Kraken, Aurora
Aurora chuckled at the enthusiasm, even as she shook her head. At the very least it seemed he needed little convincing in this endeavor. "Let's try to keep the holy wars to a minimum for now. But yes, you are correct in assuming that there is use for those who will act as the faith's sword and shield. I'll tell you the same as I did Lyra; your mistress is currently in quite a... tenuous situation. It's been a very long time since she had a following to dedicate their faith to her, and as I'm sure you can imagine, the gods of some worlds require faith in order to sustain themselves. Otherwise they go dormant, or fade from existence all together. Hence the important role you two are going to play as the leads of the new flock."
She paused, looking Kraken up and down. Her eyes lingered on the massive gun he carried as she spoke again. "Yes, You'll do quite well as a paladin. Of what oath is to be seen though. Anyway, there a few key aspects to spreading any faith effectively. First, as a clergy of your god, you must know them as well as you yourself. This means getting to know their history, what they expect of you and all other followers, and what they stand for. Second, you must embody the values of your faith and serve as an example to others. There are several factors to this, part of it is in ensuring your conduct is appropriate, another is to occasionally call upon your god for miracles, or demonstrate the powers they bestowed on you as a demonstration for the skeptical and the curious alike. Third, and last, there are sometimes when actions must take precedence over words. If you find a community undergoing plight, and you have the power to right what has gone wrong, doing so in the name of your god is a sure fire way to earn some respect for them, if not new followers into the fold out of gratitude. Judging from your attitude and skillset, I'll believe you're probably best suited for the last option."