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Author Topic: [Completed] [SinglePlayer] The Doomed World of Sil Kodor 125-184  (Read 25403 times)


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Re: The Doomed World of Sil Kodor: A Demon Mobility Experiment
« Reply #45 on: July 18, 2021, 08:01:31 am »

so...there's no civilised dwarves at all despite the pop figures, demons are now bandits and the rest of the world doesn't need sustenence

Urist McRecon cancels make exploding booze: Interrupted by bad idea
Urist McRecon cancels bad idea: missing raw files
Urist McRecon cancels add raw files: Interrupted by fortress mode
Urist McRecon cancels play fortress mode: Needs exploding booze
Urist McRecon cancels acquire exploding booze: No materials


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Re: The Doomed World of Sil Kodor: A Demon Mobility Experiment
« Reply #46 on: July 19, 2021, 01:43:18 am »

... Not really?

There are 3 dwarven civs: ours, the guys from AdmireFortresses, and a rump state which now has 5 dorfs, after the latest increases.

Our guys have a single proper fortress, HopeWork; king and all. They probably left the old tomb where they used to live / be based in - I'm not sure, I'll only find out after I finish the whole adventurer shebang and make a new Legends export.

The rump state can be ignored.

The third civ is really, really, weird; it's a dwarven civilization, whose king is a goblin. In adventure mode, its capital (the amazingly-named AdmireFortresses) can be used as a starting point for all 3 major species (dorf, human and goblin, 'cause elves are long extinct)

[EDIT] On the other hand, my civilization has disappeared from the list of options by the time Granite rolled around, and (spoiler) one of my adventurers found the king faffing about in the fallen fort of SwallowedShoots. I didn't give it much thought then, because we did conquer SwallowedShoots at one point. So yeah, it's possible the great and glorious Fountain of Quickness is a dead civ, and that HopeWork lasted less than a season after retiring.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2021, 01:53:13 am by StrikaAmaru »
Needs caffeine to get through the working day.
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King Zultan

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Re: The Doomed World of Sil Kodor: A Demon Mobility Experiment
« Reply #47 on: July 19, 2021, 01:51:17 am »

This is a strange world from the sound of it.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


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Re: The Doomed World of Sil Kodor: A Demon Mobility Experiment
« Reply #48 on: July 19, 2021, 04:34:23 am »

This is a strange world from the sound of it.
I’ll say!

Great work you’ve put in here, though, Strika!
and the quadriplegic toothless vampire killed me effortlessly after that
bool IsARealBoy = false
dropping clothes to pick up armor and then dropping armor to pick up clothes like some sort of cyclical forever-striptease
if a year passes, add one to age; social experiment


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Re: The Doomed World of Sil Kodor: A Demon Mobility Experiment
« Reply #49 on: July 25, 2021, 02:43:01 pm »

Adventurer, for Real
(part 1)
Since the main purpose of this romp through adventure mode is to reveal locations on the map, adventurers will start from wherever it’s most convenient for the intended destination.

Which neatly brings us to Bomrek, citizen of AdmireFortresses, who’ll head north-east looking for GristlyPrairies, the lair of the titan killed by the king, and then to the west towards SearchWard, vault of the demon who rules the tossers.

If he’s still alive after that, then he’ll head south for JoyousGloomy, the cave where a necromantic slab is supposed to be.

But that’s in the future, right now I’m just getting out of AdmireFortresses; and since there is no reasonable way out, I am once again jumping off a wall:

Unlike the last time, I also remember that StoneSense exists, and take a few screenshots of AdmireFortresses’ outside palisade:

Somewhere in the wilderness, I’m intercepted by the bane of many a beginner adventurer: a pack of wolves. But apparently a few hours of experience make a world of difference, and this time the wolves die:

The shrine was located; from the ground doesn’t look like much, though it’s slightly nicer in StoneSense:

It also has exactly nothing in it, so I move on. Annnnd guess what:

Adventurer #2 also begins in AdmireFortresses; he’s a goblin axeman this time. He jumps off the same wall, and heads west towards the vault.

