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Author Topic: Multiverse Crash: Incindia  (Read 2275 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Multiverse Crash: Incindia
« on: January 22, 2021, 02:00:54 pm »

Link to core thread!


The school, with its basis as a school of war, is not as impressive an edifice as you were perhaps expecting.  However, like all institutes of higher learning everywhere, it has accumulated a mess of buildings, spires, dungeons, courtyards, cafeterias and dorms, leaving it with no grand unified plan, merely a sprawl of several dozen buildings over about a kilometer square.

Still, as a mundane, (and it's difficult to believe that you really managed to pull it off and actually get here), you know that they'll probably catch the fact that you can't actually do magic and expel you eventually.. you can't possibly carry this on for a full year, can you?  So it's probably best to move quickly.  And not be too worried about the long-term consequences.

The whispers of the other students indicate that the first week will just be deciding what classes to take, finding a place to live, and bouncing off your fellow students, so you should be able to handle that.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Multiverse Crash: Incindia
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2021, 08:01:01 pm »

(Let me know if you'd like any changes to this summary, almost all of them have been shortened for brevity, and I'm trying to interpret universal bonuses in a manner relevant to the world.  If you feel you'd like them changed, let me know before we start.)

Character Sheets:

Spoiler: Glass/Jackson "Revere" (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Stirk/Salem Monroe (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Egan_BW/Beero Herrice (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Supernerd/Ding (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Meimefan88/Skye (click to show/hide)

Will start sometime this week.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Multiverse Crash: Incindia
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2021, 12:21:40 am »

The five of you line up, outside the 'grand' central building, which looks more like an overgrown purple squid, three stories tall with hallways extending in a dozen random directions.

Accompanying you are several hundred other first years, here to recieve your initial orientation, along with a speech from the school president.

The speech is too boring for words, and is a pretty complete waste of time, but the orientation is more important.. several teachers come up and talk about their classes and how you'll be expected to complete a major as your main field of study.. and how you'll be tested twice during the year to see if you qualify.

The choices for first years are:

Evocation.  If you choose this, there will be classes on manipulating and generating energy of various forms.  This school eventually leads to large-scale energy manipulation.. and giant bolts of power.  Still, first years are in no way expected to advance this far.

For those who cannot use magic, it might be more noticeable for access to various magical power sources.. as well as other students interested in big kabooms.

Alteration.  This class deals with modifying objects and materials.  Sounds good, except for first years, don't expect more than changing the apperance of objects, with maybe the most talented being able to slightly modify various materials to make them harder, softer, lighter, heavier, etcetera.

Again, though, this class will attract those who are interested in cool materials, fancy items, and magical materials.  Small amounts of such are on hand for various demonstrations and experiments.

Conjuration  This is the course for those who want to work with the raw forces of magic.  Creating temporary images, walls of force, altering innate properties such as producing heat, cold, and raw force.  Advanced versions of such include things like reflecting or refracting spells or other materials, as well as setting up things such as barriers.

First years are heavy on theory, but are generally expected to be able to produce enough force to levitate light objects or produce things like an eternally-warm cup of tea.

This class attracts students with ambition, as conjuration is extremely important for maximizing the potential of the other schools.  There are few materials or special privileges available at this class, however, as conjuration is about magic that does not require such things.

Healing  This is exactly what it says on the tin.  This class is where students begin their studies of how to heal the body through magic, beginning with observation and moving on up to manipulation of living tissue.  Successful first years will likely only be able to do basic first aid or headache cures, but even that can be a significant advantage, even if you have another calling.

This course is always popular, particularly among those who may not be truly dedicated to the mission of the magic nation.  As for those without magic.. well, there are many interesting magical tools and more interesting substances available here than in most places, although they are watched and inventoried.

Transmission  This is the course that most students try to avoid.  This class teaches teamwork, how to combine powers together, how to allow another to work through you, and how to hold someone else's spell alive with your own magic.  It's where most failing students or low potential students end up, before they're drummed out of the school.  Those who graduate in this area will likely never amount to much, simply being assistants or manning outposts in remote areas.  You might learn other things, but.. this is where those who are lazy, unambitious, or on the verge of failing end up.

