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Author Topic: Splint's Vanilla Expanded Mod v10.3 - New stuff and bug fixes  (Read 50202 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Splint's Vanilla Expanded Mod v9.1 - Yet more stuff.
« Reply #45 on: October 05, 2021, 06:32:03 pm »

Thanks for the swift response! I think I know what I'm doing now.

I'll definately take a gander before the update

Not a problem, just glad people are using the mod. Let me know if you run into any bugs.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Splint's Vanilla Expanded Mod v9.2 - Underground Dangers and Undead
« Reply #46 on: October 16, 2021, 09:58:15 pm »

Hey hey people, Splint here. Have you ever wanted undead monsters roaming your lands? How about the prospects of your dwarves consuming clumps of wriggling worms to survive? Perhaps the idea of being vored by a giant velvet worm tickles your fancy in ways only a vaporeon might know, or maybe you like the idea of bludgeoning your foes to death with exciting new metals and listening to their lamentations as they beg for mercy against your mighty dwarven onslaught.

Well I have just the solution for you if any of the above is the case.

I bring you, SVE version 9.2.

Code: (v9.2 changelog) [Select]
New in v9.2

- Subterranean Extras, by Eric Blank. Plants and creatures may be renamed or redistributed to suit the rest of the mod but are otherwise unchanged, though I've omitted some (which will be noted.) As such, things found in the upper caverns (given their association in trade with dwarves) will be referred to as "dwarven whatever" as per the base game.

They have been integrated into the plant_cavern_shrubs_ex and plant_cavern_grasses_ex files.

SE Plants
- Spice Cap: A spicy, bright red mushroom found in layer 1. They can be milled into moderately valuable dwarven spice, or brewed into dwarven schnapps.
- Black Moss: A simple mold that grows thick in places in layer 1. Can be brewed into Dwarven tea or milled into low value Blackmoss Dye.
- Albino Silkworm Nest (Silkworm Nest): Abstraction of cultivated worms, raised for thread like silkworms IRL. They are found in layer 1, and offer an extremely low-value means of getting silk, known simply as "worm silk" (so if you want something flashy, you'd be better off going after cave spider or giant cave spider silk instead.) Their seeds (eggs) can also be eaten when cooked.
- Flesh Bubble: A tumrous clump of meat found growing in layer 3. Edible. Unlike their original SE form, cannot be used to make dye, but can be safely grown and eaten, providing a more manageable supply of meat (they are consequently more valuable, since they're palatable, unlike many things found in say, What Lurks Below)
- Brain Fungus (Wrinkly brain cap): A cyan, brain-like mass found in layers 2 and 3. Can be milled into a pleasant, slightly valuable aquamarine dye, but are unpaltable and so not eaten when they *are* cultivated.
- Deep Vine (Violet Vine): A valuable purple thread plant found in the deep darkest reaches of layer 3.
- Stinktube: A tubular foul-smelling fungus, grown mainly for the poor-quality yellow dye it can be milled into, found in layer 1. Thanks to their terrible rot-like odor, nobody eats the things.
- Alchemist's Finger: A faster growing alternative to harder-to-find verdant crystal grass found in layer 1. While its dyes aren't as rich and consequently nowhere near as valuable, it is far easier to get and commonly cultivated for use in dye production.
- Glowpetal: A plant of moderate value found in layer 3, mainly sought out for its similarly valuable brew, Shinewine.
- Fuzz Orb (Fuzzy Ball): Found in layer 1 and 2, can be milled into moderately valuable orb flour or brewed into dwarven cider.
- Lantern Orb: Found in all layers, these fungi resemble a sphere on a slightly crooked stalk, emitting a deep blue light. While they can be grown if seeds are properly extracted, most simply gather and cook the plants and their relative abundance means they aren't particularly valued over other cavern plants.
- Dagger Weed: A low value, brown, cave-dwelling cousin of Blade Weeds found in all layers. Can be brewed into a bland but inoffensive dwarven juice (formerly dagger weed juice,) or eaten as is.
- Egg bulb: A strange fungus found in layer 1 with an egg-like fruiting body. They are unpalatable when eaten raw, so they are commonly just cooked and eaten as an egg replacement.
- Cave Corn: An albino troglodytic strain of maize, found in layers 1 and 2. Cave corn can eaten raw, be milled into dwarven corn flour or brewed into dwarven whiskey. Not to be confused with Saltcorn.
- Cave Bean: An albino, troglodytic cousin of some indeterminate bean species, found in all layers. Inedible as they are, they can be pressed for oil and edible press cakes.
- Flywing Fern (Flyleaf Fern): A simple cash crop, this brown fern is found uncommonly in layers 1 and 2, grown for use in dye production, where they produce a slightly more valuable bronze-colored dye.
- Bone Sprout: Found in the lowest reaches of layer 3 along the edge of cavern lakes and such, these slow-growing bone-like fungi are only really useful for their somewhat valuable ivory white dye.
- Cave Cactus: A blue-colored cave succulent, found somewhat rarely in layer 2 and 3. Tough and unpleasantly chewy even when cooked, they are only ever grown or gathered for the azure dye to be had from grinding them up.
- Toadnut Plant: Found in all layers, this plant produces strange-looking but inoffensive fruit from its pitcher-like flowers (suggesting the plant feeds on flies and the like.) Going by Eric's Raws, they need to be plucked by a thresher and cooked before they can be properly enjoyed.

