Ironback Monitor beetle
The Ironback survives as a mobile fortress. Possessing 8 limbs With all but the frontmost limbs possessing paw-like structures to ensure stability, a Combination Toothed mouth and mandible combination, along with its most obvious feature, that being a heavy and dense carapace that protects it from environmental factors, enemies and almost any threat.
The ironback is a survivor. mosty Hidden by its wide and thick grey Carapace, The iron back posses features unlike an insect, This includes very strong scaly skin, Which, While not as durable as the carapace is much more flexible enabling the insect-like Skin to fill in the joints in the carapace, Protecting it from Oppertunitic parasites, Dust and various other threats that could puncture the required mobility giving joints.
In order to protect from External factors, The Ironback Holds a system of Vaccoul stomachs inside of its fortress of a body, allowing it to last out a siege, or more importantly a long trek, Providing Food and water for environments that are lacking in it. When eating, The ironbark Contains the food in a Very durable stomach, Which in combination with a powerful acid, allows it to eat normally dangerous or poisonous food.
During combat, The Ironback monitor will make use of its heavy weight to slam into its targets, Pulping it with its body, all the while it uses its Mandibles to grab and hold a target, even as its maw Chews that creature apart. Even worse for the poor creatures attempting to assault this living fortress, The front two limbs of the Ironback lack the paw-like structures, instead of mounting two Mandible like structures it uses to stab and rend its prey.
The Weakness of the Ironback comes with its incredibly strong protection, That being a decreased Mobility and limited sensory organs, Limited to a sense of touch and echolocation, A sense that quickly becomes cloudy during the loud affair of combat.