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Author Topic: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdoms  (Read 9419 times)

Dustan Hache

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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdoms
« Reply #45 on: November 26, 2020, 01:34:42 pm »

Noting the approach of Ashuri to the ogres in his troop, he takes a moment to investigate the situation.
"You are interested in having one or more of the ogres assist you in developing art, or perhaps assisting in the construction of some of your great projects to come? I have no issues with this if that is what they want to do. They are free to work with whomever they see fit."
I figure at some point, you're just gonna run outta fucks to give and just off yourself whenever you get hurt at all. It's not like there's any downsides to it. Hangover? Suicide will fix that. Stubbed your toe? Suicide. Headache? Suicide. Papercut? Suicide.


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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdoms
« Reply #46 on: November 26, 2020, 04:50:23 pm »

It that Oozes
It that Oozes was going to stick with the original plan. Rather than trying to immediately modify the "Potential" type slimes, it would instead observe them. The benefits of this are twofold; it will reveal how these slimes will differentiate themselves from other ones naturally, and rather than immediately using this potential, It that Oozes would learn about the circumstances required to bring a slime with heightened potential into being.
Logged is coming dangerously close to being able to run Gridhood. Maybe I'll live to see the day if I exercise, eat right, and somehow convince the world's governments not to nuke everyone.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdoms
« Reply #47 on: November 27, 2020, 12:21:52 pm »


"I will focus on the weaker forces first before, the inevitable eternal will eventually rise. Jotul, once last inquiry before out departure and that being about the humans and elfs, those that used the despicable term of Virtuous to claim their kind. Where are there nearest borders and villages to the Rairanos Kingdom, where do they lay? This will be quite useful in the assistance to your kindred in the future."

Nevermore will begin the necromantic research on the creatures that are devoid of all sources of magic first, and begin the rise of the weaker skeletal dragons and experimentation on how to do so.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdoms
« Reply #48 on: November 27, 2020, 12:56:04 pm »

((Hey, Nakéen, just a heads up that I did some edits to my waitlisted sheet.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdoms
« Reply #49 on: November 29, 2020, 08:21:11 pm »

Is this still a thing?
Logged is coming dangerously close to being able to run Gridhood. Maybe I'll live to see the day if I exercise, eat right, and somehow convince the world's governments not to nuke everyone.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdoms
« Reply #50 on: November 30, 2020, 02:06:13 pm »

Is this still a thing?
Yes yes! I was just that busy this week-end :)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdoms
« Reply #51 on: December 06, 2020, 03:42:38 pm »

One weekend later, and the game looks no more alive than before.
Logged is coming dangerously close to being able to run Gridhood. Maybe I'll live to see the day if I exercise, eat right, and somehow convince the world's governments not to nuke everyone.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdoms
« Reply #52 on: May 24, 2021, 06:19:59 am »

Turn 1 - Year 1 of the Zethean Calendar: First Missions


Players: Eversor, Ashuri-Zagos, and Azarian.

Spoiler: Known Regions (click to show/hide)

Eversor the Animated Armor

Opportunity: Esl and Arp
Eversor nodded at Aspath's request.

"Although it pains me to part with such excellent warriors, I understand. Arp, Esl, and the others were originally under your command, in the end."

Eversor will relinquish command over the Forgotten Guards in his employ. Unless there is anything else, he'd begin recruiting other undead to temporarily replace them.

With precise elegance, Aspath lightly bowed forward in deference.
"A thousand thanks Lord Eversor, the Tartarian Guard is in your debt. May good fortune light your path."

Tartarian Forgotten Guards Squad disbanded

You took this occasion to follow up on your plan of action. In the coming days, you would recruit undead all over Zethe in order to bolster your forces and prepare for the next expedition. From the obsidian throne, the King of Zethe gave you his blessings with a soft yet powerful smile.
"Ever so diligent, as expected of the Sword of Zethe, there is no rest but preparation for the next battle. Although your body may be immortal and inexhaustible, forget not to temper the strain on your soul. Might and Fortune be with you, Lord Eversor."