Sadly, it seems that all the really interesting courses, such as advanced conjuration, (summoning creatures from nothing), artificing (production of magical tools), alchemy (production and use of magical materials), biomodding (twisting living creatures into new forms), battle shapeshifting (exactly what it says on the tin), dueling, (magic combat practice), engineering.. etcetera are all there, but restricted to more advanced students.  Dang.

There is also an extensive library on magical theory, which includes some theoretical works on each of the other fields, including more advanced ones.

After the instructors finish their speeches, the president returns to give some more boring words.. but someone new is on the field, a green-haired young woman standing next to an odd-shaped angular tangle of metal, which she carted out with the help of a couple of students.

She climbs inside, and the thing reforms into an angled shape, which launches itself into the air with powerful blasts of magic.  It then passes over the crowd, launching huge electric blue bolts into the air, moving at really, really high speed.  It then turns around, flips over, and lands, with the green-haired woman encased into a ten-foot tall construct of pink, silver, blue, and white metal, creating a shockwave.  About half the crowd cheers, and the other half is stunned.

"And if you work hard, you too will have one of these one day.  To the future!"

What would you like to do first, after finding dorm space?  And what will you choose for a major?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Multiverse Crash: Incindia
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2021, 01:03:40 am »

Ding considered his position and what he wanted to accomplish in this place. The optimal thing to do would be to actually find a way for him to use magic even in this world; his secondary goals however...

His mind wandered towards a certain otherworldly bird and an equally yet differently otherworldly robot as the president droned on. He has yet to successfully utilize the magic styles of Wing or Ring as his current self. This did not, however, necessarily mean that the things he learned here would not be usable in other worlds. That was his secondary reason for being here.

It was actually the Transmission class that seemed like it would be the most obviously useful class for him, in spite of the different perceptions of it that the locals held. However, that seemed like somewhere he would end up anyway if plan A failed. Thus, the logical starting point would instead be the Alteration classes. If not magic, then Ding at the very least had a good understanding on the concepts of objects and materials.

After establishing where his dorm was going to be, Ding would check the library to see if he could find any clues on how to go about things.
Logged is coming dangerously close to being able to run Gridhood. Maybe I'll live to see the day if I exercise, eat right, and somehow convince the world's governments not to nuke everyone.


  • Bay Watcher
  • owoing around~
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Re: Multiverse Crash: Incindia
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2021, 05:09:40 am »

This is it. The heart of the magic empire. My chance to make things right for all those who have suffered under its tyranny. For mom and dad. The magic empire must crumble so that the Eternal War can finally end. This is what I must do.

Skye looks around the school grounds.

So this is where they train their soldiers...

Skye scouts around to get a good lay of the land, and tries to locate the school's administrative offices and any other staff-related buildings.

[As for majors, Skye is most interested in Evocation, although Healing also sounds useful in general.]
Thou art the very love with which I love thee.
Ear teeth


  • Bay Watcher
  • Also known as the Chroniqler
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Re: Multiverse Crash: Incindia
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2021, 10:37:27 am »

Jackson had to spend a few minutes processing the... how the hell would one even describe that thing?
And for that matter, what was the point in all those colors? What metals were they? For them to stand up to the forces involved...

As his thoughts kept running at a mile a minute, Jackson started making his way to the library on autopilot. His book on engineering was his pride and joy, but this was a university, a prestigious one at that. They had to have more advanced books here!

As for major... well, classes from Transmission would certainly be desirable - that was where artifice and engineering were! - but with the actually interesting ones of those being off-limits, it would be more worthwhile to major in Alteration. Even if he couldn't do the spells himself, having access to such materials could be advantageous for more advanced engineering projects.

Maybe he could talk with some of the non-lazy Transmission students...

