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Author Topic: IC - Fear No Gods | A Low Fantasy Succession Game  (Read 2246 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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IC - Fear No Gods | A Low Fantasy Succession Game
« on: February 17, 2021, 05:17:10 pm »

OOC Thread

Fear No Gods | A Low Fantasy Succession Game

Rules are in the OOC thread, please check them first.

Claim List

- Glass
- micelus
- FakerFanGirl (Inactive)
- Sketchykeeps (Inactive)
- ConscriptFive
- Rockeater
- ...

Rulers of the Teutorgens:

High Chiefdom of the Teutorgen
Ugrel Walax (-2AD - 7AD)
Viset 'Starseeker' Starwatcher (7AD - 34AD)
Matamata 'Gleaming-Eye' Starwatcher (34AD - 64AD)
Phileus 'the Impious' Starwatcher (64AD - 92 AD)
Aldemar 'the Bridge' Aldemargen (92AD - 121AD)

For milleniums, your people lived within the cold of the great tundras of the North. Tribes grew, shrank, fought, divided and merged.
But since a few decades, your homelands started to became colder and colder, and tribes were too numerous. The first to migrate were the northern lands, and for a time, it was enough. Then, coldness arrived to your lands, and your tribe, the Teutorgens, along others, faced a choice : invade your southern neighbors, or start migrating into the warmer and uncharted south, where northern tribes disappeared. You choose the later.

Led by a wise and respected warlord, the Teutorgens followed the coast, sinking into the green lands of the south. One by one, other tribes took their own path, and you were alone when you finally found it: the perfect place to call home, a fertile plain leaning against high mountains, from which rivers took sources. Unfortunately, it was already occupied.
By one of the northern tribe, in fact, the Vaukelgern. The fight was fierce and brutal, like the ones from the old days in the tundras. Thanks to your leader, Teutorgens prevailed, but your warlord died a week later from his wounds. Many Vaukelgerns flew in the marshes in the east.
Your warlord left only children, the oldest being a meager teenaged son. As a tribe, Teutorgens respect only strengh and charisma. Minor chieftains from the tribe gathered, and after intensive negociations, choose you as the new ruler.

As you enter in 7 AD (At Departure), you have a lot on your plate...

State of the Tribe

Form of Government: Tribal Chiefdom
Language of the People: Teutorgen
Language of Court / Nobility: Teutorgen
Tribe Religion: The Old Ways (Ancestors Worship)
Ruling Dynasty: ?

Economic Prosperity
Starvation - Famine - >>Stagnating<< - Healthy -Prosperous - Bountiful

Social Order
Revolt - Unrest - Disquiet - >>Stable<< -Contented - Social Order

Military Strengh
Rag-tag armed civilians - Informal militia - Shabby raiders - >>Tribal warriors<< -Fierce fighters - Thou finest

Army Loyalty
Kingmaker - Disloyal - Falling - >>Improving<< -Loyal - Steadfast

Nobility Power
Dominant - Autonomous - >>Strengthening<< - Weakening -Marginalized - Absolute rule

Nobility Loyalty
Revolutionary - Upset - Discontent - >>Quiet<< -Approving - Devoted


Previous warlord's children: Pressing issue. Although you deposed the teenage son of your previous chief, he is still rotting in jail and has to be dealt with. And if his sisters are no threat, he has a younger brother, barely a toddler by now... But who knows what could he do once a grown man?

Chieftains' autonomous velleities: Pressing issue. Minor chieftains from Teutorgen tribe want rewards for their help to get you chosen as the new tribe chief, and they want it now. You know what they mean behind that: more autonomy, for them and their clans. Giving it would satisfy them for a time... But this would weaken the tribe, right ?

Tribal reform: The tribal system of the Teutorgen only rely on strengh, ratio of power and charisma. Sure, it allowed you to grab the power, but next succession might not be as peaceful, and might lead to division and strife within the Teutorgen. This migration may be the right moment to create new traditions for political succession in the tribe.