Filled with pride for being acknowledged such by the King, you bowed your head and reaffirmed your devotion to Zethe's cause. When the council of the Lords ended, you immediately started your preparations.

Recruit (Mission): Recruiting undead troups in Zethe
Difficulty: a Moderate Task
Attribute Used: Strength (4)
Traits Used: Ancient Undead Warrior (+4)
Roll [5d6]: [20] + 4

[8: Milestone reached]
[16: Bonus Milestone reached]
[24: Bonus Milestone reached]
1st Bonus Luck Roll [1d6]: [2] -Passable-
2nd Bonus Luck Roll [1d6]: [6] -Excellent-

Using his martial prowess and legendary reputation as an Undead Commander, Eversor personally travelled all of Zethe's controlled regions, chasing for undeads of talent and devotion. But his reputation always preceded him, for everywhere he went undead would be waiting for the legendary Sword of Zethe, who was said to be forming an elite squad of undead warriors. Words spread far and wide, bringing undead from even beyond Zethe...

First and most numerous are the mixed groups of undead, from beasts of the earth to beasts of skies, they make for a very heterogenous group united only by their loyalty to Zethe and your admiration of your achievements.

Second are very old undead creatures who have survived for centuries. Each is individually much stronger than the average undead, but their solitary lives make them very undisciplined in a group.

Finally, coming from beyond Zethe's borders: a group of undead knights coming from several ruined kingdoms which disappeared centuries ago. They are very experienced, and possess superior equipment impervious to the ravages of time.

Eversor must now choose which troops to recruit. As for the rest, maybe their powers could be put to good use in other ways in Zethe.

With all these potential recruits, Eversor may potentially form:
- up to two new Battalions of Mixed Troops
- one Squad of Elder Undead Survivors
- one Squad of Forlorn Undead Knights

Of course, they may have been looking for a very specific type of undead. Fortune being on his side, there is a good chance Eversor would have found what he looked for.

Quote from: Mixed Undead Battalion
Undead Creatures Battalion
Command Points: 2 (Reduced to 1 for Eversor)
Upkeep: Unlife energy
Size: o o
Integrity: o o
Morale: o o
Combat Rating: 5
Special Traits:
[Intelligent Undead]
[Mixed Troops] - -1 to Rout check

Special Abilities: None

Elder Undead Survivors Squad
Command Points: 2 (Reduced to 1 for Eversor)
Upkeep: Unlife energy
Size: o
Integrity: o o o o o
Morale: o o
Combat Rating: 10
Special Traits:
[Elder Undead]
[Undisciplined] - -1 to Rout check

Special Abilities: None

Forlorn Undead Knights Squad
Command Points: 2 (Reduced to 1 for Eversor)
Upkeep: Unlife energy
Size: o
Integrity: o o o o
Morale: o o o
Combat Rating: 8
Special Traits:
[Ancient Undead]
[Fearless] - +2 to Rout check
[Heavily Armoured] - Reduce damage by 1

Special Abilities: None

Quote from: Eversor's Forces
Command Slots: 2/3 [No Morale Penalty]
- Eversor's 1st Skeletal Soldiers Battalion (1CP)
- Eversor's 1st Undead Beasts Battalion (1CP)

Azarian the Thoughbeast

Joint Opportunity with Ashuri-Zagos: The Singing Ogre (continued)
Noting the approach of Ashuri to the ogres in his troop, he takes a moment to investigate the situation.
"You are interested in having one or more of the ogres assist you in developing art, or perhaps assisting in the construction of some of your great projects to come? I have no issues with this if that is what they want to do. They are free to work with whomever they see fit."

See Ashuri-Zagos turn.

Luck Roll [1d6]: 3 -Decent-
With your blessing, several Ogres went with Ashuri-Zagos in order to become singers. Your Ogre squad ended up reduced in size, affecting its Integrity.

Parabes Mountain Ogres Squad lost 1 Integrity

Opportunity: A potential grain deal? (continued)
Azarian would be curious about this replacement foodstuff, and agree to test it by having roughly half a week's grain ration replaced with it. If no ill effects were observed, then he would return to the farmer with a request for more.

