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Author Topic: IC - Fear No Gods | A Low Fantasy Succession Game  (Read 2247 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • If you wait long enough, it moves.
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Re: IC - Fear No Gods | A Low Fantasy Succession Game
« Reply #15 on: February 24, 2021, 08:32:07 pm »

You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: IC - Fear No Gods | A Low Fantasy Succession Game
« Reply #16 on: February 25, 2021, 12:15:59 am »

.... You've doomed us all. Granted. Everyone except for traps are executed. Random sci-fi nonsense is required to be taught in schools.
A cute intersex harem with everyone in love with the androgynous king and smart and useful enough into pushing the kingdom forward.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Also known as the Chroniqler
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Re: IC - Fear No Gods | A Low Fantasy Succession Game
« Reply #17 on: February 25, 2021, 05:31:03 pm »

Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: IC - Fear No Gods | A Low Fantasy Succession Game
« Reply #18 on: March 03, 2021, 05:09:42 am »

Since it's been a week, and FakerFanGirl has given no sign of activity, the turn now passes to Sketchykeeps. You have up to next wednesday to post your character. Good luck !


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: IC - Fear No Gods | A Low Fantasy Succession Game
« Reply #19 on: March 06, 2021, 08:07:07 pm »

(Wrong thread.)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: IC - Fear No Gods | A Low Fantasy Succession Game
« Reply #20 on: March 10, 2021, 08:33:48 am »

Okay ConscriptFive, your turn now. Hopefully, you do not mysteriously disappear this time. :P


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: IC - Fear No Gods | A Low Fantasy Succession Game
« Reply #21 on: March 10, 2021, 10:34:48 am »

Here we go... (some edits from the earlier version on the OOC thread).

Avatar: Gaunt and lacking facial hair.
Name: Phineus Starwatcher
Age when becoming leader: 19
Religion: The Goddess of the Mountain Waters (see Goal)
Leadership Style: Not the traditional "type A" leader, but instead pensive and almost detached.  Personally oversees his pet projects, but delegates duties that disinterest him unless there's an immediate need.
Leader Personality: Not as fascinated by politics and warfare as his predecessors, but instead improving the livelihood of his tribe through exploration and domestic development.

Biography : The youngest brother of Chief Matamata, Phineus was an unlikely choice for leadership.  Unlike his elders, he never became a war hero; for he was merely a babe during Matamata's ruthless eradication of the Itnovini.  Alas, the war changed many of his brothers.  Some developed an insatiable bloodlust, while some others withdrew from their noble obligations as they were plagued at night by screaming nightmares.  One remaining heir even left to reside with his bride's tribe, knowing it would be the only way he'd ever get out of the great Matamata's shadow.  As the drought came, the Council debated moving on from the lineage of the Starwatcher clan.  But in times like these, dynastic upheaval was the last thing the tribe needed.  At least he has some interesting ideas regarding the drought.  Phineus may not be the leader the tribe deserves, but he's the one they need.


Bounty of the the Rivers:  The water levels of the rivers may be low due to the drought, but that just means the bottom is easier the reach.  Many so-called 'shellfish' should be more easily exposed.  While unappetizing, their flesh is likely edible when properly prepared.  (OOC: "He was a bold man that first ate an oyster!" Though this should also include crabs and crayfish, that will prove surprisingly tasty.)  Furthermore, we shall further refine our fishing techniques to catch more fish in this time of need.

Bounty of the New Lands:  After the eradication of the Itnovini, we and the Vaulkelgern have acquired unfamiliar lands.  While not entirely alien to us, we've already seen some new plants and animals in these areas.  Given the drought, we must cooperate with the Vaulkelgern to understand these lands even better than the cursed Itnovini did.  It behooves us to identify what plants and animals are edible here, and how to best locate and harvest them.

Bounty of the Mountains:  While we have traditionally focused on the verdant, the stony mountains call to us as well.  Expeditions shall be launched to survey the mountains in search of peculiar minerals.  Many will likely have value due to aesthetics. (OOC: gold, silver, gems, etc).  Others may prove more industrious with further innovation. (OOC: Our recently settled hunter-gatherers are literally stone age, and we need to push them into more advanced materials somehow.  But they need to find these materials first.  If we get lucky, we might find volcanic obsidian, like the Maya & Aztec, or meteoric iron which both require no refining.  Copper, lead, and tin ores should be common enough out there, but would require some additional impetus to figure out.  ...see next goal.)