SE Grasses
- Living Rock: Ever growing and shrinking rock, found in layer 3.
- Blister Moss (Blood Blister): Fleshy, blister-like tissue found in layer 3.
- Fungal Roots (Fungal Mycelium): Exposed fungal mycelium, found in all layers. Likely related to Cave Fungus.
- Root Moss: An odd-looking fungus that resembles the roots of a more normal surface-living plant, found in layers 1 and 2.

SE Trees
- Blackash Tree: An unusual tree found growing in layers 1 and 2. It sports fiberous growths useful for paper production and its pods can be used for the production of blackash tea or eaten as is.

Omitted SE Plants
- Omitted plants were left out because I couldn't decide where to put them, how to value them, or just didn't find them that appealing.
-- Sucker Cap
-- Muck Coral
-- Jelly moss (grass type)
-- Squishy beans (grass type)
-- Mud-glue lichen (grass type)

SE Creatures
Same treatment as the plants. Some may be omitted and will be noted if so.
- Moss Devil: A fat omnivorous skink found in layers 1 and 2. useful as a vermin hunter and frequently unbothered by other wildlife. Highly likely to be domesticated by cavern-tapping civs. Size 40k.
- Giant Velvet Worm: A horrible worm-like creature resembling a mix of a slug and a caterpillar (just like real velvet worms!) They hunt alone in layers 1 and 2, using webbing to ensnare prey. Size 400k.
- Grawl: A large bovid-like creature with a visible, knotted spine and a maw full of venom-dripping teeth. They will attempt to steal food and drink, and their venom induces localized swelling, blistering, pain, and excessive bleeding. They can be ridden by those determined enough. Size 1 million.
- Club-tail Lizard (Scutler): A relatively small bipedal lizard found in layers 1 and 2 in groups of 3 to 7. Thanks to their social nature, they make for halfway decent pets. Possibly some distant cousin of the two-legged rhino lizard. Size 40k.
- Pouch Wolf (Cave Wolf): A large predatory marsupial that superficially resembles a wolf, found in layers 1 and 2 alone or in potentially large groups (up to 15 wolves.) Trainable, Size 75k.
- Cave Oyster: Just another type of shellfish to be had in all layers.
- Cave Barnacle (Musselsquid): Surprisingly docile mollusc resembling a tentacle-bedecked surface mussel. They live for an exceptionally long time, making them excellent pets. Rendered capable of breeding, Size 10k.
- Violet Snapper (Crocodile Turle): A large, unfriendly reptile resembling a mix of a turtle and a crocodile, with purple scales and a striped orange and black shell, found in all layers. Size 300k.
- Deep Leech (Hell Leech): A type of vermin found in layer 3. It can inflect a mild localized syndrome that induces dizziness, fever, swelling, pain and excessive bleeding.
- Spirer (Wooly Climber): A  large, 8-legged creature that legs eggs and produces a number of other valuable materials (ivory, wool, and milk.) I assume they operate like the platypus. Found in layer 1 and 2, size 300k.

