I still gonna bet for now the "rocks fall, everyone dies" plan is a red herring, like in BP1.
If I'm right, cool. If not, well you're supposed to question everything in a bastard game anyway.
True, but... Like, what are we supposed to believe in if we reject all information? Isn't that just applied nihilism? At that point, we can't even accept that anything exists or is usable because we don't have the potential to interact with it. It's a rejection of free will because we no longer control the means to our own win, and if we can't win, why play?
The only method we all win is if we kill no one or kill everyone, based on the information we have. But, if we apply the Prisoner's Dilemma to that, we're forced into killing tonight. And that's the optimal play in this case.
If you believe someone is suspicious, kill them. If you don't, kill someone else. If I could guarantee that no one died, I'd shoot for the first plan, but that's not a viable strategy here.
So what's the plan then? Are we just gonna daisy chain it? Because if so I wanna kill Caz
Yes, while I agree with Jim's plan I have a better, much more foolproof plan that I guarantee with my life:
Juicebox kill Caz
Caz kill 4mask
4mask kill Shakerag
Shakerag kill Luckyowl
Luckyowl kill Webadict
Webadict kill Heydude
Heydude kill IcyTea
IcyTea kill Jim
Jim kill Me
Me Kill You
These words written here will not be deviated from, the game will end tomorrow, and we will all be winners.
I like this plan except that I don't get to plasma bomb Jim, and also it's a plan, and I don't trust anyone to follow it.
Also, it's really weird how you chose this order, because it's ALMOST the front page order, except that's
Jim Groovester
Why the fuck is juicebox out of order?