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Author Topic: S.T.O.R.M (Heroes VS Villains, Heroes, Turn 8, Project phase.)  (Read 8667 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: S.T.O.R.M (Heroes VS Villains, Heroes, Turn 3, Project phase.)
« Reply #45 on: April 05, 2021, 12:47:05 am »

Project: STORM Broadcasting Service

Initial Rolls: Time (4) Cost (6)

The creation of the STORM Broadcasting Service is something that obviously will take some time. After all, the creation of an entirely new broadcaster takes time. Of course, it undoubtedly will provide quite a bit of help to our efforts and prestige but there's a few issues. How exactly do we deal with agents like Jakob? It not like we can go around praising him for all his great work when he's meant to be a secret agent, right? Despite it clearly not being able to work for our covert agents, there is the possibility of it working for our more overt agents. Perhaps when we get a super powered individual we could utilize it to grant them greater attention? Regardless, while we cannot bring direct attention to our more covert agent's, we can at least bring attention to their actions that can be considered public, and by extension bring attention to them when it comes to the various circles of people in the know. Regardless making a proper broadcasting service was expected to cost a lot. It still is, but thanks to Agent 156 doing her magic, she has been able to get a nice deal with a renovation company and buy a modest, used, office building that is large enough for our efforts. The Renovations will take time, as will hiring the staff and getting the equipment for proper technicolor programing to be aired. First of it's kind in Schwarzes Holz. Regardless, it'll take some time, and the results from it will be seen in the near future, ideally. But for now, we must wait until it is finished and finalized.

It is currently the Deployment phase.

You may now assign a character to either work on one of you projects, recruit more heroes into the fold, move to another city, or lastly engage in the world for one action or another. In the case of the latter, it is best to devise a plan. Otherwise, they will simply do more generic actions that fit their character.

Status of the Association:

Heroes List:
Spoiler: Agent 109 (click to show/hide)
Current Reputation - 10

Spoiler: Agent 156 (click to show/hide)
Current Reputation - 0

Completed Projects:
Spoiler: Projects (click to show/hide)

Current Projects:
Spoiler: Projects (click to show/hide)
Battleships Hurl insults from behind thick walls, Destroyers beat up small children, Carriers stay back in the kitchen, and Cruisers are a bunch of tryhards who pretend to be loners.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: S.T.O.R.M (Heroes VS Villains, Heroes, Turn 3, Deployment phase.)
« Reply #46 on: April 06, 2021, 10:08:31 am »

Okay, got some clarification from the GM about how the Emergency Offices work.  We already have one in the capital, but it's the other cities that need one.  That being said, we should build one in Kalterhafen.  This should fortify the museum that will surely get heisted at some point, plus it can protect the naval facilities there from spies, saboteurs, and communist agitators trying to unionize the longshoremen.

As for Projects, SBS will hopefully boost 109's reputation gain so we can hire an extra body sooner.  Getting MURMUR in beforehand seems like putting the cart before the horse.

Quote from: Plan First Responders
Setup an Emergency Office in Kalterhafen.
Agent 109 follows leads from the Emergency Office/Line in Großerthron.
Miss Kruspe develops the SBS Project.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Resident Wisenheimer
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Re: S.T.O.R.M (Heroes VS Villains, Heroes, Turn 3, Deployment phase.)
« Reply #47 on: April 08, 2021, 04:16:06 pm »

Quote from: Plans
First Responders: (2) ConscriptFive, SC777

Maybe we can finally make a decent weapon for our team, I guess no lethal. Or a Shooting Range to increase ranged skill, or a better base to hold more heroes.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: S.T.O.R.M (Heroes VS Villains, Heroes, Turn 3, Deployment phase.)
« Reply #48 on: April 11, 2021, 09:35:35 am »