The Vaukelgern case: Most Vaukelgerns fled in the eastern swamps, in the other side of the mountains, but a sizable chunk of them are still there, under Teutorgen rule by now. They should be treated, one way or another, if we don't want to see them support and rebel for their kin in the swamps.

Tuatha raids: Northern and western forests are impassable, because of some sharp-eared creatures who live in the area. They do not seem to be numerous, but according to surviving explorers from other tribes, they are nimble and incredibly skilled warriors. Sometimes, they do not wait for explorers to come in their forests and conduct raids on plains' villages to capture, and probably enslave civilians. Teutorgens have not yet suffer any raids, but given their position, it is certainly a question of time

And any issues or goals the player might think of!


Initial push: Most people want to give you a chance, especially as it combines with initial hopes from settling down after the migration. +10 to goal rolls.

Map of the know world by 7 AD:

The first player will have to give the first dynasty of our game and, depending of his successes, may or may not create new traditions for his tribe. Don't forget to claim a place in the OOC thread first!
« Last Edit: March 25, 2021, 01:22:07 pm by Ixarys »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Also known as the Chroniqler
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Re: IC - Fear No Gods | A Low Fantasy Succession Game
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2021, 12:16:45 am »

Avatar : (Optional. A picture found on Internet, with coherence towards the era of the character)
Name : Viret Starwatcher
Age when becoming leader : 20
Religion : Ancestor Worship (believes stars are ancestor spirits)
Leadership Style : Forward planning an force of charisma, picking out promising and talented people to supplement his command and cover his weak points
Leader Personality : Intellectual and scheming, but honestly wants the best for the tribe above all else

Biography : Viret earned his title-name - Starwatcher - at age seven. He had long been known to spend his nights looking at the sky; he earned his name when he, through a handful of seemingly unrelated chores - which he had been asked to do anyway! - set up an older child who had been bullying the others for humiliation at a festive feast. Perhaps he would have earned a name of justice or trickery, but for his answer when asked why - how -  he did what he did: "the stars told me."
As he aged, while Viret was a passable fighter, his true promise showed in his ability to notice people who were truly good at things, and more than that, to bring them into his circle of friends. To challenge Viret was not merely to challenge him; it was to challenge a posse of the best and brightest the tribe's next generation had to offer. More often than not, Viret knew which of two hunters would bring back more food; Viret predicted who the clan shaman would pick as an apprentice as soon as they began their search. Viret wasn't often selected to go on hunts or raids, but he was often consulted on who should be.
Viret's not the strongest. He's not necessarily the smartest or most charismatic, though he is certainly both intelligent and convincing. But he has an excellent eye for talent, and a knack for predicting people.
And he's never stopped watching the stars.