You accepted the offer of the farmer, and asked for more details about this crop. With occasional clinking from his mandibles, the farmer explained the cereal was discovered in the Plains of Latze, home of the Bartoros. It was moderately abundant there, and it was a very filling food full of nutrients. Each ball was bigger than an infant ogre's eyeball, and the shell felt slightly hairy to the touch.

Enough grain to feed your troops for half a week was supplied to you in large bags that could be carried by the Ogres.
+3 Food Supplies

Luck Roll [1d6]: [2] -Passable-
(Will take effect in the Expedition)

Expedition (Mission): Exploration and Scouting of the Ergant Forest (Distance 1)
Azarian and his forces have arrived to the Ergant Forest. A lush painting of green and red, the trees carry leaves of many shades of these two colours. It is a place vibrant with life and danger, who knows what secret Azarian will discover...

This region is rich in Food, allowing your troops to forage. No supplies were consumed.

Azarian welcomes the ogres into his force, pleased to have capable fighters to help him protect his scouts. His work was about to begin again, and what he had heard of the Ergant Forests was mostly rumors, which was not acceptable for someone of knowledge like himself.

Azarian would take a moment to gather supplies for his forces, and would then start an expidition to the Ergant forests to gather real information about the land there. There was scouting and exploration to be done!

Information Gathering
Difficulty: a Moderate Task
Attribute Used: Intelligence (3)
Traits Used: None
Troops Bonus: +3
Roll [4d6]: [16] + 3

[8: Milestone reached]
[16: Bonus Milestone reached]
Bonus Luck Roll: [1] -Nothing-

Magical Sense
Difficulty: an Easy Task
Attribute Used: Magic (2)
Traits Used: Psychic Energy Being (+3)
Roll [3d6]: [13] + 3

[4: Milestone reached]
[8: Bonus Milestone reached]
[16: Bonus Milestone reached]
1st Bonus Luck Roll: [4] -Good-
2nd Bonus Luck Roll: [1] -Nothing-

Azarian ordered his troops to deploy into a scouting array, allowing them to gather information about the region in a record time. Using his powerful powers of the mind, Azarian could also sense lifeforms from a distance. After a few days of undetected monitoring, Azarian came to the following conclusions:

1. The Ergant Forests were a highly savage place, but not as brutal as some rumors suggested.
2. Two groups of monsters dominated the region: the Basilisks and the Devourer Worms.
2a. The Basilisks were great snakes known for their dreadful venom. Arrogant and intelligent, they would be a great asset to Zethe if they could be made utterly loyal to the cause.
2b. The Devourer Worms were savage and violent, with seemingly bottomless appetites. Their great might and powerful resistances to poisons made them threats to be reckoned with.
3. The wood was of lesser quality here, but the fruits were plentiful. There were also many springs of drinkable water.
3a. Said water was highly rich in raw magic power. You could think of countless uses for such a resource.
4. The rumors could still be real, but it was unlikely.

---Ergant Forests---
Savagery: High
Magic: Moderate
Dominant Group: Basilisks competing with Devourer Worms
- Food
- Mana-rich Water
- Low Quality Wood
-"Fruits of Life" (Rumor)
-"Spring of healing water" (Rumor)
-"Silver Amber" (Rumor)
Special Location:
-None known

Quote from: Azarian's Forces
Command Slots: 3/3
Control Slots: 0/4
- Azarian's Harpy Reconnaissance Squad (1CP)
- Azarian's Flying Occuli Surveillance Squad (1CP)
- Azarian's Parabes Mountain Ogres Squad (1CP)


Joint Opportunity with Azarian: The Singing Ogre (continued)
Ashuri-Zagos approaches the Ogre, offering further musical training and, if the Ogre is interested, possible patronage as a public performer. Musicians would certainly be fine and effective way to begin developing some artistic traditions amongst the Zetheans.

You approached the Ogre and told them of their hidden gift, their voice. The confused Ogre wasn't sure they heard well. Their voice? What good could a voice be used for apart from shouting and screaming to intimidate your enemies? Sure they were a good shouter, his mother said so after all. The Ogre laughed with his powerful voice.
"Ha Ha Ha! What is this music you speak of?"

