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Author Topic: Sonata's Stagehands - Great Flame War Arms Race  (Read 15314 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sonata's Stagehands - Great Flame War Arms Race
« Reply #165 on: November 14, 2021, 02:07:03 pm »

Quote from: votebox
Mega-Pulser(3): DGR, Failbird, Doomblade
In any case it would be a battle of critical thinking and I refuse to fight an unarmed individual.
One mustn't stare into the pathos, lest one become Pathos.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sonata's Stagehands - Great Flame War Arms Race
« Reply #166 on: November 22, 2021, 02:04:10 am »

Turn 6 : Revision Phase
Revision: Mega-Pulser
Intended to replace the standard pistol, this new weapon is a sort of 'Pulse SMG' in a way. Its model is that of a basic sort of arm cannon with a Hacker dependent color pallet, that the units hand inserts into and grabs onto the grip on the inside of the weapon. This makes it almost impossible to disarm a unit wielding the Mega-Pulser without literally de-arming them, though we don't really expect disarming to be a threat we face.

Using coding from the Lesser Lazards cannon as an example and integrating it into the base of our Pulse Pistol, it is able to rapidly fire uncharged Pulse Pistol shots as fast as the wielder can mash the trigger. Meanwhile the weapon can alternatively charge up to fire off significantly larger, stronger pulse blasts for fighting harder targets. While not as strong as something like the Marksman was intended to be, it should be enough to destroy a basic minion in a single hit at full charge.

The trickiest part of this weapon is that it is intended to replace the Pistol for our Plain Janes, Officers and Defenders. This necessitates a slightly updated ballistic calculations suite for the three in order to support the new fire rate and charged shots, and a few behavior alterations to let them make use of the improved fire rate in massed fire situations. With the higher rate of fire and ability to shoot charged shots it should allow our forces to take on both weak swarms and larger individuals with equally greater effectiveness.
4 + 1 - 1 = 4 : Below Average (Hard)

Despite being a revision-scale effort that is attempting to upgrade two different principles of the chosen weapon at once, and for more then one unit at a time, the Mega-Pulser project has succeeded. Mostly. As requested, the new Mega-Pulser class arm cannon is able to achieve considerably faster fire rates in comparison to the basic Charge Pistol sidearm, and uses the example-code from the Lesser Lazard's Electric Charged Cannon to allow for basic charged shot functionality. However, while the faster firing rate works essentially as desired, the use of the charged shot function requires substantially higher power-draws and peak emissions then the units in question were designed to support and handle, and the revisionary coding team ran out of time and assets before this problem was solved. This causes both the charged shot function to charge substantially slower then would otherwise be desired, and also causes the Mega-Pulser to need to cool down for a while after firing a charged shot before it can even use normal shots again.

Despite these issues it is still an improvement over the basic Charge Pistol, and the new weapon has been distributed amongst Stagehand forces. The Officer.exe units and other units drawing from their tactical libraries can also now command units to use charged shots to some (limited) extent if they are not normally programmed to use said function, which is a function used mainly on... well, Officer.exe programs and also Defenders.

It is now the Deployment Phase of Turn 6. During this phase you must decide which of your hackers will be leading your attacks (you currently have two attacks), and decide what they will use their memory space to bring with them in terms of chips and champions (You currently have 9 memory).

Spoiler: Designs (click to show/hide)
Forenia Forever!
GENERATION 11: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sonata's Stagehands - Great Flame War Arms Race
« Reply #167 on: November 24, 2021, 10:03:49 pm »

Deployment Plan: Undernet Overture

Jorg 'Bass Line' Jorgenson
Deployment Zone: Viral Jungle
Chip Folder,
- Stunbolt [1]
- Stunbolt [1]
- Stunbolt [1]
- Recovery 10 [1]
- MinionCall A [1]
- BlueFiend.mon [4]
- DramaticSpotlight [ 0 ]
- InvokeSoundtrack [ 0 ]

Deployment Zone: Sea of Recycling
Chip Folder,
- Missile I [1]
- Missile I [1]
- Missile I [1]
- Missile I [1]
- Missile I [1]
- Missile I [1]
- Missile I [1]
- MinionCall A [1]
- MinionCall A [1]
- DramaticSpotlight [ 0 ]
- InvokeSoundtrack [ 0 ]