>You are broadcasting loudly across this channel. Identify yourself.
>Huh? What- who are you?
>I refuse to divulge that information. I said to identify yourself, keeling.
>Uh, um, I'm Jackson W- Revere, yeah.
>Wait, "keeling"? The fuck does that mean?
>Stand by for further communications.
>What just happened?
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Full Metal Nutball
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Re: Multiverse Crash: Incindia
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2021, 06:32:14 pm »

Salem is more interested in the woman than her toy. A flashy demonstration like that should be something trusted to either a talented upperclassman or a teacher - either way someone he'd like to know to get further in this school. He'll look for an opportunity to speak with her after the ceremony completes.

Naturally he'll sign up for Alteration. He has no prospects of ever using it, or even a real desire to learn the ability for himself. He simply knows this will be easier to fake. If he manages to pocket the original, he might even be able to make a sizable arsenal of magical doodads before graduating.
This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

This is my waifu, this is my gun. This one's for fighting, this ones for fun.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Multiverse Crash: Incindia
« Reply #7 on: January 28, 2021, 08:26:27 pm »


Ding signs up for Alteration, and spends most of the opening week in the library investigating why some people can use magic and some people can't, along with something about the other worlds which he knows exist deep inside himself, from feeling his other selves.


This does take some time away from his normal classes, and as such he only learns a few random facts about alteration itself.. nothing substantive.

In the library, things go better.  Ding encounters another instructor, one who is skilled at magical observation and divination, and the two of them strike up a rapport, as Ding talks about possible alternate worlds, and if maybe it would have some impact on the wide variation in personal magical ability.

..The two of you go over the topic, and discover that it seems to be related to the person's soul, not something in their mind or body that allows them to cast magic.  Some people are just born with it, and some not.  Still, this is an unsatisfying answer, and the two of you discuss experiments (which are carefully not recorded in this library) that are currently attempting to find out if it's really not something accessable or quantifiable that allows for magic to be used.

Good to know that someone somewhere is doing research on that topic.. if you can find a copy of some notes, you might be able to make progress.  It sounds risky, however.  You can tell from even a brief examination that there are things missing from the public library.. there must be a secret library somewhere for classified information.

And after doing such, maaaybe it wasn't the best idea to strike up a relationship with one of the instructors.  It might mean you get more attention to your antics.

Spoiler: Supernerd/Ding (click to show/hide)



This place is certainly prettied up, and where another person might just see glass windows, a small tower, an old, slightly aging gymnasium, you see a parade of things that are far newer and more modern than what you are used to, even down to having proper no-slip coatings on the stairs, and having clean walls, free of graffiti.

There are a few administration buildings that you can find.  There's a secure area that is for the military officers and security troopers, which you stay well away from, and there is a couple guarded hallways on the top floor for teaching administration and the president's office.. it starts with a pair of magic-locked doors and a desk behind them, but there may be other security methods you are missing.  Lower level staff has more ordinary faculty offices with much more moderate security.. open doors leading to a desk, with the main offices behind that one magic-locked.  Janitorial areas.. well, that'll have to wait for another week.

Class goes fairly well.  Many of the other students are just as incapable of magic as you are, and even the accomplished ones can only make the equivalent of a cigarette lighter or a small glowing ball, and although some of the students are patriots or.. well, disturbing, many are people, at least at this stage.  And the instructor is a patient and careful teacher.

Spoiler: Meimefan88/Skye (click to show/hide)

Jackson "Revere"

You stumble for a name, but eventually figure out it's some kinda machine powered by force explosions.  Quite the impressive device, in any case, if it does look magical from top to bottom.  Can't really figure out more than that from a glance, and the machine just got packed up again -- somehow! before you could get a better look at it.


Class doesn't go too well, it seems very basic at this point, lots of touching stuff and feeling things.. quite alien to your experience, where you feel stuff with your hands and see stuff with your eyes.. maybe it's a magic thing.

The library is more useful, with long books on material properties, techniques for metallurgy, mechanical, chemical, and magical properties... even some blueprints and lists of mathematical formulae.. so much to go on, even if a lot of it is magical stuff you can't directly apply, and even some of that might be possible to translate.

What do you find in particular to keep with you?

