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Author Topic: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdoms  (Read 9325 times)

Dustan Hache

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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdoms
« Reply #75 on: June 22, 2021, 08:33:27 am »

Azarian's missive to Eversor was brief, as he had no intent on refusing help from the other commander: go where you see fit, and I will gladly aid you if you seek conquest of the forest.
Azarian was not sure if it would help an elemental the same way it would heal a normal creature, but he knew that they had to be healed if he was to gain anything. He thusly tries two things to save the elemental: the first being to feed it some of his own magical energy to help it hang on, and the second being to try and use magic to extract some sap from one of the nearby willows and having the elemental absorb it.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2021, 08:38:01 am by Dustan Hache »
I figure at some point, you're just gonna run outta fucks to give and just off yourself whenever you get hurt at all. It's not like there's any downsides to it. Hangover? Suicide will fix that. Stubbed your toe? Suicide. Headache? Suicide. Papercut? Suicide.


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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdoms
« Reply #76 on: June 22, 2021, 08:52:08 am »

It that Oozes
Slimes capable of communicating their own desires were quite rare, to the point where It that Oozes questioned if that was even what this was. After some consideration, it considered it the most probable situation. There have been no violent incidents anywhere since the call went out, so it seemed highly unlikely that someone capable enough to initiate a psionic trap would have had the inclination to do so.

Was it possible that this voice was heard at some time before the call went out? It was a bit difficult to remember if it had.

It that Oozes would move close to, but not quite enter, the breeding pool and respond to the new voice through the hivemind. It would send a few random questions and some trivial bits of information with the intention of getting its attention, but issue no actual commands.
Being a human is actually a type of bullying.


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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdoms
« Reply #77 on: June 22, 2021, 10:05:56 am »

Ashuri-Zagos, growing only more determined after achieving the first half of his project, continues to dedicate his time and attention to supervising the expanding of the road network. It's important work, and one that must be done so that his fellow Zethean Lords can continue their border operations with function supply lines.

Though, the Bronze Lord does take some respite to look into recruiting and training some potential aids. While Ashuri-Zagos doesn't strictly need help with the project, it could provide the Kingdom and himself a batch of skilled managers to help run projects that might not need his constant, direct attention.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2021, 10:33:57 am by Prophet »
.... You've doomed us all. Granted. Everyone except for traps are executed. Random sci-fi nonsense is required to be taught in schools.
A cute intersex harem with everyone in love with the androgynous king and smart and useful enough into pushing the kingdom forward.


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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdoms
« Reply #78 on: June 22, 2021, 11:37:36 am »

Stick me on the waiting list, unless my sheet is too big, which it probably is.

« Last Edit: June 24, 2021, 05:04:27 am by Imic »
Imic's no longer allowed to vote.
Quote from: smyttysmyth
Well aren't you cheery
Quote cabinet
Regrets every choice he made and makes, including writing this here.


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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdoms
« Reply #79 on: June 23, 2021, 10:26:34 pm »

Stick me on the waiting list, unless my sheet is too big, which it probably is.

To the waitlist I will forget about tomorrow!
(Nice sheet, the length isn't an issue)


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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdoms
« Reply #80 on: June 25, 2021, 01:52:57 pm »

Nevermore had finish a month of its incredible magical mausoleum but it wasn’t finished; and then realized it could command the Lesser Bone Dragons to help him in on hits efforts.

In the beginning of the month Nevermore will conjure a skeletal raven familiar, to go act like a messenger bird, to bring a message/letter? to Jotul to see Bone’s Keep and ask questions about a massive dragon skull and who lives in the Gurmong region and if their easy pickings. Jotul can come back or send back a letter written in their language.

Nevermore will utilize its magical might and lesser bone dragon as laborers to finish the Bone Keep and set an area in the citadel where Nevermore will start on his next project to raise the magical dragons. It will finally in the middle of the entrance area of the citadel, there will be a giant bone pedestal where the lesser dragon husks will place the massive dragon skull.


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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdoms
« Reply #81 on: June 26, 2021, 12:00:02 am »

Slime status updated. Next turn will roll out in the next 6h.

edit: delayed! Tomorrow but don't know when.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2021, 04:46:57 am by Nakéen »


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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdoms
« Reply #82 on: June 26, 2021, 06:32:55 am »

Turn 2.1 - Opportunities
[Opportunity: A Broken Seal]

You descended the spiral slope toward the dark bowels of the desert. The falling streams of sand all around you seemed to be talking, admonishing you for your action. You ignored them and continued further, until you saw something at the bottom of the pit.

A platform surrounded by a ring of shifting sands that seemed to absorb all of the falling sands. Upon this platform was a single leafless ebon tree, its dried trunk having a strange luster, and its spiky branches forming a fourteen fingered hand trying to grab something in the sky. You heard a long, ancient sigh of relief echoing in the pit caused by a strange and dry wind coming from the depths of the pit.

The atmosphere was so dry you couldn't sense any moisture down there. You stopped before the tree. So that was the so-called sealed evil spirit of carnage the old Djinn told you about. The tree crackled as if bones were being crushed between mighty jaws. Uprooting itself slowly as if stretching, it spoke to you in a reverberating voice.

"Ah... Free at last. You have my thanks, stranger."