You answered with a song of yore sung in the forgotten language of a dead civilization. The Ogres at first were surprised and puzzled, not understanding why you had suddenly started speaking strange words in such a bizarre manner. But even more surprising to them, your utterances were... pleasant. They asked if that was some sort of magic you cast. No, it was music. Art.

Azarian, fellow Zethean Lord stepped in. They had noticed your interest, and the budding interest of the Ogres. Thanks to him all hesitation was cleared from the mind of the Ogres, who were now a few curious. Several Ogres thus accepted your offer to train them in the ways of music.

Due to your ongoing focus in a Project, you are unable to give them full training.

Joint Opportunity with Ashuri-Zagos: Training the Singing Ogres (continued)
Difficulty: a Moderate Task
Attribute Used: Intelligence (2)
Traits Used: None
Modifier: ongoing project (-2)
Roll [3d6]: [14] - 2
[8: Milestone reached]

Thanks to the unexpected diligence of the Ogres in their musical studies, combined with your tutoring abilities, the Ogres quickly developed their musical skills. One could even say they were very talented, they still had much untapped potential. The hearty Ogres created their first song faster than you thought, it was a joyful folk song about an honest Ogre's daily life named "Like an Ogre".

The song very quickly spread among the workers of your project, due to its uplifting nature that made work much more enjoyable.

Parabes Mountain Ogre folk songs

Project (Mission): All roads lead to Tartarus
He laments the lacking economic knowledge of the Zetheans, but knows that it can be built up from there. His first order of business is planning out a road network, along with securimg the resources and manpower needed for it's construction, to connect Tartarus and the surrounding, newly pacified, lands, both to secure and speed up military and civilian travel within the borders of a Kingdom. If trade is the lifeblood of a kingdom, and military might it's immune system, then roads are the veins which are needed for both to be effective for the entire body.

Difficulty: a Very Hard Task
Attribute Used: Intelligence (2) and Leadership (1)
Bonus: Inspired Workers (+1)
Roll [4d6]: [12] + 1

Milestone not yet reached [20]

Ashuri-Zagos undertook a massive challenge of logistics, engineering, and trust. For days the Divine Spirit planned the network, contacted fellow officials and debated the importance of the project for the future of Zethe. And after securing resources orders and manpower, Ashuri-Zagos initiated the construction of the road network.

The project was massive, requiring great swathes of land to be cleared in order for roads to be built across regions. Progress was underway, but they still needed more time and resources.

Project Progress: 13/20 (Phase 1)

Quote from: Ashuri-Zagos' Forces
Command Slots: 3

- None yet


Player: Nevermore

Spoiler: Known Regions (click to show/hide)

Nevermore the Ravenfolk Lich

Research (Mission): Necromantic Research

"I will focus on the weaker forces first before, the inevitable eternal will eventually rise. Jotul, once last inquiry before out departure and that being about the humans and elfs, those that used the despicable term of Virtuous to claim their kind. Where are there nearest borders and villages to the Rairanos Kingdom, where do they lay? This will be quite useful in the assistance to your kindred in the future."

Nevermore will begin the necromantic research on the creatures that are devoid of all sources of magic first, and begin the rise of the weaker skeletal dragons and experimentation on how to do so.

Before you started your experiments, Jotul answered your inquiries about nearby villages of Virtuous races.
"Villages? Humans and elves live very, very far from Rairanos. Only travelers or exiles of their kinds find themselves near our lands. Rather, the dreadful Racles thrive beyond the outer mountains of Rairanos, beyond Cenegreons, the Scorched Hills. I would advise against meddling with them, for their kind is anathema to us wielders of magic. We hate them as much as we hate the Giants, because the Racles hunt us Dragons."