Spoiler: Glass/Jackson "Revere" (click to show/hide)

Salem Monroe


It's sadly impossible to get close to the pilot after the show.. she packs up her material magically, and leaves before the lot of you are dismissed.  Still, you don't give up.

..Over the course of the week, you still can't get to her, not in her exalted station of being the most prominent seventh-year student in years, but you find out her name is Vardi, and what she does is something called "Transitive Evocation", which doesn't mean much to you.

At this time, you can't get to her, but you're pretty sure you'll get an opportunity if you keep watching.


Your classes go well, too.  At least at the start, before you're expected to demonstrate anything.

Spoiler: Stirk/Salem Monroe (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: January 28, 2021, 10:44:14 pm by Devastator »


  • Bay Watcher
  • owoing around~
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Re: Multiverse Crash: Incindia
« Reply #8 on: January 29, 2021, 02:25:24 pm »

Skye takes note of the administration facilities, with particular interest in the offices behind the magic-locked doors. But that can wait, for now.

In order to bring down the empire, one has to know how it functions.

Skye would visit the library, dedicating himself to studying all about the magic empire and the Eternal War. He would try to learn things such as how the empire was built, how the Eternal War was started, how the empire's government functions, who its current leaders are, what its goals are, and the role in which the magic academy plays in all of this.

He would continue to keep up with his schoolwork, in order to maintain decent status as a student, but also because he's finding magic to be rather interesting.
Thou art the very love with which I love thee.
Ear teeth


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Multiverse Crash: Incindia
« Reply #9 on: January 29, 2021, 06:52:16 pm »

Ding decided that he should spend some additional time paying attention to his classes. His next objective would be to understand how to cast a few of the spells of this world; even if he cannot actually cast them. The benefits of this are twofold: He would be able to improve his grades on the written exam, and open up new options for experiments.

Ding also takes a moment to consider the technological aspects of this world, in regards to what is and is not possible; and what would be feasible to introduce. Ding had a feeling that some advanced metal alloys or the ability to cause interesting chemical reactions would be useful to have at his disposal.

He would also continue to discuss things with the teacher when it was convenient, though he wouldn't go out of his way to do so as he did not yet have any particular things he wanted to discuss.
Logged is coming dangerously close to being able to run Gridhood. Maybe I'll live to see the day if I exercise, eat right, and somehow convince the world's governments not to nuke everyone.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Full Metal Nutball
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Re: Multiverse Crash: Incindia
« Reply #10 on: January 31, 2021, 03:55:48 pm »

There isn't any particular reason to go after this woman in particular. Nor is there an obvious way to build a positive rapport with her if they did meet now. It was simply a good opportunity to make friends in high places.

With his opportunity to make friends up high gone, Salem starts making friends a bit lower on the totem pull. He begins socializing with others in his class, trying to get to know all the other students he'll be "working" aside. If an opportunity to talk with Vardi comes he'll take it, but he won't go out of his way to look for said opportunities.
This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

This is my waifu, this is my gun. This one's for fighting, this ones for fun.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Also known as the Chroniqler
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Re: Multiverse Crash: Incindia
« Reply #11 on: January 31, 2021, 09:12:29 pm »

Better techniques for metallurgy? That would be excellent! Sure, many of them would likely involve magic in some manner, but anything that was simply better modulations of temperature or new combinations of mundane metals should certainly be reproducible without such things.
Jackson also reviewed the blueprints for inspiration, but unless it seemed like they were the kind of mechanism he could make without magic, he found it less than useful to check them out from the library.

Aside from researching his materials, Jackson spent most of the rest of his time in the week studying Alteration.
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Multiverse Crash: Incindia
« Reply #12 on: January 31, 2021, 11:13:05 pm »



You have some success with history.. the current war stance started about forty years ago, with a series of attacks on neighboring countries in what was called "The Great Duel", as what was to become the magic empire fought it out with a nearby nation, for unclear reasons.  It was a fairly equal fight, but eventually the greater use of magic in the magic empire won out, and allowed them to occupy their neighboring country.. and bind both sets of allies into varying degress of annexation.