The Chief's Craftsmen:  Our most famed ancestors often spent day in and day out, hunting and gathering.  Others were tied down with cooking and child rearing.  Somehow, we still found time to get some handicraft in there.  It remains a great collaborative endeavor to build a new shelter.  But the promise of agriculture and ever-growing riverine commerce is pushing more and more of us beyond mere subsistence.  Freed from this burden, imagine what a true 'craftsman' can accomplish?  Phineus shall personally judge an annual Chief's Craftsmen contest.  Tribesmen (and women) shall submit entries in two categories "Materials of Life" (wood, bone, hide, fur, horn, shell, feathers, plant fiber), and "Materials of the Mountains" (stone, gems, metals).  Chief Phineus shall purchase the winning entry of each category with a three-year food grant, so that they may further refine their craft.  (To encourage diversity, an individual craftsmen can only win once every ten years.)  Thus, not only will the Chief collect a treasury of masterworks to either heirloom or strategically gift, but he will foster cottage industries who will develop innovative quality crafts for domestic and foreign use.

The Shrine of the Goddess of the Mountain Waters:  Where do the rivers come from? The mountains.  To make the mountains restore the rivers, we must please the mountains.  At our sacred grove, we shall erect a shrine to the Goddess of the Mountain Waters.  Stone from the mountains will brought down for the shrine, and arranged & ornamented to please her.  (The Chief's Craftsmen should be of use here.)  Ceremonies will be performed at the shrine to curry Her favor.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2021, 05:38:08 pm by ConscriptFive »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: IC - Fear No Gods | A Low Fantasy Succession Game
« Reply #22 on: March 13, 2021, 05:15:42 pm »

1 - A
5 - B

Slow agricultural revolution it is.


Phineus 'the Impious' Starwatcher

High Chief of the Teutorgen Tribe

(64AD - 92AD)

Spoiler: Rolls (click to show/hide)

Last son of Viret 'Starseeker', nobody expected Phineus to rule, and, to be honest, nobody wanted him either. Scrawny, not even the shade of a bear at 19 years old, he was quite far from the charismatic figure that was his father, and even more so his half-brother, Matamata. For the misfortune of Matamata, the loss of his manhood deprived him of the capacity to father children. Thus the attention was inclined towards his five brothers. After the Itnovini's purge, a stroke of bad luck seemed to strike the Starwatcher family. The firstborn turned into a cold blooded monster, probably in the aftermath of the war, and was later executed after being caught red-handed murdering a woman in her hut. The younger was seemingly pursued by Itnovini's spectres, frequently being awaken by his guilt, worsening his health and mental condition. Another one fall deeply in love with his bride, to the point he went in her tribe, the Verovii, instead of the opposite. The last brother of Phileus was far more interested in growing his plants rather than sitting in the council for his noble duties, leaving only the quiet Phileus as an acceptable heir.

Though not with much enthusiasm, Phileus was crowned shortly after the obsequies of Matamata, who died from a lightning heart failure. Quickly, it becames clear Phileus was not like his brother and father before him, and had no intention to outshine them. No, he was here to do his duty, and take what free time was available for him next. And, oh, there was much duty to do.

With the agricultural revolution launched by Matamata, Teutorgen's society faced new threats, namely droughts and floods. Neighbors, aware of those risks, were reluctant to mimetize the tribe despite the production benefits. They had a good intuition as, in the summer of Matamata last year, a devastating drought stroke the region. Droughts were quite commons during his reign, but this one happened after a dry spring, and was the longest drought in living memory. Starvation was rearing its ugly head, and something had to be done quickly.
Phileus ordered to fish the fauna lying in the bed of the river, which was more vulnerable because of the low level of the water. While edible, the fish were not enough to entirely offset loss from crops, as the drought itself hitted hard on the river's population. Phileus' measure avoided total starvation for the tribe, but unpopular rationing had to be put in place. Many decided to try their luck into the unknown and untamed former lands of the Itnovini.