SE Omitted Creatures
- Nesting Spider (Too much overlap with standard cave spiders.)
- Cave Turtle (Already had one.)
- Ovethere: Opted to omit due to its monstrous size and accessibility, but they're still there as an optional creature file if you want it. Not going to be present in any pre-installs.

A huge, tempermental, reptile-like monster found in all layers. Can be milked, sheared, and used as a mount or pack animal, but aren't trainable for war or hunting. Probably pronounced "Ova-there," but I prefer Oveh-theer. They also live a long time, making them good pets. Size 10 million. File can be found in the Generic Fantasy Creatures folder.

- Cave Potato: A new version of the old plant, this albino tuber-producer is found in all layers and lacks the feel-good destressor found on the old version. Can be eaten raw, cooked, or brewed into dwarven vodka.
- Vortex Cup: A magenta-colored mushroom that produces a whirlpool or twister-like fruiting body. Can be cooked and eaten, or milled into a moderately valuable amethyst dye.
- Ignus Moss: A moss found in layer 3, it can be woven into firecloth or brewed into firewine.
- Frog Fronde: A strange fern resembling a frog's leg with spiked toes found in layer 3. Can be cooked or milled into a valuable pine green dye.
- Imphorn: A squat, spikey red mushroom found in layer 3. Produces somewhat valuable Imp Liquor and fuchsia dye.
- Vulcan Fern: An orange fern whose leaves seem to ripple with flames, yet emit none found in layer 3. Can be cooked (causing mild displeasure due to the heat, similar to magmavines,) brewed into Volcanic Ale or extracted into valuable Volcanic Essence.
- Feeler Fungus: Long pinkish mushrooms that grow long, slimy fruiting bodies found in layer 3. Can be milled into moderately valuable puce dye, eaten raw (though it causes some eaters mild displeasure,) or extracted into Feeler Oil.
- Devil's Urn: Name taken from Fungus Expansion by MottledPetrel. A grey mushroom found in layer 3. Takes a season to grow, millable into valuable Devil's Dust flour or edible raw and cooked. Value 5 plant, value 30 mill product.

- Flare Lichen: white, bright red and yellow, found in layer 3.
- Pyre Lichen: white, bright red and yellow, found in layer 3.
- Gloomwort: Darker, purple-glowing relative of flake lichen found in layer 2 and 3.

- Mealworm Colony: Small worms inspired by the meal lice from Oxygen Not Included and Eric Blank's Silkworm nest plant. Basically groups of little wriggly creatures that clump together for safety around a food source (such as table scraps dumped into a furrowed plot.) Found in savage wetlands and forests both temperate and tropical. Bland, but not offensive.
- Fennel: Common spice crop IRL. Found in savage temperate forests and wetlands. Not as valuable as other spice crops though.
- Dill: Common herb and spice found in any savage temperate forest and temperate shrub/grassland. Can be cooked and eaten (standing in for chopped dill weed) or milled into ground dill, though for a spice crop its ease of access makes it one of the less valuable options.
- Coriander: Found in savage temperate and tropical shrublands, temperate forests and tropical dry broadleaf forests. Same treatment as Dill, being cookable or millable into ground coriander.
- Oregano: A common herb IRL, can be found in temperate forests and shrubland. Can be cooked (again, stand in for using fresh leaves) and eaten or milled into dried oregano.
- Cumin: A common herb from southern Aisa. Here found in savage tropical forests, grassland and shrubland. It must be milled into ground cumin and cooked to be eaten.
- Mugwort: An extremely common herb utilized in cooking IRL. Found in savage temperate forests, shrub and grassland, and savanna. Can be cooked  (simulating the use of fresh leaves,) or threshed to bags (dried ones.)
- Cardamom: Uncommon spice crop IRL. Amalgam of multiple types, found in savage tropical forests and shrubland. Can be milled into very expensive ground cardamom. Not the most realistic implementation, but it's there.
- Tundra Cotten: A silver-colored plant valued for its natural lustre, softness and utility. Takes a full season to grow. Value 5 in most areas, with the exception of its oil, which is value 8. Can be used to make paper, cloth, snowland oil, and snowland soap, like its stock, tropics-dwelling mundane cousin. Only found in good tundras and taiga.
- Red Elf Cup: A red mushroom found in savage temperate forests and wetlands. Can be milled into modestly valuable scarlet dye, eaten, or brewed into Red Cup Brew.
- Green Elf Cup: A teal-colored relative of the above, found in savage tropical forests and wetlands. Milled into teal cap dye or brewed into green cup brew.