The dry air is heavy with power and resentment. The first spark will cause all this welling up tension to explode and turn into a violent fight. Will it come from you? Or the spirit?

"Aeon, The Origin of Phantasmal Beasts stranger. After hearing how you were sealed by the virtuous races and the legend of carnage you inflicted, I thought you could make a good ally in my own quest to defeat them. And to unseal the other parts of my power."

"May I ask your name, the one that the Virtuous feared enough to seal?"


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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdoms
« Reply #83 on: June 26, 2021, 11:48:29 pm »

Turn 3 - Year 1 of the Zethean Calendar


Players: Eversor, Ashuri-Zagos, and Azarian.

Spoiler: Known Regions (click to show/hide)

Eversor the Animated Armor

[Opportunity: Warriors Musing (Continued)

Musing about it, Eversor thought that every one of his warriors was right in some way.

He had idolized strength, and strived to personify it—the animated armor continues unliving according to the Law of the Strong. However, it does completely not define him anymore. When it comes to might, King Radeus is weaker than him, but Eversor had still decided to serve the ruler of Zethe after seeing his vision for the future of monsterkind. And in that vision, sheer power would lose part of its importance for monsters. A being like himself, capable of only destruction, will certainly no longer be needed once it comes into fruition and Eversor has accepted that.

But, even if he has dedicated himself to serve as King Radeus' sword, he cannot truly say his loyalty is completely pure—in the first place, what drove him to seek Radeus out was the desire to battle. While he didn't come to blows with the King and instead became one of the Zethean Lords, Radeus' vision isn't his only motivation, as Zethe's ambition will undoubtedly create conflict. Conflict in which Eversor revels.

And, indeed, respecting one's lord is only natural and personal beliefs are important to keep. But a truly charismatic leader would be able to shift and change these seemingly unshakable convictions, just as Radeus caused Eversor's own to adapt.

These thoughts would be his answer, he supposed. It's not much of an answer... undoubtedly, to some it would create more questions—but thinking and philosophy was never Eversor's strong suit.

Moved by your conviction, the undead warriors listened to your words with an intense fascination. As you described your way of unlife, the endless pursuit of strength from which you defined yourself, they came to realize that unlike them, you had never deviated from the path you set for yourself when you refused the embrace of death.

They reflected on their conditions. They were warriors still, but undead more. While not every undead became one by choice, those who persisted did so out of their own volition. A new question arose, one that challenged their very selves: why did they become undead warriors? They agreed that a warrior's way was that of war and conflict, and for that reason strength was needed and respected. But was it their only purpose of being? Unlike the unwavering Eversor that commanded them, or the radiant Radeus who led them all, what was their conviction, their ambition? Ultimately, didn't a warrior's true value also lie in the strength of its convictions?

The first to speak were the forlorn knights. Until now, they had always seemed distant, as if they were trapped in a past forever lost. But right in that instant, something had started to change: they looked at the world not through the lens of the past, but the eyes of the present.

"Clinging to forgotten vows and a lost purpose, we had been wandering for so long, seeking conflicts. In time we realized our souls to be lacking something, and we could no longer remember what drove us to fight. At some point, we lost our purposes."

With solemn voices, the Elder Survivors agreed with the Forlorn Knights.
"We are no different, satisfied with survival and the safety our strength conferred us. When we saw the monsters of Zethe, we saw we lacked something. Our existences were empty."

The Skeletal Soldiers extended a hand to the musing undead.
"Comrades in arms, we were the same before we joined Zethe and became part of the Sword. Won't you let Zethe give you purpose until you find your own? Together we can find out our own warrior's ways."

The Knights and the Survivors took the Soldiers hands with earnest. Satisfied with the outcome of the discussion, you started thinking of a particularly intense training course for tomorrow to test their determination...

Your forces have decided to seek their own path. In the future, it may lead them to further opportunities.
Your forces cohesion has increased, and as much as strength, they now respect strength of beliefs.

Your forces have gained a conditional bonus.
Warrior Bromance: so long as all corps are involved in a fight, all corps receive a +1 to Rout checks

(applies to Skeletal Soldiers, Elder Undead Survivors, and Forlorn Undead Knights)

Expedition (Mission): To the Ergant Forests (Distance 1)[/u]

Satisfied with the performance of his soldiers after the grueling training, Eversor, with the help of one of the many messenger harpies, sends a missive to Azarian.

My fellow Lord of Zethe,

My warriors are ready for another campaign to spread Zethe's borders. If you require reinforcements, I will gladly march to aid you in the woodlands of Ergant.

Should Azarian accept, Eversor and his troops will move towards the Ergant Forest to help the Thoughtbeast in taking control of the region. If not, the wastelands would be his target instead.

Hearing of the progress of Azarian's intelligence unit, Eversor offered to lend a helping hand in taking control of the Ergant Forests. Receiving the usual dry and brief answer from Azarian, the Undead Lord understood that his offer hadn't been refused. He decided to take this opportunity to test his newly assembled squads in a live situation. As Azarian was returning soon to Zethe for a report, Eversor decided to wait for the Thoughtbeast before departing. Once Azarian had delivered its various reports, the Sword of Zethe marched toward the Ergant Forests accompanied by the intelligence expert.