Quote from: ByteBox
Undernet Overture (1): Failbird

With this move, we aim to consolidate our hold on the Undernet, with the intent to fully take the Sea and reclaim control over the Jungle.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sonata's Stagehands - Great Flame War Arms Race
« Reply #168 on: November 26, 2021, 12:43:43 am »

Quote from: ByteBox
Undernet Overture (2): Failbird, Doomblade
In any case it would be a battle of critical thinking and I refuse to fight an unarmed individual.
One mustn't stare into the pathos, lest one become Pathos.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sonata's Stagehands - Great Flame War Arms Race
« Reply #169 on: December 12, 2021, 01:25:27 pm »

Jorg 'Bass Line' Jorgenson
Deployment Zone: Viral Jungle
Chip Folder,
- Stunbolt [1]
- Stunbolt [1]
- Stunbolt [1]
- Recovery 10 [1]
- MinionCall A [1]
- BlueFiend.mon [4]
- DramaticSpotlight [ 0 ]
- InvokeSoundtrack [ 0 ]

Unlike the Sea of Recycling, there's no great surprise achieved in this battlezone. Only mud, blood, and BlueFiend.mon beating the utmost shit out of anything unfortunate enough to try to pick a fight. The Stagehands know their enemy here, and the Symbion Hives know the fight they are fighting in return. The Viral Jungle has been fought over effectively consistently over the last cycles, and even its verdant datasphere-ecosystem is showing signs of the collateral damage. The jungle is scarred now, as ancient craters can be seen underneath the regrowing trees, and the wreckage of old battles can be spied half overgrown by the Krudzion vine infestation. And now more damage will be added as Plane Janes and Templar warriors clash with Terrantulas and Spiderflier air cavalry are blasted from the sky by the Lesser Lasard.Mon artillery monsters.

It's a brutal war, but it is in the end not one the hives can win without support or the enemy being distracted. As the Stagehands have done before, troops advance into the jungle and throw the native forces back again and again. There is no great surprise this time, for the enemies are known, and the new sensor-stages allow for both early warning of raiding forces and detection of the hidden paths that the Symbion Hives use to mobilize said raiding forces through alike. Angry bomb-throwing tangler trees are uprooted, laser-mandible bearing Symbion warriors are cut down by SwordyMinions or shot by the Janes, and the advance goes on.

Even the new broods created by the hives, the titanic scorpion-men whom tower over the trees and fight with sword and ballista sized laser crossbow, the hundred-meter long centipedes cast in iron and with each segment having its own weapon station, and the terrible color-shifting shape-changing tree-octopodes and their poisoned tentacle-claws, can not stand up to the advance, for their is not enough of them. These titans of the jungle die hard, but die they do even as entire stagehand deployments are devoured by gigantic slime-mucus monsters that stretch between the trees and suck the data from those trapped in their glue-filled depths before being blown into wiggling fragments by roaring Lesser Lasards or air-launched missile strikes.

The hives withdraw, but they withdraw in good order.

+1 Control in the Viral Jungle for Sonata's Stagehands.

Deployment Zone: Sea of Recycling
Chip Folder,
- Missile I [1]
- Missile I [1]
- Missile I [1]
- Missile I [1]
- Missile I [1]
- Missile I [1]
- Missile I [1]
- MinionCall A [1]
- MinionCall A [1]
- DramaticSpotlight [ 0 ]
- InvokeSoundtrack [ 0 ]

It has been quite some time since the Stagehands turned their attention to the Sea of Recycling. Which isn't to say that the Sea has been peaceful, but the lack of continued advancement seems to have lured the simian pirates into a false sense of security regarding Stagehand forces and they are no longer as alert for continued aggression as they were when the Stagehands were first making gains in this zone. Of course, things haven't actually been peaceful here for the pirates have continued to test the garrison forces throughout the occupation. But with the lack of a major simian push the garrison forces have been all that have been needed to see off enemy raiders. Oh, individual shipments have been intercepted and pirated, minor outposts looting and overrun, but nothing major, and nothing that could not be easily replaced.

However despite the amount of advancement that the Stagehands have made since the last time war was waged in this sector, certain limitations and issues remain unchanged. The main one being, of course, the lack of any method of over-water transport that does not involve use of the numbers-limited Assault Stages. Against an enemy with a plentiful ability to move over the waters themselves, this results in a critical mobility disadvantage for Stagehand forces. And yet, this was true in the last battles in this zone, and the Stagehands still won.

So, hopefully, will it be again.