- Glaive: Pike skill slashing weapon, used by humans, goblins, elves, ocean and desert civs. Material cost 3 bar or 9 wafers. Two-handed.
- Warsword: Bigger contact area/velocity two-handed sword, only used by humans, tundra civs, goblins, and dwarves by default. Material cost 3 bar or 9 wafers. Two-handed.
- War Cleaver: The hacking sword's shittier cousin. Can't stab, but better at chopping. Used by desert and ocean civs, humans and goblins.  Material cost 2 bar or 6 wafers. One-handed.
- Great Cleaver: A two-handed war cleaver. Used by ocean civs, humans and goblins.  Material cost 4 bar or 12 wafers. Two-handed.
- War Scythe: A repurposed crop scythe, with its blade adjusted for use as a poor man's glaive. or halberd. Used by tundra civs, goblins, and humans. Material cost 1 bar or 3 wafers. One-handed.
- War Fork: A reinforced pitchfork, serving as an extremely poor man's spear. Used by tundra civs, goblins, kobolds, and humans. No self-respecting warrior would use this or the war scythe. Material cost 1 bar or 3 wafers. One-handed.
- Bar Mace: Slightly larger contact area but increased velocity. Used by pretty much everyone except those races who shy away from blunt weapons. Material cost 1 bar or 3 wafers. One-handed.
- Sling: Just a sling. Uses the blowgun skill. Used by the Jungle and Tundra civs, Kobolds, and Cave peoples. One-handed for literally everything, 1 bar or 1 wafer (can assume it's a little ring to seat bullets in it or something.)
- Slingshot: Rather than the Dennis the Menace hunks of junk or the standard sling, the Slingshot is a crossbow that fires blunt-force sling bullets. Used by desert, sky and tundra civs, goblins, and dwarves. Just imagine something like a scaled down roman ballista. Material cost 2 bar or 6 wafers. Two-handed.
-- Sling Bullets: The ammo for the sling and slingshot. Edged for utility.

- Trencher: Identical to a bowl, basically a setting-appropriate plate.
- Rolling Pin: Simple, rod-type roller. Counts as a mace in melee.
- Basket: Made of solft materials, used to store food. If I'm assuming right, they shouldn't be useable to store liquids.
- Large Basket: Just a large basket, able to hold almost as much food as a pot.

- Fur-trimmed Coat, Vest, Cloak, Cape: Nondescript fur-trimmed versions of vanilla items. Just to provide visual variety.
- Mantle: Lower-coverage cape slot item.
- Shawl: Covers more than a cape, but less than a cloak.
- Scarf: Low-coverage cape slot item, covers less than a mantle.
- Pendants: Small, low coverage cover items made of metal. Come in axe, pickax, sword, hammer, anvil, gear, bear, wolf, dragon and bird variants that are functionally identical.
- Necklaces, Torcs and Neck Chains: Ditto to the above, though with even less coverage.
- Neck Chords and Braided Neck Chords: Ditto yet again, but made of leather.
- Short Trousers: Trousers that don't cover the lower leg.
- Belt: Very low coverage cover slot item for the pants area. Can be made of leather, metal, or cloth.
- Cuffed boots: Civilian version of high boots.

