I feel like IcyTea and 4maskwolf's claim of being masons is dubious. To me, it looks more like IcyTea is a cult leader with a day conversion ability called Hydraform or related to such an ability. Lemme gather some more evidence of this.
Be sure to include in your evidence "why we would ever claim that on D1 when even a single dubious townie could make the whole thing unravel with the right ability."
This is WIFOM.
Have you, by chance, read through Choose Your Own Masquerade? It's a pretty good example of why even the most thoroughly convincing scum gambits are never,
ever a good idea, especially in a role madness game. Because no matter how clever you think you are, how convincing you think your ruse is, all it takes is a single townie to doubt your honesty and the whole thing can fall apart around you. I backed up a truck over the rest of my scumteam, hijacked the town and railroaded it down a path to my victory, and used the downright broken mechanics of that game to become basically an unkillable demigod, and I still lost because a single townie doubted me and had the right abilities to get to me. One single townie, out of all those who were fooled or just so cowed they didn't bother to speak up.
And now you're telling me that, under no pressure, we choose to go for an all-or-nothing gambit where the cult claims masons, in a game that's confirmed to have a mafia team (who are interested in killing both town masons and hidden cultists) and just trusting that we're somehow invincible to any grumpy scum or curious/distrusting townie who takes a poke around at, oh I don't know.
1. Our lives.
2. Our alignment.
3. Our role names.
4. Our ability names.
And so on, for the entire length of the game, without ever arousing suspicion that there might be a cult growing within the town.
It's an interesting take, I'll give you that.