Being entirely comprised of undead, the Sword of Zethe required next to no supplies. Apart from spare arms for the Skeletal Soldiers, they didn't to burden themselves with food or other resources. Undead could operate at full capacity for extended periods of time, and they could recover unlife energy in various ways: through the aftermath of a battle, or by resting in unlife dense places, although the latter was rare to come across. For this rather short trip, Eversor knew there would be no supply problem.


A few days later, they reached the location of the advance base, an impressive wooden fort erected in record time with minimal numbers. While your soldiers became familiar with the location and prepared themselves for whatever would come, Azarian went to discuss with the locals.

Joint Opportunity: Meeting between Eversor and Azarian

At some point in Zethe, you and Azarian met to maybe discuss or planify the coming conquest of the Ergant Forests. How did your exchange go?

Azarian the Thoughbeast

Quote from: Current Location
---Ergant Forests---
Savagery: High
Magic: Moderate
Dominant Group: Basilisks competing with Devourer Worms
- Food
- Mana-rich Water
- Low Quality Wood
-"Fruits of Life" (Rumor)
-"Spring of healing water" (Rumor)
-"Silver Amber" (Rumor)
Special Location:
-None known

[Opportunity: Whispering Waters (Continued)]
Azarian's missive to Eversor was brief, as he had no intent on refusing help from the other commander: go where you see fit, and I will gladly aid you if you seek conquest of the forest.
Azarian was not sure if it would help an elemental the same way it would heal a normal creature, but he knew that they had to be healed if he was to gain anything. He thusly tries two things to save the elemental: the first being to feed it some of his own magical energy to help it hang on, and the second being to try and use magic to extract some sap from one of the nearby willows and having the elemental absorb it.

Opportunity: Healing the Undine
Difficulty: an Easy Task (difficulty 4)
Attribute used: Magic (2)
Roll [3d6]: [9] -Success-

Considering the nature of the elemental, you decided to start a transfusion of magical energy. As soon as your energy had flowed into the Undine's body, the elemental recovered enough for its body to naturally manage to absorb the mana of the stream. Its life saved but its mind exhausted, the elemental fell asleep at the border of the stream. You let them rest for the night.

The next morning, the elemental awoke. Remembering the night prior and how you saved its life, the Undine thanked you from the bottom of your heart. You inquired about what happened to them, and learnt about an ongoing event that had not yet reached your ears. In a secluded location of the forest existed a spring where lived a group of Undines, until the Basilisks invaded and took control of the place a mere days prior. This nameless elemental managed to escape, although it would have died were it not for your help.

You have learnt of the Basilisks ongoing conquest of the Ergant Springs

Fluff: Back to Zethe
Azarian was satisfied with the information garnered and the foothold established, yet worried by the illness from the unusual grain ration. He passes what he learned on to the king of Zethe, and warns the grain farmer of his unfortunate findings. The ogres and occuli seemed okay with it, but there were definitely some races that could not safely stomach the grain and he would adjust who got what rations accordingly.
Azarian then allows his troops a month to recover while he returned to the forests and tried to parley with the basilisks and the Devourer worms. Worst came to worst, he would take some unwilling recruits from each group and gain a better understanding of their capabilities.

You returned to Zethe, allowing your tired troops to take an entire month off while you would return to the Ergant Forests accompanied with the Sword of Zethe. Before meeting the King, you noticed how much the kingdom had changed in your short absence. One of the most recently recruited Zethean Lords, named Ashuri-Zagos, had started a massive project to connect all of the kingdom together. As a consequence of this skeleton of a road network, monster movements and exchanges had increased, leading to a much more active life in Zethe. At some point you passed by a group of singing monsters led by an Ogre with a strong voice. They seemed happy.

In the throne room, you met with King Radeus where you personally delivered your intelligence report and analysis of the region. The King of Zethe's overwhelming presence filled the massive room, and its commanding voice carried across with perfect clarity.

"Excellent report Lord Azarian. You are to continue your efforts in bringing the Ergant region under our control: its resources will be a boon for our budding magical research division. As ever, Zethe is grateful for your valiant efforts. Fortune be with you."

Having received the King's decree, you affirmed your determination: the Ergant Forests would soon become part of Zethe. You then left the throne room.

[Azarian's Intellignece Unit temporarily disbanded]

Joint Opportunity: Meeting between Azarian and Eversor

At some point in Zethe, you and Eversor met to maybe discuss or planify the coming conquest of the Ergant Forests. How did your exchange go?

Diplomacy (Mission): Parley with the Basilisks and the Devourer Worms

Azarian left behind his troops, advising them to rest until further orders. While they were at first worried for his safety, all concerns were cleared when they learnt he would travel with none other than the Sword of Zethe. Wishing fortune to their commander, the Harpies, Ogres and Occuli parted temporarily in Zethe.


A few days later, Azarian returned to the Ergant Forests accompanied with the Sword of Zethe. The fort had in his absence been manned by a skeleton crew of harpies, and now the undead would temporarily use and maintain it. While they acclimated to the region and the new location, Azarian left to meet the Basilisks and followed by the Devourer Worms.

