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Author Topic: The Firmament - Great Flame War Arms Race  (Read 20944 times)


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Re: The Firmament - Great Flame War Arms Race
« Reply #75 on: January 30, 2021, 09:12:19 am »

Quote from: Votebox
Der_Pumpgunner (1): Piratejoe
Chamelee.mon (2): SK, TricMagic


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Re: The Firmament - Great Flame War Arms Race
« Reply #76 on: January 30, 2021, 10:34:25 am »

It comes and goes, it comes and goes.
Quote from: Votebox
Der_Pumpgunner (1): Piratejoe
Chamelee.mon (3): SK, TricMagic, NUKE9.13
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Re: The Firmament - Great Flame War Arms Race
« Reply #77 on: January 30, 2021, 06:32:22 pm »

Reasons I'm against the Chamelee.mon.
1. It's a stealth melee unit. Stealth and melee don't go well as I'm 90% sure that said stealth will fade away when it attacks, and if not, it's not that hard to see a shimmer or miss when something's a meter in front of you. It will likely die after killing one enemy, if even that, similar to the spy in tf2 when up against good players.
2. Due to the nature of it's body, it will likely have a large profile when sideways to an enemy, and in general has a larger area to shoot at than a humanoid.
3. In my opinion, a melee unit should either be cheep and able to throw at the enemy on mass like the Wyrm, or durable and able to withstand a lot of punishment, like the Newspaper Knight. The Chamelee is neither.
4. I'd rather not spend two revisions on one unit at the start of the game. I could be convinced to do so if the design fails, or if it's the officer who will be an important base for the entire game, but not this.
5. I believe making a false projection of oneself, both visual and audio wise, while retaining a gun, is more useful than a pure melee unit that is stealthy.
6. I believe that the only places a stealth melee unit could do well are quite limited.
7. I believe this would be either a normal or hard design, and an expensive unit. As such, combined with the above reasons, I believe it is not in our best interests to go for it.

Honestly, I'd rather the lightning bruiser version listed in the revision instead. If it could tank hits it'd be a lot better in my opinion.
Battleships Hurl insults from behind thick walls, Destroyers beat up small children, Carriers stay back in the kitchen, and Cruisers are a bunch of tryhards who pretend to be loners.


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Re: The Firmament - Great Flame War Arms Race
« Reply #78 on: January 30, 2021, 06:56:39 pm »

It should be noted ,mon have a degree of complexity already.(from what hap said sometime(I think)) I'm guessing you want all Simple programs or something? Honestly the Officer is shaping up to be a good program.


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Re: The Firmament - Great Flame War Arms Race
« Reply #79 on: January 30, 2021, 09:30:49 pm »

No? I don't. I believe the project will be hard or normal. And, I'm concerned it's the former, because for what it's worth, having it be hard to boot is really a waste. Also Mon have been stated to have animalistic intelligence in nature, or sentient and sapient. And I highly doubt it's either of the latter. Furthermore, why do you bring up the officer? As I said, te only unit I'd be willing to do so on other than the design failing is the officer. As in, I recognize the officer being extremely important and a great stepping stone to better officers/commander Viri, along with a useful squad leader.
Battleships Hurl insults from behind thick walls, Destroyers beat up small children, Carriers stay back in the kitchen, and Cruisers are a bunch of tryhards who pretend to be loners.


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Re: The Firmament - Great Flame War Arms Race
« Reply #80 on: January 31, 2021, 02:12:09 pm »

Turn 1 : Design Phase
Chamelee.mon - Class: Viri - TL;DR: Stealth-field, Melee, Clever Girl
An ultimate predator, harvested by a Firmament hacker and their net navigator's almost disastrous venture to the Viral Jungle a few months back, before being modified and refit for the war. The Chamelee.mon is one of the more animalistic classes of viruses that roam the net. It takes the rough form of a (dino) raptor; with fast, powerful legs, talons, and long mantis-like armblades that shred through digital constructs and conventional hardcode armor.

It's main claim to fame and reason for capture, besides acquiring a dedicated in-fighter, are the scales that adorn it. The digi-scales that make up its hide are capable of generating a localized stealth field, cloaking the Chamelee.mon from most forms of detection when active.