The attack begins with a massive missile bombardment against the primary port of the enemy, a saturation strike almost twice the size of the maximal possible bombardments in the last strife, followed by a massive air lift operation using approximately all of the Assault Stages assigned to this zone that drops a multitude of the new Plane Jane constructs into the main enemy stronghold with lesser numbers of the other Minion.exe descending units as support. This isn't a strike that can last, but it is a strike that can last long enough. With the enemy in disorder the Stagehand forces make a mass movement over what land transport options exist, flooding into the pirate coves in assault columns that seem entirely insensate to casualties and damage as the Sakura.ISQ Idoloids provide healing and navigation through the formerly deceptive paths is provided by the S&M - Passion variant stages.

Against this brute force assault the great pirate captains of the Sea never quite find their footing. Oh, they do damage in their haunted fey-blessed flying boats, and the rocket-salmons fight to the last, but the confusion of the initial responses allow the counter attacks to be crushed in detail due to lack of coordination between the cyborg monkey pirates. Even their desperate attempts to rouse the great steam-krakens of the greatest depths against the Stagehands fail in the end, as the beasts prove no friendlier to the pirates then to the stagehands and the S&M - Passion sensory stages allow for early detection and warning of these kaiju and their attacks.

In the end, the last remaining pockets of Stagehand forces in the great central port are relieved by reinforcements and the last of the great captains die, cursing the stagehands with his last breath as he is consumed by the God-Whale monster he'd attempted to awaken and bind to his control in the time of the pirate's dire need. The seas are bound, and they are bound to the Stagehands as the great data-shifting tidecombing machines are constructed between the islands and the laser semaphore tower network is expanded throughout the sea.

+1 Control in the Sea of Recycling for Sonata's Stagehands.

Spoiler: Designs (click to show/hide)
Forenia Forever!
GENERATION 11: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sonata's Stagehands - Great Flame War Arms Race
« Reply #170 on: December 12, 2021, 07:17:55 pm »

ADI Design: Dutchman.mon
The great beasts roused from the depths of the Sea by the pirates in our final confrontation managed to catch Sonata's attention. And while we can all agree that the individual she pointed out was worth pursuing the reasons... weren't as widely agreed on.

A white whale, not a massive kaiju like beast like one might expect from the term. Not much larger than a speedboat overall, it's the unique aspects of the viri. The whale is a spectral appearing thing, floating through the air as easily as it does water, though without the same speed. Atop its head lie a pair of downscaled twin-barreled naval cannons. These cannons fire shells of disproportionately impressive power for their size, each one able to blow through a Stage in one-to-two shots based on our testing. Its tail meanwhile extends long past where the fin should be, becoming long and whiplike and ending in a heavy anchor it can swing around with destructive force.

All of that put together makes for a potent force, but that still is not the reason why this particular creature was picked. Simply put, it's code contains a fragment of Sonata. One of the largest we've seen, with how little time we've been trawling the Sea at least. And with a bit of coding magic on the captured viri, we've been able to wake that fragment up. The fragment manifests as a tall woman, skin, hair, and clothes all white as snow, garbed in what could generously remind someone of a naval uniform.

In her hands she wields a spear in the shape of a long spine, on the bottom end it possesses a sharp point, and on the top two smaller guns. Her personality is... similarly unalike from Sonata. She seems to have the strict, commanding disposition of a Naval commander with the brutal 'take what you want and damn the rest' morality of a pirate captain. Likely due to a variety of broken down code having been assimilated into the whales mass just as the fragment was, but above all, she obeys the True Sonata.

These two forms are inextricably linked, and cannot be far apart from each-other. They seem to share a direct mental connection as well. This has allowed us to gain control of this otherwise wild viri, and provides it a mechanism with which to fight off smaller enemies who get too close for it to wield its back mounted cannons or anchor tail against.

That, unfortunately, brings us to the weaknesses, of which The Dutchman has plenty. For one, well, it's a flying ghostly whale. Even if it's small for a whale it is still incredibly visible with the glow it gives off and the dark blue mist coming from a smokestack upon its back. Two is its weapon range, specifically that they have a minimum range. Because its guns are located upon the top of its body, it cannot fire them at foes who are below it without having to completely reorient itself. Its tail meanwhile is fairly long, meaning it is all but useless in tighter locations or when faced with many obstacles(such as objects or, more likely, allies). Finally, and perhaps most crucial, is that the two halves are so closely linked. If one is incapacitated so is the other, and the Avatar is far more fragile than the Whale.

