it for your sanity. I heard the ini file editing fucks up the game, so this is safer.

5. The final boss is pretty easy honestly. It's the stage that's difficult.

6. Swamp + vampire + spiders + blood grove = mad exp and loot. The mosquitos will blow themselves up and clear that side of the screen for you. Also the vampires make all the enemies take extra damage when they attack due to swamps making vampirism do damage.

7. Honestly don't bother putting down terrain tiles until you need it. It accelerates the boss spawn for no reason. This is ESPECIALLY important for the final chapter.

8. It's really short. It seems really deep at first but you can tell they rushed it near the end. All the dialogue kinda just ends, there's no new enemies or any new mechanics. I'd say once you play like a couple hours you've basically seen everything the game has to offer. It's fun but any depth to it is artificial from grinding for achievements or whatever.

9. Magic damage is a bait stat. It seems good at first, true damage, but it's so puny that it becomes worthless later on when things do hundreds of damage or have thousands of hp. It just takes up a valuable stat line.

10. Regeneration is only good on Necro. It's bait on the other classes. For the others, vampirism is 10x better.

I think necro is actually stronger but I agree that gameplay is too simple to hook you significatively once you've beaten it, unfortunately.
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Re: Loop Hero
« Reply #28 on: March 12, 2021, 03:47:14 pm »

I need some winning builds here, I keep seeing other people's but none of them work for me, I'm not sure if they're missing something out like their supplies or if I just get stupidly unlucky, like I tried Umiman's swamp+grove+spiders+vampire idea and all it does is nearly (or successfully) kill me every time I pass through.

Class, deck, stat priorities, supplies, buildings, method of placement, all that jazz.
I may have wasted all those years
They're not worth their time in tears
I may have spent too long in darkness
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Re: Loop Hero
« Reply #29 on: March 12, 2021, 04:11:12 pm »

Are you trying to farm or clear?
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Now celebrating: Two and a half years misquoted. Seriously man. Just fix it. -_-
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