Quote from: Plans
First Responders: (3) ConscriptFive, SC777, Rockeater

Damnit people, this is why I said to keep the truce. Because now everyone's ganging up on the cats.
Also, don't forget to contact your local Eldritch Being(s), so that they can help with our mission to destroy the universe.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Obscure References and Danmaku everywhere.
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Re: S.T.O.R.M (Heroes VS Villains, Heroes, Turn 3, Deployment phase.)
« Reply #49 on: April 12, 2021, 01:20:21 am »

The Outside World and Previous Actions

In the Archipelago's there are three major things that come to the attention of it's inhabitance. Firstly, Pren Gwyn has started to create a youth program. Originally, it started in Pentrefsiapaneaidd, however, with it's great early success a number of other cities and towns are considering setting up their own. Though, it would likely take some time before it spreads. Due to the nature of the program and the fact it's half leisure, half practical skills, there is some hopes that it will allow more people with trades to work, and help revitalize the economy. Elsewhere, in Shirohon, a new branch of the police would be created, dedicated to striking against any sort of organized crime and capturing their leaders. While not officially called such, they are often referred to as the Shinobi section, though some find this nickname insulting. Lastly, in Nemorland, the New Clear Visionaries have seem to run into hot water with the government, and a number of prominent members arrested. Why exactly this is happening is unknown at the moment, and there are a lot of conflicting reports, but what is clear is that this action is being seen as a direct attack against meta humans, no matter how much the government tries to deny it. And, naturally, meta humans in Nemorland aren't taking kindly to this...It's expected there might be some unrest for the near future... 

Project: STORM Broadcasting Service.

As this goes on, the STORM Broadcasting Service starts to get set up, with the building that was bought having the required inspections done and renovations to be turned into a TV studio underway. Additionally, for the parts of the building that do not need to be renovated new furniture would be bought and placed, along with the rooms in question getting a decent amount of new décor. And bit by bit, the renovations would finish, and the new furniture and equipment would go in. The progress on the renovation has gone quite well, though there's still work to be done. Further, it will be some time until staff will be hired, though that might happen near the end of the next bit of work. Still, the building is certainly taking shape, and progress has gone smoothly thanks to Agent 156's work.

Engagement: First Responders

Thanks to the new 779 emergency line, and a proper G.E.W.E.H.R office in the city, there is now a greater deal of more reliable information for Agent 109 to work with. Of course, not everything is so simple with that, as most calls are simply crimes that are to be dealt with by police, like further gangsters. However a few are far more concerning and worth looking into, one of which was a jackpot of sorts. Someone has, apparently, seen a helicopter come in and out of the city around about the same time every day to drop people off and take others away during his bird watching. Always the same one with the same paint scheme. While he didn't think much of it at first, over time he noticed there was a pattern to their arrival. It always landed at one of 6 spots. Though, which one it actually landed at was seemingly always random. Regardless, with the recent broadcasts of reporting suspicions activity. While originally 109 didn't think much of this, finding the helicopter, and getting lucky with it landing not too far from him at one of the locations mentioned, he would tail the team that came from it and find them enter a small warehouse at the edge of the city...

Engagement 1 of 1, Agent 109 VS 5 Einherjar Goons.
Spoiler: Dry Report (click to show/hide)

Much like with the barn, Agent 109 would sneak into the building quietly as he could. However, there was an issue when he entered. He couldn't hear them nor see them, and with the lights off in the building, only what little came in through the few windows the building had would give off light. But, this went both ways. The group clearly couldn't see him, right? Snooping around a bit, he would discover a strange light blueish glow of sorts coming from some sort of weapon. Coming closer to inspect it, he'd notice far too late the sudden glow of a number of other weapons and a shout. And soon, a number of cracks would be heard as Agent 109 ran like his life depended upon it, getting struck a number of times. Yet, the weapons these people used didn't fire bullets. They fired something else. Whatever it was, it stung like hell as if he was being electrocuted. And, that was with all the things except for one barely hitting him, and the one that did strike decently struck his back, and caused quite a bit of pain and issues... Still, rushing into a side office, he would swiftly enter a vent and hide, soon thankful these unknown enemies didn't search as well as they could of. Breathing a sigh of relief, he'd remain in the vents before sneaking out of the building, careful to avoid these agent's sights. Luckily, he wouldn't be spotted when heading outside.

