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Author Topic: [IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse: Gaiden Gaiden: Ballroom (Travel Phase)  (Read 6441 times)


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Ehto, Utzi
Utzi frowns as his tutor once again uses some words he does not know. "I will let you look for... whatever those things you were just talking about are. I will go talk to the veterans. I saw some people who look mighty, and should know something."

Sutoratosu Akira

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Ehto, Utzi

"Ooooh right, right, sorry. I guess you have good reason to not be familar with the concept of a Library. We can talk more about that later, not very important right now. Anyways, good luck~" With that said, she turned on her heels, took a single step and immediately vanished into the shadows, leaving not a trace of her behind. Rather abrupt, but it was more or less clear what they were each going to do for this project, so it would probably be fine.


Ehto leaves the ballroom for ???
"Reality, unlike fiction, has no obligation to conform to what people find believable." -Chroniqler


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Utzi regards the empty ballroom for a moment, before turning on his heels to try to find that powerful-looking figure wearing the metal armor.

Utzi departs to go find Mira in the suites.

Sutoratosu Akira

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Aurora enters the ballroom

Aurora could spot from the moment she entered that the stone spider was still where she remembered, even after all this time. With those wheels he could go just about anywhere he wanted, but he preferred to stay close to what was familiar. It almost brought Aurora some measure of comfort thinking about it. Even as she couldn't tell if the young spider recognized her or not. She couldn't blame the youngling for it, not when she had changed so drastically from that day and their time together had been brief at best. She wasn't even entirely sure why she had sought out his life signature. Perhaps after dredging up all those memories with Spicy, she simply wanted a way to forget about it.
   Or maybe it was because through some bizarre happenstance, the creature within the glass jar before her was among the last of her creations still alive and untainted. She didn't know, and she didn't care much either. At this point just being near one of her children, the only one even remotely accessible to her at the moment, helped to put her at ease.
   "Hello, little one," She quietly approached the jar, earning a confused swivel of the wheels from it's occupant. Aurora supposed that was the best emoting she could hope from him. "It's been a long time hasn't it? You haven't changed a bit..."
   She could see the young spider swivel his form around within the sea of infinite poison he dwelled in, turning to face her with eyes that for the first time she noticed had an oddly... crystalline quality to them. Even though she could not blame him for not knowing, the confusion she saw reflected in their multi-faceted surface nonetheless sent a quiet pang through her heart. He might've been the only one left, and they hardly knew each other...

Or so she thought.

Mere moments later confusion gave way to recognition, and she found herself being elatedly circled by the jar, even spinning itself around a few times. If it was capable of leaping, she was sure it would've. Aurora wasn't even aware she could still shed tears until she felt something warm and wet dripping down her cheek. The jarred child stopped his celebration and looked on in worry, but she had already wiped them away by the time he noticed.
    "It's nothing, little one," she lied, "Don't worry. You know, I don't think we ever gave a name? That won't do now, will it? How about... Achles?"

Again the jar's elated carting started up, as certain a yes as Aurora had ever seen. This time rather than tears it brought a smile to her face. "I'm glad you like it, dear. That settles that then; from this day on you are Achles... my lastborn son."
"Reality, unlike fiction, has no obligation to conform to what people find believable." -Chroniqler


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  • A knight, returned from a journey weary and long
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An irregular tapping of shoes against the stone floors echoed through the ballroom proper. Arturia, having been unsuccessful in either locating a place to rest or settling down to actually do so, had found herself wandering about the castle. The ballroom had been a space that was both open and alone, and with no destination in mind, her feet had nothing to drag them into order - and so, the ancient knight danced. Not any particular dance, and it was neither particularly refined nor notably graceful; it followed some half-remembered beat in her head and simple whimsy, simply serving to amuse her in a time of both idle mind and idle hands. All she was really doing was stepping about at random and spinning in place semi-frequently, looking more drunken than anything else.
GM of Trespassers V2.
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Arturia, Spray

The rookie had been searching for a library for a while with no success. The lack of signage wasn't much help, and Maxwell figured there wasn't much point in wearing himself out straight away. When he heard footsteps coming from a massive room, he followed, and saw...

Did that lady have a sword in her chest?