The vault should be somewhere near this shore; I spend a few days just walking in straight lines, until I literally walk into it:

Stonesense shows everything inside the vault; I think I slightly screwed up the map at the beginning of Bomrek’s journey, when I briefly ran “reveal all” to take those two screenshots of AdmireFortresses…

Anyway, with his main job completed, Avuz goes back towards the mountains, and begins scanning the area north of TaxDoomed, a former dark pit of the tossers that we’ve annihilated in fortress mode. There should be an abandoned lair named PlanSports, that used to belong to the ettin Zotho BoldLearns the Taupe Mastery (who only gets her name spelled out because of how ridiculous it is).

However, there are noises coming from inside; apparently, it’s not as empty as it should be:

I died very quickly after that.

Adventurer #3 is another goblin from AdmireFortresses, this time a bone doctor named Atir. He’s heading south-ish towards the cave of JoyousGloomy. I already know JoyousGloomy is somewhere in a tile with a mountain, so at first he's walking around in fast-travel mode; if the cave doesn't come up, I'll have to drop and go looking for it the hard way.

But I'm lucky, and the cave pops up at the south-east of the mountain range:

Once I received the message, I did drop from fast-travel, and begin to climb the mountain face. A few scattered pieces of jewellery meet me on the way up, and so do a handful of scattered individuals.

JoyousGloomy really doesn’t look like a cave; it’s a wide open plateau, cut through by a brook and  surrounded by vertical cliffs going up. It does contain some random items, and a few corpses, but there’s no trace of a classic cave.

Anyway, the slab was found; it was kinda just laying around in the open. I picked it up, but… I can’t read it?

Did I forget to put points in Reading? Yes, I guess I did. Hm, might as well leave anyway. And that’s when the previously-passive NPCs decide to dogpile me. I killed a goblin, crippled a human, but the next goblin did get a few good hits in, and killed me at the base of a cliff:

« Last Edit: July 28, 2021, 04:53:59 am by StrikaAmaru »
Needs caffeine to get through the working day.
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King Zultan

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Re: The Doomed World of Sil Kodor: A Demon Mobility Experiment
« Reply #50 on: July 26, 2021, 03:34:29 am »

Looks like they didn't want you to get a hold of that slab.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


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Re: The Doomed World of Sil Kodor: A Demon Mobility Experiment
« Reply #51 on: July 26, 2021, 05:47:11 am »

Or just general assholery; a few years ago JoyousGloomy was 'claimed' by the Taut Omen-Seductions (aka the TOS, aka the tossers), the goblin civilization that's attacking everybody. I wouldn't be surprised if they attacked because that's just how they are.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2021, 04:15:34 am by StrikaAmaru »
Needs caffeine to get through the working day.
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Re: The Doomed World of Sil Kodor: A Demon Mobility Experiment
« Reply #52 on: July 28, 2021, 02:42:08 am »

Adventurer, for Real (Part 2)

Adventurer #4 is another goblin, another guy from AdmireFortresses, and another Bomrek.

I make sure he can read, this time. I also make sure he doesn’t carry any food or water this time, since goblins don’t need to eat.

(With all the adventurers in general, and goblins in particular, that can leave the same place, it becomes obvious that the absence of HopeWork in the starting list is a symptom of some unfortunate events. I just don’t know what kind of events).

Off we go to JoyousGloomy, where the same neutral NPCs meet me. Once again, they turn hostile after I pick up the slab, which makes me wonder why there isn’t any implementation for punishing thievery when looting forts and other established locations.

By the way, I looked up Atir ShieldBreed in legends; there's no historical figure of that name. The hooked-nose wrestler may have been fed a false identity.

That one goblin was the only antagonist that got to me; the others were too far, and couldn’t keep up. I quickly leave, and fast-travel to the south-east:

I nearly started listing all the locations visible there, before I stopped; they are all uninteresting, except for the dark pit way, way off to the right; that is BadDabbled itself. (Apropos of nothing, I am perpetually pissed off by the forum's inability to put a horizontal scrolling container around a specific image; yes I can shift-scroll for it, but it would be so much nicer to have a fixed-width post, and separate scrolling for each image).

That is also my next destination (sort of), because GleamedTyphoons, a shrine which hosted a certain cyclops, should be somewhere around there.