Result of the Matamata's conquest, the Teutorgens inherited a huge track of lands south-east of the tribe's main territory. Though some loners and isolated Vaukelgerns families lived there, much of the region was essentially unknown. Phileus asked the nearest population around: the Vaukelgern living with the Teutorgens, and the independent Vaukelgern tribe dwelling in the eastern forests. Colonization started, and soon, trade as well once the ressources of the territory were identified. However, the lands needing to be covered were massive, and the population growing too slowly. If strong economic links were added to the already existing cultural ones between the divided people of the Vaukelgern, it became obvious that "the Front", as the region begins to be called, would not be totally colonized under Phileus lifetime.

While his advisors were struggling with the Front colonization, Phileus was already thinking about his next whim. He observed some tribespeople were collecting clay to make pottery, and then using fire to harden it. However, once finished, the clay objects could barely hold a strong blow. Surely, Phileus thought, there were other things you could collect and harden, to create stronger pottery, and even more! He started to roam his lands, before finally founding what he was looking for in the mountains. Some rocks, he noticed, were quite different of the stone that composed the rest of the ground. He asked his followers to gather as much of those unusual minerals as they could, and brought them back to the tribe's main town to experiment them.
With the help of his craftsmen, Phileus soon discoverd lead, and tin. And once they managed to control heat thanks to kilns, copper. A way stronger material than clay, lead and tin, possibilities were vast for the Teutorgen's craft. As Phileus was heavily implied in the research around coppersmithery, he was nicknamed 'the Alchemist' by his tribesmen.

But Phileus soon discoverd that a tribe's scaled functional coppersmithing system needed a far mor better organization then the actual one. Metal needed to be gathered, to be carried, to be smelt, to be molded and crafted before finally being used. And not taking into account the skills, needs and infrastructure for each of those steps. In short, he needed specialization for the Teutorgen copper industry to truly shine.
While the first links of the chain could be done by unexperimented workers, crafting was far more demanding.
Not unlike his grandfather Viret before him, Phileus searched for talentuous people to follow his ambitious project. Under Phileus reign, a new tradition blossomed: the Chief's Craftsmen contest, or as it was soon called, the Chief tournament. Divided in two categories, "Materials of Life" and "Materials of the Mountains", Phileus had to choose for the winning price for each, which were added into the Starwatcher's heirloom - if they could. Winners were granted food and supply amenities for three years, allowing them further training of their crafting skills. As a craftman was only allowed to win once a decade, the first proto-guilds soon appeared to teach promising younglings, and thus collect more prizes and grants.
Soon, Teutorgens' objects became renowned for their quality, more fine than any from other tribes. Teutorgen's crafters as well became famous for their talents, to the point some recruted by neighboring tribes. Much to Phileus's grief, smithing secrets were soon shared in the region, although the Teutorgen were still advanced in the copper industry.

Satisfied of the material progress of the tribe, Phileus took interest into spiritual food. His people was still worshipping their ancestors as a source of happiness and wisdom. Foolish, he said. He, who brought the deeply needed reforms for the Teutorgens, clearly saw that the true source of life for them were the mountains in the east. Where does come the water that make forests and crops grow ? Where are found the minerals that make Teutorgen's crafters reputation ? Without the mountains, the Teutorgens were nothing. Surely the divinity living here took them under her wing, and it was time to show her respect for her gifts.
In the sacred Tribe Grove, Phileus asked a shrine to be established, right in the river that crossed the grove. There woud be worshipped the Goddess of the Mountains Waters. This was not quite well take by traditional ancestors worshippers.
Maybe it would have been accepted if Phileus did not asked to worshipp only the goddess. Maybe, if the shrine had been established elsewhere than in the most sacred lands of the Teutorgen. Maybe, maybe... In any way, shamans used all of their influence to kill the religious movement created by Phileus - and succeeded in it. Dynamic in a first time, the cult of the goddess soon stagnated, only living through a small minority. Among them, only the most zealous rejected their ancestors, most still worshipping them aside of the goddess. For his deeds, Phileus nickname's shifted from 'the Alchemist' to 'the Impious'. His death at 47 years old was seen as a relief, as his adamant faith in the goddess saw rising religious tensions between the traditional Teutorgens and the "mountains' worshippers". An abrupt death, which might be of poor health, although many suspected poisoning by his opponents, namely shamans and traditional chieftains.