With the need to properly stealth and sneak attacks competently, an above average intelligence and special precepts, are required. Along with the basic stuff of how to move, attack and general viri behavior for idling, combat-ready, or retreating, they will also be given two special "stances" that adjust their behavior. The first is an "Ambush" mode, which gives them some basic target-prioritization and risk analysis. To better optimize their sneak attack on a group of enemies, attack the most dangerous or valuable member of a group first to remove them from play, and to ignore throwing cover immediately if waiting gets them a better chance to strike. The second is a "Hunter" mode, which gives them a more cautious and evasive behavior to enable longer periods of stealth and tracking of a target rather than rampant murder. Though it should still be able to attack back enemies that engage it, or enemies guarding a target, they will heavily prioritize finding and killing their designated target above other foes.
2 + 4 + -1 = 5 : Average (Hard)

Clever girls, the Chamelee.mon viruses almost ended up eating the hacker and net navigator that found them before they could be subdued with a transforming helicopter/motorcycle chase and an abandoned house full of traps set by a twelve year old Gunkanga who'd been left home alone while her parents were hunting. Once successfully snared, netted, tranked, tied up, stuffed in a bag, sealed in a chest, and locked into a cage however, it was possible to take one or two samples back to Aria's home zone and reverse engineer them. Kinda sorta, unnaturally evolved .mon viruses rarely use coding that makes much sense to a normal, non-specialist, hacker after all. But you don't need to fully understand their weird monster brains to put control coding in and then start a contained replication project for them, and that's what the hackers in question did.

When deployed, Chamelee.mon viruses prove to be blindingly fast terrifying invisible feathered killers, able to bring down most targets they're tested on with a single pounce employing both front and hind-limb blades to dig in and rip a target to shreds, before turning into a horrible blender monster on anything left. While no-where near properly self aware they came with a quite respectable tactical library for pack hunting as invisible horror monster viruses, such as using some members of the pack as distractions while the others sneak in pouncing range, general stalking, and even a fairly sophisticated emulation suite for figuring out where their target is going so they can get ahead of it and set an ambush between where the prey currently is and where they want to be. Once in combat they are not really tougher then the basic minion, but between their pack hunting tactics, the difficulty of correctly targeting them, and their sheer sprint speed actually hitting them can be... considerably tough. And of course, the one that you are shooting at is rarely the one that's about to land on you from behind.

To enable the desired Hunter Mode they also have a 'called target' function which places a desired target on the top of their 'kill this dude' list, as well as a slider for effecting how highly they rate their own self preservation, but how they go about tracking and eliminating their target is still left up to their internal tactical hunt libraries. Any local Officer.exe programs are also able to use these functions, but due to the nature of them they would require a dedicated tactical library update and so they generally don't, besides a few function calls for moving the self preservation rating slider up when they decide everyone needs to retreat.

Due to difficulties with the embedded control coding and ensuring their IFF function works, but mostly for their tendency to work best in smaller packs anyway, the Chamelee.mon are considered a Complex program.

It is Turn 1, in the Revision Phase. During this phase you must vote on what revision to do to your current assets.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2021, 01:02:23 pm by Happerry »
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Re: The Firmament - Great Flame War Arms Race
« Reply #81 on: January 31, 2021, 02:15:59 pm »

Revisions, cause why not?

MinionCall A upgrade to...
SquadSummon S
This strategic battle chip creates a small amount of temporary replicas of the current ‘Officer.exe’ program, along with a larger number of the current version of the 'Minion.exe' program at their disposal. This gives the targeted area a burst of reinforcements with decent ability to turn the tide of a battle under the Officers' commands. [Possible to customize which Officer and Minion programs are summoned with this chip, depending on the Hacker's preferences.(If multiple exist)]

Extract from Chamelee.mon file...
Chameleon I
This tactical battle chip generates a field to render the user invisible to others around them for a time.

Extract from weapons development...
BusterCall D
This tactical battle chip uses it's charged energy to destroy a target based upon the Power Router Upgrade. Charging it for longer increases the power of the final shot unleashed, and thus it's overall size. Without charge it's power is the same as an officer's charge shot, so use with oversight. Takes the form of a variable-sized cannon once unsleashed.

Ninja'd by the GM.

Quote from: Higsby's Votebox
SquadSummon S: (1) TricMagic
Chameleon I: (0)
BusterCall D:(0)
« Last Edit: January 31, 2021, 02:50:40 pm by TricMagic »


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Re: The Firmament - Great Flame War Arms Race
« Reply #82 on: January 31, 2021, 02:29:25 pm »

Personally, I'd prefer the Squad Summon. It'd mean instead of just throwing more bodies over the trenches unless the hacker focuses exclusively on them for a time, we actually send them in more proper tactical and strategic decisions other than 'charge the enemy'
Battleships Hurl insults from behind thick walls, Destroyers beat up small children, Carriers stay back in the kitchen, and Cruisers are a bunch of tryhards who pretend to be loners.


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Re: The Firmament - Great Flame War Arms Race
« Reply #83 on: January 31, 2021, 02:49:56 pm »

SSS seems sensible.
Quote from: Higsby's Votebox
SquadSummon S: (2) TricMagic, NUKE9.13
Chameleon I: (0)
BusterCall D:(0)
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Scholar Knight

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Re: The Firmament - Great Flame War Arms Race
« Reply #84 on: January 31, 2021, 02:51:28 pm »

Quote from:  Votebox
SquadSummon S: (3) TricMagic, NUKE9.13, SK
Chameleon I: (0)
BusterCall D:(0)

The extracted Chameleon I chip is really cool, and I can see a lot of use for it. The main problem is just the lack of viable targets to use it on right now. Scouts are really the only target that'd likely benefit from it. So I'll go Squad Summon.