Goals :
>Resolve the issue of the previous chieftain's children:
--Put the matter of his teenaged son to a vote of the minor chieftains, having my own vote and the ability to break ties. Perhaps we will execute him; perhaps merely exile him. If we all are feeling lenient, we may even allow him the option to remain, with the explicit understanding that causing any trouble will have deadly consequences.
--Marry one of the sisters, if any are interested and seem intelligent enough to be interesting. Of course, to force one to marry me would be barbaric, but a marriage into the old line would likely stifle rebellion, and intelligence in a wife is an excellent and too-often-discounted feature.
--If feasible, adopt the toddler as a son. When he is old enough to understand, of course, he should be informed as to what happened, but I shall of course treat him fairly and kindly, and teach him what I know. He is but a babe, to punish him for the sins of his father would be altogether much too harsh. And if he ever tries to overthrow me... well, I will have deserved the dishonor should I do so poor a job at raising him.
>Take the more talented minor chieftains as advisors:
--Some of them must know what they're doing and have useful opinions, and those that do should be listened to. Of course, those that don't should also be allowed to provide their opinions, but listening to them is rather less important. Let them have the impression of influence, but make it clear that our clans will be much more prosperous if they can work in concert, rather than acting individually and unable to rely on their fellows. Surely this benefits us all?
>Arrange a better succession method:
--Strength of body and tongue, while valuable resources for a chieftain, are not the only aspects of value; heritage, while respected, can lead to weak descendants taking power. No, it should be most advantageous if a chieftain might choose their successor, with their knowledge of what a leader truly needs guiding their decision. Of course, the popularity of a leader is quite important, and should the minor chieftains feel they have no manner in which to control the chieftain's choice, they may well decide to force the issue with force; as such, a chieftain's choice of heir must be approved by some percentage of the minor chieftains, likely around 50% (this would, of course, be decided in more detail when the actual agreements are made).
>The Vaukelgern:
--They are tribe members now, whether others like it or not. Of course, they should be permitted to leave should they so choose; we cannot deny anyone that freedom. And they should be watched with care, as it is true that they recently were counted among our foes. But outright hostility should be resolved, and should it be found that they are treated unfairly for their origin, I shall see to it that such issues are remedied.
--It should be their decision whether they should like to found their own minor clan or if they will integrate into those already extant.
>Identify unusual talent:
--As chieftain of the tribes, I suddenly have a much wider pool of people I can look at. Martial prowess and charisma are likely to have already been recognized, but there surely must be others with skills that have gone unconsidered. The makings of excellent craftsmen, perhaps, or people skilled at resolving issues in manners that leave all parties satisfied at least that it was resolved fairly and without bias. Diplomats, even, who might allow us to forge ties with those tribes that do not fly the Teutorgen banner. Surely, such men - perhaps even women! - would prove useful to us, and would be more valuable if their skills might be nurtured.
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: IC - Fear No Gods | A Low Fantasy Succession Game
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2021, 11:16:24 am »

Damnit people, this is why I said to keep the truce. Because now everyone's ganging up on the cats.
Also, don't forget to contact your local Eldritch Being(s), so that they can help with our mission to destroy the universe.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: IC - Fear No Gods | A Low Fantasy Succession Game
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2021, 01:36:20 pm »

Viret 'Starseeker' Starwatcher

High Chief of the Teutorgen Tribe

(7AD - 34AD)

Spoiler: Rolls (click to show/hide)

First chief of the Teutorgens since the migration, Viret Starwatcher left a deep mark into the history of the tribe. Since his youth, he told to
his tribesmen he was advised by the stars, which he believed were ancestor spirits. By his death, all were compeled to agree.

When the old Ugrel Walax died after a painful agony, his sociable and cunning nature, alongside his friends in circles of power, made him able to get elected as the new chief, the tribal patriarchs seeing in him an understanding leader and too weak to be a threat. Adopting his nickname as his new dynastic name, Viret quickly used his silver tongue and his talent-seeker eye to prove them wrong.

To smooth the succession with the Walax children, Viret involved the minor chieftains in the decision. If one of the sister was married to Viret, and the toddler son of Ugrel adopter without much turmoil, quarreled happened between chiefs to decide what to do with the teenaged son. Some wanted to exile the young man, others even wanted him dead, while others accepted for him to stay - to overthrow Viret if he wasn't suggestible enough, gossipers said. As the situation was on the brink of a fight, Viret stands up and decided to exile the young teenager. He disappeared into the wilderness.

Seeing the chaos of the debates for the young man's fate, Viret decided to officialize the advising space of his chieftains in what he called the Advisors' Council - quickly shorten into the Council. Thanks to Viret's capacity to listen and deleguate, the Council did not became a temporal power circle of the most loyal and skilled chieftains, but the actual political scene of the Teutorgens. Every clan chief would exposed his demands in front of the tribal chief and other chieftains, and albeit the Council could be a counter power to the higher chief, Viret was able by his charisma to effectively use the Council as a tool for his reforms. Even better: while chieftains were spending political capital into Council's plots, they were not contesting Viset himself.

The next decision of the Teutorgen's chief was an extension of the previous. To reduce chances of harsh successions, he suggested that succession would be decided by negociations between the High Chief and his Council. If consensus was unreachable, a majority would be enough. Thus, the chosen heir would hopefully satisfy both parties, and allow the most competent candidates to outshine others.