A pacific chief, Phileus managed to propel the Teutorgen into the Copper Age, while strenghening a tribe weakened by famine. All of this hard work would sadly be blow away by his last clumsy action.
Blessed by numerous children, only his eldest was a son. And much to his despair, his weak health made him a poor choice as a heir, a situation that the Council, even despite its dynastic preference, had to agree. Thus, after reign of three Starwatchers, a noble from an other family was put as heir of the Teutorgens.
Phileus left the tribe in an ambiguous situation. On one hand, a rising tribe with agriculture and copper industry well developping, a trading power in the region. On the other hand, a tribe strife-ridden by religious tensions, where vassal chiefs used prosperity to reinforce their own power.
The next high lord of the Teutorgen, be it a Starwatcher or a noble nobody, would have a lot on his plate.


After decades of preparation, the Tuathas launch a massive raid on the human tribes !
Target (1: Risubev, 2: Ruthini, 3: Comagri) = 1
Tuatha score: 17 + 30 (Terrifying soldiers) = 47
Risubev score: 43 + 10 (Quantity advantage) = 53

The Tuathas are repelled after a close battle, and not without heavy losses.

State of the Tribe

Form of Government: Tribal Elective Chiefdom
Language of the People: Teutorgen
Language of Court / Nobility: Teutorgen
Tribe Religion: The Old Ways (Ancestors Worship) / Goddess of the Mountains Waters (minority)
Ruling Dynasty: Starwatcher (?)

Economic Prosperity
Starvation - Famine - Stagnating - Healthy - >>Prosperous<< - Bountiful

Social Order
Revolt - Unrest - >>Disquiet<< - Stable - Contented - Social Order

Military Strengh
Rag-tag armed civilians - Informal militia - Shabby raiders - >>Tribal warriors<< -Fierce fighters - Thou finest

Army Loyalty
Kingmaker - Disloyal - Falling - >>Improving<< -Loyal - Steadfast

Nobility Power
Dominant - Autonomous - >>Strengthening<< - Weakening -Marginalized - Absolute rule

Nobility Loyalty
Revolutionary - Upset - Discontent - >>Quiet<< -Approving - Devoted

Council Loyalty
Revolutionary - Upset - Discontent - Quiet ->>Approving<< - Devoted


The Goddess worshippers Pressing issue. A vocal minority, the worshippers of the Goddess cause much troubles in the tribe. The harsh attempt of Phileus to impose it left scars in the Teutorgen's society. While many goddess followers are not as zealous as Phileus, still venerating ancestors, traditional people and shamans just want to erase this heresy and the shrine in the Sacred Grove. Some want them to convert, others want them exiled to their beloved mountains, others want them dead... Some ambitious chiefs even think about using them for their own benefits. The high chief better take a decision about them before someone else does.

The Council: Power had moved since the creation of the Council. No more it is a place of debate between vassal chieftains. Now, each chieftain is quite powerful on his own, and no one want to waste time in discussions in an empty shell of an institution. Main reason for Council is to validate the High Chief's heir, but he has always followed the Chief's choice, leading some to thought why they even bother with it.

The Front: Former Itolvini's lands are actually being colonized, mainly by Vaukelgern from Teutorgen lands. A virgin territory, making the Front a functional part of the tribe will take some time. More worrying for some: this is not Teutorgens who colonize it, this is Vaukelgerns subjects under Teutorgen rule.

The Vaukelgern case: The Vaukelgern are now totally accepting our rule, even more now that their independant kin is friendly to ours. But still, they are an exogenous people to the Teutorgen, one that could easily be a new foe should the relation worsen.

Agriculture Transition: The drought has passed, and our crops survived. Hopefully, no more disasters await before the end of our transition.

Tuatha raids: The pointy ears living in the north-western forests has launched an attack on the Risubev tribe, living near the Delta ! If the Risubevs managed to repel them, they suffered heavy losses, and had an incredible luck to win the battle. This is clearly a massive threat in our north-western flank. Comagri and Ruthini shared their deep concern about it.

And any issues or goals the player might think of!


Elective Legitimacy: Ruler which is not the one chosen through negociations between High Chief and Council will have an harder time to reign. -5 in effectiness roll if character is in this case.

Strong relations with neighbors: +5 to rolls involving neighbors' diplomacy.

All craft's Teutorgenship is of the highest quality: Teutorgen crafters are well renowned in the region, and their products are valued in the area. +5 to rolls involving economy and trading.

Map of the know world by 92 AD:



The Delta area is simmering. Many tribes are there, the most proeminent being the Vanvaexi and the Novranmini. Too many people in a cramped area, and, yet, nobody is decided to leave it. In fact, everybody seems decided to extend their own lands, at all costs... How do the war for the Delta turns ?