New locations added

Difficulty: a Hard Task
Attribute Used: Magic (4)
Skill Used: Master Necromancer (+2)
Roll [5d6]: [15] + 2
[12: Milestone reached]

Nevermore set to work, conjuring the powers of unlife to grant false life to the remains of the fallen dragons. The Lich found out that raising a Dragon was a difficult task, even when said husks were devoid of magic and protection. It took Nevermore many days and weeks to find a reliable way to raise Lesser Dragon Husks, but these undead required much more magic energy than the usual undead. Magic consumption increased exponentially with size.

Despite all this progress, Nevermore was not able to raise the magic-imbued dead dragons. More time was needed for a breakthrough.

Nevermore has raised a Lesser Dragon Husks Squad

Lesser Dragon Husks Squad
Command Points: 2 (Reduced to 1 for Nevermore)
Upkeep: Unlife energy
Size: o
Integrity: o o o
Morale: x
Combat Rating: 6
Special Traits:
[Raised Undead] - Unable to fight without an Upkeep source or without a Necromancer to command them
[Mindless] - No Morale

Special Abilities: None

Quote from: Nevermore's Forces
Command Slots: 1/3
- Lesser Dragon Husks Squad (1CP)

Spoiler: Kingdom of Rairanos (click to show/hide)


Player: It that Oozes

Spoiler: Known Regions (click to show/hide)

It that Oozes

Opportunity: Encounter at the Breeding Pool
It that Oozes
It that Oozes was going to stick with the original plan. Rather than trying to immediately modify the "Potential" type slimes, it would instead observe them. The benefits of this are twofold; it will reveal how these slimes will differentiate themselves from other ones naturally, and rather than immediately using this potential, It that Oozes would learn about the circumstances required to bring a slime with heightened potential into being.

You decided to leave these slimes be in order to study the process of slime differentiation.

Luck Roll 1d6: [4] -Good-
For slimes, nature is nurture. Newborn slimes are very similar to undifferentiated cells, able to become nearly anything. What then, guide their differentiation if not their environment? Most of these slimes turned into swamp slimes due to spending most of their time in stale ponds. Others turned into slimes that preferred living in trees. Some of these slimes differentiated into predatory slimes due to the great amount of herbivorous slimes activating chemical cues within them.

This gave you a few ideas.

Research (Mission): Slime Differentiation
It that Oozes
It that Oozes considered the circumstances, and learned that the limits on its comfortable hivemind connection was about the range of one region. In order to run a hive-empire that spans multiple regions the issue of logistics would need to be resolved.

It that Oozes pondered a couple of solutions for this, and determined that the following things would need to be attained before it could establish in a second region in a way that satisfied it:

- A "Slime Commander" class slime which was capable of maintaining cohesion of slimes in a region. A unit of multiple lesser commanders would also be acceptable. This would allow a region to act as a "Slime Hivemind Minor Node".
- A "Slime Relay" group of slimes that could handle near-instantaneous communication between It that Oozes and the aforementioned Commanders. While it would require an impractical amount of processing power to control multiple regions as per usual, it should be quite possible to send general orders and news to the Commanders alone, then have the Commanders relay that information among the ordinary slimes as a mini-hivemind.
- While not immediately necessary, some manner of Security would eventually require consideration to prevent information sabotage from hostile entities.

For now, It that Oozes would recall the scouting parties to the swampland. It knew that the swampland was able to support a Legion's worth of slimes on account of the fact that it had for a long time already.

Of course, the Slime Commander wouldn't be able to work unless it was capable of thinking in its own right. It that Oozes decided that this is okay. Handling disagreements with other slime colonies would surely be preferable to handling disagreements with the races that don't hold slime in any kind regard. Fortunately It that Oozes already had a functioning prototype: Itself! It should just be a matter of mitosis, replicating its current status... And internalizing that if it turns out to be the smaller version of itself then it would understand that it has a new lesser role intended for itself in order to avert any arguments about who is and is not the true It that Oozes. Its the big one that the small one split off from.

Mission: Prepare the logistics necessary to expand the hivemind across multiple regions!

