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Author Topic: S.T.O.R.M (Heroes VS Villains, Heroes, Turn 8, Project phase.)  (Read 8666 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Association of Heroes.
« Reply #30 on: March 14, 2021, 10:21:50 am »

So we've got Bond and Moneypenny now.

We probably should lean into that theme with our team/org name. How's this for an org name: Surgical Targeting and Observation of Rogue Metahumans (STORM)?   Currently STORMGEWEHR, but someday just STORM.

We also seem to be pegged to mid-Cold War tech, so here's an idea for an infrastructure project:

Project: 779 Emergency Line

As it was in wartime, "see something, say something."  But how can citizens be expected to remember the seven digit phone number for police, fire, ambulance service, and the local GEWEHR Field Office?  If we look abroad, metropolitan London has had "999" as an emergency line since the Second World War, the Australians are developing "000," Europe seems to be settling on "112," and the Americans are in talks to roll out "911."  While the archipelago will surely follow suit in the coming years, we can at least address this for our own services.

GEWEHR will arrange to have "SPY," "779," established as a three digit tipline line for GEWEHR counter-espionage services.  This project will finance appropriate staffing to maintain a switchboard and receptionists to direct and answer calls.  Furthermore, we shall have a catchy radio and television campaign to publicize 779 to the public.  This campaign will feature the family friendly mascot "Karl der Kriminalpolizist," an animated spy-hunting German Shepard.  "Only you can sniff out spies!"
« Last Edit: March 14, 2021, 07:22:06 pm by ConscriptFive »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Resident Wisenheimer
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Re: Association of Heroes.
« Reply #31 on: March 16, 2021, 08:21:25 pm »

Couldn’t we attempt to do MURMUR again so that we get a better time roll?, a long-term bonus to our recruiting is highly desirable


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Association of Heroes.
« Reply #32 on: March 16, 2021, 08:40:33 pm »

In theory, yes.  BUT we just had to spend all our reputation to get a good recruit roll.  We won't get that reputation back for who knows how long? So another recruit in three to five turns?

Going double down on something we won't use for awhile isn't a very efficient move.  I'd rather get ways to boost our performance before then.  Presumably 'reputation' is pegged to mission performance?
« Last Edit: March 16, 2021, 08:54:45 pm by ConscriptFive »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Association of Heroes.
« Reply #33 on: March 18, 2021, 11:43:06 am »

Quote from: New Project Vote
(1) 779 Emergency Line: ConscriptFive

Quote from: Naming?
(1) Surgical Targeting and Observation of Rogue Metahumans (STORM): ConscriptFive
(0) Nah, let's keep pretending we're the Justice League:


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Association of Heroes.
« Reply #34 on: March 18, 2021, 01:50:05 pm »

Quote from: New Project Vote
(2) 779 Emergency Line: ConscriptFive, Rockeater

Quote from: Naming?
(2) Surgical Targeting and Observation of Rogue Metahumans (STORM): ConscriptFive, Rockeater
(0) Nah, let's keep pretending we're the Justice League:
Damnit people, this is why I said to keep the truce. Because now everyone's ganging up on the cats.
Also, don't forget to contact your local Eldritch Being(s), so that they can help with our mission to destroy the universe.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Resident Wisenheimer
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Re: Association of Heroes.
« Reply #35 on: March 18, 2021, 08:27:09 pm »

Quote from: New Project Vote
(3) 779 Emergency Line: ConscriptFive, Rockeater, SC777

Quote from: Naming?
(3) Surgical Targeting and Observation of Rogue Metahumans (STORM): ConscriptFive, Rockeater, SC777
(0) Nah, let's keep pretending we're the Justice League:


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Association of Heroes.
« Reply #36 on: March 19, 2021, 07:00:59 pm »

Per GM, you get better results on a project if you associate a character with it right off the bat.  So here we go...

Quote from: New Project Vote
(3) 779 Emergency Line (and use Agent 156): ConscriptFive, Rockeater, SC777

Quote from: Naming?
(3) Surgical Targeting and Observation of Rogue Metahumans (STORM): ConscriptFive, Rockeater, SC777
(0) Nah, let's keep pretending we're the Justice League:


  • Bay Watcher
  • Obscure References and Danmaku everywhere.
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Re: Association of Heroes.
« Reply #37 on: March 20, 2021, 07:28:04 pm »

Project: 779 Emergency Line

Initial Rolls: Time (6) Cost (5)

As it turns out, it's actually not that hard to set up an Emergency line. Really, all that's needed is to open up a few land lines to be directed to a specialized line that allows calls dedicated to 779 to be directed to call centers placed under the government for emergency services. Originally, this was planned to simply be a way to contact the agency, however the government upon hearing of our plan decided to put a bit of effort into the plan themselves. Thanks to this, the cost for the program is actually not going to be that bad as we aren't the only ones paying for it, and luckily, only a few minor additions to the phone lines need to be done to get this working in the major city centers, even if it will take a bit longer for smaller cities and towns. Still, this swiftly has become a bit larger than its intended use, but the general idea is to have a few broadcasts in schools and in some commercials to advertise the number with the good old Karl.

