Team Lagaruas
Vote: Keratin
The Laguras develops the production of keratin and forms it in many places around its body, in it's mouth it grows distinctive rows of it called teeth each shaped slightly different to allow grinding, crunching and tearing, juvenile laguras start off with slightly different smaller ones which fall out over their development and replaced with regular ones. Keratin forms coming out of of bottom of rear pair of feet splitting off into five smaller narrow ones that slightly curved fused with bones called 'claws', on its front pair of the claws it's formed have more muscle attached and are more curved to allow it grasp onto things slightly. These claws also start off barely form when juvenile is born.
SS Vote: Scale Skin
Developing on from it's outer layer, it splits into to functions with outer layer now only functioning as tissue/muscle, instead the newer part clumps together taking advantage of it's newly formed
keratin production, it now forms layered cluster that cover the entire animal that has like jagged appearance on closer look, this is called 'scale skin'. It's scale skin would be both thick enough to allow to easily keep it's insides from escaping, allow it to enter water with ease without losing anything due it's previous more porous form and provide adequate defense against even other laguras claws or teeth. Through out it's stages of development juvenile and even adult laguras will shed their skin with it slowly peeling off making way for newer one underneat.