And I get ninja’d by a cougar:

Like the other shrine, there’s nothing in it. The shrine itself looks odd in StoneSense: the cliffs around it are nowhere near this big or solid.

Since I’m here anyway, the tomb of ButtonedAmazed; apparently, it has 4 towers, after all:

After which, I double back to the west, going slightly north as well. This will take me near the twin fortresses of ClanWork and HopeWork, and the lost fort of SwallowedShoot.

Since I’d like to die a bit later as opposed to right now, I head first to SwallowedShoot. It looks like a classic fortress, but lightly surrounded by the trenches and towers typically constructed by goblins:

The fort entrance is littered with old goblin corpses; they’re identified as “peasant skeletons”, and they are all over the place:

This puts the conquest of SwallowedShoot by HopeWork in a lot less heroic light… yes, the goblins would do the same to us if they breached defenses, but still; that’s a blatant campaign of extermination staring me in the face, and it has my name on it.

Going into the dwarven keep itself, I stopped by the trade depot first; my clothes took a serious beating, between the fights in JoyousGloomy, the cougar incident in the shrine, and a wolf fight that I didn’t even mention.

(This gave me some serious flashbacks to playing “Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead”; some of the controls are identical, though I dimly recall attacking in Cata:DDA was easier than in DF. If you enjoy adventure mode, you might enjoy this game too. It's free to play, and if you know any C++, the game is open source, too)!

Going deeper in the fort, I run into… a muscular king?

There’s exactly one dwarven king in Sil Kodor, and he should be in HopeWork, carrying an axe for no good reason. But no, it really is him:

Besides this sudden surprise, SwallowedShoot doesn’t have much of anything worthwhile. So I finally, finally, went to HopeWork. Which is surrounded by incidents waiting to happen:

Luckily, they don’t move much. So I stop fast-travelling, and try to enter HopeWork. Operative word being “try”:

Attempting to walk towards HopeWork takes an awfully long time. After a few minutes that feel like an eternity, I call it quits and exit the fort.

The incidents suddenly run away from HopeWork. Which does not fill me with confidence:

Since none of them are in my way, I try to enter ClanWorks. Again, operative word being “try”:

The ungodly lag happens for ClanWork, too. Approaching it from the south has the same problem, so it’s not just the proximity of HopeWork; there is something genuinely borked with these two fortresses.

I really hope this is only in adventurer mode, or reclaiming either HopeWork or ClanWork is simply not going to be a viable option.

Well. With that goal shot to pieces, I decided to tackle one of the incidents which left HopeWork. I return briefly to SwallowedShoot, to leave the necromantic slab I’ve been carrying around for the past week or so.

Then I force contact with one of the rapidly-moving star symbols:

… It’s a bloody owl. This is what I’ve been avoiding?

A bit more spinning around reliably fails to reveal any other threats; it really was just an owl.

Well, I guess I’m done in this area too; time to head back out to explore the rest of the map; I travel north-east, between the mountains and the ocean, towards the fallen tower.

After running into three separate lairs, I decide to go visit OpenBook; the fort where my first reclaim has failed miserably.

Some ancient skeletons meet me at the gate; four of them on the surface alone:

The abandoned wagon doesn’t have much of anything, so I go inside the fortress. The place is definitely inhabited:

I talk around with a few of the locals; not getting into details, just getting the lay of the land:

One of the priests complains about a forgotten beast; he needn’t worry, the marsh titan he’s mentioned has been killed in HopeWork in 143 (yes, it’s the one casually decapitated by the king; he keeps popping up).

The place would be lovely, if it weren’t for all the dwarven corpses laying about:

At least I can get a better axe from here:

With OpenBook somewhat explored, I make my way to the surface, and travel back north, with plans to go all the way to the tower and the minotaur’s labyrinth next to it.

And then I suddenly die, without seeing anything near me. Something is definitely attacking me, but there’s nothing on any visible level. And they’re dealing a ton of damage, too:

We’re back, in the skin of a human; this one is leaving from the castle closest to OpenBook. Technically, the dwarven pit would have been closer, but who wants to navigate out of goblin trenches?