The empire was built properly in the reorganization that followed those treaties.. this school was built, along with some others, and the army was reoganized, and the 'ruling council' that managed the war granted themselves semi-absolute power.  You aren't able to find out much about the current rulers, but there's about a dozen people in the 'inner council' who make the decisions, and maybe a hundred or so advisors and senior officers who actually execute those orders along with serving as advisors.

Goals are more doubtful.  I mean, world conquest?  But you don't really know any details.  There's a couple of active wars going on right now, but they aren't really all-out.. at least on this end.

The magic schools are to train up soldiers and technicians, as well as doing some magical experimentation, to improve weapons and magical technologies, along with ensuring a steady stream of new soldiers and experts.

Schoolwork goes pretty well, and you think you get the hang of basic evocation theory.  In general, how it works is you sort of develop a mental template for energy, and then fill that with your mana, which is then expressed according to your ability to memorize said template, assuming you have enough magic to fill the mold with, so to speak.  Directing it, applying motion.. those are all done at the moment of casting, by choosing an effective template.

Choose a spell or an energy type you'd like to have some theoretical knowledge of.

It doesn't give you any idea on how you could cast it here, I'm afraid.

Spoiler: Meimefan88/Skye (click to show/hide)



You knuckle down on your studies, trying to learn more about alteration.

This time things go better.  You get the basic idea that alteration is about adopting parts of things outside you, so you can make them part of yourself, so to speak, grasping them magically.  Then you can change things about the little bit you've made part of you, and then send that back into the other substance, hopefully where your changes will get adopted by the rest of the material?  This part still seems strange to you.  And since you can't actually do it, it's much harder for you to learn how it's done..

Choose one or more basic things you'd like to be able to do with specific items.  What would you like those spells you were practicing to be?

As for introducing technology, you're really not sure where to begin.  I mean, technology just works, right?  It's just using the way things are.  Gravity is here, as is heat, as is light, as is life.. you're really not sure where to begin.  For specific things, well, some might be harder than others, but at least at the school there are generally some examples of things.. at least in small amounts.  There might not be a barrel of sulphuric acid, but there should be a vial about.  Gunpowder?  Well, there might even be some here, but there won't be a massive corning mill.

Spoiler: Supernerd/Ding (click to show/hide)

Salem Monroe

Oh, the opportunity to make friends with Vardis still exists, it was just that you were stuck with all your fellow first-years, and she was on the other side of the school.  But you know where she is now, and who her friends are, so you can find the opportunity to meet with her whenever you wish to do so, be it something important or just to try and make friends.

[3+1 (new students)][4+1 (new students)][9]

You do manage to get along with some of the other students, although it's difficult to make close friendships, given the gap between you and them, given their innate magic and the knowledge you are on some basic level different than they are.

But you are all young students, and there is still much to understand each other, and you find yourself attracted to a clique of fairly normal kids lead by a smart but reserved one called Ronald.  He's a fast thinker who is pretty much in control of himself.

Class goes pretty well, and you figure out that the basics of alteration are that you are supposed to take part of the material you are working with and.. infect it with your mana, which eventually brings a small portion of it under your control.  You can then use your magic to affect it, somehow, and make it do things differently.

It's all pretty hard given that you can't actually do it, but you are starting to get some of the idea of it.  What sorts of changes would you like to have tried to make, in theory, or were you interested in more basic magic, such as how to make spells last longer or be more powerful?

Spoiler: Stirk/Salem Monroe (click to show/hide)

Jackson "Revere"

You borrow a book on metallurgy.. these interesting diagrams of the relationships between combinations of obscure metals and steel would help significantly with any attempts to actually make things.


Next up is to study what sorts of magical materials there are here.  I mean, you're pretty good with steel, bronze, copper.. basic materials that you can work with on yourself, without magic, but what sorts of weird stuff is there, and how do you work it?


Sadly, there's no mirror-steel which you can work like butter, and the magical materials which you find all seem to require some kind of magical technology or equipment to work properly.. [11+3] although your swift mind figures that those might only be common techniques for magic-using smiths, so you shouldn't take the stuff on order here as proof that you can't work with them.