Diplomacy: Basilisk First Contact
Difficulty: a Hard Task (12)
Attribute Used: Magic (2) and Leadership (1)
Trait Used: None
Bonus: Prior Investigation (+2)
Roll [4d6]: [16] + 2 -Success-

You decided to first meet the Basilisks, these prideful serpents whose powerful members could use magic. As a species with a good potential for magic, they would be careful and easier to deal with once they would realize the subtle extent of your magical powers. With this knowledge in mind, you headed for a riverbank where you knew Basilisks drank. There was resting an emerald scaled Basilisk of young complexion, from the luster of its scales you determined it must have been the offspring of an important individual.

Before showing yourself, you expanded your magical presence so as to overwhelm the entire place, announcing your arrival to the unaware being. That way, the Basilisk first impression of you would be your magical power. Sensing this, the Basilisk hurriedly stood up, preparing for battle. With a brief mental voice, you told them that you came in peace. Only then did you show yourself.

(Requires further player input...)

Diplomacy: Devourer Worms First Contact
Difficulty: a Hard Task (12)
Attribute Used: Strength (0) and Leadership (1)
Trait Used: None
Bonus: Prior Investigation (+2)
Roll [2d6]: [4] + 2 -Failure-

The encounter with the Devourer Worms went much less swimmingly. You knew they would probably not recognized your threat of magical power, and would perceive you only as a weak creature. Confirming your worries, the Devourer Worm you came across didn't react from your magical presence, attacking you voraciously instead.

(Requires further player input...)

Quote from: Azarian's Forces
Command Slots: 0/3
Control Slots: 0/4

Away in leave time:
- Azarian's Harpy Reconnaissance Squad (1CP)
- Azarian's Flying Occuli Surveillance Squad (1CP)
- Azarian's Parabes Mountain Ogres Squad (1CP)


Opportunity: Suggested Asssitance (Continued)
Ashuri-Zagos, growing only more determined after achieving the first half of his project, continues to dedicate his time and attention to supervising the expanding of the road network. It's important work, and one that must be done so that his fellow Zethean Lords can continue their border operations with function supply lines.

Though, the Bronze Lord does take some respite to look into recruiting and training some potential aids. While Ashuri-Zagos doesn't strictly need help with the project, it could provide the Kingdom and himself a batch of skilled managers to help run projects that might not need his constant, direct attention.

Without taking too much time off from the project, you looked into prospective talented recruits to become future skilled managers. A few profiles caught your attention:
- a nameless wasp-like monster, sole of its kind in Zethe, who lived alone and helped transport materials for the road network. She had migrated to Zethe after wandering a long time, and from what you heard and saw, she showed great flexibility and intuition.
- a young female Bartoros named Edzuin-Yoof, the most recent species subjugated by Lord Eversor. This young monster was the younger sister of Zadan-Yoof, a silverhorn Bartoros who had joined the ranks of the higher Zethean officials. She showed promising leadership abilities, but unlike her kins seemed adverse to fighting.
- a nameless clay golem who had no memories of its life before finding himself in Zethe. He was shy and non-confrontational, but showed incredible analytical abilities.

You took these three under your wing, and instructed them to follow you and observe.

Ongoing Project (Mission): All roads lead to Tartarus

Difficulty: a Very Hard Task
Attribute Used: Intelligence (2) and Leadership (1)
Bonus: Inspired Workers (+1)
Project Progress: 12/20 (Phase 2)
Next Milestone: 20
Roll [4d6]: [19] + 1

20: Second Milestone reached. Phase 2 completed.

Working with an even greater diligence, formidable progress was achieved over the course of the month. The realization of the dirt roads inspired the workers and officials alike, for until then the completion of the project seemed like a distant dream. But now, something real had been achieved, meaning their work, their aspirations were not in vain. And so the glimpse of what they could accomplish as a people inspired them even more.

Ashuri-Zagos worked tirelessly once more, making the monsters of Zethe even doubt the being knew the meaning of the word "fatigue". Black stones from the base of the mountains of Tartarus were extracted and carved into cobblestone, and over the dirt roads of Tartarus. As more roads were completed, the faster materials were transported, leading to an even faster rate of completion. And so in a mere month, the entire capital was connected by a network of blackstone roads, while the controlled regions had been connected to Tartarus by an extending network of partly paved highways.

The completion of the roads within the capital was celebrated all across Zethe, and the king Radeus granted you the deserved honor of inaugurating the achievement.

A network of paved blackstone roads now connect all of Tartarus. From the capital, highways connect to the three controlled regions: Latze Plains, Parabes Mountain Ridge, and Grenvud Forests. A little more, and the project will be completed.
Tartarus Blackstone Roads completed
Zethean Highway (Dirt) completed

Project Progress:
Phase 1: 20/20
Phase 2: 20/20
Phase 3: 12/20

Quote from: Ashuri-Zagos' Forces
Command Slots: 3

- None yet

- nameless wasp-like monster
- Edzuin-Yoof, Bartoros
- nameless clay golem


Player: Nevermore

Spoiler: Known Regions (click to show/hide)

Nevermore the Ravenfolk Lich

Nevermore had finish a month of its incredible magical mausoleum but it wasn’t finished; and then realized it could command the Lesser Bone Dragons to help him in on hits efforts.

