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Author Topic: [IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse: Gaiden Gaiden: Barracks (Travel Phase)  (Read 7727 times)


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A set of sparse, functional rooms meant to house squads of soldiers, connected to an armory, smithy, and mess hall. The armory holds random junk the party isn't using at the moment, and the smithy holds random junk the party plans (or once planned) to turn into more useful junk, but the mess hall is still barren.

OOC Thread

Thread Rules:
Your character may only occupy one IC thread at a time.
You must make a post clearly indicating that you are leaving the area this thread governs to move to another.
Post clearly that you are entering this area as well; one of these posts should be made for every active character during the travel phase.
Moving between areas during a travel phase is discouraged, and should be discussed first.
Before posting in ANY IC thread, characters must be approved by the GM.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2021, 11:57:17 pm by Chevaleresse »
GM of Trespassers V2.
If you like my work, consider becoming a patron. (Since apparently people think this is a requirement: no, my game(s) are free to play and always will be.

Powder Miner

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Navin Gopinath Mhasalkar leant against the wall of a Barracks hallway. He stood at 5’8, with black hair at a moderate length just just enough to see the beginnings of curliness. He wore a somewhat striking outfit - a white jumpsuit, with white, dimpled plates of armor sown into it, but granted color by a stripe of saffron orange that wound upwards across his torso from his leg, and opposite that on his chest the purple of a Pride of India, stylized and painted onto a plate of armor. It was the eclectic design of a superhero’s outfit, if a spartan one with no mask - and split and frayed around the wrists.

He was in something of a paradoxical state, but one he was well acquainted with - the world he’d last been on had had horrific and urgent moments of violent action he didn’t wish to revisit, like the blood and rage that overtook him with that ghost he’d fought, a wellspring of anger that still made him uncomfortable to think about. But things afterwards had been surprisingly uneventful, and now that he was doing nothing he felt very much ill at ease. Bare and spartan places like the barracks had always been comforting to him during these kinds of moments, precisely and ironically because they weren’t comfortable enough to worsen that feeling.

Hopefully he would be presented with something to do - he didn’t know if it was coincidence, but the last period of travel had seen quite a few new arrivals. Perhaps there was something useful about the period of quiet that saw their selection now. Whatever the case, though, it was probably ultimately best that he or someone else also not so prone to... rashness be there to meet them, if they showed. Previous unfortunate incidents had shown that much.


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The room temperature of the barracks drops significantly as a portal from another world opens. For a few seconds, nothing falls through, save bitterly cold air. Shortly after, however, a distant rumble sounds out through the portal, and several feet of ice and snow cascade through, before the portal closes without any further incident. A few, quiet moments pass as the snow sits inert, before the pile begins to shift as if something within it is moving.

The surface of the shifting snow breaks, as a battle-scarred, olive toned arm erupts from within it, pressing down on the snow to lift the rest of the body behind it. The head breaches the snow next, revealing a man with a wide nose, tired eyes, a thick beard, and a grim, determined expression. The torso lifts out next, revealing dirty, brown clothing made of hide and fur, as well as several spears strapped to his back. His eyes begin to examine the room with abject confusion, before finally settling on Navin.

"What have you done?" He asks, before seeming to consider something, and changing his voice in a subtle way that seems almost as if he's changing what language he's speaking. "What kind of foul magic have you done here, slender folk?"


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A rather electrical sound accompanied the arrival of a third to the room. This one was a large man with tanned skin wearing some kind of black military looking uniform. The uniform is clearly modern or close to it, at least to Navin as it had kevlar and armor plating at strategic locations throughout it. The man himself had dark brown hair, and his skin was tanned. Atop his head was a black baseball cap that was unmarked aside from a bit of bleaching on the upper parts. Just below the hat, was a pair of brown eyes that narrowed in confusion at their surroundings.

The man's hands squeezed around the object occupying them, which Navin would recognize as a Light Machine Gun. He exercises proper trigger discipline, his finger kept carefully away from the trigger despite his apparent uneasiness. Finally he clears his throat, seemingly having decided the other occupants aren't hostile. "I uh... don't suppose you're Rainbow Six Operatives as well?"


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Utzi considers the strange newcomers sentence for a moment, his eyes tracking back and forth between the two men. His thick brow furrows, and the accusatory glint in his eyes gives way to a look of complete confusion. "Have you seen a rainbow before? I am not one."