But Viset wasn't quite done with domestic affairs. He had to manage the Vaukelgerns still on his new lands. He chose integration. He recognized minor chieftains for Vaukelgerns' clans, treated them rightly, organized marriages between Teutorgens and Vaukelgerns. He even allowed them to leave, found a new clan or join back their kin in the marshes. While few used this right, it was still appreciated as a sign of respect by the Vaukelgerns. By the end of his reign, Vaukelgerns were not assimilated into the Teutorgen people, but at least they were peacefully living into their realm.

The last action of Viset would also be his most controversial : he seeked recruitement of talented individuals through the region. If this was already happening within the tribe, without much criticisms from minor chieftains, taking skilled people from neighbour lands would create a lot more tensions. First because as it worked, Teutorgens felt insulted - some even jealous - to be moved aside of power position in aid of strangers. Second because in the meanwhile, chiefs from other tribes weren't happy as well to see skilled members of their people pack up and leave. Heat would grow up to the point the Itnovi tribe would send a raiding party, where Viset would be killed as he defended the local Vaukelgerns' villages.

Deceased at 47 years old, Viset Starwatcher would leave for legacy an overall exceptional reign,stabilizing the tribe and binding nobility's loyalty, and a new political structure for the Teutorgens, the Council. However, without the iron fist in a velvet glove of Viset, the Council's meritocratic principles can quickly be toppled for nobility's own interests.
Viset also left 6 children, 5 of them being sons. But he chose none of them as his heir, preferring instead his adopted son, child of Ugrel Walax, a toddler by the time of his father's death and now a strong man in his late twenties. Though an unexpected choice, the Council, without much surprised, backed up the choice of their High Chief.

State of the Tribe

Form of Government: Tribal Elective Chiefdom
Language of the People: Teutorgen
Language of Court / Nobility: Teutorgen
Tribe Religion: The Old Ways (Ancestors Worship)
Ruling Dynasty: Starwatcher

Economic Prosperity
Starvation - Famine - Stagnating - >>Healthy<< -Prosperous - Bountiful

Social Order
Revolt - Unrest - Disquiet - >>Stable<< -Contented - Social Order

Military Strengh
Rag-tag armed civilians - Informal militia - Shabby raiders - >>Tribal warriors<< -Fierce fighters - Thou finest

Army Loyalty
Kingmaker - Disloyal - Falling - >>Improving<< -Loyal - Steadfast

Nobility Power
Dominant - Autonomous - Strengthening - >>Weakening<< -Marginalized - Absolute rule

Nobility Loyalty
Revolutionary - Upset - Discontent - Quiet -Approving - >>Devoted<<

Council Loyalty
Revolutionary - Upset - Discontent - Quiet -Approving - >>Devoted<<


Itnovini raid: Pressing issue. In reprisal to Viset recruitement, the Itnovinis led a raid in the south of our lands, into Vaukelgern people domains. First skirmishes already cost the life of Viset, a strong response must be send to discourage other neighbors to do the same!

The Council: Viset created a nice tool in the form of the Council, but it offers quite a number of leverages for a strong nobility. For now, it is axed on meritocracy, but this will quickly change once the honeymoon end between the Council and the High Chief.

The Vaukelgern case: Viset may had pacified relations between occupied Vaukelgerns and Teutorgens occupiers, but we will need more than one generation to fully absorb them. Efforts still need to assimilate them, and this is even without speaking of the independent ones in the eastern swamps.

Tuatha raids: Northern and western forests are impassable, because of some sharp-eared creatures who live in the area. They do not seem to be numerous, but according to surviving explorers from other tribes, they are nimble and incredibly skilled warriors. Sometimes, they do not wait for explorers to come in their forests and conduct raids on plains' villages to capture, and probably enslave civilians. Teutorgens have not yet suffer any raids, but given their position, it is certainly a question of time

And any issues or goals the player might think of!