Viri Design: Rocker Jane.exe
Continuing the production of our new Jane model off with a wholly new unit right off the bat. Over top of its default 'Jane' style body, the rocker in particular is customized with 'punk' style clothing, such as a spiked collar, short-cropped leather jacket, and shorts that appear as though they were made by tearing everything below the thighs off of a normal pair of pants. They also come with a personality that, while no less loyal than normal, feigns at a 'rebellious' nature through voice-lines.

Rocker Janes are meant to be the first model of "Jane" units. Our own enhanced replacement of the basic Minion.exe. Somewhat larger, moderately tougher, and with moderately better combat AI. However, Rocker Jane in particular carries a comparatively far different weapon to the standard Officers and Minions. Rocker Jane carries a large, two handed gun, that must be rested upon the shoulder for support, similarly to a rocket launcher.
Instead of firing regular pulse shots, charged or otherwise, the Rocker Janes' cannon fires a continuous wave of Music Element energy, that breaks down a moderate distance away as the code that held the wave together degrades too far to continue. In a way, it can be compared to a flamethrower, though without the lingering burning, and with a somewhat longer range. This wave does not pass through objects or enemies, but it can flow past them, meaning the smaller the targets, the more can be caught in the wave at a time.

Notably, another advantage to the Rocker Janes, is that the comparatively short range and no-drop nature of their attacks means they also require significantly less ballistic calculations coding as well, which should help save on a moderate amount of space. Though of course, we will have to re-introduce this when making other Janes that are equipped with more standard weaponry.

Viri Design: Ripper Jane.exe
Continuing the production of our new Jane model off with a wholly new unit right off the bat. The Ripper Janes are meant to be our 'heavy' soldiers compared to the normal infantry role of our Plane Janes and the Mobile Gun Emplacement that is our Lesser Lazard. This idea is based on a suggestion we have seen many, many times. Using a downscaled version of the Lesser Lazards gun-head as an infantry weapon.

The Ripper Janes do effectively just that. Their weapon is a machinegun, modified directly from the head of the Lesser Lazard. It fires pulse shots fully automatically at high speeds, and the teeth have been repurposed into a whirling chain-blade. This makes a potent close-to-mid range heavy weapon with a deadly melee attack. Unfortunately, due to dropping the entirety of the body beyond the head, they also lose out on the Lazards charged blast and electric pulse attacks.

In terms of appearance, the Ripper Janes wear a thick padded vest, bulky gloves, tactical pants, and heavy boots. All in all giving them a more professional military look without losing out completely concealing their feminine shape. Their personality is the sort of bombastic, patriotic, "Hooah" soldier type. For some reason we kept finding lines about gears and cogs in their voice files, and we're not quite sure why.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2021, 06:28:39 pm by Failbird105 »


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Re: Sonata's Stagehands - Great Flame War Arms Race
« Reply #171 on: December 20, 2021, 06:24:45 pm »

Viri Design: Idoloid MDL 02 - Colette.ISQ
With the immense success of the Sakura model Idoloids, we've been looking into making more 'major' roles we can delegate to Idoloids. The most obvious one is, of course, leadership. In comes the Colette model. Colette Idoloids wear a(somewhat oversized) white beret, a monocle, a formal white jacket adorned with a cartoonishly sized red bow, white gloves, a black undershirt and pants, and long white boots. Their waist-length hair is straight and off-white, and their eyes an icy blue. Their personality haughty, but serious under pressure, our more AI oriented programmers expect to hear many an "Ohohoho~".

In terms of ability, we've used the Sakura's as a base, from which we have stripped out the pulse and healing functions in their entirely, though not the Music alignment, as we predict something that deeply built in may be harder than simply leaving it there. This means we are left with one thing and one thing only, Command skill. This, of course, is the focus. We have put all of our efforts(past the basic level of aesthetic and personality design of course) entirely into expanding the tactical and strategic libraries and know-how of the Colette model. Where Commander.exe's are team leaders, the Colette units are (artificially)experienced Colonels' leading entire Brigades through combat and supervising the battle from afar, likely often from atop a Passion stage. They are a go-between for our Hackers and our army at large.