Assuming everything works, this should greatly enhance the variety in outfits people wear.

- Currently just contains the eyes for the undead enemies, but good to have.

- Likewise, just for the eyes on the undead enemies, but good to have.

New helmets, some common to fantasy and some that fall well under the 1400s tech cut-off.

- Bearded Helm: Closed-face helm with a prominent beard-guard ala the ironbreaker helms from Warhammer Fantasy. 100% coverage. Common among dwarves, rare for most others, absent for elves, ocean, and desert civs.
- Crested Helm: Closed-face helm with some kind of hair crest. 100% coverage. Uncommon across the board.
- Horned Helm: An open-face helmet with horns. 85% coverage. Common for dwarves, tundra folk and goblins, uncommon for others, absent for elves, ocean, sky and desert entities. Usable by world-gen ranged troops.
- Spectacled Helm: Semi Open-faced helmet with spectacle-like nose/orbital bone guard, per stock viking helmets. Common for dwarves, humans, goblins, and tundra people, uncommon for elves, rare for sky and jungle people, absent for desert and ocean people. 95% coverage.
- Kettle Helm: Wide-brimmed metal helmet. Unlike most helms, this one is very much an open-face helm and so does not provide 100% head coverage. Usable by world-gen ranged troops. Common for Humans and Goblins, Uncommon for dwarves Sky and Tundra people, absent on remainder. 80% coverage.
- Conical Helm: Inspired by the Konos helm. Simple, open-faced, conical helm. Common for desert, tundra, jungle and sky entities, uncommon for elves, kobolds and goblins, absent for the remainder. 80% coverage, usable by world-gen ranged troops.
- Ridged Helm: Inspired by the Late Roman Ridge helmet. Semi open-faced helmet. Coverage 95%. Uncommon across the board.


- Sea Hags: Evil, amphibious equivalent of merpeople. Prone to rage, size 70k. Males are referred to as Sea Churls.
- Sawbeak: A large, unfriendly black bird found in savage wetlands. Size 100k, tameable and trainable.
- Ghoul: A savage, corpse-eating humanoid found in evil biomes and all layers. They are slow learners, and so might be used by goblins and the like as minions.

- Blisterfly: An annoying vermin bug found in evil swamplands.
- Fleshfly: Ditto to the above, but found in marshes instead (yes there's a difference.)

- Arsenopyrite: Needed for the production of arsenical bronze, otherwise just a low value red stone found uncommonly in veins in similar environments to copper and as small clusters in malachite and tetrahedrite.

- Arsenical Bronze: Basically poor man's bronze, it has a silvery color but isn't quite as effective as normal or bismuth bronze. Basically, if you have no tin but you have arsenopyrite and copper, you can still make something better than copper. It's slightly less valuable than normal bronze, since while not as good for war gear it can still be quite pretty when well worked.

Anyone who can do bronze working can make arsenical bronze, and no I will not be implementing a health hazard effect to its production. That's beyond the scope of the mod.

- Make Arsenical Bronze Bars: 1 copper ore and 1 arsenopyrite gets you 4 arsenical bronze bars.
- Make Arsenical Bronze (use Malachite): Uses 2 malachite and produces 6 arsenical bronze bars (Malachite has enough arsenic in it to be worth noting, so I feel this is a fair compromise.)

- Added "[REACTION_CLASS:ARSENICABLE]" to copper ores.

Adds a number of generic undead opponents, as the undead are often a problem in what could be called "generic" fantasy, being the results of failed experiments, the winds of magic, or some other unkown, dark or arcane forces. They are found anywhere, and thier weaponry where applicable is made of bronze.