I probably shouldn’t rush to the place where I just died, but I’m curious what just happened. Sure enough, the trip forcibly ends, on account of ambush:

Did you know empty butchers can turn invisible? I didn’t.

I’d attack, but there’s literally nothing to attack:

And so ends Adventurer #5.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2021, 01:40:08 am by StrikaAmaru »
Needs caffeine to get through the working day.
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Re: The Doomed World of Sil Kodor: A Demon Mobility Experiment
« Reply #53 on: August 03, 2021, 01:41:04 am »

Adventurer, for Real (Part 3)

Adventurer #6 starts from the same castle, again for proximity reasons.

This time, I also take the time to look around at what is available as embark options: dwarves and goblins can only start from AdmireFortresses, and humans have 4 starting locations available (5 if you count Outsider).

I mean, for dwarves it’s understandable, but what’s up with goblins? All 3 gobbo civs should be playable… maybe not the tossers, BadDabbled has this thing where all its inhabitants except three (one goblin, one dwarf, one demon) are listed as outcasts, but the rest should be fine?

So, Tekud heads directly north. He does stop to enter some lairs; there are four of them which are supposed to be inhabited by wolves or saltwater crocodiles, and some also have death events in Legends. So either they’ll be empty, or have a single animal which I think I can take. And sure enough, yes, the first two are empty, but they also have almost nothing worthwhile in them -- just some strewn coins and armor too small to wear. Bah. This is a waste of time…

Having reached the northern corner of the island-continent, Tekud walks around in the usual pattern, hoping to find the vault of HardyGate; this will allow control of Necate, mouse demon extraordinaire and master of The Ivory Monsters. But the vault is not easily located, and all that Tekud accomplishes is to completely run out of water.

After replenishing his three waterskins in a river, Tekud heads off to the evil biome, where we’ll find an abandoned labyrinth, an abandoned tower, and another lair of a saltwater croc, one who keeps attacking the dark pit of ScorpionMasters.

… Maybe I should leave that croc alone; he’s doing good work.

The labyrinth is the first to pop up; it’s also completely, utterly empty. There’s not a single coin or even a torn-out rag in it.

The lair is in the same state; there’s no crocodile in it either, saltwater or otherwise.

Might as well head towards the tower; it’s surrounded by what I presume to be smaller towers.

The smaller towers don’t have much of anything in them; there’s no visible upward stair, and the statues are all generic.

Finally, Tekud reaches the tower; it’s a whimsically irregular structure.

With this out of the way, Tekud heads back towards the supposed location of HardyGate; and this time, he finds it! But he doesn’t enter; it’s enough to know where it is.

There is one last vault in Sil Kodor: ShellsGrave, hidden in the mountains somewhere north-east of OpenBook. The slab concealed in it is possibly the most important: it controls the anteater demon who leads the Disgusting Dungeons. I’ll do my best to find it, but make no guarantees; mountains are annoying to traverse.

Before getting to the relevant tile, Tekud stumbles upon a cave; it can only be LoveCracks the Deep of Stumps, nominally owned by the tossers. They really love to hide in shitty places, don’t they? Unlike in JoyousGloomy, there’s not supposed to be anything interesting here; only 6 gobbos and 2 beak dogs. But I’m going to look around anyway, and this time I’ll remember to start StoneSense too; maybe caves look better in 3D.

… Oh no. Please don’t crash, please don’t crash, please don’t crash, pleasedon’tcrash…

It crashed.

Well that was unpleasant. At least I didn’t lose much; the last save was right before entering the tower -- just in case something nasty had holed up in it. All I really lost was uncovering HardyGate, whose location I screenshotted anyway.

We’re back right here, this time with a friendly warning from DfHack:

This time, Tekud didn’t even bother to enter SoothedPaints; he’s off to the east, towards the lair of VaultedScars, where a giant dingo has perished in 135. Next, Tekud will head back south, aiming to visit the next lair, the Cave of Morality (which is not a cave), and then (re)discover the Vault of HardyGate. Next he’ll head towards the cave of LoveCracks, and then, again, towards the vault of ShellsGrave.