If this was all, we imagine the project would be fairly simple, the degree of difficulty entirely dependent on how advanced we decided to go for the libraries. That is not where we drew the line though. We know beyond a shadow of a doubt the Colette model will most likely be Complex to deploy because of this feature, but we felt it necessary. The Colette's have a substantial degree of unused extra memory. This is because they can adapt and learn. Not to the degree of complete self-awareness and free-thinking of course(really, making an entire class of identical soldiers free-thinking just seems cruel, we're fighting for AI rights here dammit), we doubt they would be able to truly ever account for the strategic equivalent of "shenanigans ensue" unless we made them entirely sapient, but they can fluidly merge and splice tactics and strategies from their existing libraries to create new plans around the tactics the enemy are utilizing.

In terms of armament, being a unit meant to be as far from battle as possible, the Colette's have very little. Possessing a rapier that doubles as a conductors baton in a pinch, with simple swordfighting libraries that would likely allow them to best the average Swordy in a one on one duel, but not do much else.

Quote from: A Box
Idoloid MDL 02 - Colette.ISQ (1): Failbird
Rocker Jane.exe ():
Ripper Jane.exe ():
Free Design:
Dutchman.mon (1): Failbird
« Last Edit: December 20, 2021, 06:37:41 pm by Failbird105 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sonata's Stagehands - Great Flame War Arms Race
« Reply #172 on: December 20, 2021, 07:15:25 pm »

Not to the degree of complete self-awareness and free-thinking of course(really, making an entire class of identical soldiers free-thinking just seems cruel, we're fighting for AI rights here dammit)
Oh no somebody put BlueFiend.mon code in the unused memory
Quote from: A Box
Idoloid MDL 02 - Colette.ISQ (2): Failbird, m1895
Rocker Jane.exe ():
Ripper Jane.exe ():
Free Design:
Dutchman.mon (2): Failbird, m1895


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sonata's Stagehands - Great Flame War Arms Race
« Reply #173 on: December 21, 2021, 12:11:54 am »

Quote from: A Box
Idoloid MDL 02 - Colette.ISQ (3): Failbird, m1895, DGR
Rocker Jane.exe ():
Ripper Jane.exe ():
Free Design:
Dutchman.mon (3): Failbird, m1895, DGR
Quote from: evicted Saint on discord
Weaponizing Jesus isn't something you do turn 4
Quote from: Alice on a different discord, to iridium, kind of.
hold on, let me keep blowing kisses at him until he stops
My Power armor arms race


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sonata's Stagehands - Great Flame War Arms Race
« Reply #174 on: December 31, 2021, 09:48:18 pm »

Turn 7 : Design Phase
Viri Design: Idoloid MDL 02 - Colette.ISQ
With the immense success of the Sakura model Idoloids, we've been looking into making more 'major' roles we can delegate to Idoloids. The most obvious one is, of course, leadership. In comes the Colette model. Colette Idoloids wear a(somewhat oversized) white beret, a monocle, a formal white jacket adorned with a cartoonishly sized red bow, white gloves, a black undershirt and pants, and long white boots. Their waist-length hair is straight and off-white, and their eyes an icy blue. Their personality haughty, but serious under pressure, our more AI oriented programmers expect to hear many an "Ohohoho~".

In terms of ability, we've used the Sakura's as a base, from which we have stripped out the pulse and healing functions in their entirely, though not the Music alignment, as we predict something that deeply built in may be harder than simply leaving it there. This means we are left with one thing and one thing only, Command skill. This, of course, is the focus. We have put all of our efforts(past the basic level of aesthetic and personality design of course) entirely into expanding the tactical and strategic libraries and know-how of the Colette model. Where Commander.exe's are team leaders, the Colette units are (artificially)experienced Colonels' leading entire Brigades through combat and supervising the battle from afar, likely often from atop a Passion stage. They are a go-between for our Hackers and our army at large.

If this was all, we imagine the project would be fairly simple, the degree of difficulty entirely dependent on how advanced we decided to go for the libraries. That is not where we drew the line though. We know beyond a shadow of a doubt the Colette model will most likely be Complex to deploy because of this feature, but we felt it necessary. The Colette's have a substantial degree of unused extra memory. This is because they can adapt and learn. Not to the degree of complete self-awareness and free-thinking of course(really, making an entire class of identical soldiers free-thinking just seems cruel, we're fighting for AI rights here dammit), we doubt they would be able to truly ever account for the strategic equivalent of "shenanigans ensue" unless we made them entirely sapient, but they can fluidly merge and splice tactics and strategies from their existing libraries to create new plans around the tactics the enemy are utilizing.