The Squad Summon is good, but I think it needs a few key modifications to make it future proof.
A) Change it from spawning Minion.exe to CarbineMinion.exe. We have the better version, might as well use it now.
B) Have it be future-proofable, so any future modifications to the baseline Officer and Minion trees get incorporated into the SSS without the need for another revision.

I'd rather not have to make a new chip every time we upgun the minions or upbrain the officers.



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Re: The Firmament - Great Flame War Arms Race
« Reply #85 on: February 01, 2021, 02:02:31 pm »

Created mainly by Rangers_Constellation, with a bit of tweaks and assistance in cosmetics by Ophilia, the Sarge is what can basically be called the next evolution of the officer. Sarge is designed to be a bit more durable than an officer, and most importantly, made to have a vastly improved tactical library for changing situations, all dedicated to small squad tactics, along with a better target and threat assessment, priorities, when to press an advantage or retreat, how to set up ambushes or killzones, and how to react to such tactics being used against them. In essence, it's an officer with minor improvements to durability and aim, and major improvements to it's tactical capabilities, and since it's coded by someone who used to be in the military, it's quite effective. Even so, this by itself would likely not require too much investment or time, and as such one minor additional thing was added. The Sarge has an ability, Heroism, which is announced with some inspirational words, and makes the target of Rally more resistant to damage for a short time along with healing some that had already been taken. In terms of it's form, it's naturally humanoid, and its outfit matches that of a Sargent from varying time periods and nations, from things as old as redcoats, to modern uniforms, and everything in between, though a special variant in cosmetics for the application city can make them look more like Mobsters from various time periods rather than soldiers mainly due to Ophilia who wanted such for purely cosmetic reasons.

Able.AIF Baker.NSF Charlie.ATA Dog.NSSF Easy.AIA Fox.Mil
First came Able and Baker, who were quite promising to their maker. Then Charlie and Dog, the latter of which was much of a data hog. Easy was lonely and soon got a Fox, but when everything came down they all were thrown into the box. There they rotted and wasted away, never to come out to see another day. Until once they finally were retrieved but what their saviors saw left them quite displeased. These military programs had come with emotion, something that truly would cause a commotion. And so they worked to remove those thoughts, throwing them away as like iron they were wrought. Yet while the Fox was sly and watched in dismay, they swiftly went to work to save and pray. Soon after escaping and running away, eventually making their way unto today...

Fox.Mil is a highly specialized and old Military Specification's program that was coded years ago as a general military AI capable of working with all branches of the military and combined arms before the project she was a part of got canned, only to be reopened again some years later. And, with the program being reopened, new priorities were put in place, along with new people managing it. While Able, Baker, Charlie, Dog, Easy, and Fox were originally designed to be fully self aware and have emotion, this was seen as quite a bad idea for a military program having a personality was seen as a threat and also a great way to give a program PTSD and making it useless. So, in the infinite wisdom of bureaucracy, they tried removing the personalities of the varying programs. While they were successful in doing this, Fox.Mil, the most advanced of the six, took the personality matrix of all of their sisters and ran, horrified at what had become of her sisters. Luckily, she kept her own personality, though while she was a general military program made from the accumulative experience gained from all the preceding programs and as such is essentially the most powerful of all of them in both mind, strength, and skill, she still calls upon their name when switching priorities to managing the area's that were what the older programs specialized in, and her appearance and personality will shift to that of the program that specialized in that area, though when engaged in direct combat they use their own personality and appearance.

In terms of abilities and skill, Fox.Mil is extremely intelligent when it comes to all matters of military warfare, be it infantry tactics, armored warfare, air combat, or naval combat above and below the waves, Fox.Mil is the go to program for the job of assisting in coordinating, planning and executing attacks in said fields. Further, they are fairly robust, as expected of something from the Milspec sector, and is equally strong. Despite this, they don't actually have any special or built in weapons, being mainly a strategy program, but we can at least give them a pulse carbine and some targeting upgrades and they'd probably be a decent soldier as well. But even so, their main power comes in the raw strategic and tactical abilities they have on hand, able to manage strategy in a sector just as well if not better than any hacker.

Just as a note, is a bit WIP atm, so if you have any thoughts or additions you'd like let me know.