Initial push: Most people want to give you a chance, especially as it combines with initial hopes from settling down after the migration. +10 to goal rolls.

Elective Legitimacy: Ruler which is not the one chosen through negociations between High Chief and Council will have an harder time to reign. -5 in effectiness roll if character is in this case.

Map of the know world by 34 AD:



What happened to the teenaged son of Ugrel Walax after his exile by Viset Starwatcher ?
A) He was quickly killed by a roaming patrol of Tuathas, and his name forgotten in history
B) He was adopted by a smaller tribe, but was unable to convince them to help him. He will arrive soon after he heard the death of Viset, and try by one way or another to get back his rightful place in the Teutorgens
C) He was adopted by a smaller tribe, became their new chief and gathered other clans. With a growing tribe, he will march on the Teutorgens to get back his rightful seat

Sometimes, votes will happen at the end of a post to create an event for the game. Everyone can vote, players and non-players. You can vote here, in the IC thread.


Okay, this was an incredible first reign to set up the game. Stars were clearly with Viset for his rolls, this could have turn waaaay worse than that.

Next player is micelus! As a post can take quite a time, I will also give more time for the players to post their character's sheet, so you have two weeks to do so. Bear in mind that the chosen heir is the adopted son of Viset, but it can be one of his son, a minor noble or even his daughter, though they will all have a more difficult reign in this case.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2021, 01:39:26 pm by Ixarys »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: IC - Fear No Gods | A Low Fantasy Succession Game
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2021, 02:29:29 pm »

« Last Edit: February 20, 2021, 08:38:55 pm by Prophet »
.... You've doomed us all. Granted. Everyone except for traps are executed. Random sci-fi nonsense is required to be taught in schools.
A cute intersex harem with everyone in love with the androgynous king and smart and useful enough into pushing the kingdom forward.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: IC - Fear No Gods | A Low Fantasy Succession Game
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2021, 02:42:01 pm »

Damnit people, this is why I said to keep the truce. Because now everyone's ganging up on the cats.
Also, don't forget to contact your local Eldritch Being(s), so that they can help with our mission to destroy the universe.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: IC - Fear No Gods | A Low Fantasy Succession Game
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2021, 07:46:40 pm »



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: IC - Fear No Gods | A Low Fantasy Succession Game
« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2021, 08:21:38 pm »



  • Bay Watcher
  • If you wait long enough, it moves.
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Re: IC - Fear No Gods | A Low Fantasy Succession Game
« Reply #8 on: February 20, 2021, 08:24:42 pm »


Avatar : An average looking Teutrogen, save for the lack of his left eye, hand and nether regions. He has been partially scalped.
Name: Matamata Starwatcher
Age when becoming leader : 29
Religion : Ancestor Worship - believes himself to be the embodiment of the tribe's spirit.
Leadership Style : Organised, patient and diplomatic; Matamata I recognises the value of working together to overcome obstacles and difficulties. Kind words and agreements however, must be augmented with planning and communication so as to ensure success.
Leader Personality: Matamata, raised closely by his adopted father, has maintained his predecessor's desire to see the tribe succeed above all else. He sees the need for cooperation, but also of the need to be cruel and ruthless when necessary.

Biography : Starwatcher was adopted by the last chief of the tribe, so as to smooth things over with those who had opposed the coup. Despite the hostage-like nature of his adoption, Matamata was never treated badly by family, save for a few of his siblings. Still, it had been decided long before Matamata's maturity, that he would become the new chief upon his father's death. In those formative years, Matamata lived a fairly average life, until he reached the age of 14. During a hunting trip in the late winter, he encountered youths from the  Comagri tribe. An altercation over rabbits occurred, resulting in the loss of two of Matamata's companions and the death of three of the Comagri's own. Normally, this would have perhaps escalated into a feud with the neighbouring tribe, but rather than allow such a thing to occur, Matamata willingly submitted himself to trials of punishment - losing much of himself in the process. Despite the pain, he survived. For his submission, the Comagri came to respect him and rather than feuding, the two tribes came to agree to share their hunting grounds. Since that incident, Matamata became more introspective and true to his name, began to look to the stars for the answer. Whatever secrets the stars revealed, Matamata soon looked away from them again and instead, looked into himself. He came to believe that he was inhabited by the soul of the tribe and as such, must act forthrightly by the tribe. Whilst never revealing his ardent belief, Matamata went on to spend many years learning the tribal lores, histories and issues. When his father fell in battle, Matamata felt that he was ready to rule and barely mourned; now was not the time.