VaultedScars is covered by a hatch, and it won’t let me drop in just by walking over it.

The usual visit to ? > Key Bindings doesn’t provide an immediate answer so I’m off to the internet; and the internet tells me to walk carefully. Not metaphorically, literally; instead of just a direction number, I use Alt-Number.

But that still won’t let me enter; I faff about a coupla turns, until I get a brain wave: what if the slope goes southward, and the tree to the north of the hatch is blocking access? So I sit next to the tree, and try to walk carefully on the diagonal. One Alt-1 later, I have two options to choose between:

The first merely moves me on top of the hatch; the second places me inside a thoroughly empty lair.

Well this was a waste of time. An educational waste of time, but a waste of time regardless.

Going to the south, the Cave of Morality is only slightly less empty (it holds two small gauntlets, a stack of arrows, and an empty wooden chest). At least it was much easier to find.

The next lair on the list, TortureNights, is both unoccupied and previously visited; but at least I re-locate HardyGate; it’s between the Cave of Morality and TortureNights.

This time I do visit the vault, but there’s nothing out of the ordinary.

The fourth lair, right next to LimpFiend the Dark Pit, is named FlinchMined. It’s another empty one.

That’s enough lairs; the cave is directly to the west. But it can’t be visited, for some weird reason; I tried multiple times, and the game keeps crashing (well, it stops responding and then I crash it on purpose). Just revealing the cave at all is enough to kill DF. I tried coming over from the East, from North-East, from the South; that one was most successful, since it actually let me move a bit before freezing.

I tried dropping earlier from fast-travel, and approaching the place on foot. The game still froze after I hit one certain chunk:

So… after 6 or 7 restarts, I finally call it quits, and move towards the approximate location of the last vault. It should be in the middle of this area.

Found it, but there’s no message. Maybe if I get nearer?

Maybe if I go inside?

Yeah, honestly I have no idea what I was even expecting.

Where the actual fuck even is that stupid thing? I can’t see any attackers, on any of the three maps. Either they’re invisible, or they’re somehow melee-attacking from range.

It was very tempting to just stop here, and return to fortress mode. But there is one reason to roll one last adventurer: ShellsGrave is not visible on the map. All other visited locations are, except for the last one. Poor Tekud will not have died in vain; I will take one last adventurer, visit the vault, then retreat in SwallowedShoot. Hopefully, the gossip factor will be enough.

So one more goblin leaves from AdmireFortresses (I considered a dwarf, but I’m not dealing with food and especially water anymore). Welcome to the world, Lokum!

Is there no other place for an adventurer to spawn in AdmireFortresses?!?

Ugh; fuck it, off the wall and to the south I go. Almost on a whim, I stop in SwallowedShoots, and read a certain slab:

Then I drop it, preferably before somebody kills me, and leave. Next stop, HopeWorks; at worst, I took a pointless detour. But while there’s still notable lag, at least this time I can walk in the place:

Once I enter the fort proper, the lag eases; it goes from 10 to 30 FPS, which is about on par with fort mode. I take advantage of all the masterwork armor and weapons. Except for the axe; given a choice between a ☼steel axe☼ and an *adamantine axe*, there is no contest -- addie beats steel.

The only other great attraction of HopeWork was the necro-slab from the temple of death. But since I got my own in the meantime, it’s time to leave. The closest exit is through the depot ‘airlock’; in adventure mode, it doesn’t look terribly airlock-y anymore:

Going out to the north may not have been the smartest move:

I’m pretty sure some of them are following me. But I can move west ahead of all whatever-those-are, so I’m safe.

Before long, I make it to the brook that will take me close to the vault.

Running into some keas, I decide that’s an excellent time to figure out my necromantic powers. Of which I have none; or at least none that work on keas:

My destination is in that little strip of milder mountains inserting itself among the steep mountains. Compare the current map with the screenshot from the human’s trip:

Well, here I am again, and still no trace of message.

I suppose my next move is to head back, and retreat in Sil Kodor to a peaceful life. But before that, there’s one last test I want to perform:

Still no entry in x-p. Lokum is not a necromancer, despite having read the slab. Maybe being a novice reader wasn’t enough, or the reading skill rusted a bit during travel? But then why didn’t I get a failure message? Either way, Lokum is getting out of dodge, and retiring in Hopework.