There are four common kinds of magical metals, which you can expect to see in somewhat common use.

There's Water Metal, which is white, and has varying hardness and volume when it meets a type of evocation magic.  Like far more than anything else.  It's used for the equivalent of hydraulics and various magical mechanical devices, due to it's ability to change shape and ease of manipulation.

There's Gesiron, which is grayish and looks like steel, but it's made of a magic ore mixed with wood charcoal, hence why it's treated like steel.  It's basically Light Steel, weighing as little as magnesium while being somewhat stronger and non-flammable.

There's Pour Metal, which can be cast at very low temperatures until treated with magic, where it will harden up to about the strength of soft bronze.  In semi-liquid form it flows slowly but controllably, and is extremely malleable.  You can put it in a cold environment if you want to sculpt or carve it before it's hardened.  Once hardened, it's that way until it eventually starts to denature years later.

Last is Quin Metal, which is the other key element of magical devices.  This is the material which can conduct magical energy, and, once activated by an application of mana which you don't have, can carry the stuff from one place to another like a siphon.  This might be of use, but you still cannot prime the pump.  It also isn't a storage medium, the creation of which is described in other books, but that's enough for today.

[4]  You really don't have too much time to spend on Alteration, with all these visits to the library to study more important things.  Still, you feel that you could learn some of the theory of Alteration with just a bit more effort.

Spoiler: Glass/Jackson "Revere" (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Also known as the Chroniqler
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Re: Multiverse Crash: Incindia
« Reply #13 on: February 01, 2021, 12:11:08 am »

Gesiron and Pour Metal seemed like the most practical metals to work with, though Water Metal was absolutely fascinating. Sure, it required the use of Evocation magic - which he rather emphatically did not have - but it seemed like there might be some way to replicate the effect...

>What you are thinking of, they are hydraulics. I am unfamiliar with the medium, but the physical principles seem to be the same.
>Um, thank you? Huh. Could you-
>Wait. You were being hostile the last time we... talked, I guess? Why are you being helpful now.
>You aren't a keeling. While I would like to know what you are, that simple fact makes you far less infuriating.
>...uh huh. Well, I'm human. What are you? And, er, who?
>I am a robot. And, as previously stated, I do not care to divulge information regarding my identity. Please do not ask a third time.
>Ah, fair enough, I guess?
>Anyway, could you tell me more about these hydraulics?

Encouraged by the assistance of the unidentified robot, Jackson began working on a prototype set of mundane hydraulics, intended to allow the movement of a small arm - bringing the "shoulder" up and down relative to a block it would be attached to, and extending and retracting the "elbow". He wasn't sure how well it would work - he wasn't even sure how well he'd be able to reproduce some of the involved mechanisms that had been described to him! - but he'd try, at least.

Aside from his work with hydraulics, however, Jackson spent a lot of his time studying alteration. Why did the theory have to be so obtuse?

>Why, now, what might this be?
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Currently experiencing fremdschämen.
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Re: Multiverse Crash: Incindia
« Reply #14 on: February 01, 2021, 12:44:56 am »

The things that were on the forefront of Ding's studying were in regards to making alterations to various kinds of rocks and metals.

Ding decided to take some time to focus on his other classes. While Alteration was his major, it was not going to be the only class that Ding would be partaking in at the school of magic. In particular, he takes an interest in Transmission and Evocation for the time being.

... While it was quite clear to Ding that he was not capable of directly using magic, there was still a reason he was in this place after all. Ding turned his attention to another version of himself in another world for a moment: Wing from the island of Adjilia! While Wing had less time to dedicate to this stuff than Ding did, he found himself with enough time to try dabbling with the Alteration tricks. Ding was far from confident about the idea, but perhaps some kind of insight might be gleaned from this?
Logged is coming dangerously close to being able to run Gridhood. Maybe I'll live to see the day if I exercise, eat right, and somehow convince the world's governments not to nuke everyone.
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