Upon getting outside, he'd rest a bit, trying to devise a plan when in the distance, he heard sirens. Sirens of a police car. He presumed the noise was heard and someone called 779, yet so too did these strange people as he noticed two of them rushing out. Swiftly, he'd shoot at one, and strike him in the chest, and the two would turn to face 109 but by the time they did so, one of them had another hole in their chest, and fell over dead. The remaining one outside would grab their fallen comrades gun and run back inside, Agent 109 in pursuit. Rushing in was a bad idea, but it was better to take another one out and then retreat than face all four at once. So, he opened fire as he chased, and strike the man in the shoulder. Though he was right to think this wasn't the best idea, as he would soon find himself under fire by the remaining three as the other one ran. Though luckily, only one of the goons, who seemed to wear green, would be close to on target. Even so, Agent 109 continued, shot the running goon in the neck, and then rushed for the side room, standing by the door to strike at anyone who entered at point blank before they could. Yet, they wouldn't take the bait. And after a while of waiting, he swiftly would re enter the vent system, carefully and quietly trying to get into a good position utilizing his spatial awareness and sense of direction. And, he'd end up right where he wanted.

Looking out of a vent grate, he would aim his pistol at the group and fire twice, striking down one of the goons as the one in green rushed for a different side room and the fifth one, now knowing where the agent was, fired at the vent, failing to hit his target before being gunned down as 109 dramatically exited the vent. Now, there was only one left. Rushing into the side room, 109 would be surprised to see a growing fire that the goon was working on setting, and he would tackle them. However, while 109 was on top him, he would roll to the side and forcefully slam 109's head against the wall before scrambling to his feat and away, pulling out a knife while 109 got up. "You made quite the mess, Gewehr agent. You have no clue what you are up against. But you aren't a normal one, aren't you? You're that special one I've been told about, aren't you?" He would say as he started to try and hack and slash, getting a few light cuts in before 109 punched him right in the head, causing him to back off for a moment. "Tch. Look at you...How injured you are...Still alive sure, but really, all this against us?" he'd say as he struck again with his knife, and soon blocked 109's fist with his spare hand, continuing on as he fought. "We aren't the elites you know. We're just the fresh faces eager to join, nothing special. If you struggle against us, how can you possibly deal with Einherjar?" he'd say with a smug grin as he dodged another strike. However, as he went in for a harsh stab, he would find his arm caught, and he'd be soon thrown to the floor, and the knife forced out of his hand, before slamming his head against the floor and knocking him out. With this, 109 would stand up, and say "How knife of you to give me so much information." before looking at the fire which had grown during their fight. With this, he'd swiftly pick up the man and run.

After all of this, G.E.W.E.H.R has learned of a new enemy. Einherjar. The various landing points that the helicopter arrived in before would be watched. Yet, it wouldn't arrive. Nor would any helicopter of matching description be seen elsewhere outside of false reports...Concerning, for sure.

Agent 109 has gained 6 favors and 6 million $ for his work this round!

It is currently the Project and Research phase.

You may at this moment in time describe and start one project which you would like to work on. The full effects of a project will be known upon completion, and the price and time of a project will be known once it is started. Do note that once you start a project, you do not need to work on it in the deployment phase, though electing not to will not advance it closer to completion.

Status of the Association:

Heroes List:
Spoiler: Agent 109 (click to show/hide)
Current Reputation - 25

Spoiler: Agent 156 (click to show/hide)
Current Reputation - 0

Completed Projects:
Spoiler: Projects (click to show/hide)

Current Projects:
Spoiler: Projects (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: April 16, 2021, 10:05:49 am by piratejoe »
Battleships Hurl insults from behind thick walls, Destroyers beat up small children, Carriers stay back in the kitchen, and Cruisers are a bunch of tryhards who pretend to be loners.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: S.T.O.R.M (Heroes VS Villains, Heroes, Turn 4, Project phase.)
« Reply #50 on: April 15, 2021, 10:57:38 am »

Finally, a one liner!