For now, the number is meant for police and for G.E.W.E.H.R, and if the nature of the call involves spying, the local agents or police themselves will look into it and if we are needed or if there is something to what they are saying, we potentially will be contacted. At least, that's the plan for when the thing is set up. Additionally, as one might expect, the natural target of the commercials when it comes to the G.E.W.E.H.R part of the number is to have citizens report those who are working with the dastardly Prens, the ruinous reds of Sothweg and the Soviet Union, or those working for capacious criminal organizations in our mist in order to make the Empire a safer place for all. Regardless, it's quite likely this will mesh well with our other work on keeping tabs in our homeland.

It is currently the Deployment phase.

You may now assign a character to either work on one of you projects, recruit more heroes into the fold, move to another city, or lastly engage in the world for one action or another. In the case of the latter, it is best to devise a plan. Otherwise, they will simply do more generic actions that fit their character.

Status of the Association:

Heroes List:
Spoiler: Agent 109 (click to show/hide)
Current Reputation - 0

Spoiler: Agent 156 (click to show/hide)
Current Reputation - 0

Current Projects:
Spoiler: Projects (click to show/hide)
Battleships Hurl insults from behind thick walls, Destroyers beat up small children, Carriers stay back in the kitchen, and Cruisers are a bunch of tryhards who pretend to be loners.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: S.T.O.R.M (Heroes VS Villains, Heroes, Turn 2, Deployment phase.)
« Reply #38 on: March 22, 2021, 11:28:29 am »

Okay so obvious Moneypenny is going to wrap up the emergency line.  What to do with Bond?  Two options...

Plan Who Needs to Leave the Office?
Agent 156 develops the 779 Project
Agent 109 starts the MURMUR Project

Personally I kinda hate that plan.  GM stated that projects go better when the same agent works on them.  MURMUR is a three turn project and I'd rather not get our field agent associated with it.

EDIT: GM confirmed moving takes a whole turn...

Plan Pro-active Intelligence
Agent 156 develops the 779 Project
Agent 109 flies out the Forwit in Nemorland to establish contacts with the NCV

This puts our field agent in the field.  Right now, the NCV at the Forwit nuclear reactor is the only lead we have.  We also know the hero we rejected is based around the nuclear reactor there.  Or he could poke around and discover what 'research' is going on over there.  Either way, this should be something active to get 109 to rebuild his reputation, and presumably regather favors and financing.

Plan Going Nowhere Fast
Agent 156 develops the 779 Project
Agent 109 does stuff around town


Quote from: Votebox
(0) Plan Who Needs to Leave the Office?:
(0) Plan Pro-active Intelligence: ConscriptFive
(1) Plan Going Nowhere Fast: ConscriptFive
« Last Edit: March 23, 2021, 09:00:53 am by ConscriptFive »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Resident Wisenheimer
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Re: S.T.O.R.M (Heroes VS Villains, Heroes, Turn 2, Deployment phase.)
« Reply #39 on: March 25, 2021, 06:47:57 am »

Quote from: Votebox
(0) Plan Who Needs to Leave the Office?:
(0) Plan Pro-active Intelligence: ConscriptFive
(2) Plan Going Nowhere Fast: ConscriptFive, SC777


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: S.T.O.R.M (Heroes VS Villains, Heroes, Turn 2, Deployment phase.)
« Reply #40 on: March 27, 2021, 03:46:23 pm »

Quote from: Votebox
(0) Plan Who Needs to Leave the Office?:
(0) Plan Pro-active Intelligence: ConscriptFive
(3) Plan Going Nowhere Fast: ConscriptFive, SC777, Rockeater
Damnit people, this is why I said to keep the truce. Because now everyone's ganging up on the cats.
Also, don't forget to contact your local Eldritch Being(s), so that they can help with our mission to destroy the universe.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Obscure References and Danmaku everywhere.
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Re: S.T.O.R.M (Heroes VS Villains, Heroes, Turn 2, Deployment phase.)
« Reply #41 on: March 29, 2021, 03:49:14 am »