Goals :

Ruin the Itnovini: Matamata seeks to make an example of the Itnovini. He personally conducts negotiations with the Vaukelgern and Verovii tribes to form a coalition. The goal of this coalition would be to raid the Itnovini and utterly destroy them. Burn their villages, torture and sacrifice their warriors, enslave those who did not fight and make so much terror of the land, that any who escape would be forced far from their hearths. Loot, slaves and lands would be split evenly between the three tribes.

Marriage Diplomacy: Matamata seeks to form marriage ties with the rulers of the Comagri, Vaukelgern and Verovii. Seeing as he has 6 siblings, he decides to makes use them.

Agricultural Developments: The Teutorogens inhabit a rich land at the headwaters. He makes an effort to convince the clans to put up their homesteads around the river and intensify farming efforts.

Boats: Matamata sees the future in the waters and believes that control over the rivers will allow the tribe to grow stronger. As such, Matamata encourages the production of more boats and innovations in boatmaking.

Tribal Grove Whilst never sharing his beliefs about his own being, Matamata does request that the tribe's shamans establish a spiritual grove outside the main settlement wherein benedictions for the tribe will be sought.

« Last Edit: February 20, 2021, 08:28:32 pm by micelus »
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando


  • Bay Watcher
  • Also known as the Chroniqler
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Re: IC - Fear No Gods | A Low Fantasy Succession Game
« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2021, 08:33:45 pm »

Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Cultist and Heretic
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Re: IC - Fear No Gods | A Low Fantasy Succession Game
« Reply #10 on: February 20, 2021, 08:39:36 pm »

A [After thinking about it a bit, I'm going to switch my vote to A]
.... You've doomed us all. Granted. Everyone except for traps are executed. Random sci-fi nonsense is required to be taught in schools.
A cute intersex harem with everyone in love with the androgynous king and smart and useful enough into pushing the kingdom forward.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: IC - Fear No Gods | A Low Fantasy Succession Game
« Reply #11 on: February 24, 2021, 07:58:17 am »

4 - A
2 - B

Goodbye stranger, we barely knew you.


Matamata 'Gleaming-Eye' Starwatcher

High Chief of the Teutorgen Tribe

(34AD - 64AD)

Spoiler: Rolls (click to show/hide)

Child of Ugrel Walax, and adopted son of the Starseeker, Matamata had already his fair share of feats when he became the new High Chief, in the tragic context we know. His most famous was during the hunting grounds' dispute with the Comagri, where he left an hand, his genitals and his eye in compensation to Comagri's casualties. After this grisly achievement, and especially after he became the designated heir, a common joke in the tribe was saying that Matamata purposely left his left eye to 'watch over their northern neighbour'.
Growing into a determined yet pragmatic leader, the heir was already a respected, well-established man amongst the Teutorgen when he had to organize the defense against the Itnovini.

Wishing to make an example for all futur foes of the Teutorgen, Matamata contacted the Vaukelgern and Verovii, both neighbours of Teutorgen and Itnovini, with into bargain lands, wealth, slaves and marriages. Out of respect for his late father, and as an opportunity to leave their cursed swamps, the Vaukelgern agreed. Out of lust and ambition, the Verovii agreed as well.
The war was fierce, each side knowing too well no mercy was to be expected. Though the Itnovini fought well, ultimately quantity prevailed. Many Inovini's villages were plundered, their inhabitants killed or enslaved. The most southern population, however, managed to disappear into the forests, to be discovered latter as exiles in the Togevni or the Nivon. It is even said that some moved even deeper into the forests, as far as they could from the Teutorgen's wrath.
The spoils were soon after shared. The Teutorgen arguably had the lion's share, but Verovii and Vaukelgern had their own, the latter even taking most of old and now unoccupied Itnovini's lands. In the matter of lands, Matamata mostly claimed lands between them and the Vaukelgern, even if it meaned the Teutorgens had now too much lands to efficiently used them.