And she was staggering around like a drunk - that wasn't good. Then again, Spray didn't see any blood at all coming from the wound - or anywhere else, for that matter. Maybe that was normal for her?

Uncertain of what to think, Maxwell simply moved closer and observed, holding out his medical kit in case she collapsed or something...


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  • A knight, returned from a journey weary and long
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Martyr, Spray

Her leisurely dance continued for several moments, skirt spinning low to the ground with her languid movements and hair tracing a lazy line alongside. It came to an abrupt halt when Martyr caught her observer in the corner of her eye, and rapidly cycled through startlement (which made her jump slightly,) past fear (when she reached for her gun) until she landed on embarrassment (when her hand dropped and her cheeks turned pink.) "Uh. . . hi."
GM of Trespassers V2.
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Martyr, Spray

Well. At least she was in good enough shape to flinch, blush, and almost pull a gun. Maxwell had raised his hands in a "don't shoot" gesture when she did the latter, keeping them there even as she stopped reaching for it.

"S-sorry about that. Didn't mean to disturb you none... I'm Maxwell Schiff. Nice to meet you. Were you sent here to help deal with the Trespassers, too?"

Again, Maxwell wasn't sure how to address the main problem of the impalement... but maybe it would come up in conversation eventually?


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  • A knight, returned from a journey weary and long
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Vi-Ra-Nor, Spray

"It's fine." She made a dismissive gesture that was just a tad too hurried. "Also I'm not going to shoot you, I'm just jumpy." The girl pointedly kept her hands away from the gun, despite it not being the most dangerous thing she had on her person. Or, in her person, she supposed would be more accurate for the other. "You can call me Martyr." The knight still found herself unwilling to give her own name, feeling echoes of paranoia - that, or she was enjoying being known by a title. Martyr was too tired to tell at that point. "I'm helping until I can find the Black Queen."
GM of Trespassers V2.
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Martyr, Spray

Maxwell nodded, continuing to keep his hands up since the lady - Martyr - seemed on edge. "Don't know anyone with that title, I'm afraid. Should we worry about running into her?" As they spoke, Maxwell tried not to stare at the sword embedded in Martyr's chest too much, but... well, it wasn't something he saw every day, or at all.


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  • A knight, returned from a journey weary and long
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Martyr, Spray

"I would hope so. She needs her Knight of Power as much as I need her." Vi-Ra-Nor sighed, both in frustration with her continued lack of success in finding leads and Spray's continued caution. "The one you should be trying to avoid is Kallisto. Or, alternatively, tell me where she is, so I can let her know exactly what I think of her." A small spark darted from Vi-Ra-Nor's chest to the tip of her sword's hilt, at which point the weapon seemingly reclaimed it. "By the way, no, I'm not dying. You can stop staring at it."
GM of Trespassers V2.
If you like my work, consider becoming a patron. (Since apparently people think this is a requirement: no, my game(s) are free to play and always will be.

Sutoratosu Akira

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Aurora watched the two make awkward conversation from some forgotten doorway of the ballroom, leading to space where the old castle custodians had likely stored tables and chairs in the fort's heyday. She had originally come to investigate the odd tapping and to find a peice of wood suitable to her purposes, but with the former of those proving of little interest she went back to her search. It needn't be anything fancy, it just had to be in good enough condition to not fall apart at the mere touch. By knowing this place, that was a bit of a tough ask.
    Finally however, her eyes settled on a particularly thick plank, it's original purpose long forgotten as it lay discarded in a corner. Silently she flexed her wrist, sending a stream of silk that solidified the moment it reacted with the air and reeled in the board with neither of the two mortals any the wiser. With what she needed in hand, Aurora quickly absconded back into the side room, where Achles still wheeled about.

The youngster had a name, but he couldn't speak it. Not yet at least, perhaps in time they would find a way to facilitate it. For now though a name tag would do. Initially she had considered using a lance to etch the words into the glass of his jar, but there was no telling how well it would hold up, or what unseen reaction might take place. Especially when any etching she did wouldn't be very legible unless there were multiple passes. A simple wooden sign was thus the safer and simpler option.
   It was easy enough to prepare the plank, cleaning it's edges, doing some decorative outerwork, and finally carving his name... though there were a few points when the concentrated power of her lance threatened to immolate the whole thing. A few adjustments to it's strength and the task was done without burning anything down. Along with the large blackened font and accenting she had bored two holes on either top corner; connection points to attach rope. That step was practically second nature to her, and less than minutes later she had a thick, dark red silk cord braided in her hands and ready for use. There was no need for her to call Achles, for he had had already come over out of sheer curiosity.