The Outside World and Previous Actions

Despite everything going on in the world, for a time, in the archipegalo, there is peace...Until Sothweg decided to unveil in a grand force of arms a massive military parade along with the unveiling of a 'supper weapon' of an armor system, capable of making a soldier as strong as a light tank. Naturally this was used as propaganda for their socialist cause, and had their anthem blasting all the while. While no one in the higher stages of government or the scientific community anywhere except in the eastern block believing such a weapons system could possibly work, it's mostly dismissed by the west. Though, to some, it is concerning and shows that they are working on a project like that, something highly concerning. Meanwhile, in Schwarzes Holz, a number of commercials funded by the government would promote their new 779 emergency call line. In these, three animated characters take prominence, Karl der Kriminalpolizist, Dietrich der Doktor, and Bernhard der Brandmeister. The first of the three are the most famous for their use as a way of also asking Schwarzes Holz civilians to do their part and report more than just criminals but also spies with the like "Only you can sniff out spies!" Elsewhere in the archipelago, nothing much of note happens. At least, for now...

Project: 779 Emergency line

Rolls: Effectiveness (6+1), Cost (4), Bugs (5)

The establishment of the 779 emergency line goes smoothly, and swiftly starts to be established throughout the country through government initiative and due to 156's help in managing the program. Very swiftly it see's it's use as any and all criminal or suspicious activity can be announced and notified to the police. Further, a number of expansions have extended this to medical and fire emergency services as well. Really, the only bit of the project we need to do is set up a special office in the various cities of the empire so that any information on potential spies or particularly dangerous people, like meta humans, can be recorded. Luckily, it won't be too costly to set those up...

Engagement: Going Nowhere Fast

Naturally, given 109's record and style of doing things, the main work in Großerthron would be to root out enemy agents and counter espionage. Of course, this is a easier said thing than done as 109 is often the one sent to deal with a problem rather than find it, but still he can easily adapt to the circumstances, and using what information he can gather from G.E.W.E.H.R along with police records, he would slowly work on tacking down a number of suspected individuals. It would take some time, but with luck, the local police would come to find someone who would give information. Not much, but that a meeting was going to happen in a small barn on the outskirts of the city, and with some minor work, he would come to believe that this 'meeting' was potentially with forign agents. And as such, he did a little more digging before waiting and watching. Eventually after some time, his target would come. A car, and a large truck of sorts would pull up to this location in the dead of night...

Engagement 1 of 1, Agent 109 VS 6 Gang members. *
Spoiler: Dry Report (click to show/hide)

Sneaking into the barn after seeing the three enter and waiting a short bit to hear them engrossed in conversation, or rather business. Apparently, these people aren't enemy informants or agents sadly, just members of the local and not so local organized crime, who plan on setting up business in the city through the export of drugs. In other words, one gang desiring to supply another for profit, mainly due to finding Großerthron too risky for their blood but their boss still wanting a new source of profit from it. The dealer seems uneasy, though the one from the local gang seems far more relaxed. Seeing this, Agent 109 would make his move, working his way out of the barn and quietly looking arround for the source of power to the barn. Luckily, it seemed it was powered by an old generator, and by simply giving it a few kicks, the thing would die. Back inside the barn the more relaxed of the two gangers would send off their two guards to go fix the rusty thing, hardly giving it a second thought while the other got increasingly paranoid. Outside, the two gangers sent to fix the thing would casually walk without a care in the world, making small talk before Agent 109 struck the one lagging behind and carefully and quietly choked him out. The other not noticing and getting upset at the lack of answer from the other guard. He'd turn around a moment too late before he too was taken care of.

However, instead of just returning to the inside of the building, Agent 109 would search one of the goons and find a screwdriver before looking over to the vehicles the criminals drove in on, and quietly he would go under the car and jab the fuel tank multiple times with the screwdriver until quite a bit of fuel was leaking out of both vehicles, careful not to get any on his suit, before quietly opening up the hood of both the truck and the car to use the screw driver again to damage the engine itself. After this was done, he would return to the barn and quietly wait for a few minutes before making a small noise near one of the guards who was at the edge. He'd walk over to investigate while the two were still talking about business, the more paranoid lieutenant occasionally impatiently asking for this to hurry up, despite the dark, before Agent 109 would take care of the guard who tried investigating his disturbance. Unfortunately, he'd make a racket as he went down, slamming his fist against the wooden wall before he soon went still. Naturally, the remaining gangers decided it was every man for himself, and both ran, the lieutenant from out of town taking his surviving guard with him while the other tried booking it for his car. Naturally, 109 would go for the one on his lone. And once the three were now in two groups and out of sight of each other, 109 would swiftly tackle the other lieutenant and start to choke him out. He'd face a fair bit of struggling, but it wouldn't be effective due to panic before he too joined the many who now were soon to be detained.