Difficulty: a Hard Task
Attribute Used: Strength (1)
Trait Used: None
Roll [2d6]: [7]

Milestone not yet reached [12]

Controlled Differentiation:
Difficulty: a Hard Task
Attribute Used: Leadership (4)
Trait Used: Slime Hivemind Major Node (+2)
Roll [5d6]: [17] + 2

[12: Milestone reached]

As a highly specialized type of slime, It that Oozes had lost much of their species phenomenal replication abilities. Its cells could still replicate much faster than other monsters, but to fully split into two slimes with similar abillities was a colossal and very energy-consuming endeavor. A lesser version would be less difficult to create, but it still wouldn't be a piece of cake. Even with a lot of resources and time, It still hadn't managed to fully split.

Fortunately with the special privileges its nature as a Node granted them over the slime hivemind, It that Oozes ordered several slimes to start differentiating into variants similar to themselves. It took a few generations before the first viable protoslimes of Slime Commander and Slime Relay were born.

But how to secure the Hivemind? This domain exceeded the specifications of It that Oozes, and it would be hard for them to develop brand new types of slimes by themselves due to their limited intelligence.

It that Oozes has created one Protoslime Commander
It that Oozes has created one Slime Relay Squad

The protoslime was still too young to properly formulate its own independent thoughts. As for the Slime Relays, they fulfilled their function as expected.

Slime Relay Squad
Command Points: 1 (Reduced to 1 for It that Oozes, can't be less than 1)
Upkeep: Food
Size: o
Integrity: o
Morale: x
Combat Rating: 1
Special Traits:
[Mindless] - No morale
[Slow Metabolism] - Reduced Food upkeep

Special Abilities: None

Quote from: It that Oozes forces
Command Slots: 7/9
- Slime Legion (6CP)
- Slime Relay Squad (1CP)

Spoiler: The Slime Hivemind (click to show/hide)


Player: Aeon

Spoiler: Known Regions (click to show/hide)

Aeon the Phantom Beast

Opportunity: A Djinn's Advice
"Thank you for the info, old djinn."

[OoC question, do they actually know anything about me?]

[Opportunity: A Djinn's Advice]

Before you left to explore the Mirage Valley, an old djinn shared a tale with you. "There is a pool of pale orange water at the northern edge of our lands, just outside of the valley, surrounded by dead white palm trees without leaves. Avoid this place if you intend to explore the northern part of the valley. It is a cursed place where an evil spirit of carnage was sealed by the Virtuous Races a long time ago."
Take the Opportunity to go investigate. It would be interesting to see who was sealed there.

Following the tale of the Old Djinn, you decided to investigate the sealed spirit of carnage. Before leaving though, you asked the old Djinn if they knew anything about you. They apologized, having never heard of something similar to you.

Investigation (Mission): A Djinn's Tale
Difficulty: an Easy Task
Attribute Used: Magic (2) + Intelligence (0)
Trait Used: None
Roll [3d6]: [10]

[4: Milestone reached]
[8: Bonus Milestone reached]
Bonus Luck Roll: [2] -Passable-

Aeon followed a tale north, where the sandy water turns orange. What looked like ribs and bones protruding from the rocky ground were in fact dead palm trees white as bones. A dangerous atmosphere filled this place, and the dead trees seemed to rattle in the wind. Further ahead there was an hexagonal hole in the ground, over which an extremely powerful magical barrier was setup. Aeon felt disgust upon sensing this powerful magic of the New World. That wasn't a seal though, merely a barrier to prevent unaware wanderers to descend in that hole.

In that hole, Aeon could feel a powerful and malevolent presence.

Opportunity: Sealed Spirit

You would need to break this barrier in order to meet this infamous spirit, which may take some time depending on the power of the barrier.