- Human, elf, dwarf, and goblin corpses: Found in non-freezing biomes alone or in groups of up to 7.
- Frozen and Dessicated Corpses, found in freezing and desert biomes; it can be assumed dessicated corpses are older than fresh ones in the biomes they overlap in.
- Feral Human, Elf, Goblin, and Dwarf vampires, who can be found anywhere hunting alone. They ar fearless and assuming it works correctly, will suck the blood of enemies they bite.
- Water-logged corpses, found in lakes, oceans and waterways. I'd recommend bringing some starting combat gear if you use the addon.
- Skeletons of each main race, as well as frost-bitten and burnt skeletons. For simplicity's sake, each has two castes with a different weapon. They can be found in groups of up to 5.
-- Humans: Swords and Maces
-- Dwarves: Axes and Hammers
-- Elves: Spears and Swords
-- Goblins: Axes and Maces
-- Kobolds: Daggers and Spears
-- Frost-bitten: Swords and Axes. Found only in freezing biomes.
-- Burnt: Spears and Swords. Found only in deserts.

Fantasy metals now has a slew of "crystal metals." These are simply acquired from ores found deep in the earth in igneous intrusive and extrusive layers for the most part. Like other fantasy metals, they also yield a smidge of orchicalcum.

- Bright Crystal: Smelted from Crystalline Ore. Identical to bronze, but slightly more valuable and brightly colored. It is the most common form of crystal-metal. Value 8.
- Skystone: A silvery stone found rarely in sedimentary layers and extremely rarely in soil. Serves as another source of Bright Crystal. Quite valuable thanks to their cloud-like grain when worked and polished. Only found in small clusters and single tiles. Value 10.
- Crystalline Ore: White ore of Bright Crystal. Found in igneous extrusive and metamorphic layers in small clusters and even more rarely, veins. Value 8.
- Black Crystal: Smelted from Crystalline Darkness. Black, glossy substance that performs identically to iron. Value 15.
- Crystalline Darkness: Black ore of Black Crystal.  Found in igneous extrusive and metamorphic layers as small clusters and even more rarely, veins. Value 10.
- Nethershard: Smelted from Nethercrystal. Purple metal identical to steel. Value 45 due to rarity.
- Nethercrystal: Dark blue ore of Nethershard.  The rarest and consequently most expensive crystal ore. Found in igneous intrusive layers only. small clusters and even more rarely, veins. Value 20.
- Vulcanshard: Smelted from Vulkite. A gold, soft-glowing crystalline metal identical to steel. Value 40 due to rarity.
- Vulkite: Bright red ore of Vulcanshard. It is nearly as rare as nethershard, found only in Igneous intrusive layers. Found in small clusters and even more rarely, veins. Value 15.

- Golden Crystal Grass dye value increased to 35 (from 30) and restricted to layer 3.
- Dark Crystal Grass dye value increased to 35 (from 30) and restricted to layer 3.
- Verdant Crystal Grass dye value decreased to 25 (from 30) and restricted to layer 2 and 3.
- Crimson Crystal Grass dye value decreased to 20 (from 30) and restricted to layer 1.
- The OG Cave potatos, drink, and seeds renamed to Deep Potatos. Drink renamed to deep potato wine.
- Generic Fantasy Creatures has been split up into component files/folders, so you can better customize what you'd like to have.

Many plants
- Spice plants now have a syndrome that induces a feeling of contentment from eating a seasoned dish.

- There is also now nutmeg trees in fine woods, as an expieriment to see if fruit can be milled.

- Exactly what it says on the tin, to better allow satyrs, rodent men, and so forth to spawn.

While I'm pretty sure I got everyone, some of the entity files may be missing their intended new stuff. I did a stupid and tried to do them all at once, and it ended up a confused jumble, so some civs might be missing clothing, tool or weapon items. Let me know if this is the case and I'll make a hotfix.

Special thanks to ZM5 for providing the skeleton enemy base!

The star of the show is Eric Blanks new toys, but I would not be found wanting my friends, and so, like a week late, this update has finally rolled forth. On paper, everything works fine besides that stupid broken color on the arctic rhino lizards.

And again, a special thanks to ZM5 for the skeletons and sqamous for his bandit builder template, which provided the weapons needed.