Now that the war's ashes were waning, much was to be done to preserve the peace and good relations between the victors. And much was done. Aside from trading, nobility trips and gifts, the most notorious measure was marriages between leaders' families. And as Matamata had 6 siblings, he was quite willing to give them away.
Though some of his brothers were jealous that he was chosen as High Chief instead of them, they relunctantly agreed to be married, as Matamata's popularity was skyrocketting after his victory. Family links and regular step family feasts contributed to establishing peace between Teutorgens and the northern Comagri, the now reconciliated Vaukelgerns and the Verovii.

Now that his external relations were tamed, Matamata decided to turn his gaze on domestic affairs. His assessment was straightforward: the Teutorgens, like any other tribe, were a gathering of roaming clans inside a more or less well defined land, in an half-nomadic system. Nothing spectacular could ever come from such a society !
The tribe already had agriculture. Clans planted some seeds in the ground before their leave, went traveling somewhere else, and, when they come back, only had to harvest the half-wild plants. But what if, instead, clans were to stay on their ground, cultivating all the year ? More food, better settlements.
Minor chiefs were rather reluctant in a first time: to be still meaned to be vulnerable. But Matamata outpass those fears. You can establish better defenses when you don't have to move every few months. Clans will have more population, as women will have easier time to give birth and care for their children. Ultimately, more people means neighbours will think twice before starting raids like the one done by Itnovini.
Convinced, the chieftains begun to set up the great Teutorgen agricultural transition. Although gradual, the benefits showned with the year, and by the end of Matamata's reign, those who knew the beginning of his rule could tell the difference.
In fact, this was so successful that the local chiefs, who were the main organizers, got back their power lost with the creation of the Advisor's Council.
However, now the Teutorgens could be struck by the common threats of agricultural society, the most prominent for them being flood and drought.

Along with the farming front, Matamata wanted to tame the rivers. In this case as well, chiefs were quite reluctant. Water was dangerous. Nobody wanted to be near rivers when they flooded, so being on them?. Choosing the most reckless of his followers, Matamata started nonetheless to build small boats to sail through rivers. The first ones were shabby, of course, nothing more than drifting rafts. But through fumbling, rafts became canoe, able to navigate in both way of the rivers. Its speed and bulk capacity unmatched by land, trade florished with tribes living near the rivers, and especially with the populous Western Delta. People of the region soon mimicked more or less successfuly the Teutorgens to extend their own trade system.

The last action of Matamata was also his most symbolic: asking the shamans to establish an holy site, a grove where tribespeople could contact their ancestors. This was a particularly appreciated move, as a way for Teutorgens to keep link with their northern native land. Members of the tribe often went weekly, if not daily to meditate into the Ancestor Grove under the guidance of the shamans.

Matamata died at 59 years old from a lightning heart failure. First Teutorgen leader to die peacefully since the migration, Matamata would be remembered as the High Chief who put in place the agricultural change on the Teutorgen society. But it would be neglecting the rest of his rule, excellent in his whole, pushing the Teutorgen society forwards without antagonizing it. Now the Teutorgens truly feel at home in this new land. A true exemple for next rulers.

As his successor, he chose one of his brother, a choice validated by the Council. The succession would have go smoothly if only the Teutorgens weren't living through their first drought, which destroyed burgeoning crops. Thanks to Matamata's previous measures, the situation is under control... For now.