As Utzi speaks, his eyes glance down at the gun for a brief moment. "You must come from a strange place to have rainbows that look like men and rocks that look like... that."

Powder Miner

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Well, it wasn't long before Navin's wonderings were justified - after a few minutes, Navin was greeted by two different newcomers, one of which appeared to be a special-ops type, and one of which appeared to be a caveman and several dozen pounds of snow. The latter was greeted with a brief raise of an eyebrow by Navin, but brief indeed - last time he'd encountered a caveman he'd actually travelled back in time in a... somewhat odd adventure working with a French time traveler. It wasn't that unimaginable that someone could come from a similar world.

The first thing that Navin did when he saw the two newcomers was raise his hands in a supplicating gesture and begin to speak steadily. "I imagine that you must be quite confused, right now. I can explain what is happening, but it is going to be a complicated thing to take in, so I ask that you please bear with me." He lowered his hands. "So... first off, I am going to introduce myself - my name is Navin Gopinath Mhasalkar. Second off, I am going to state that I am not the one responsible for bringing you here. I am another person that was brought here by the same thing as you were quite some time ago now. This thing, insofar as I can tell, is some form of greater entity that I have never come into direct contact with." Navin was fairly certain that it was God, being that it was some sort of force representing the multiverse, but he was also not going to try to insert that in the middle of his explanation.

"You have been transported..." Navin paused and searched for words for a moment. "...well, what may make sense to you," he looked at Kraken, "is that you have been transported across dimensions. It may make more sense to you," he looked at Utzi "as... er... another realm fully separate from even the earth or water of the land you come from. A place that is totally different." He shifted his speaking back to the both of them now. "Now, this is of course an extraordinary claim, so I can try to answer any further questions you have, and try to provide some proof that I come from another world by using a superpower of mine that I hope is fantastic enough to serve as some evidence."


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The more spec ops-y of the two nods his way through the introduction, his hands eventually leaving the gun to assume a more inquisitive pose. When Navin is done with his little speech he speaks, nodding. "Kyle "Kraken" Murdoch, Rainbow Six Counter Terrorism assault Operative, nice to meet you. Now, while this all seems entirely reasonable I suppose a demonstration can't hurt." His tone disagrees with his words, making it clear that he doesn't think this is reasonable at all and that someone must be fucking with him, probably the guy talking as the more caveman-y type seems equally confused... unless they're both in on it of course.


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Utzi stands up and steps over the pile of snow to stand closer to the other two men. He's much shorter than either, much closer to five feet tall than six. He listens to Navin's introduction intently, and considers the words for a long moment before he nods. "So this is the spirit world? That would explain why things are so strange."

The caveman lets out a visible breath of air as he introduces himself. "I am Utzi, son of the wide folk. You do not need to use your magics to convince me, spirit. Your appearance is proof enough. I... am curious about the powers of the spirits, so if you wish to show me anyway, it would be appreciated."

Powder Miner

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Navin pauses for a moment, a little dumbfounded at Utzi's assertion. "Er, no, I'm not a spirit. What I mean is that I come from a world that you are totally unfamiliar with, because the worlds that you are familiar with are really not that large in the scheme of things. I am lucky when it comes to this, I suppose - I was already accustomed to this from my world, which is... varied. I am human."

Turning to show both of them his entire torso and both hands, Navin raised his hands, splayed and palms shown - his sleeves ended halfway up his wrists, and there was nothing visible on his hands or upper arms. He spoke to Kraken: "As you can see, no devices are on my wrist. This next thing is not a grenade or bullet, either, so do not worry about taking cover." He then shifted his right arm, his palm facing upwards, his arm extended away from him, then he took a breath... and light and force and sound erupted from his hand, a blast ripping upwards before it suddenly dissipated a couple of feet from his hand. "Where I come from, there are many people such as myself with superpowers like these - I can generate explosions from my hands."


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Utzi winces at the bight noise and loud sound of the explosion. As his eyes slam shut, the room begins to plummet in temperature once again, becoming uncomfortably cold in a fraction of a second. Utzi doesn't seem to notice, as he opens his eyes once again. "It is as if you have captured lightning in your hands. I didn't know humans had such magics."