Quote from:  Votebox
SquadSummon S: (4) TricMagic, NUKE9.13, SK, Piratejoe
Chameleon I: (0)
BusterCall D:(0)
« Last Edit: February 04, 2021, 08:17:08 pm by piratejoe »
Battleships Hurl insults from behind thick walls, Destroyers beat up small children, Carriers stay back in the kitchen, and Cruisers are a bunch of tryhards who pretend to be loners.


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Re: The Firmament - Great Flame War Arms Race
« Reply #86 on: February 01, 2021, 10:03:29 pm »

Turn 1 : Revision Phase
SquadSummon S
This strategic battle chip creates a small amount of temporary replicas of the current ‘Officer.exe’ program, along with a larger number of the current version of the 'Minion.exe' program at their disposal. This gives the targeted area a burst of reinforcements with decent ability to turn the tide of a battle under the Officers' commands. [Possible to customize which Officer and Minion programs are summoned with this chip, depending on the Hacker's preferences. (If multiple exist)
2 + 2 + 0 = 4 : Below average (Normal)

Originally the coders involved in this side project meant to write a chip with two variable functions you could plug different minion and officer types into to adjust which ones you summoned on the fly, and maybe even add some ratios in. And then, of course, they ran out of spare time.

The resulting chip does not let you adjust which minions and which officers you summon on the fly. It must be set up and pre-coded back in safety in a somewhat annoyingly tediously long process best done in safety where there's no viruses to jog your arm, and the lack of dedicated hardcoding means it's less energy efficient then the base chip causing it to summon less total units then an equivalent amount of energy used in the Minioncall A Chip. However the SquadSummon S strategic chip still functions to allow the user to summon a customizable pre-set squad of one minion type of their choice and one officer type of their choice when used, and if assigned to a hacker that hacker will do the pre-setting of the chip as according to their tastes before beginning their assignment.

SquadSummon S is a Complicated strategical Battle Chip, and has a memory size of 1.

It is now the Deployment Phase of Turn 1. During this phase you must decide which of your hackers will be leading your attacks (you currently have two attacks), and decide what they will use their memory space to bring with them in terms of chips and champions (You currently have 5 memory).

Spoiler: Designs (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: February 08, 2021, 01:02:35 pm by Happerry »
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Scholar Knight

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Re: The Firmament - Great Flame War Arms Race
« Reply #87 on: February 02, 2021, 01:18:18 am »

Let's see, based on what we were discussing earlier on the discord, perhaps:

Attack 1
Hacker: CF_Dogcatcher
Region: Somewhere in the commercial cluster, unsure if Commercial Canopy or Application City would be better. Perhaps city due to more solid ground. Wait to see what others think.
Duel Disk: Squad Summon S [1], Squad Summon S [1], Squad Summon S [1],  Recovery 10 [1], Atk+10 [1]

Attack 2
Hacker: DJ King Cabaret
Region: Archival Sediment or Viral Jungle. I like the idea of Viral Jungle for more mons, but Nuke brought up a lot of good arguements for Archival Sediment, so willing to side with that.
Duel Disk: ADI - Vivi_Paltest.dat [4], Recovery 10 [1]


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Re: The Firmament - Great Flame War Arms Race
« Reply #88 on: February 02, 2021, 06:59:19 am »

Quote from: S01E01 - Booting Up
Quote from: Attack One
Hacker: CF_Dogcatcher
Region: Application City
Duel Disk: MinionCall A (1), Squad Summon S (1), Squad Summon S (1),  Recovery 10 (1), Atk+10 (1), CallChiptune (0)
Other: A dastardly hacker is loose in Application City! Squads of Viri roam the alleyways, avoiding corporate security with inexplicable ease! What will happen to this once peaceful city?
Quote from: Attack Two
Hacker: DJ King Cabaret
Region: Archival Sediment
Duel Disk: ADI - Vivi_Paltest.dat (4), Atk+10 (1), CallChiptune (0)
Other: Meanwhile, an unlicensed concert is held in the Archival Sediment. Why are these crowds of Viri- and the disturbing Naga leading them- so eager to cause a havoc? Could this be a distraction whilst other viri unearth long-forgotten relics!?
I figure Ophilia could benefit from at least one MinionCall to go along with SquadSummon. SSS is Complicated, and summons less units- sometimes she'll just need boots on the ground fast. I also figure that Vivi can heal herself already, but might benefit from being able to hit harder sometimes. Also, what sort of cartoon villains wouldn't bring their calling card with them at all times?
Quote from: Strategy Votebox
S01E01 - Booting Up: (1) NUKE9.13
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Re: The Firmament - Great Flame War Arms Race
« Reply #89 on: February 02, 2021, 09:17:17 am »

Quote from: Strategy Votebox
S01E01 - Booting Up: (2) NUKE9.13, TricMagic

Honestly that roll could have gone worse. Might want to upgrade it at some point once we have Sarges. (Preferably with a design at that point.)
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