Did the Emergency Office in Kalterhafen get setup though?  Maybe add a line to "Status of the Association' for bookkeeping of that?

So Projects?  A non-lethal weapon seems due, some kind of taser probably?  Though given that we've got baddies with lightning guns, we could build some kind of vest to armor against that.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: S.T.O.R.M (Heroes VS Villains, Heroes, Turn 4, Project phase.)
« Reply #51 on: April 16, 2021, 10:07:01 am »

So reading the "dry report," our man sure could use a melee weapon.  Two ideas:

Quote from: Stiletto Shoes with Spider Venom

A concealed weapon system, Stiletto Shoes are common shoes modified to conceal a spring-loaded knife blade.  Even in the most thorough of pat-down searches, our agents should be able to smuggle a combat blade.  Our agents can either deliver a deadly kick or wield the shoe in hand.  The shoes can be made in a variety of styles and sizes, appropriate for a wide range of operations by agents of both genders.

Furthermore, the blade is laced with the neurotoxic venom of the infamous Latrodectus holznica (a common "black widow" spider indigenous to our lands.)  Without proper medical diagnosis and treatment, latrotoxin venom can induce seizure and death in a grown man in the span of minutes.  As a safety precaution, antivenom doses will be procured and issued alongside the latrotoxic weapon.  Per written GEWEHR policy, STORM does not officially condone use of venoms and antivenoms as an interrogation technique.  It would be against written GEWEHR policy for a STORM agent to leverage the fear of an imminent and painful latrotoxic death.  ...And a STORM agent should certainly not present his field antidote as an lifesaving incentive against an envenomed adversary.  All agents are to be reminded of this written policy, especially prior to filing their field reports.

Genre-wise, a classic James Bond weapon:

But Heath Ledger's Joker also had one as well:

Naturally, the last bit is setting up Agent 109 to go full Jack Bauer with the antitoxin.

Quote from: Shock Butt Firearm Mod

A modification to our firearms, the Shock Butt Firearm Mod provides a powerful nonlethal capability to our agents.  When pistol-whipping, buffalo'ing, or otherwise butt-stroking an adversary, a high voltage battery will be discharged providing and immobilizing electric shock.

A little more sci-fi than we've tried, but should be doable.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2021, 12:25:07 pm by ConscriptFive »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: S.T.O.R.M (Heroes VS Villains, Heroes, Turn 4, Project phase.)
« Reply #52 on: April 17, 2021, 06:53:27 am »

Was busy with work and such, hard decision, will go with the shoe knife so he have options even if he is disarmed
Quote from: Arms
Stiletto Shoes with Spider Venom:(1) Rockeater
Damnit people, this is why I said to keep the truce. Because now everyone's ganging up on the cats.
Also, don't forget to contact your local Eldritch Being(s), so that they can help with our mission to destroy the universe.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: S.T.O.R.M (Heroes VS Villains, Heroes, Turn 4, Project phase.)
« Reply #53 on: April 18, 2021, 11:59:18 am »

Quote from: Arms
Stiletto Shoes with Spider Venom:(2) Rockeater, ConscriptFive

Also works as a ranged weapon...


  • Bay Watcher
  • Resident Wisenheimer
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Re: S.T.O.R.M (Heroes VS Villains, Heroes, Turn 4, Project phase.)
« Reply #54 on: April 19, 2021, 09:07:07 pm »

Quote from: Arms
Stiletto Shoes with Spider Venom:(3) Rockeater, ConscriptFive, SC777


  • Bay Watcher
  • Obscure References and Danmaku everywhere.
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Re: S.T.O.R.M (Heroes VS Villains, Heroes, Turn 4, Project phase.)
« Reply #55 on: April 26, 2021, 02:00:55 am »

Project: Stiletto Shoes with Spider Venom

Initial Rolls: Time (2) Cost (2)