A) A tribe manages to get the upper hand, and to unify the Delta. Some vanquished tribes chose exile, others stay
B) The most powerful gobble the weakest. Though not unified, the Delta is divided into rival great tribes
C) Balkanization happens. Far from unifying the Delta, the war leaves the tribes vulnerable to rebellions and secessions, creating even more smaller tribes


Oh, finally, I was starting to grow desesperate. Finally, at last, a bad roll that can create some troubles in the Teutorgens !
Oh, and you have entered into the Copper Age, by the way. Have fun, things will get interesting soon enough.

Next player is Rockeater ! You have a week to post your character sheet. May the Goddess of the Mountains Waters be with you.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Also known as the Chroniqler
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Re: IC - Fear No Gods | A Low Fantasy Succession Game
« Reply #23 on: March 13, 2021, 05:41:28 pm »

B, please. Enough disorder to leave the delta potentially open to us messing with it, not so much that people from there are likely to become raiders.
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: IC - Fear No Gods | A Low Fantasy Succession Game
« Reply #24 on: March 13, 2021, 08:11:38 pm »

C While I think B is also a fine option, I also think it's good to have variety early on in a vote.
.... You've doomed us all. Granted. Everyone except for traps are executed. Random sci-fi nonsense is required to be taught in schools.
A cute intersex harem with everyone in love with the androgynous king and smart and useful enough into pushing the kingdom forward.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: IC - Fear No Gods | A Low Fantasy Succession Game
« Reply #25 on: March 14, 2021, 02:03:54 pm »

Ha, well Phineas' development schemes panned out well enough.  The new religion low rolled, but at least it led to an interesting socio-political crisis.  I'm looking forward to how Rockeater is going to address that.

Anyhow, moderate option seems to be what you guys like...



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: IC - Fear No Gods | A Low Fantasy Succession Game
« Reply #26 on: March 14, 2021, 06:54:03 pm »

Avatar : Tall and thin, with short hair and long well kept beard
Name :Aldemar Son of Aldemar
Age when becoming leader :30
Religion : Ancestor Worship, believe the Mountain Goddess exist but does not worship her
Leadership Style : Diplomatic and negotiating, prefer to compromise with other rather then decree his will upon others.
Leader Personality : Calm and calculated, Aldemar know how to get people to agreement and achieving common goals
Biography : Brother of one of the vassal chieftains, from young age was both a tool and a part of inter tribes negotiation and learned the ways in which achieving goals with words, as an adult he helped his father and later his brother with handling deals between their tribe and those around them, by the death of Phineus he was known by most of the council members and trusted to bring stability to the Teutorgen people

Goals :
All the world's spirits: It is clear to all who is live that ancestor spirits exist and deserve of worship, but it also pretty clear that a powerful spirit of sort exist in the mountain and it's waters, there should be no reason worship of one should replace the worship of the other, Arrange a council of shamans and those who with commune with the spirits from both sides and attempt to create a common understanding and arrangement to allow both to co-exist, with some focus on what to be done with the shrine at the Grove.

The continuation of the Starwatchers: Although the last few regrettable years of Phineus and that Aldemar is not of the Starwatcher line, it is clear to him and many others that they brought great prosperity to the Teutorgen people and it should be maintained, to do that Aldemar will encourage nobles to marry their sons to the Starwatcher daughters and adopt their names, and if in his capability will do it himself, and from those Starwatchers kids will arrange the choice for the next leader.

The mixed tribes: To ensure the integration of the front the construction of combined villages of both the Teutorgen and Vaukelgern people will be encouraged in it with the gifts of resources, tools, and sending good teachers there to teach the people the best of copper working.

Food Safety: When we were roaming our secured by our ability to move to another location, but now we are too great in number to preform such task, so another method to ensure food to our people need to be found, all the greatest minds should be put to this task and no solution should not be tried if viable, drying, covering with salt, burying, this is an issue that is critical to the life of our people.

Tuatha countermeasures: Although mainly focused on internal affairs Aldermar did spend some time helping the Risubev and the other tribes near the Tuatha, mainly in the form of sending copper weapons and teachers to teach them how to make those, but also offered some troops to reinforce the Risubev.
Damnit people, this is why I said to keep the truce. Because now everyone's ganging up on the cats.
Also, don't forget to contact your local Eldritch Being(s), so that they can help with our mission to destroy the universe.