With this, he would go to the other two who were trying to get the truck running, and upon seeing them, not taking any chances, he'd shoot for the guard, wishing to keep the lieutenant alive for questioning. Though, as he pulled the trigger the guard moved to open the door of the truck to go try and see why the truck wasn't working. This made the shot barely miss, grazing the now panicked guard who swiftly would use their sub machine gun to great effect, laying down heavy fire onto Agent 109 and even striking him in the stomach, and grazing him elsewhere. The bullet didn't get that far thanks to his movement, but it put a hole and stain on his relatively new suit. Not having this in the slightest, after ducking into cover, he'd swiftly pop back out again and fire a single shot, hitting the guard square in the head. With this, the last gang member remaining, the paranoid lieutenant, would run out of the car and desperately try to get away, thinking of how he should have never taken this and argued with his boss more before his thoughts were interrupted with a bullet into the leg, and as he turned around onto his back, he'd see Agent 109 pointing his gun right at him, and swiftly with much fear, the lieutenant raised his hands up as 109 walked to his side, before he would knock the lieutenant out with a kick to the head.

With this, and all the surviving gangers, enough information would be gleamed to completely collapse the gang outside the city due to the resentful and paranoid lieutenant's testimony. Additionally, multiple tons of hard and illegal drugs were found in the truck and were confiscated. The local gang remains strong, if somewhat impeded, but really, for 109, he was quite disapointed. While his wound was extremely minor due to hitting him in one of the suits inner pockets and the bullet having to go through a clip of ammo for his pistol, it still was embarrassing that such a minor foe did so to him. Further, he expected Pren Gwyn or Soviet and Sothweg spies, not petty criminals. And worst of all, his relatively new suit was ruined. Despite this, he did get quite a bit of respect from the local police force, and some extra funding went to S.T.O.R.M. and the wound in question would heal in about a month after the bullet was removed So, there's that at least.

Agent 109 has gained 5 favors and 5 million $ for his work this round!

It is currently the Project and Research phase.

You may at this moment in time describe and start one project which you would like to work on. The full effects of a project will be known upon completion, and the price and time of a project will be known once it is started. Do note that once you start a project, you do not need to work on it in the deployment phase, though electing not to will not advance it closer to completion.

Status of the Association:

Heroes List:
Spoiler: Agent 109 (click to show/hide)
Current Reputation - 10

Spoiler: Agent 156 (click to show/hide)
Current Reputation - 0

Completed Projects:
Spoiler: Projects (click to show/hide)

Current Projects:
Spoiler: Projects (click to show/hide)

* If you want a dry report every turn, I can do so, though I'd like to stick to only fluff/wet reports) Also, this engagement was so complex due to constantly succeeding the intelligence checks. It'll likely be much more likely for mistakes to be made in the future when against more equal foes.
Battleships Hurl insults from behind thick walls, Destroyers beat up small children, Carriers stay back in the kitchen, and Cruisers are a bunch of tryhards who pretend to be loners.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Resident Wisenheimer
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Re: S.T.O.R.M (Heroes VS Villains, Heroes, Turn 3, Project phase.)
« Reply #42 on: April 01, 2021, 09:35:25 pm »

STORM Broadcasting Service (SBS): By utilizing well-earned tax dollars we can create a very near-like public broadcaster facility attached to our main base that focuses on radio talk shows and radio show programs, as well as a classic television program distributor that takes up a important channel and time slot; these mass communication broadcasters will focus on promoting the reputation and respect that our heroes gain on the field, as well as improving the public opinion of a government-subsided organization that tries to stop ne’er-do-wells from causing harm to society in any manner. The service and segment of STORM is of course under our financial control as well as editorial control of the program to not let divergent thinking go into the creation process and reveal the identities of our agents and where they are located or moving to, and allow our subliminal messaging to work into effect.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: S.T.O.R.M (Heroes VS Villains, Heroes, Turn 3, Project phase.)
« Reply #43 on: April 03, 2021, 03:07:14 pm »

...just make sure it's in Technicolor.  Could really make our broadcasts pop over traditional black & white programming.  (OOC: Remember, we're in the 1960's, literally when color broadcasts were hitting mass market.  B&W TV's were still sold well into the 1980's.)  Also, put Miss Kruspe on it.  She did a great job with the "Karl der Kriminalpolizist" campaign.

Quote from: Votebox
(1) STORM Broadcasting Service (SBS) with Agent 156: ConscriptFive


  • Bay Watcher
  • Resident Wisenheimer
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Re: S.T.O.R.M (Heroes VS Villains, Heroes, Turn 3, Project phase.)
« Reply #44 on: April 04, 2021, 10:40:02 am »

Quote from: Votebox
(2) STORM Broadcasting Service (SBS) with Agent 156: ConscriptFive, SC777
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