  • Bay Watcher
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Kraken looked confused for a moment as he inspected Navin's arms, looking up at the man as he extended them. It's only a moment before the actual demonstration that he realizes something loud is likely to happen given the forewarning, and he claps his hands over his ears, preventing the worst of the sound from affecting him. Still, he takes a few moments to blink away his surprise and the light in his eyes before speaking. "Alright, point taken. Definitely in some kind of fantasy land surrounded by people with similarly fantastic and magical abilities...."

He's quiet for a few moments before breaking out in a grin. "Just like an anime! Sweet, well, everyone at home probably thinks I'm dead. Family probably doesn't even know yet which will be really shitty but.... My psychiatrist always said that thinking positively will get me out of dark spots, so what are we up against and what do we have going for us? Oh, and who's our leader? I don't suppose it's you, no offense, you just look like the leading type." He claps his hands together in excitement as he looks to Navin for answers.

Powder Miner

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"Magic is... well, hmm, actually, I suppose that I ought not argue it too hard. there are indeed plenty of us here who use magic, although I attribute my power to something a bit different. Nonetheless - yes, what we are fighting..." Navin cleared his throat a little awkwardly, not necessarily the best at making smooth transitions. "We know them as Trespassers, though I think they are probably the sort of thing that does not really have a name. They... are beings who com from outside any worlds whatsoever, and seek ultimately to consume everything. I admit that the exact mechanisms of how the work are behind me, but I have personally seen them control and corrupt parts of a world until it turned into an apocalyptic hell of war. The fight we are fighting is an urgent one, and it is one done for good reason - I can at least say that."

Navin paused for a bit as he switched gears to the other thing Kraken brought up. "Er, as for leadership, I am definitely not part of it, but frankly there is not quite formal leadership so much as there is a rotation of people who act as leaders in any given moment - we are somewhat anarchic on the whole, because we will split up into different groups based on the worlds we are going into. We tend to just reach consensus within those groups."


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With their work against the CFWs done with, Mira once again found herself forced to deal with the troubles of downtime. At the very least, it allowed her the ability to maintain her equipment, which was the goal she had in mind when she stepped into the Barracks portion of the castle. She did take note of what seemed to be two new faces, glancing at the two men from underneath her helmet as she walked through the Barracks and towards the smithy, all without a word.

She wasn't in charge of greeting newcomers anyway, and there was already someone doing it for her. She just needed to insure that her weapon and armor was in proper condition.
Just some nerd who thinks they're a half decent writer.
FEF: Marks of Royalty links:


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Utzi nods, following along as best he can. "They are like... a cave bear. Move in, take everything, need many people to kill?" A dangerous glint grows within Utzi's eyes. "Cave bear isn't hard to hunt. I have never had a war with one, battles are to be fought between the folk, not with beasts. If these... trespassers have the temperament of cave bears and the smarts of men, they must be dangerous. I will join in this war, such a creature cannot be allowed to exist."

"I have led many hunts. Mostly elk, sometimes mammoth. But I do not know what prey exists in the spirit world, so I will not lead anything until I am more familiar with this place." Utzi freezes as Mira walks by, his arm reaching behind him to grab one of his spears, just in case. "What is that man made of stone?"


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It's around this time that Mar finally wakes up, trudging down the hall and filling a cup with some water.  After a moment, he pulls a flask from his belt and pours whatever is in it in with the water.

He scratches his back and approaches the others, a hunched-over and wizened-looking green man with thin, muscular limbs, wearing a black suit with silver adornments and a bolo tie. 

Strapped to his clothes are various weapons, including a glaive with a leather case that covers the blade entirely, a shield made of some kind of thick animal carapace that had been cut apart and put back together in an odd honeycomb shape, a boomerang stuffed in a pouch tied to his leg, and a variety of flasks, bottles, and waterskins tied to one side. 

Tied to his back are familiar tools, albiet oversized for their purpose, a leather patch, a billet made of some sort of stone, an antler, used for pressure flaking, and a branch with a copper nail, used for the same purpose.  The tools of a flintknapper.

Despite him being hunched over to the point where he stands under everyone else, it's clear that he would be taller at his full height than any ordinary human.

"A newcomer.  You're welcome to the fight, certainly," he says, listening to Utzi's resolution.

Mar looks at Mira.  "She isn't made of stone, she merely wears it.  You'll find that it is a common sight for some here to don such things."
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