In the beginning of the month Nevermore will conjure a skeletal raven familiar, to go act like a messenger bird, to bring a message/letter? to Jotul to see Bone’s Keep and ask questions about a massive dragon skull and who lives in the Gurmong region and if their easy pickings. Jotul can come back or send back a letter written in their language.

Nevermore will utilize its magical might and lesser bone dragon as laborers to finish the Bone Keep and set an area in the citadel where Nevermore will start on his next project to raise the magical dragons. It will finally in the middle of the entrance area of the citadel, there will be a giant bone pedestal where the lesser dragon husks will place the massive dragon skull.

Opportunity: Secrets Carved in Bones

You sent a skeletal raven familiar to carry a message to Jotul, inviting him to come witness Bone's Keep erection as well as discuss the curious dragon skull you came across. The raven returned with a reply soon enough, announcing you Jotul would arrive in a few days, and that he knew of this skull's history. As promised, the black dragon showed up a few days later.

"This skull once belonged to Mogal-Garigal, Dragon Prince turned traitor. He attempted to overthrow the current Dragonking but failed and was defeated. He managed to escape and fled to Gerus, with which he believed he could forge an alliance against Rairanos."

Jotul laughed mockingly.

"The fool was young, he didn't realize how deep the generational hate between our races ran. He was executed and eaten by the Giants, its head sent to Rairanos as a mocking gift. Even if he was a traitor, he was once royalty. This act brought immense shame to the Dragonking, and as a result the head of Mogal-Garigal was thrown into the Dragon Graveyard to be forgotten."

After he had told you the story of the skull, you showed him the in progress Bone's Keep as weel as the Lesser Dragon Husks. Jotul let out an impressed laugh, praising your powers. You could see in his eyes the greed of those who dedicated their lives to magic, a greed you also harboured.

"Incredible! To think your magic had such an use, colour me impressed. Once it is completed, you will surely be made honourary dragon, granting you greater access to Rairanos. Marvelous, truly marvelous. I wasn't wrong bringing you to Rairanos. Our powers complement each others, together we will break the stalemate."

Magical Project: Nevermore's Citadel, Bone's Keep

Difficulty: a Very Hard Task (20)
Attribute Used: Magic (4) and Intelligence (1)
Skill Used: Master Necromancer (+2)
Roll [6d6]: [19]+2

20: Milestone reached. Phase 2 completed.

The remaining month for Nevermore was spent gathering enough magical power to raise the final form of Bone's Keep, with days and nights passing in the blink of an eye. Once he had gathered enough magic, he waited for the perfect moment to raise the citadel. And so as the dawn was breaking and illuminating the gray cliffs of the graveyard, Nevermore activated the ritual. In an instant the amassed power was siphoned by the magical array, and a great quaking agitated the Dragon Graveyard.

The bones of countless dragons rose together in order to give form to your vision, the entire landscape changing from the magnitude of your spell. Like a raging sea of gigantic bones, the entire graveyard rose for a few minutes. And then as if exhausted by the effort, the sea of bones calmed down and returned to its former state. In the middle of it, a fortress of ivory now stood. Albeit far from the grandeur of the Peak of the Dragonking, the citadel named Bone's Keep as a wonder worthy of a necromancer such as yourself. Possessing vast chambers and space, as well as entire areas dedicated to your future laboratories, it had all the room you needed for any of the uses you could imagine.

The Dragon Graveyard was now greatly diminished, most of its sleeping inhabitants having been used to become Bone's Keep. Now magically exhausted and satisfied, Nevermore inspected the wonder of his own making.

Bone's Keep has been successfully raised

Project Progress:
Phase 1: 20/20
Phase 2: 20/20

Quote from: Nevermore's Forces
Command Slots: 1/3
- Lesser Dragon Husks Squad (1CP)


Player: It that Oozes

Spoiler: Known Regions (click to show/hide)

It that Oozes

Opportunity: A Call from the Hivemind
It that Oozes
Slimes capable of communicating their own desires were quite rare, to the point where It that Oozes questioned if that was even what this was. After some consideration, it considered it the most probable situation. There have been no violent incidents anywhere since the call went out, so it seemed highly unlikely that someone capable enough to initiate a psionic trap would have had the inclination to do so.

Was it possible that this voice was heard at some time before the call went out? It was a bit difficult to remember if it had.

It that Oozes would move close to, but not quite enter, the breeding pool and respond to the new voice through the hivemind. It would send a few random questions and some trivial bits of information with the intention of getting its attention, but issue no actual commands.

You tried to remember if this voice could possibly have been heard before the call, but as much as you tried, you didn't really know for sure. To you, it seemed like you only heard this voice once before. After considering a potential trap, you approached the bubbling breeding pool and lent an ear. The voice was here, somewhere, unable to articulate words -what were words?-.  You tried to communicate with it, asking a few questions about them or other things, and telling them of some uninteresting anecdotes.

The voice answered, you were sure of it. Feeling the other slimes and the other you, none of them seemed to hear that voice. It was, once again, incredibly reassuring and caring. You perceived emotions completely unknown to you, albeit somewhat familiar. Whatever the source, you weren't sure if it was slime or not. Part of you felt that it must have been some slime, but another part of you felt this voice was too anomalous to truly be slime. Which was it?