  • Bay Watcher
  • If you wait long enough, it moves.
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Re: IC - Fear No Gods | A Low Fantasy Succession Game
« Reply #27 on: March 14, 2021, 08:11:54 pm »

You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: IC - Fear No Gods | A Low Fantasy Succession Game
« Reply #28 on: March 25, 2021, 01:20:48 pm »

3 - B
1 - C

Great powers, arise !


Aldemar 'the Bridge' Aldemargen

High Chief of the Teutorgen Tribe

(92AD - 121AD)

Spoiler: Rolls (click to show/hide)

As the Teutorgens were in a concerning situation, Aldemar Aldemargen was seen as the most promising candidate among the nobles. Experienced, but young enough as he entered his third decade, coming from a minor but known and respected noble family, with a diplomatic profile well fitted for the ill times that the tribe was living. Thus Aldemar was the successor of Phileus Starwatcher.

He immediatly took the religious matter into his hands, by gathering a council of shamans and mountain goddess' priests, to peacefully resolve the dispute.
It seemed he deeply underestimated the hatred between the two groups.
As the council faced heated debates about the shrine, a goddess worshipper asked the shrine to be maintained. An ancestor worshipper quickly retorted that the shrine should better be teared down. The two soon started bickering. Nobody know who was the first, but daggers started to shine at some point. A few minutes latter, and the gathering turned into a massive riot, which spreads through the tribe in a pogrom against the goddess' followers. Facing death threats, survivors began a trek in the east, inside mountains were they would be way harder to get drove off.

After a slaughter where nobody could find proud in, an event was needed to rise back the sinking morale of the tribe. A miracle, some said. In a way, it happened.
To strenghen his rule, Aldemar made the Teutorgen nobility mingles with Phileus' children. He married the two youngest daughters to his sons, while the three others were married each to a prominent noble family. Not only this was appreciated by the tribe as a mean to perpetuate the Starwatchers' legacy, but having Starwatcher's blood becomes a sign of prestige for nobility. And as by now most important nobles shared this blood, this furthers hardens links in the Teutorgen nobility. Despite the religious turmoil being the consequences of Phileus foolish choices, many were more than happy to forget it and praise Aldemar as the rightful heir of the Starwatchers.

Now that the Teutorgen tribe and nobility was united behind Aldemar, the high chief tried to shrink a little more the gap between the Teutorgens and the Vaukelgerns living in southern lands, by sending gifts, teachers and exchanging wards between nobles. If things got along quite well between the commoners, relations were less smooth between Teutorgen and Vaukelgerns nobles. It turns out that having Starwatcher's blood in their veins made the former cocky, seing the later as little better than provincial hirelings. Reports were not laudatory: Teutorgen children acting like conceited lordlings, while Vaukelgern ones were often target of mocking.
In the meanwhile, rest of the tribe went quite well along. In the completion of many decades of assimilation, Teutorgens and Vaukelgerns started a cultural syncretism, giving birth to the Teuvaurgens, even if the inhabitants of the Front were still deeply attached to their Vaukelgern roots.

Still having the drought in memory, Aldemar asked the tribesmen to think about how food could be stored for longer time. Back in the tundra, the Teutorgen could count on the frost to freeze the food, but in those temperate lands, no more. Many trails were done, many failed. But in the end, smoking and salting became mainstream in the tribe for meat and fish. Although it would probably take a few generations to be mastered, Aldemar could pride himself that it was under his reign that those techniques began.

Worried by the increasing boldness of the Tuatha, Aldemar ordered a caravan to be packed for nearing tribes, with fine copper weapons and warriors to train their men. He focused his help on the north-western tribes, the most exposed to the Tuatha raids. Taking confidence thanks to the Teutorgen's help, the tribes started to extand their lands, firmly believing they would be apt to defend them by now.
To Aldemar's misfortune, just as he started to send help to the Risubev, tensions were rising in the Delta, and tribes started to face and conquer each other. Thus, Teutorgen's help was seen by Risubev's foes as an exterior influence on the Delta, something especially not appreciated by the Ulnerns, who conquered the Risubev before being conquered as well by the Vanrins, who are now distrustful of the Teutorgens. Vanrin tribe is now a terrible trade partner, putting high customs duty on Teutorgen's products, but are still an essential partner for the increasing specialized Teutorgen's economy, as it's in the mouth of the Delta and has now an important population.
At least, being a rival to the Vanrin tribe make the Teutorgen much appreciated by the Vanvaexi tribe, who is the other great winner of the Delta unification.