Spoiler: Kingdom of Shalfar (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdoms
« Reply #53 on: May 24, 2021, 06:20:34 am »


Spoiler: Eversor's Status (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Eversor's Forces (click to show/hide)


Spoiler: Azarian's Status (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Azarian's Forces (click to show/hide)


Spoiler: Ashuri-Zagos Status (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Ashuri-Zagos' Forces (click to show/hide)


Spoiler: Nevermore's Status (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Nevermore's Forces (click to show/hide)


Spoiler: It that Oozes' Status (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: It that Oozes' Forces (click to show/hide)


Spoiler: Aeon's Status (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Aeon's Forces (click to show/hide)

« Last Edit: May 24, 2021, 06:24:17 am by Nakéen »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdoms
« Reply #54 on: May 24, 2021, 06:21:07 am »

Spoiler: Kingdom of Zethe (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Kingdom of Rairanos (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Kingdom of Shalfar (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: The Slime Hivemind (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdoms
« Reply #55 on: May 24, 2021, 06:22:23 am »



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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdoms
« Reply #56 on: May 24, 2021, 07:50:20 am »

Take the dead palms and carve it into a staff fit for destruction, empowering it with magical power. Then slam the reinforced staff against the barrier with my strength.

Dustan Hache

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdoms
« Reply #57 on: May 24, 2021, 01:51:22 pm »

Azarian felt they were off to a good start with his reconnaissance, and begins to establish a encampment for the future with the help of the ogre squad while working with his scouts to map out and record the findings relative to the location of said camp.
 With some fortune, they would have the location fully scouted within a month and any rumors confirmed or dispelled upon their return.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2021, 01:56:32 pm by Dustan Hache »
I figure at some point, you're just gonna run outta fucks to give and just off yourself whenever you get hurt at all. It's not like there's any downsides to it. Hangover? Suicide will fix that. Stubbed your toe? Suicide. Headache? Suicide. Papercut? Suicide.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdoms
« Reply #58 on: May 24, 2021, 03:33:34 pm »

I said it via PM, but I'll say it here too. Credit where its due, evidently this really was still a thing... Though turning a weekend delay into a half year delay may have negatively impacted the interest of some of the players.

It that Oozes
It that Oozes itself would not participate in any strenuous physical activities for a while. It elected to spend some time replenishing its mass via regular eating and taking the mitosis process slowly. This was a process that simply should not be rushed as even a regular slime could have defects if it reproduces too recklessly. It that Oozes wanted to err on the side of caution.

It that Oozes would continue to monitor the Protoslime Commanders. It quickly became apparent that it would not be practical to engage in Mitosis every time it wanted to expand to a new region. For now, there was little that could be done to improve upon them aside from providing nutritional assistance to the most promising candidates.

Despite the Protoslime Commander not yet being qualified for middle-management, It that Oozes had the assets it needed in order to perform basic scouting jobs!

---Unknown potentially forested region expedition---
1 Slime Squad would be split off from the Slime Legion in order to create an expeditionary force. It would be accompanied by the Slime Relay Squad. The Slime Relay squad would arrange themselves to form a few "Lines" leading from the Swamp to the "Unknown potentially forested region" in order to make it possible to retain cohesion even outside of the swamp. The expeditionary force was deliberately kept small because without a middle-manager all orders would need to come from It that Oozes; who would manually communicate with the expeditionary forces.

The slime squad would remain close to the relay slimes, and identify potential food sources, dangers, places of interest, and generally do what scouts should do.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2021, 05:07:15 pm by Supernerd »
Logged is coming dangerously close to being able to run Gridhood. Maybe I'll live to see the day if I exercise, eat right, and somehow convince the world's governments not to nuke everyone.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdoms
« Reply #59 on: May 25, 2021, 06:39:39 pm »

Eversor has just a lost a dependable core of elite troops, and the Forlorn Knights seem to be a viable replacement.

Eversor will take the Forlorn Undead Knights to replace the Forgotten Guards, while also dismissing his Beast Battalion in favor of the Elder Survivors. With his new warriors, he'd swiftly put them into training to acclimatize with their strength. While for his already proven Skeletal Soldiers and the experienced Knights it'd be merely a formality—for the Survivors it'd be far harsher, as the Sword of Zethe will not accept a lack of discipline within his army.

Eversor didn't care if they continued their solitary lifestyle off-duty, but while they're under his banner, they're to be akin to reliable weapons with which Zethe will strike down its foes.
Perplexicon: A New Arena - Abandoned, but feel free to give it a read.
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