Lost in your musings, the voice continued communicating with you. The more you listened to it, the more you felt soothed. The breeding pool was also incredibly calm, as if lulled by something. The urge and desire to know more about it increased, you felt that if you kept listening, you would dive into the Breeding Pool to know what was talking to you.

It that Oozes
It that oozes considered the situation. It had the foresight to identify which 'It that Oozes' was the original one so there wasn't a question on who was in charge. It had not however, expected the split to be as perfect as it was. While undoubtedly a great boon, it also came with a few additional challenges.

It that Oozes did not have any solid memories of having a slime that it could regard as an equal before. While the new one was slightly lower on the slime hierarchy, it was important to treat it in a manner that It that Oozes itself would be willing to put up with. At this particular moment, this would easy to the point where it wouldn't even require a project; on account of the fact that they were in a hivemind and completely identical. It was quickly decided that this discussion should take place now and a few guidelines were formed:

- All reasonable measures should be taken to ensure the continued survival of all iterations of It that Oozes.
- The highest descision-making authority should belong to the oldest It that Oozes, except in the case where they are under obvious mental impairment; in which case the next oldest should make the decision provided it is in a state of lesser obvious mental impairment.
- Independent decision-making is permitted for all iterations of It that Oozes; especially for minor things. Communication should be maintained between all iterations whenever practical to ensure that they are on the same page.
- Agreements made between different iterations of It that Oozes should be maintained when possible. In the event of failure to uphold an agreement for whatever reason, the other iterations of It that Oozes should be informed as soon as possible.
- Becoming different from eachother is permitted.
- Changes to 'government style' and leadership may be negotiated in the event of significant disagreements in the future.
- In the event that an iteration of It that Oozes wants to separate from the hivemind, they are to notify the others a season or so in advance prior to leaving; which is permitted.

While eventually having multiple It that Oozes may eventually lead to the rulership of the original one being contested, having only a single major node was perhaps a much larger vulnerability.

---New task: Learning to live with twoself---
While having two copies of itself would theoretically allow for a whopping 18 command slots, this would require the ability to co-ordinate; lest the psionic channels get crossed in unexpected ways. The purpose of this project is to become accustomed to commanding forces with a second Major Node involved, learning the complications that may arise from it and how to deal with them. The way that it would begin to do that... Would be to play games with itself! These games would be of a non-violent nature, where large groups of slimes would do things like perform tricks and play some manner of slime-sports in the swamps.

---Unknown potentially forested region expedition---
The expedition would continue the scouting mission. While it wasn't yet able to master the new territory, a few things of note were still learned. As there have been no significant casualties, it is most likely that the territory is safe enough for slime occupation. Through the hivemind, It that Oozes would be able to instantly identify how hungry the expeditionary force was. If it had been eating well, then that probably meant that the territory had enough food to sustain a Battalion worth of slimes, as two squads were currently present there. If they had not been eating enough... Then they would be recalled after this phase of the scouting job.

Training (Mission): Learning to live with twoself
Difficulty: an Easy Task (4)
Attribute Used: Leadership (4)
Traits Used: Slime Hivemind Major Node (+2)
Roll [5d6]: [19]+2

4: Milestone reached
8: Bonus Milestone reached
12: Bonus Milestone reached
16: Bonus Milestone reached
20: Bonus Milestone reached
Bonus Luck Roll: [5] -Very Good-
Bonus Luck Roll: [5] -Very Good-
Bonus Luck Roll: [3] -Passable-
Bonus Luck Roll: [5] -Very Good-

The Other that Oozes, being essentially identical to you in shape and thought, couldn't have agreed more. You promptly started coordinating the remaining slimes under your command into different teams, making them amically compete in scavenging contests, eating contests, slime-pyramids contests... And through this peculiar process of live introspection, you learnt much about the effects of a second major node on the Hivemind, as well as the workings of the Hivemind itself.

In addition, all this training caused countless groups of slimes to be open to differentiation. Those who emerged as the winners of the contests were recognized by the Hivemind as fittest for specific tasks, elliciting a hormonal reaction unlocking differentiating processes within them. As a Major Node, you had some degree of control over differentiation permission.

A Squad of Slimes may differentiate into Runner Slimes. Mostly similar to the basic slime, they are really fast.
A Squad of Slimes may differentiate into Macrophage Blobs. Dwarfing the basic slime in size, and with very potent digestive enzymes, they are harder to control.
A Squad of Slimes may differentiate into Merger Slimes. A variant of slime able to merge and form a slime superstructure, very resilient but lacking in fighting capabilities.