"Ah good, good..."Aurora said, trying and failing to reach the cord around the circumference of his jar. Not because it's length fell short, but rather her child-like arms did. The absurdity of it all brought a small, scoffing chuckle from her. It had been eons since she was this small, and it was not a feeling she relished being subjected to again. But there wasn't terribly much she could do about it either. Achles again swiveled his wheels in confusion, drawing her back from her mild indignation. She decided to accept her diminutive stature and simply walked the cord around his jar, using a bit of silk to keep the tag in place all the while. By the end, the young spider both had his name displayed for all the world to see, and looked rather dashing thanks to the contrast of dark red against the motley green of his perpetual poison. Aurora couldn't help but step back and admire her handiwork.

"I do wonder though...while this seems to have worked fine thus far, it might be even better to get you out of that jar. But we'd have to find a way to help you control your venom production. Hmmmm... I could try myself but it would better with Dackly's help," Speaking of which... she absolutely no idea where the other mother of Achles even was. It had been ages since she even so much as saw the gorgon. "Well, we can figure that out later. For now, why don't you go show off your new name, hm?"
    Excited wheel swiveling brought a gentle smile to her face as she ascended into the rafters. It had been too long since she'd felt something like this. And in that moment as she felt it again, she realized... she had stopped caring about her vengeance long ago. Her children had stopped being mere instruments of her wrath the moment she chose to jeopardize her own power to save them. She had alreadyrealized the blood war had been pointless from the start, but now she truly understood why she felt that way. It was a reason far beyond any perspective she had gained from the Positive Energy plane, or her interactions with the fleshb- er mortals she had met here and how they had slowly changed her mind.

All Aurora could care about anymore was the prosperity of her children. Minerva and her little cult of man threatened that small but immutable dream, and so she would destroy her and everything Minerva had ever loved or cherished, and the only thing Minerva had ever loved was her order and the authority it brought her.

Then there were the Trespassers. Oh pitiable, yet irredeemable little terrors threatening all existence, her children included. Once Minerva was dead, she would take her spark and become the sun which purged them all back into the depths of the nothingness from whence they'd came. And she would keep doing it for however long it took...

Even if it took an Eternity.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2021, 04:43:06 pm by Stratos »
"Reality, unlike fiction, has no obligation to conform to what people find believable." -Chroniqler


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Dackly And Gozer enter Ballroom

"Boy!  I sure do love being sane!" Dackly yelled, entering the ballroom.

"Debatable.  You technically excised yourself from the part of you that wasn't delusional, after all." Gozer retorted, his new magma-like body stalking into the room after her.  He had absorbed fire to obtain the conflict required for sapient thought, and with it came hot-bloodedness to contrast his stone-cold logic.

"Semantics!" Dackly shouted in response.
You are now having excessive amounts of fun


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Martyr, Spray

"Uh... Kallisto? You mean that nymph from Greek myth?" Or was that just a coincidence? "Well, just in case we do run across either - how will I know I've run into them?" Maxwell winced as someone entered, shouting about the joys of sanity or something. "And, if you're not dying, then... how did that sword get in there to begin with?"


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  • A knight, returned from a journey weary and long
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Vi-Ra-Nor, Spray

Arturia frowned. "Greek? I'm assuming that whatever kind of myth that is, it doesn't exist in my world. No, Kallisto last I saw her was a tall blonde who liked to wear a ribbon around and make sure everyone knew she was the 'one true goddess' or whatever. You'll probably know when you see her. Layla, on the other hand, is short with black hair and yellow eyes. She's. . . well, I probably shouldn't go off about her again, but she's a lot nicer if you don't scare her." Arturia wore a strange expression when she spoke about the latter, an incomprehensible mix of feelings darting across her face.

They settled on something somber as she continued. "As for the blade, it's a holy weapon." She thought back to the responses of people so far. "You probably don't want to know how I got it, but it's supposed to be there. It's a part of me."

GM of Trespassers V2.
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