Through 29 years of rule, Aldemar had seen a lot. But as he enters into the dusk of his life, began probably the most shaking event in the region since the Teutorgen's arrival: the third and last migration.
They first arrived by a few dozens. Scouts, and tribeless people. They said the northern tundra kept getting colder, to the point most of the population had no other choice but to move. This meant that the third migration promised to be much, much bigger than the two first ones.
By the time of Aldemar's death at 59 years old, only a handful of those new tribes were installed in the region. The presages of swarming wave of migrants...

Dying of oldness, Aldemar had two sons, two strong sons each married to one of Phileus' daughter. On his deathbed, he designated his firstborn as his heir, a reasonable choice.
However, and much to the surprise of everyone, the Council refuses his choice, preferring to choose another noble from the tribe. It turns out that the Council started being embolden by their Starwatcher's blood, wanting to take a more independent and direct choice for the Teutorgen's high chief, and thus elected an heir that suited them before it suited the tribe. There is currently a wave of lack of understanding in the tribe, something that is not needed for the tough times ahead.

Even worse, as if it was needed: after decades of licking their wounds in the mountains, the goddess worshippers, naming themselves the "Manda's Children" (by the vernacular name of their goddess) are raiding the eastern lands of the tribe, quickly getting back into the safety of their mountains when warriors arrive!

State of the Tribe

Form of Government: Tribal Elective Chiefdom
Language of the People: Teutorgen / Teuvaurgen (cultural syncretism with Vaukelgern)
Language of Court / Nobility: Teutorgen
Tribe Religion: The Old Ways (Ancestors Worship) (Goddess of the Mountains Waters banned)
Ruling Dynasty: Aldemargen

Economic Prosperity
Starvation - Famine - Stagnating - >>Healthy<< - Prosperous - Bountiful

Social Order
Revolt - Unrest - >>Disquiet<< - Stable - Contented - Social Order

Military Strengh
Rag-tag armed civilians - Informal militia - Shabby raiders - >>Tribal warriors<< -Fierce fighters - Thou finest

Army Loyalty
Kingmaker - Disloyal - Falling - >>Improving<< -Loyal - Steadfast

Nobility Power
Dominant - >>Autonomous<< - Strengthening - Weakening -Marginalized - Absolute rule

Nobility Loyalty
Revolutionary - Upset - Discontent - >>Quiet<< - Approving - Devoted

Council Loyalty
Revolutionary - Upset - >>Discontent<< - Quiet -Approving - Devoted


The Third Wave Pressing issue. A massive immigration wave from our homelands, the north-eastern tundras, is arriving in the next years. We need a clear behavior for them: do we welcome the peaceful ones on our lands, do we refuse everyone by the edge of our swords, do we give to independent tribes chunks of our territory, do we put them into a tribe federation, or are we only allowing them to integrate our tribe... ?

Mountainers raids Pressing issue. The bitter survivors of the purge, three decades ago are now coming back to claim vengeance. They are raiding vulnerables homesteads in the eastern part of our lands, and climb back into safety as soon as we start a counterattack. The Manda's Children, as they call themselves, are a thorn in our side, something we clearly don't need currently.

The Council: Pressing issue. Imbued with their own power, many nobles who composed the Council now want a more direct control over who is appointed as the next high chief. They had made a first attempt, by refusing a reasonable heir choice from Aldemar, in favor of one of their members.

Blue-blooded aristocracy: Starwatcher's blood goes into most of the Teutorgen's nobility head. By sharing the blood of the prestigious previous rulers of our tribe, our nobles are now acting like pretentious half-gods, something that is not well liked by the commoners, nor by the Vaukelgern nobility, who does not have a drop of Starwatcher's blood through marriage. A social class on its own is taking shape here.

The Front: Slowly, but surely, the Front is being populated. Still, his population density is lower than the rest of the tribe's territory. The cultural syncretism of Teuvaurgen while existing, is also weaker because of the proximity with the independent Vaukelgern Tribe.