Quote from: Runner Slime Squad
Runner Slime Squad
Command Points: 1 (Reduced to 1 for It that Oozes)
Upkeep: Food-
Size: o
Integrity: o
Morale: x
Combat Rating: 3
Special Traits:
[Mindless] - No morale
[Slow Metabolism] - Reduced Food upkeep

Special Abilities: None

Quote from: Macrophage Blob Squad
Macrophage Blob Squad
Command Points: 2 (Reduced to 1 for It that Oozes)
Upkeep: Food+
Size: o
Integrity: o o
Morale: x
Combat Rating: 5
Special Traits:
[Mindless] - No morale
[Big-Eaters] - +1 to Food upkeep

Special Abilities: None

Quote from: Merger Slime Squad
Merger Slime Squad
Command Points: 1 (Reduced to 1 for It that Oozes)
Upkeep: Food-
Size: o
Integrity: o o o
Morale: x
Combat Rating: 1
Special Traits:
[Mindless] - No morale
[Slow Metabolism] - Reduced Food upkeep

Special Abilities: None

Expedition (Mission): Exploration and Scouting of the "Unknown potentially forested region expedition" (Distance 1)

Basic Scouting
Difficulty: an Easy Task (4)
Task Progress: 2
Attribute Used: Intelligence (0)
Traits Used: None
Roll [1d6]: [6]

4: Milestone reached

With time and effort, the scouting slimes managed to gather enough viable information about this distant place. Importantly, food! Easy to digest sugary fruits in abundance, which would be very helpful. The Hivemind recognized this place as the Neighbouring Forest until a more suitable name would be found. This place was moderately savage, less so than the Slime Swamps, but it seemed most of the monsters here didn't care much about the slimes.

In a way, it was a wonder the slimes didn't colonize the place before. Maybe it was merely an oversight, or something more in that place prevented slime colonization?

Nevertheless, the Slimes started returning toward the Swamps.

---Neighbouring Forest---
Savagery: Medium
Magic: Unknown
Dominant Group: Unknown
-Yummy Fruits
Special Location:
-None known

Quote from: It that Oozes forces
Command Slots: 7/9
- Slime Regiment (3CP)
- Slime Battalion (1CP)
- 1st Slime Squad (1CP)

- 2nd Slime Squad (1CP)
- Slime Relay Squad (1CP)


Player: Aeon

Spoiler: Known Regions (click to show/hide)

Aeon the Phantom Beast

Opportunity: A Broken Seal (Continued)
"Aeon, The Origin of Phantasmal Beasts stranger. After hearing how you were sealed by the virtuous races and the legend of carnage you inflicted, I thought you could make a good ally in my own quest to defeat them. And to unseal the other parts of my power."

"May I ask your name, the one that the Virtuous feared enough to seal?"

Difficulty: a Hard Task (12)
Attribute Used: Magic (2) and Leadership (0)
Trait Used: None
Roll [3d6]: [10] -Failure-

The black tree answered with a scornful tone.
"Those who know of me refer to me as Drought, Agent of Strife. I bow to no one. Now the time has come for me to resume my mission and bring about the end of all civilizations."

The spark had been lit.

Opportunity: Against Drought, Agent of Strife
Drought's Magic: 4
Drought's Roll [5d6]: [18]

Aeon's Magic: 2
Aeon's Traits: Son of Idna (+2)
Aeon's Roll [3d6]: [10]+2

The spirit known as Drought unleashed upon you a magical wind of death against which you instinctively attempted to defend using your own power, but the magical might of the spirit turned out superior to yours. Unable to resist, you were slammed you against the wall of the pit and slowly weakened. With a brutal motion, the black tree uprooted itself and grew many more branches which moved like furious clawing limbs. Drought then pulled itself free from the pit, its countless arms digging in the rocky walls with intense viciousness.

"Thanks again, Aeon. And farewell."

(Requires further player input...)

Quote from: Aeon's Forces
Command Slots: 0/1

None for now
« Last Edit: June 26, 2021, 11:51:29 pm by Nakéen »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdoms
« Reply #84 on: June 26, 2021, 11:49:07 pm »


Spoiler: Eversor's Status (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Eversor's Forces (click to show/hide)


Spoiler: Azarian's Status (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Azarian's Forces (click to show/hide)


Spoiler: Ashuri-Zagos Status (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Ashuri-Zagos' Forces (click to show/hide)


Spoiler: Nevermore's Status (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Nevermore's Forces (click to show/hide)


Spoiler: It that Oozes' Status (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: It that Oozes' (click to show/hide)


Spoiler: Aeon's Status (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Aeon's Forces (click to show/hide)



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdoms
« Reply #85 on: June 26, 2021, 11:50:50 pm »


Spoiler: Kingdom of Zethe (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Known Regions (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Regions Detail (click to show/hide)


Spoiler: Kingdom of Rairanos (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Known Regions (click to show/hide)


Spoiler: Kingdom of Shalfar (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Known Regions (click to show/hide)


Spoiler: The Slime Hivemind (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Known Regions (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Region Detail (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdoms
« Reply #86 on: June 26, 2021, 11:51:13 pm »

It was fun, but it took way longer than intended.


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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdoms
« Reply #87 on: June 27, 2021, 12:42:16 am »

”Jotul I think it’s time for the Dragon King to see my citadel and to show him I am worthy to be a Honorary Dragon, he’ll even be pleased to see his traitorous son and becoming a trophy in the fortress. I want to talk a bit about philosophy since your an incredibly powerful magical user like myself, the talk of always eventually and inescapable death. You see I understand all Dragons have a value that they never want to die, the desire of immortality. Becoming a Lich was an effort to circumvent death but I have seen a new light, the destruction of all life.

While currently that is fixated on Mortals and monsters who challenge the kingdom of Rairanos, this unique form of hatred even though I have lost the ability to express emotions had made me become like the Reaper when interacting with the living, the hatred of seeing mortals think they have control over themselves and to think their civilizations will endure the test of time. Call it the Nihilism in me. I understand however if you want to keep the mortals and lesser monsters as slaves to the draconic kingdom.