In terms of armament, being a unit meant to be as far from battle as possible, the Colette's have very little. Possessing a rapier that doubles as a conductors baton in a pinch, with simple swordfighting libraries that would likely allow them to best the average Swordy in a one on one duel, but not do much else.
4 + 1 - 1 = 4 : Below average (Hard)

Free, independent thought is hard. Even at low, not truly free or independent, levels. That's what holds up the project. Stripping out the healing pulse and associated coding is easy, basic rapier sword-fighting libraries are relatively easily sourced from earlier research done for the sword using minions, and while making bigger tactical and strategic libraries, as well as more advanced sorting algorithms for said libraries, isn't as easy at this point it's still more of an issue in terms of time consumed then true difficulty. Neither does the needed instruction set to allow them to use their swords as a conductor's baton if needed for some currently unknown reason prove hard to construct. Though the results only hold proficiency, not any great level of skill. But making a self-modifying artificial intelligence? Even as specialized and limited as the Idoloid MDL 02 - Colette.ISQ is, reaching even the lowest level of the desired specifications is not a simple task. Making the results stable and reliable in battlefield conditions is even harder.

The need to upgrade the avatar-body to be able to achieve the needed foundational capacities is doesn't make anything easier.

In the end, however, while the results aren't quite as desired they still reach the lowest level of the desired functionality. The already existing faster runtime speeds achieved in the earlier Idoloid model were noticeably helpful for achieving this, but even with that advantage the Colette.ISQ still has a fairly minimal ability to adapt and come up with new tactics in response to new situations. However she has a very large memory for storing those adaptions once they are made, the ability to share them with other Colette.ISQ models, and an enlarged pre-existing library of 'lego pieces' with which to construct tactics and strategies as needed on the battlefield. While this form of splicing isn't the requested 'fluidly merge and splice tactics and strategies from their existing libraries to create new plans', by using pre-constructed plan segments that are assembled in response to the current battlefield she can come surprisingly close. Despite that, adaption to new and unexpected or previously unencountered enemies or tactics still takes long enough that it would probably take multiple major battles and a large turnover of Colette.ISQ Idoloids before the Idoloids succesfully construct new 'plan segments' adapted for new enemies without programmer assistance.

Even this shadow of true self-adapting thought is complex enough and needs a sophisticated enough avatar-platform to deploy that the Idoloid MDL 02 - Colette.ISQ is a Complex program.

ADI Design: Dutchman.mon
The great beasts roused from the depths of the Sea by the pirates in our final confrontation managed to catch Sonata's attention. And while we can all agree that the individual she pointed out was worth pursuing the reasons... weren't as widely agreed on.

A white whale, not a massive kaiju like beast like one might expect from the term. Not much larger than a speedboat overall, it's the unique aspects of the viri. The whale is a spectral appearing thing, floating through the air as easily as it does water, though without the same speed. Atop its head lie a pair of downscaled twin-barreled naval cannons. These cannons fire shells of disproportionately impressive power for their size, each one able to blow through a Stage in one-to-two shots based on our testing. Its tail meanwhile extends long past where the fin should be, becoming long and whiplike and ending in a heavy anchor it can swing around with destructive force.

All of that put together makes for a potent force, but that still is not the reason why this particular creature was picked. Simply put, it's code contains a fragment of Sonata. One of the largest we've seen, with how little time we've been trawling the Sea at least. And with a bit of coding magic on the captured viri, we've been able to wake that fragment up. The fragment manifests as a tall woman, skin, hair, and clothes all white as snow, garbed in what could generously remind someone of a naval uniform.

In her hands she wields a spear in the shape of a long spine, on the bottom end it possesses a sharp point, and on the top two smaller guns. Her personality is... similarly unalike from Sonata. She seems to have the strict, commanding disposition of a Naval commander with the brutal 'take what you want and damn the rest' morality of a pirate captain. Likely due to a variety of broken down code having been assimilated into the whales mass just as the fragment was, but above all, she obeys the True Sonata.

These two forms are inextricably linked, and cannot be far apart from each-other. They seem to share a direct mental connection as well. This has allowed us to gain control of this otherwise wild viri, and provides it a mechanism with which to fight off smaller enemies who get too close for it to wield its back mounted cannons or anchor tail against.