Lag seems worse than last time; I only walk a few tiles inside the territory of the fort. Still, that’s close enough; time to rest.


Join me next time, where I will return to HopeWork and cheerily embark on a blatant campaign of extermination against goblins. Because the grizzly lessons of SwallowedShoot were forgotten in about five minutes
Needs caffeine to get through the working day.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Doomed World of Sil Kodor: A Demon Mobility Experiment
« Reply #54 on: August 03, 2021, 02:23:08 am »

That was pretty good stuff. If you had been in hopework at time of the siege of goblins, it would have been cool to see what happens. Assuming that did happen.


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Re: The Doomed World of Sil Kodor: A Demon Mobility Experiment
« Reply #55 on: August 03, 2021, 04:24:52 am »

Spoilers for later, but it wasn't a goblin siege.
Needs caffeine to get through the working day.
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Quantum Drop

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Re: The Doomed World of Sil Kodor: A Demon Mobility Experiment
« Reply #56 on: August 03, 2021, 04:36:42 am »

I think I know why Lokum didn't become a necromancer. She's a goblin, which are biologically immortal in the raws (i.e.: they have no MAXAGE token). Going off my experiences so far (and this Imgur album I found), necromancer secrets seem to require a creature to be capable of aging to learn the secrets of life and death; consequentially, necromancer experiments, elves, goblins, and the like will never be able to become necromancers, whether by reading a slab/book or in worldgen.

EDIT: To clarify somewhat: they will show up as necromancers in legends mode/LegendsViewer, but never actually display the necromancer interactions in their 'acquired power' menu or in gameplay, preventing them from actually raising the dead.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2021, 06:09:30 am by Quantum Drop »
I am ambushed by humans, and for a change, they do not drop dead immediately. I bash the master with my ladle, and he is propelled away. While in mid-air, he dies of old age.

King Zultan

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Re: The Doomed World of Sil Kodor: A Demon Mobility Experiment
« Reply #57 on: August 03, 2021, 05:06:04 am »

That doesn't seem fair why not let everyone in on the fun, so the whole world can join in on the necromancy party, and kill everything that isn't like them!
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


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Re: The Doomed World of Sil Kodor: A Demon Mobility Experiment
« Reply #58 on: August 03, 2021, 05:35:12 am »

I'm getting ahead of myself, but whatever. In fort mode, Lokum is listed as a necromancer; so reading the slab did work, supposedly. Further experimentation pending.

Oh what the fuck. No she's not; she was listed in adventure mode as a necromancer, but not in the fortress. So... she is not, in fact, a necromancer? And never was, despite knowing the secrets of life and death?
« Last Edit: August 05, 2021, 04:59:30 am by StrikaAmaru »
Needs caffeine to get through the working day.
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Re: The Doomed World of Sil Kodor: A Demon Mobility Experiment
« Reply #59 on: August 05, 2021, 06:00:15 am »

Year 1 (145)

It is the beginning of year 145, and HopeWork is being reclaimed.

At least, after I look at the map for a bit.

I’m really glad to see all visited locations are visible on the map; except for the last and most important of the vaults, ShellsGrave, which keeps itself secret.

I also find that nothing stops me from embarking on a revealed lair or a cave, except terrain constraints; that’s particularly interesting, because both known caves are ‘claimed’ by our enemy goblins. For example, here is JoyousGloomy; the lower two-thirds are perfectly embark-able; but trying to embark in the upper two-thirds is disallowed, because they’re all mountain tiles.

In the reclaim menu, SwallowedShoot too is available to embark, as an abandoned fortress. Huh.

This is also the point where it finally dawns on me to make a backup, for Legends purposes.

ZenosDucim is selected, and the message pops up; familiar to others, new to me:

Well. Shit.

I have questions. Why are there 6 demons in my fort? Where is my adventurer? (oh here she is, on the surface; storing something in some stockpile). Why are there 211 citizens on record? (A fuckton of merchants have emigrated in the fort; probably the former population of the tomb ButonedAmazed).