Tuatha raids: An ever looming threat, the Tuatha were repelled by the Risubev... For now. Aldemar sent weapons and trainers for the northern tribes, most exposed to the Tuathas, creating buffer territories between the Teutorgens and them. But the Tuathas are patient, and the weapons might be used for other means than defending against the forest people.

And any issues or goals the player might think of!


Elective Legitimacy: Ruler which is not the one chosen through negociations between High Chief and Council will have an harder time to reign. -5 in effectiness roll if character is in this case.

Strong relations with neighbors: +5 to rolls involving neighbors' diplomacy.

All craft's Teutorgenship is of the highest quality: Teutorgen crafters are well renowned in the region, and their products are valued in the area. +5 to rolls involving economy and trading.

Map of the know world by 121 AD:


Sorry for the looong delay. Things are heating up, right ? Really interesting.
I'm going to be honest, I might do one or two more rulers, and then stop. Not that I'm not liking the game. In fact, I'm really happy of how this is turning out, and you guys are really playing the game, so we have an (hopefully) interesting world here.
No, the problem is that doing and writing a turn take quite a long time (3 to 6 hours), and recent events in my IRL life considerably shrank my available time, so I have to make choices. So I'll clean my stuff and do the one or two things I want to put in the game before stopping it. If someone want to take the game over, I will be more than happy to give him the files and informations to continue the game!

Next player is Glass ! Please go ahead.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Also known as the Chroniqler
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Re: IC - Fear No Gods | A Low Fantasy Succession Game
« Reply #29 on: March 30, 2021, 05:24:29 pm »

Name: Dariel Goldspeaker
Age when becoming leader: 27
Religion: Ancestor worship, believes in reincarnation
Leadership Style: Manipulative, maneuvering people to do what he wants them to while making them think it was there idea
Leader Personality: Psychopathic, caring about the tribe, then his own wellbeing. The wellbeing of other individuals doesn't even factor into his thought processes.
Biography: Dariel never cared about other people. Or no, let me rephrase that: he never cared about other people in any capacity beyond being tools for his own advancement. They only had value as far as they could be useful. That is not to say that Dariel did not understand the value of loyalty; perhaps he knew it better than any other, figuring out just how much his he could get for his loyalty, from "friends" or those who would ask him to turn on them. Perhaps this is why he was so adept at council politics; it was not hard to see the currents of increasing defiance among the council, chafing against the chieftain. With enough favors cashed in, unassuming threats made, and the like, it was child's play to ensure that he would be declared the next high chief. After all, Viset Starwatcher had played them so easily the first time, and his reincarnation had been certain he could do it again.
-Strength Lies in Knowing Your Tools: There are enemies without. There may be enemies within. Our warriors are... satisfactory, reasonably loyal. That will not do. The soldiery should train, become greater. Challenge themselves. I will walk among them, learning with them, learning of them. Lead them, train others to lead them, lead those who lead. A strong military is a powerful tool; a loyal military is one I can aim as I please.
-The Teutorgen Hegemony: Many tribes seek shelter in and around our territory. To allow it would buy loyalty... but loyalty is worth little if it has no reward for the one it is owed to. Of course, those willing to reside peacefully should be permitted to, even some more militaristic if they are willing to put those skills to use on our behalf if called upon. They may even run themselves quite independently... but if we should, ah, make some suggestions, it should be understood that such should be listened to.
-An End to Hostilities: The "Manda's Children". Pah. Who cares what god they worship? That should not matter. What matters is they rebelled against us, and still insist on attacking us. No more. Send agents to sneak into their encampments and destroy all of their food stores and equipment. Let all know the price of rebellion.
-I am the Council: Politicians are so short-sighted, seeking only immediate personal power. It is not so hard to wrap them around your finger, if you only know what motivates them - and I most certainly do. "Suggest" small things, things that seem to give them what they want - all while undermining key facets of their power. They will hand over all of their authority to me, and thank me for it.
-Closest to the Flames, a Melting Pot: The frontiers are where we grow fastest, and alloys are often stronger. Encourage the development of the Front. Show favor to those nobles hailing from it. If those who claim the blood of the Starwatcher want recognition, they will have to earn it. In the meantime, I will be strengthening our borders.

Think of him like an evil Viset.

Also, so we're clear, psychopaths are the ones that are expert manipulators, while sociopaths are the ones that are blatant criminals, from what I could find.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2021, 05:28:30 pm by Glass »
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.
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