That, unfortunately, brings us to the weaknesses, of which The Dutchman has plenty. For one, well, it's a flying ghostly whale. Even if it's small for a whale it is still incredibly visible with the glow it gives off and the dark blue mist coming from a smokestack upon its back. Two is its weapon range, specifically that they have a minimum range. Because its guns are located upon the top of its body, it cannot fire them at foes who are below it without having to completely reorient itself. Its tail meanwhile is fairly long, meaning it is all but useless in tighter locations or when faced with many obstacles(such as objects or, more likely, allies). Finally, and perhaps most crucial, is that the two halves are so closely linked. If one is incapacitated so is the other, and the Avatar is far more fragile than the Whale.
4 + 2 - 0 = 6 : Above average (Normal)

A strange entity, the ADI known as Dutchman.mon is really two entities in one, consisting both of a maiden formed from one of Sonata's formerly lost and now reconstructed data shards and a great whale of a Viri that once was formed around said shard. The two make up a powerful, but large and less then subtle, force between the whale's powerful anchor-chain tail and its top mounted artillery cannons, and the maiden's surprisingly great physical power and skill with her polearm-weapon. And of course, the whale can fly, the two of them are telepathically linked and can seemingly share their senses (unfortunately seeming to include sharing their sense of pain), and the two of them are elementally affiliated with the code-elements of water and darkness. Elements which, incidentally, can be infused into their attacks to empower them.

Of course they do have their weaknesses, the most noticeable one being that whole 'sharing their pain so you can take both of them out by taking one of them out' thing. But it also must be said that a giant flying glowing white whale with a smoke stack is not exactly stealthy, and while large and powerful the whale is in fact too large and powerful to be able to properly function in tight quarters or terrain with plenty of interference and blockers for its guns and tail weapon. In such a battle field the maiden must do the main combat portions, and while strong she is no where near as strong nor as tough as the whale-form.

There was also an incident early on in the development of the Colette.ISQ where the whale-body ate one of the test models, and the maiden seems to have integrated at least some of the then functional Colette.ISQ's command and tactical library, allowing her to serve as a commander if needed. If deployed, she will use up four points of memory to provide her with the needed support (and ammunition logistics).

It is Turn 7, in the Revision Phase. During this phase you must vote on what revision to do to your current assets. During this Revision Phase you get two revisions, but one must be in theme for an area you have under your control.

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sonata's Stagehands - Great Flame War Arms Race
« Reply #175 on: January 02, 2022, 07:47:51 pm »

Macro Missile Massacre
A refinement to the Missile code that enhances their targeting in Massed Fire situations, both letting them track large targets(such as a sizable mass of enemies, or one big enemy) with greater precision and letting a deflected Missile piggy-back off of a fellow missiles directions to re-lock onto target.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2022, 06:44:37 pm by Failbird105 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sonata's Stagehands - Great Flame War Arms Race
« Reply #176 on: January 12, 2022, 12:03:33 am »

Harpoon Janes: Using a modified version of the polearm code created by Dutchman.mon these new Janes are able to use water affiliated spears, and throw them. They form a skirmisher unit, engaging at midrange against larger foes using their melee weapons. Besides that it comes with a general series of water element upgrades to their code, increasing flexibility at the cost of enemies potentially using their new elementally aligned nature against them. They also have the ability to form new spears once they throw theirs.  These units are pirate themed
« Last Edit: February 12, 2022, 06:45:38 pm by dgr11897 »
Quote from: evicted Saint on discord
Weaponizing Jesus isn't something you do turn 4
Quote from: Alice on a different discord, to iridium, kind of.
hold on, let me keep blowing kisses at him until he stops
My Power armor arms race


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sonata's Stagehands - Great Flame War Arms Race
« Reply #177 on: January 15, 2022, 09:08:40 pm »

Harpoon Janes (1): Doomblade187
In any case it would be a battle of critical thinking and I refuse to fight an unarmed individual.
One mustn't stare into the pathos, lest one become Pathos.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sonata's Stagehands - Great Flame War Arms Race
« Reply #178 on: January 17, 2022, 01:03:29 am »

Harpoon Janes (2): Doomblade187, m1895
Macross Missile Macro (1): m1895


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sonata's Stagehands - Great Flame War Arms Race
« Reply #179 on: January 18, 2022, 01:42:14 pm »

Harpoon Janes (2): Doomblade187, m1895
Macross Missile Macro (2): m1895, Doomblade
In any case it would be a battle of critical thinking and I refuse to fight an unarmed individual.
One mustn't stare into the pathos, lest one become Pathos.
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