Ok; no rest for the wicked, and I suppose the rest of us should keep up. Time to see where the demons are:

Demon #1 is in a large gabbro mine; he’s killing his way through merchants. The mine is isolated with a door, but of course that won’t be enough; a 3-wide wall is ordered in the stairway.

Demon #2… is in the stairway. Shit. She’ll become the target of the military, because thankfully I still have all my squads, and they still have all their armor:

Demon #3 is in an old room; it was once used for gabbro cutting. It too is near Cave1. Ordering a wall is pointless; this one too is for the army to handle.

Demons #4 and #5 are also in the first cave; to seal it away, we’ll need this one piece of wall:

Demon #6 is in the housing complex. Four, no, five pieces of wall can keep it contained.

So that’s the overall situation. It is the 21st of… whatever the third month is, and we’re taking HopeWork back. The army is ordered to assemble in the gabbro cutting room, next to demon #3; and I can only hope this numbering will soon become obsolete.

22nd of Felsite. Good news: two demons have ended; the stairway demon, #2, and the stone-cutting room demon, #3. The two who were impossible to isolate.

Next, the military will assemble in the living space, to take out #6. None of the walls have been constructed yet, though I suppose that’s to be expected; at least I can see all jobs are underway:

Uhhh… What’s going on? I can’t give orders to the military? I didn’t even notice; so these guys have killed two demons… pretty much by happenstance? Nice, but what’s wrong with you? All dorfs are listed as present in the military interface; but Dwarf therapist considers most of them off-site.

So… either the squads are a bit FUBAR, or many of my most lethal citizens have decided to go on a trip. Officially, squads Marks2 and Melee3 should still be available; and they are. Both are stationed in the housing complex, right by the stairway; actually, before I go any further, how about I save and reload?

And things get slightly better:

The newly-reclaimed squads get stationed in the first cave entrance; despite most members pausing to retrieve drink and food, Hopework marks down one more infernal fatality:

This was one of the two cavern demons (so either #4 or #5). There are now only three enemies left -- one in the bedrooms (#6), one in the first cave, and the third (#1) is putzing about in the very room that the marble door pictured above is closing.

24th. A bloodbath has taken place in the cavern (not least because three idiots from the unresponsive crossbow squad decided to fight a demon one at a time):

Below all those dwarves, there’s also the corpse of a white brute demon, the last of the cavern demons. These guys are tanky as hell.

In the living quarters too, there is now a demon’s broken corpse:

While two squads were piling on a demon in the cavern, Hammer Lady Alath went solo against a snakefly demon. She lost her left foot at the knee, but she’s got a demon kill to show for it:

Now let’s only hope the blood and goo released by the demon won’t kill her regardless.

There is a single demon left: #1, a white brute in the gabbro quarry. The extract it’s spitting has necrotic effects and causes severe tissue swelling, as shown by an unfortunate chicken.

26th. We are done.

The butcher’s bill is 34 dwarves, so far; most of them are traders, but the military has had losses almost amounting to an entire squad. It can only increase; the hospital is already full, and 5 doctors are removed from any jobs other than medical.

(The Walled Factions don't count; they're the cops).

It is now summer. The death toll has not yet increased, but I did finally notice we have zero booze (which makes me slightly angry at myself; I knew that reclaimed forts have all containers upended and therefore have no booze or sand of gypsum or anything else that can’t exist outside a bag or barrel). The three most skilled brewers get removed from any other jobs; we have two stills, so this should be enough until we run out of plants.

Otherwise, the fort is in that chaotic state that follows a reclaim: all bags, bins, and barrels are upended, nobles got changed, rooms need reassinging, stocks are uncertain, many pieces of furniture have been deconstructed, all pastures have lost their animals, and on top of that all bags in the fort are shown as worn for some reason. For the next few months, the fort will be hauling; especially since the human caravan has declined to visit us. Then we can look upon the future. And I can make a Legends export to see where those demons have come from.

The mystery is resolved very quickly -- each of those six demons has started their career by killing a Forgotten Beast in the Underworld. Despite being invisible, this made them named entities. Presumably, they then sat around in the underworld for years and decades, doing nothing of importance.