The thought behind getting stiletto shoes with spider venom is one of the better ones the agency has had in recent memory. Effective, and and easy way to ensure that a enemy agent won't ever have children again, be it due to the location the shoe hits with the blade or the fact it kills them. The shoe is an effective and skillful use of space, turning a average shoe into a knife, club, and poison dispenser. Well, technically that last part isn't true. The venom laces the blade after all and likely won't get off in any real amount unless someone's cut by it. And on top of that we have an antidote to make sure if someone is clumsy, an idiot, or decides to break the rules we most certainly will enforced and aren't secretly encouraging to get information in order to save an enemy, that the person cut by the blade won't die. Regardless, despite these great idea's there's an issue with the shoe. In fact, it's not even the shoe that's the problem, if we just needed to make the fancy shoe we'd probably be here all week and then go home and celebrate. No, the issue is the venom. As it turns out, getting enough venom to lace an entire blade takes some time. If it was with snakes, it'd be far easier, provided of course we import a number of them purely for taking their venom as other than the common garden snake the serpent's that exist in the empire are quite tame. Unless you are referring to agent 111 who sometimes is codenamed as Schlange, then there is only one snake that has quite the bite. Regardless, this issue is similar with the antidote, and considering the fact it's a lot cheaper to just catch a bunch of spiders locally and breed them as opposed to getting a bunch of snakes that take a much longer time to breed and might cause issues if one escapes, we are stuck with spiders for now. And worse, we have to give hazard pay to the people working on them. On the bright side, this isn't too bad. After all, we are making what is basically a hard shoe with a knife in it. That's not exactly too hard for even a leather worker to make...

It is currently the Deployment phase.

You may now assign a character to either work on one of you projects, recruit more heroes into the fold, move to another city, or lastly engage in the world for one action or another. In the case of the latter, it is best to devise a plan. Otherwise, they will simply do more generic actions that fit their character.

Status of the Association:

Heroes List:
Spoiler: Agent 109 (click to show/hide)
Current Reputation - 25

Spoiler: Agent 156 (click to show/hide)
Current Reputation - 0

Completed Projects:
Spoiler: Projects (click to show/hide)

Current Projects:
Spoiler: Projects (click to show/hide)
Battleships Hurl insults from behind thick walls, Destroyers beat up small children, Carriers stay back in the kitchen, and Cruisers are a bunch of tryhards who pretend to be loners.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: S.T.O.R.M (Heroes VS Villains, Heroes, Turn 4, Deployment phase.)
« Reply #56 on: April 26, 2021, 08:57:14 pm »

Hmm, not great, but oh well.

Anyhow still we need to get 109's Rep back up for recruiting.  So...

Quote from: Keep on, Keeping on
Agent 109 follows leads from the Emergency Office/Line in Großerthron.
Miss Kruspe continues development of the SBS Project.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Resident Wisenheimer
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Re: S.T.O.R.M (Heroes VS Villains, Heroes, Turn 4, Deployment phase.)
« Reply #57 on: May 03, 2021, 09:44:41 am »

Quote from: Votebox
Keep On, Keeping On: (2) ConscriptFive, SC777


  • Bay Watcher
  • Obscure References and Danmaku everywhere.
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Re: S.T.O.R.M (Heroes VS Villains, Heroes, Turn 4, Deployment phase.)
« Reply #58 on: August 05, 2021, 03:45:20 am »

The Outside World and Previous Actions

A number of protests have erupted in Nemorland, specifically outside the courthouses where the leaders of the New Clear Visionaries are being tried for connections in the smuggling of radioactive material. Despite the large number of people, there has been little violence, and those committing such have been detained by the protesters themselves alongside police. In Sothweg, a major scientist working on the personal armor system has defected to the United States. While he has confirmed the project isn't ready yet, he has concerningly raised the alarm that the project is in fact not too far from completion. Tragically, he died shortly after his defection during a commercial flight alongside 149 other passengers. Reason for the plane crash is under investigation, though some suspect sabotage. Meanwhile, in Shirohon, crime has significantly dropped overnight as two of the largest crime syndicates have practically been destroyed destroyed as a large number of their higher members have been arrested. Naturally, this is seen as a great success of their newest police branch which was responsible for finding a number of key pieces of evidence that lead to said arrests.