As for a request, I’d like to see you utilize your magical powers in the creation of the a teleportation circle between the Bone Keep and Mount Rairanos, powerful enough to transport dragons. For the ease of quick transportation and to bring the Dragon King here. You are always welcomed to stay here if needed.

One last mention, but I would also like to visit your lair, the reason to see how powerful you are and what I could bring to add to your hoard. A comparison of power I think would be fair.

Request Jotul to create a teleportation circle, if busy at least a request for the Dragon King to come to Bone’s Keep, between the Bone’s Keep and Mount Rairanos for the circles. As well as permission for a visit to his lair at a later time.

Work on raising the dragons with magical energy, but when doing so make them more… aware and self-autonomy compared to the rest. Fill them with the hatred of living targets that aren’t dragons, as well the magic for them to shoot a breath of necromantic energy that burns flesh/a absorbs the creatures soul. The lesser dragons will help as physical laborers as needed.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdoms
« Reply #88 on: June 27, 2021, 01:30:53 am »

It that Oozes
It that Oozes decided to distance itself from the voice for the time being. While it was of interest, its thoughts seemed to be fundamentally different from what It that Oozes was accustomed to. Perhaps it should try again at a later time when it learns a bit more about things like emotions. In the meantime, It that Oozes had something that vaguely resembled an empire to attend to.

What really had It that Oozes suspicious, was the fact that the newer iteration of itself was left out of the conversation. This indicated that the voice was not, in fact, part of the hivemind!

---Neighbouring Forest Colonization---
The Neighbouring Forest area seemed like an obvious place to try expanding to. It had the food, and while already inhabited, the locals did not pose a danger; or at least not a large enough danger to register as a problem.

The forces that would be committed to this task would be one Slime Battalion, and the second iteration of It that Oozes. The second iteration is to be given full authority over the battalion, and may return whenever it deems it appropriate to do so. The objectives for this mission would be:
- Establish a functional breeding pool, or discover a reason why one should not be established.
- Additional scouting of the region.
- Determine how well Major Slime Nodes can communicate with eachother while 1 region apart. It didn't work with ordinary slimes, but a Major Node might be a different story.
- Provide opportunities for slimes to differentiate into variants beneficial for survival in a forested region.

---Slime 'Recruitment'---
The Slime Relay squad performed sufficiently in its first scouting mission. It that Oozes wanted to have at least one more squad of such slimes for the purpose of scouting additional territories. In addition to this, it was likely that the slimes would have a permanent presence in the Neighbouring Forest. This meant that it would be viable to increase the population at the Swamps; as it was still able to support a Legion. The goals for the current turn 'recruitment drive' would be:
- Develop a second Slime Relay Squad.
- Develop an additional squad worth of normal slimes.

The Runner Slime Squad appeared to be a slight improvement over the standard slime. It was unclear if it still had the same potential to differentiate further or not. One Squad worth of slimes would be differentiated to Runner Slimes.

The Macrophage Blob variant was a bit more dubious. While the combat advantages were clear, it seemed twice as hard to control and four times as hard to feed than the standard variants. This did not seem like it would be immediately useful.

The Merger Slime Squad appeared to be mostly unsuited for combat, but the idea of a slime superstructure was a novel one, which gave It that Oozes an idea so One Squad worth of slimes would be differentiated to Merger Slimes

---Protoslime Commander X Merger Slime Experiment---
The Protoslime experiment did not progress to the point where it could produce a viable Hivemind Node, but it did produce multiple slimes with somewhat increased mental potential. Perhaps they could be consolidated? It that Oozes would try gathering up the Protoslime Commanders and assemble the Merger Slime Squad to create a sort of 'shell' around a group of them and connect them to eachother. It that Oozes wasn't sure this would work, but it was worth a try.
Being a human is actually a type of bullying.

Dustan Hache

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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdoms
« Reply #89 on: June 27, 2021, 06:54:24 am »

To the emerald basilisk: "Calm yourself, I come in peace if you will hear me out. I know that the Law of the strong is not to be ignored, and I felt it necessary you knew what I am capable of before we spoke properly. I am Azarian Of Zethe, and I am aware of your conquest of the magical springs in this place, as well as your clashes with the devourer worms. The kingdom of Zethe will soon expand here, and peace will be had. Those that will not accept reason will be forced to submit, or extinguished as the law of the strong demands."
Azarian offers the basilisk a chance at diplomacy with the kingdom of zethe, but demands that they cease their conquest of the Undine's pools while an arrangement was reached. He was sure that they would relay it to their elder after the meeting was over, and a response would be heard soon after.

The confrontation of worms:
Azarian knew he could not withstand them in a physical battle, and instead focused on evasion as he tried to consume their minds and bring them under his thrall. They would reason with him one way or another, even if it meant turning their kin upon eachother.
I figure at some point, you're just gonna run outta fucks to give and just off yourself whenever you get hurt at all. It's not like there's any downsides to it. Hangover? Suicide will fix that. Stubbed your toe? Suicide. Headache? Suicide. Papercut? Suicide.
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