The interesting part is after that, when the fort was retired. This is further evidence that the game makes little difference between Forgotten Beasts and demons (with kills); because these six got ‘teleported’ into the fort, and have been active while I was out and about with my adventurers, even scoring a kill.

You all probably know this already, but the game just loves to throw shade:

Legends has also revealed a few interesting tidbits about the world at large:

Something very odd has happened in BadDabbled; it only has a skeleton crew of 75. It still has the resident demon, and Sil Kodor's strategic reserve of trolls and beak dogs:

The in-game civilization map lists JoyousGloomy as a location of theirs, and is a valid target for attack.

The second goblin civ, The Ivory Monsters, are not under the protection of their demon; they have 3 holdings, and their demon is not in any of them; their demon is in the ‘abandoned’ dark fortress of FountainTorment:

There’s a good chance of completely annihilating the Ivory Monsters as a civilization. They have, from right to left:

1. A dark pit named ScorpionMasters. It looks like a walk-over, with 6 goblins and 11 necromantic experiments.

2. A formerly-human hamlet. This one’s weird, because it has 12 humans, 2 dorfs, and only 10 goblins.

3. The dark pit of StealBand; nearly 800 goblins, but not much else.

With this excitement out of the way, the fort is left to its internal maintenance. The rest of the year is mainly occupied with hauling; there’s plenty of crap around. And nobody died of horrific syndromes, either! A single trader perished of thirst; a demon had torn out his leg, and while he was technically mobile, he was also extremely slow. Eventually, he couldn’t get to either a booze barrel or a water source in due time; he perished some time in autumn.

There’s a large number of horses and yaks from the merchants; they’re all listed as ‘Not Tame’, something which at least can be easily fixed:

We missed the autumn caravan; it did arrive, but it decided to spawn on the south edge without any wagons; our depot was “not accessible”, despite using the same trade depot since 128 (we may need a new depot entrance). Then, while the draft animals were making their way towards the gate, some skittish horse ran into a badger, got scared, and the entire caravan turned tail.

The army was remade, for several reasons: firstly, there were those two bugged squads that were beyond salvaging. Secondly, the melee uniform was further refined; before, there was a single uniform version, which allowed each dwarf to choose whichever melee weapon they wished. That’s nice in theory, but it also resulted in dwarves who switched weapons over time, thus obtaining some skills in 2 or 3 areas.

(at least I can’t complain about kills)

That’s why there are now five new melee uniforms, all with metal armor and explicit instructions to use either axes, or swords, or spears, or war hammers, or maces. Which also brings me to the third reason: there are all those traders, who don’t really know how to do anything…

HopeWork now has a spectacular thirteen squads, with 129 of 173 dwarves under arms, and only 44 remaining civilians, each of them having some highly important job in the fort. One of the axe squads has an honor place reserved for Lokum the goblin most-certainly-not-a-necromancer, to be filled as soon as she petitions for citizenship. In total, we have three squads each of axe-dwarves, spear-dwarves, and swords-dwarves, two of crossbow-dwarves, and one each of hammerers and mace-dwarves. Four of them are lords and ladies of their domains, two (axes and marksdwarves) composed of both legendary veterans, and barely-competent beginners, while another seven are composed of complete neophytes.

There were, of course, problems with the armor and weapons -- the old "look at the masterworks lying about not being picked". It was resolved very thoroughly, by a combination of removing the old stockpiles, and dumping then reclaiming all their contents. We still have to make new armor; there was a lot of it, but nowhere near 130 full sets. Luckily, there's plenty of steel, and a Legendary +5 armorsmith. Speaking of, Hopework will make itself some backup armor- and weapon-smiths; two of each, chosen from the ranks of those who already had some skills in the subject. There's too much copper anyway.

And here we come to a time skip stretching over several years, while we wait for these n00bs to get themselves a passing level of martial prowess. Next in HopeWork, we conquer the world; a suitable capstone to any player fort.
Needs caffeine to get through the working day.
[Sigtext. Contains links to mods, LPs and an index of all the things I wrote on this forum. Does not contain a viable sig.]
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