Project: STORM Broadcasting Service.

While interesting events have happened in the outside world, work on setting up the STORM Broadcasting Service has continued to go well. The remaining renovations were finished somewhat ahead of schedule and all the equipment and systems needed to run a proper broadcasting center are in and ready to be utilized. Hiring has only just begun, along with the final paperwork of getting a new channel on the air specifically for the news of the STORM broadcasting Service. Luckily, among those already hired, the custodial staff and a few technicians are already hard at work maintaining the place, so everything should be ready shortly and on time.

Engagement: First Responders

While most of the common crime in the city is dealt with by local police work, the more subversive calls are taken with close intrest, and a number of calls about suspicious people meeting up has lead to the belief that something is going on, possibly more of the elusive Einherjar, which we sadly know little more about as their agent we captured seems to have given little in the way of actual usable information other than numerous likely exaggerated claims of their power. Regardless, investigation by 109 revealed a number of civilian administrators who are doing a bit more than they should, and luckily, arresting and interrogating one of them lead to 109 finding the location of their meetup with someone and who they were giving government information to. The Sothweg Intelligens Nettverk, or S.I.N... Naturally, upon learning of this location 109 would swiftly head there to ideally catch the rest all at once, along with the one who they were getting the information from.

Engagement 1 of 2, Agent 109 VS 2 S.I.N Assets.
Spoiler: Dry Report (click to show/hide)

Once at the meetup point, 109 would see two people entering which swiftly he recognized as matching the profile of the others he built a case of being traitors to the nation arriving a bit early, and creating a little diversion with a car alarm, he'd enter the building and swiftly and efficiently take two of them down and restrain them before keeping them hidden away to be picked up by the police once he was done with the others. But for the time being he'd have to wait for those others to come. Luckily he didn't need to wait too long.

Engagement 2 of 2, Agent 109 VS 1 S.I.N Agent and 2 S.I.N Assets
Spoiler: Dry Report (click to show/hide)

After about ten minutes, the remaining group would enter, along with someone he hadn't seen before. However, he wasn't just going to charge the whole group. He might be good at combat up close but he wasn't going to risk it not knowing the strength of the enemy agent. However, it seemed he was going to get his wish as the other agent would, sensing something amiss, dismiss the others early and inform them to leave and go into hiding. Of course, Agent 109 did wish to catch them, but knew that it would be far easier to find and catch a few bureaucrats who turned to giving information to the communists if they got away now than the person likely actually trained in espionage and who potentially had an actual exfiltration rout from the country. So, he waited until they were gone, and once they were tried his good old tactic of sneaking up behind someone and taking him out. Somewhat unsurprisingly, the agent was actually quite aware of his surroundings and noticed 109 and tried giving a strike that 109 managed to take right to the chest. It wasn't that bad, but considering it used a bit of his own limited momentum against him it hurt a bit more than it normally would. With this the two close together and fighting, 109 would dodge two strikes, barely avoiding getting hit before delivering a solid punch to the enemy agent's face, and then capitalizing on this momentum to deliver another hard punch. However, the enemy agent had a plan...

Swiftly, a fist would come close to 109 and he'd react to block it, only for him to realize the feint too late and see a large amount of sand enter his eyes. Despite the pain and being blinded by this, he'd still throw a punch that actually managed to connect before trying to clear his eyes enough to see, something he'd manage just in time to see a small and strange device be slammed into his side. One that would give him a sharp pain as he was electrocuted and brought to the ground. He was shocked at the sensation and was not expecting the agent to have a device like that, and not used to such a feeling was on the floor for a short while, getting to his knees after the enemy had already ran. Despite this, 109 swiftly tried to follow, and taking a window based exit, rushed to the car that the enemy agent was entering and climbed under it as it started before holding on to dear life. Of course, clinging to the bottom of the car wasn't ideal, but it was better than riding around the city on top of it... He hoped the suspension was high enough that a single pot hole won't cause major issues. Luckily for him, the trip wouldn't face such issues, and once the enemy agent stopped their car and got out, he'd be able to follow once more.