Do let me know if anything's broken, and GET IT NOW.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Splint's Vanilla Expanded Mod v9.2 - Underground Dangers and Undead
« Reply #47 on: October 18, 2021, 08:40:45 am »

Congrats on the update Splint! Posting and downloading to play around with the new stuff. Looks like you had some excellent ideas here on implementation of things, especially those different generic undead types.
The Highfantasy Mod/Pack. Civs, Creatures, Systems, Balance.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Splint's Vanilla Expanded Mod v9.2 - Underground Dangers and Undead
« Reply #48 on: October 18, 2021, 04:52:23 pm »

Congrats on the update Splint! Posting and downloading to play around with the new stuff. Looks like you had some excellent ideas here on implementation of things, especially those different generic undead types.

Be mindful, the zombies and feral vamps aren't armed, and the skeletons hit like a dump truck against poorly armored opponents - I did test them enough to see the kind of damage they could do to human-sized enemies. and they spawn anywhere, not just evil biomes (they're generic fantasy opponents after all. :P)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Splint's Vanilla Expanded Mod v9.2 - Underground Dangers and Undead
« Reply #49 on: October 19, 2021, 10:13:06 am »

It won't disrupt the functionality of the mod if I remove the new [FOREST] and [EVIL] civs will it? I wouldn't otherwise have a problem with them, but I've noticed that they often seem to prevent vanilla goblin and elf civs from generating in worldgen.
It's actually pretty terrifying to think about having all of your fat melt off into grease because you started sweating too much.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Splint's Vanilla Expanded Mod v9.2 - Underground Dangers and Undead
« Reply #50 on: October 19, 2021, 12:29:49 pm »

It won't disrupt the functionality of the mod if I remove the new [FOREST] and [EVIL] civs will it? I wouldn't otherwise have a problem with them, but I've noticed that they often seem to prevent vanilla goblin and elf civs from generating in worldgen.

It won't impact anything in the slightest. The extra civs are all there for variety, there's no real gimmick or anything tied to them that demands their presence. The worst that happens is you have a harder time accessing certain creatures and some weapons become artifact-only acquisitions.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Splint's Vanilla Expanded Mod v9.2 - Underground Dangers and Undead
« Reply #51 on: October 19, 2021, 12:36:46 pm »

Thanks, that's helpful to know. Thanks for making this mod, seems really cool so far. :)
It's actually pretty terrifying to think about having all of your fat melt off into grease because you started sweating too much.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Splint's Vanilla Expanded Mod v9.2 - Underground Dangers and Undead
« Reply #52 on: October 19, 2021, 03:39:46 pm »

Thanks, that's helpful to know. Thanks for making this mod, seems really cool so far. :)

Glad you're liking it. Let me know if you run into anything broken or what have you (besides that damned color error on the arctic rhino lizards)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Splint's Vanilla Expanded Mod v9.2 - Underground Dangers and Undead
« Reply #53 on: October 19, 2021, 09:07:19 pm »

I noticed in the errorlog some reaction error involving one of the new materials as well, but it's yet to affect gameplay for me. I'll give you more details later.
It's actually pretty terrifying to think about having all of your fat melt off into grease because you started sweating too much.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Splint's Vanilla Expanded Mod v9.2 - Underground Dangers and Undead
« Reply #54 on: October 20, 2021, 04:35:02 pm »

I noticed in the errorlog some reaction error involving one of the new materials as well, but it's yet to affect gameplay for me. I'll give you more details later.

Shit, that probably means I accidentally shipped the bugged ores for two things (I'd left off the _SPL bit at the end in the metals they were supposed to output.)

Hope there's nothing else going wrong there.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Splint's Vanilla Expanded Mod v9.2 - Underground Dangers and Undead
« Reply #55 on: October 22, 2021, 11:37:37 am »

Thanks for your mods.  Pretty much my standard "vanilla" game these days is this mod and your utility mod that I then merge with Dwarf Fortress Revised for some other improvements and Mottled Petrel's Fungus Expansion for the extra variety.  Have you ever considered merging in the stuff in Revised since much of that is pretty vanilla?