State of the Tribe

Form of Government: Tribal Elective Chiefdom
Language of the People: Teutorgen
Language of Court / Nobility: Teutorgen
Tribe Religion: The Old Ways (Ancestors Worship)
Ruling Dynasty: Starwatcher

Economic Prosperity
Starvation - Famine - Stagnating - >>Healthy<< - Prosperous - Bountiful

Social Order
Revolt - Unrest - Disquiet - >>Stable<< - Contented - Social Order

Military Strengh
Rag-tag armed civilians - Informal militia - Shabby raiders - >>Tribal warriors<< -Fierce fighters - Thou finest

Army Loyalty
Kingmaker - Disloyal - Falling - >>Improving<< -Loyal - Steadfast

Nobility Power
Dominant - Autonomous - >>Strengthening<< - Weakening -Marginalized - Absolute rule

Nobility Loyalty
Revolutionary - Upset - Discontent - Quiet ->>Approving<< - Devoted

Council Loyalty
Revolutionary - Upset - Discontent - Quiet ->>Approving<< - Devoted


Drought: Pressing issue. The recent drought has devasted food sources of the Teutorgens. Not much unrest is seen yet, thanks to Matamata's fond memories, but we need to take actions quickly.

The Council: The group created by Viset is still loyal to the High Chief, but first cracks is beginning to show, as thanks to agriculture, local chiefs are getting more and more power, at the expense of the Council's.

Overstretching: Because of Itolvini conquest, with have way too much lands under our control, mostly unoccupied and leave to wilderness! Something need to be done, if we don't want this region to be our soft underbelly.

The Vaukelgern case: The Vaukelgern are now totally accepting our rule, even more now that their independant kin is friendly to ours. But still, they are an exogenous people to the Teutorgen, one that could easily be a new foe should the relation worsen.

Agriculture Transition: Our transition to a sedentary civilisation is only beginning, and already threatened by the drought. We definitely need to take care of our vulnerable new system.

Tuatha raids: Northern and western forests are impassable, because of some sharp-eared creatures who live in the area. They do not seem to be numerous, but according to surviving explorers from other tribes, they are nimble and incredibly skilled warriors. Sometimes, they do not wait for explorers to come in their forests and conduct raids on plains' villages to capture, and probably enslave civilians. Teutorgens have not yet suffer any raids, but given their position, it is certainly a question of time. The Comagri are mentionning more regular attacks.

And any issues or goals the player might think of!


Elective Legitimacy: Ruler which is not the one chosen through negociations between High Chief and Council will have an harder time to reign. -5 in effectiness roll if character is in this case.

Early signs of famine: Because of the drought, food is beginning to lack. -5 to roll dealing with Social Order.

Strong relations with neighbors: +5 to rolls involving neighbors' diplomacy.

Map of the know world by 34 AD:



The Teutorgens launched the agricultural revolution in the region. How quickly does other tribes do the same ?

A) Very quickly. Tribes who keep their semi-nomadic lifestyle are a small minority
B) Cautiously. They wait to see results for Teutorgens before imitating them
C) Refractory to. Tribes cling into their traditional lifestyle, and Teutorgens is one of the rare tribes to use agriculture


Ok, these were unholy good rolls again, there's only that drought to spoil Matamata's reign. I may be a bit too generous too with bonus, but we'll see how it goes.
And well, when everything is too good, troubles arrive...

Next player is FakerFanGirl ! Good luck, you have the next two weeks to post your character.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2021, 04:05:19 am by Ixarys »


  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile
Re: IC - Fear No Gods | A Low Fantasy Succession Game
« Reply #12 on: February 24, 2021, 02:50:25 pm »

Damnit people, this is why I said to keep the truce. Because now everyone's ganging up on the cats.
Also, don't forget to contact your local Eldritch Being(s), so that they can help with our mission to destroy the universe.


  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile
Re: IC - Fear No Gods | A Low Fantasy Succession Game
« Reply #13 on: February 24, 2021, 04:10:51 pm »



  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile
Re: IC - Fear No Gods | A Low Fantasy Succession Game
« Reply #14 on: February 24, 2021, 05:55:02 pm »


Also, after these two I have a sinking feeling my rolls are going to be ungreat
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