This is a more general read list. I'm voting based off the Converter Chart, for reasons I believe I've spelled out in detail. (I hate cults a lot.)
Note: I'm working on this while watching the
evolving clusterflop that is Day End, so this is a living document.
See here for my D1 read list.Tier List, Day 2They're fine, whatever tier: People I don't suspect. Unordered.
webadict I'm torn between "Still could be the converter" and "Is working awfully hard on coming up with content." If he's not the converter, he's town. Yes, that's a weird take.
notquitethere NQT I simply don't find scummy any more. He's posting a lot, trying to make things happen, and putting the work in.
Slightly Arched Eyebrow tier: Keeping an eye on these folks.
Caz He's trying. Has one read list, which is okay. I think I jumped too hard on it to start with. Still would like to see more.
TricMagic Fallen a bit more, really. Honestly, I don't have much of a D2 read on Tric, and I suspect he isn't the converter, so here he stays.
IcyTea31 If I was forced to point at a Devil right now, my hand would go this way. Could also be converter, could also be scum laying low. Needs more review, needs more content from Icy.
Persus13 The only thing keeping Persus out of the above tier is that he's being consistent. He's said Jim Scum all day, and is happy to leave it that way. Unfortunately, I don't see much in the way of other meaningful analysis from him; just commentary.
Don't like their play tier: People I have specific reasons to suspect.
Jim Groovester I've kind of forgotten he was playing today. That's not a good place to be.
Luckyowl Took him absolutely forever to engage today. Once he tried, he's posting not terrible things, but it took waaaaaay too long to get here.
Scum tier: People I'm totally okay with voting.
ToonyMan Top pick for convert. Unusual behavior. Screams at Lucky to vote, promises to vote whoever Lucky votes. Follows through, despite having Lucky as hard scum.
Vector Top pick for converter. I'm seeing a pattern of tiny factual errors, which tracks with a subtle Scum Vector; pushing town just off enough for them to run into a wall.
Claimed Survivor tier:
4maskwolf is (still) in my "problem to deal with later" tier. The more he tries the safer his neck is, and he (still) appears to be trying so far.
BluarianKnight Bigger fish to fry. Long time to start D2, but he's actually posted now.
I still don't care about lynching a Devil right now, though we have way too many third parties for my liking.
Ugh, I have trouble holding this many people in my head. I can't do relational tells well at this player count.