For reference, this is Revised

Thanks again


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Splint's Vanilla Expanded Mod v9.2 - Underground Dangers and Undead
« Reply #56 on: October 22, 2021, 02:21:02 pm »

Thanks for your mods.  Pretty much my standard "vanilla" game these days is this mod and your utility mod that I then merge with Dwarf Fortress Revised for some other improvements and Mottled Petrel's Fungus Expansion for the extra variety.  Have you ever considered merging in the stuff in Revised since much of that is pretty vanilla?

For reference, this is Revised

Thanks again
I'm aware of Revised, haven't messed with it cause it touches a lot of the same files and I don't want to have to copy changes around for a bajillion little things, though I did include some of the tissue changes by way of sver's combat mod. It's a bit lazy, but it'd be tedious as hell to do, basically.

Glad you like the mod though! If you run into any problems with the stuff I've added, do let me know. Can't be having a totally bricked product out and about.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Splint's Vanilla Expanded Mod v9.2 - Underground Dangers and Undead
« Reply #57 on: October 22, 2021, 03:45:37 pm »

Very nice, the consistency in the documentation is inspiring. PTW.

Oh and a tip: if you want ghostly undead or to minimize cleanup on whatevermancy minions or other creatures in 47.xx, [NIGHT_CREATURE_NIGHTMARE] makes them dematerialize post death, which is convenient.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Splint's Vanilla Expanded Mod v9.2 - Underground Dangers and Undead
« Reply #58 on: October 22, 2021, 04:08:32 pm »

Very nice, the consistency in the documentation is inspiring. PTW.

Oh and a tip: if you want ghostly undead or to minimize cleanup on whatevermancy minions or other creatures in 47.xx, [NIGHT_CREATURE_NIGHTMARE] makes them dematerialize post death, which is convenient.

I didn't make whatevermancy, but I'll make a note of it.


  • Bay Watcher
  • War is a valid form of diplomacy.
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Re: Splint's Vanilla Expanded Mod v9.3 - Book Titles and other small things
« Reply #59 on: November 30, 2021, 09:58:39 pm »

Hey hey people, small update here. Coulda sworn I'd uploaded this like, two days ago but I completely spaced it. Main addition is Delphonso's book titles mod, popped in at his offering!

Code: (changelog for 9.3) [Select]
New in v9.3

- Fixed a bugged set of reactions for Fantasy metals. Accidentally used the bugged raws for the last release rather than the ones I fixed in the testing install. Sorry for the wait, and thanks to PlumpHelmetMan for spotting it.
- Checked for a possible minor name bug on the cockentrice. let me know if it crops up, dunno what caused it.

- Carcharodon: A bizarre two-legged shark, found in savage oceans and wetlands. They are indeed amphibious, trainable, and can be used as mounts. Value 300, Size 2 million.
- Spindle Beast: A stick-like humanoid with multi-jointed arms and legs found stalking evil forests and jungles. A long toothed tongue extends from its tube-like head to lash aggressors and prey alike. NOTE: Attack is a standard bite for simplicity's sake. May change later.

- Crystalline Golem: An irregularly-shaped golem made of glowing gemstones, found in layer 3. Size 800k, prone to rage. Drops some manner of blue gemstone if destroyed.

- Buckler Bug: A large but squat insect resembling a buckler found roaming around in small groups in savage deserts. Size 30k, tameable but not trainable.

- Albino Buckler Bug: A relative of the above, found in savage mountains and the upper caves. They move in smaller groups (2-4 instead of 3-7,) are slightly larger, and still tameable. Size 35k.

EDITED MODULE - Whatevermancy
- Decided to implement Fantisicdorf's suggestion on Whatevermancy minions as an expierimental change. lemme know if it works.

NEW MODULE - Delphonso's Book Expansion
- Adds a bunch of new additions to the book/artistic form title section, courtesy of Delphonso. Simple, and perfectly within SVE's scope. Just to be safe, I'd recommend popping it in after whatevermancy if you install manually.

Everything should be fine this time around, at least according to the errorlogs and cursory testing. let me know if something shits itself, as usual. Apart from that damned arctic rhino lizard error that persists to spite me.
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