Following the rival agent, 109 would find himself in a apartment building, taking care to stay a very far distance and around corners, staying just out of sight. However, once the enemy agent got to what 109 presumed was his floor, turning a corner, the agent seemed to vanish. Confused at this 109 swiftly searched to find that the enemy agent had taken a window, and used the fire escape to get to the adjacent building. Following once more, 109 would find himself in yet another hallway. One that was empty with just him and the enemy agent who was looking the other way. Trying to strike again, 109 would manage to take the enemy agent by surprise, but despite this would be thrown off, the rival agent quite angerly striking before being grabbed and thrown from the window that he and 109 used to enter the building. On his trip down, 109 simply said "You certainly defenestrated your abilities." before his rival hit the alleyway floor hard.

The enemy agent survived and was taken into custody, though his little electric gadget did not. Two of the remaining bureaucrats were captured attempting to escape the country, and the remaining one was killed in his escape attempt. Nice to fight an enemy that G.E.W.E.H.R and by extension S.T.O.R.M. knows...It's believed that there are at most two more minor rings like this in the capital, though ideally their efforts to expand their intelligence in the capital will be dealt with in a similar manner, and they either see it as a lost cause or continue to waste their resources on their attempts.

Agent 109 has gained 6 favors and 5 million $ for his work this round!

On a related note, concerning reports have come in mainly thanks to 156. Apparently, the agent assigned to take up the mission she was originally assigned on is dead, and a myriad of complex and simple machinery and refined goods are being stolen from Messerbeißer at a greater rate then before...Perhaps it might be best to ask the higher ups if anything major is going on there and needs our assistance...

It is currently the Project and Research phase.

You may at this moment in time describe and start one project which you would like to work on. The full effects of a project will be known upon completion, and the price and time of a project will be known once it is started. Do note that once you start a project, you do not need to work on it in the deployment phase, though electing not to will not advance it closer to completion.

Status of the Association:

Heroes List:
Spoiler: Agent 109 (click to show/hide)
Current Reputation - 35

Spoiler: Agent 156 (click to show/hide)
Current Reputation - 0

Completed Projects:
Spoiler: Projects (click to show/hide)

Current Projects:
Spoiler: Projects (click to show/hide)
Battleships Hurl insults from behind thick walls, Destroyers beat up small children, Carriers stay back in the kitchen, and Cruisers are a bunch of tryhards who pretend to be loners.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: S.T.O.R.M (Heroes VS Villains, Heroes, Turn 4, Deployment phase.)
« Reply #59 on: August 06, 2021, 03:07:24 pm »

Hey, it's been a bit...

Looks like we should move 109 to a new city this turn?

So reading the Dry Report, cars are a thing.  We may want to start developing some sort of Batmobile.  Also, we keep getting hit by tasers.  Some of kinda gear to mitigate that would be prudent as well.

And something else..

Project: STORM Aviation Detachment

As STORM expands operations beyond the boundaries of Großerthron, we will face an increase in logistical needs.  While our parent organization, GEWEHR, will prove helpful in this regard, but they are reluctant to assign us tactical air support.

The answer is to establish our own organic aviation support.  The STORM Aviation Detachment will consist of a dedicated turbo-prop STOL passenger plane (such as a Britten-Norman BN-2 Islander) for general logistic support.  In addition, each GEWEHR Emergency Office will have an assigned helicopter asset.  While ideally these helicopters will primarily be used for tactical insertion/extraction of field agents, each helicopter and its crew should also be equipped and rated for Search & Rescue and MEDEVAC operations.
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